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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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instructed the relevant ministries of russian railways and regions to work out a proposal to improve the railway network in the north caucasus federal district. the prime minister took part in the caucasus investment forum. details from konstantin chyurikov. on the second day of the caucasus investment forum , a delegation led by russian prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in grozny. after the arrival of the prime minister, together with his colleague from uzbekistan abdullah aripov, members of the government and head of the chechen republic, went to the exhibition. the center of the forum, where mikhail mishustin was shown the stands of the caucasus regions and companies that are involved in the implementation of key projects. the guests toured the stand of the chechen republic; now 46 major projects are being implemented here, which are part of thirteen national projects. with a total funding volume of more than 126 billion rubles. representatives of the chechen republic focused special attention on the project for the construction of the high-rise complex akhmat tower, which it is planned to build in grozny together with the domrf. well, the central event of the day became.
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meeting of the government commission on socio-economic development of the north caucasus federal district. mikhail mishusin in his opening remarks noted the need to resolve issues of transport accessibility in the north caucasus. to develop tourism, a modern transport complex is needed. during his address, the president noted that it is important to increase the aviation mobility of citizens to increase the intensity of air traffic by one and a half times in 6 years. already erected new terminal a. airport in vladikavkaz, reconstruction of air harbors is currently underway, and uytash, grozny, minvody, stavropol, all this will help increase passenger traffic, make transportation convenient and for people, it is impossible to implement large-scale plans without the participation of large businesses, but as deputy prime minister alexander novyk said, attention investors are showing increased interest in the north caucasus, and as a result, dozens of projects have positive dynamics. there is good dynamics.
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days, the day before 24 were signed on the forum agreements for 60 billion rubles. they relate to the new varkhize airport, the caspian coastal cluster in dagestan, industrial, construction, and energy facilities, which will make it possible to achieve the goals set by the president, as many meeting participants noted, due to the growth of economic activity, tax collection increases. over the past year alone, the share of tax and non-tax revenues increased by 3.4 points, reaching 39%.
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main socio-economic indicators demonstrate stable, positive dynamics, as in the previous year: the volume of construction and industrial agricultural production is increasing, the turnover of wholesale and retail trade has increased, a favorable investment climate and measures of government support for business ensured the formation of a private investment portfolio in the amount of 514 billion rubles in 2024. it is impossible to imagine positive economic dynamics in the regions without growth in industrial production. and this was also discussed at meetings; support is provided to north caucasian entrepreneurs through the industrial development fund state. the region has begun to more actively support industry, using mechanisms of agreements on the protection of investment capital, such as in ternauz, special investment contracts, support for the industrial development fund, which this year supported 12 projects worth 4 billion rubles, including six projects already in final stage. maxim reshetnikov also drew
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attention to unsolved problems. now, when it is necessary to create points of attraction at the expense of tourist areas, it is necessary to bring the departmental sanatorium to a standard state vka in minvody. work, he said, is on pause and called on the ministry of finance and the federal property management agency for more active participation. moreover, the house of the russian federation has developed a master plan for caucasian mineral waters. in the final layer , the government representative drew the participants’ attention to the need to strictly adhere to the deadlines for decisions and plans made, and to do everything necessary to ensure that the tasks set by the president in this macro-region are completed. the second day of the caucasian investment forum can fully be called the equator of this event, because that this is his...
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that if he wins the presidential election, donald trump will begin negotiations with russia and ukraine. in europe they called this position a disaster. vera moroz found out whether something can change with the republicans coming to power. europe is panicking again, first over the possibility of a second trump presidency and his harsh views on ukraine, now his chosen running mate. jaydee vance, one of the most isolationist members of the republican party, who is even more so. conservative, than trump himself. the western press is already calling such a candidacy a disaster for ukraine. vence's position on this issue is categorical. the us must stop all aid to kiev. western politicians do not approve of this position. his
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statement on ukraine is a big mistake, since in the event of elections it will mean a huge financial burden for all european states. this will show that the west has abandoned ukraine and that there is more to it. cannot be trusted to support countries in the future. at first, the us military district allocated $23 billion to ukraine. the minister announced this in march finance of ukraine sergey marchenko. in may, joe biden signed legislation allocating $61 billion. the amount could be more than 95 billion. vance, as politika writes, played a central role in the attempt to block the bill on aid to ukraine altogether. a disaster for ukraine.
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trump’s attitude towards china is not selective, so under trump we may see an increase in tariffs by 40-50, and maybe 60% on various categories of chinese
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goods. the us federal budget committee considered that during his reign trump adhered to a policy of reducing taxes, and biden increasing them, the policy of the former is aimed at... the interests of big business, providing industrialists with orders, hence 2.900 billion tax breaks and 400 billion tax duties on the import of steel and aluminum from europe. biden, on the contrary, raises income tax rates, increasing the burden on business, and directs benefits to science for healthcare. moreover, during their reign, both presidents significantly increased the country’s spending for the next 10 years. biden is a little smaller. taxes and expenses, added almost 8.5 trillion dollars to the ten-year us debt, biden 4,300,
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neither of the candidates is talking about paying off this debt. in terms of national debt, it will rise no matter who gets elected. because the national debt has already reached such a level, it has already approached the 35 trillion mark. that his opinion will be shared even by the ruling party, perhaps this is why you can often
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hear from former us presidents, and he did not manage to do everything during his reign.
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have you ever wondered what was would be with us if we had no bread. bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and... the history of humanity, this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. ours thought so distant ancestors, we really hope that you think so too. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 17, 1611, swedish
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troops took the russian city of novgorod. there was turmoil in russia at that time. the royal rurik dynasty was interrupted, the throne was occupied by impostors. foreign conquerors took advantage of this. swedish corps under the command of ostensibly dalagardia. but shuisky was overthrown, and a war began with sweden. the swedes decided that they were still due and went to novgorod. the forces were unequal, the novgorod governor ivan adoevsky was forced to sign an agreement according to which the swedish king charles x was recognized as the patron of russia. and his son karl philip is the heir to the russian throne. true, all the old orders and the inviolability of the orthodox faith were preserved. the nobles were given generous land donations on behalf of the swedish prince. however, already in 1617, the stolbovo peace treaty put an end
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to the russian-swedish confrontation and novgorod returned to the control of moscow. on july 17, 1916 , pilots of four m9 seaplanes of the aircraft carrier orlitsa of the baltic fleet shot down two kaiser airplanes, sending two more to flight. and now this date is celebrated as the birthday of the russian navy aviation. then the eagles. was the only aircraft-carrying ship of the baltic fleet, the m9 flying boats, designed by the russian engineer dmitry grigorovich, were launched under water, but raised with the help of winches. the planes were a very successful design; during takeoff and landing they could even overcome waves up to half a meter high, and they could also take off and land not only on water, but on snow. naval aviation in the years the first world war developed quickly; by 1917 it was already an impressive force, 264 airplanes of various types. mainly in the black sea and baltic fleets, aviation became one of the main forces of the fleet. now the air force is present in
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all four fleets of the country. northern, baltic, black sea and pacific. but only in the north are there ship- based aircraft assigned to the aircraft-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov. on july 17, 1936 , the civil war began in spain. the one that had been smoldering for years entered the hot phase. conflict between the left-wing socialist government and the right-wing pro-monarchist forces. on that day , a group of military men in the canary islands in spanish morocco opposed the republican government. quickly took control of the cities in the south, where 2/3 of the country's agricultural products were produced. they elected general francis franco as the head of their government. the ussr helped the republican troops with weapons and ammunition, but franco’s regime strengthened, and in february 1939 his power was recognized by england and france. after the capture of valencia, madrid, franco announced
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at the end of the civil war, even the united states recognized his power. the nazis provided great support to the dictator. germany and italy supplied franco planes and tanks, and their large army units fought for him. and in 3 years, the civil war in spain claimed the lives of 300,000 people, but then, despite pressure from hitler, franco managed to ensure that spain did not participate in the second world war. franco's dictatorship lasted until his death in 1975, after which spain restored a constitutional monarchy. july 17, 1962 nuclear submarine k3 leninsky komsomol, the first nuclear submarine of the soviet union reached the north pole. in those years there was a big military race between the ussr and the usa. who will do what first? the united states was the first to build its nuclear submarine, the nautilus, and the first to reach the north pole with it. but they just
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passed under the ice. but our submarine leninsky komsomol was able to reach the field. surface there, first of all, thanks to the experienced, well-coordinated crew under the command of rear admiral alexander petelin and the boat commander lev zhiltsov. when we approached the pole, the submariners joked and advised the helmsman to deviate a little from the course so as not to crash into the earth's axis. we successfully found a hole in which a submarine more than 100 m long could squeeze into and float to the surface. then we took pictures on the ice, although cameras were prohibited from being brought onto the boat. campaign, the boat was greeted personally by khrushchev, the entire crew was awarded, now k3, leninsky komsomol, the main exhibit of the museum of military naval glory in kronshtat. this is what this day in history was like.
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here in avdeevka they brought people down, there was terror, everything flies here, guys, war
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the most real thing, people live here completely differently, weren’t you offended here until our people came?
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at the level of median income allows him, so to speak, to increase his real content. median income is the amount greater. which half of russians earn, and the other half less. according to rosstat, the median income in the twenty-third year was just above 40,000 rubles. per month, the average per capita cost of living
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is approximately 44% of this amount. but the main figures are not the average per capita minimum, but levels for different population groups. so for able-bodied citizens the minimum is 109% of the average per capita, for children - 97%, and for pensioners - as a result, the cost of living has increased by 2-2 rubles per month compared to the twenty-fourth year. the increase will allow us to help more people. it is the cost of living that they look at when deciding whether a person needs additional financial support? the amount of benefits, scholarships and other social payments is tied to it, that is, the amount of contributions to needy families increases with children, pensioners and pregnant women.
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and this naturally affects, among other things , median income and the relationship with it to the level of the minimum subsistence level. if a child is growing in your family and the family income per person does not exceed the regional subsistence minimum, and the property meets the criteria of need, you can receive a single benefit. it will be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level for... children, if your income is less than the subsistence level, then you can conclude a social contract with the state, it allows you to receive funds to develop your business, personal subsidiary plot, or
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to learn a new profession. you can learn how to submit documents for a social contract from another issue of our program. the cost of living also determines the amount that cannot be withheld when writing off debts, for example, alimony or loans. minimum income in any case. must remain. if this rule is violated, you can write a statement to the federal bailiff service through the state services portal or directly to the credit the organization where you have an account. the bank can take into account not only wages, but also other income. the main thing is that they do not exceed the established amount. in accordance with the law, you can apply to maintain the subsistence level only to one bank, or you can write an application to the bailiff who is in charge. additional proceedings, where only one bank is also indicated, where the debtor’s periodic payments, wages, pensions and other income are credited. apply to
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more than one bank is a violation of the legislation on enforcement proceedings, for which liability is provided in the form of an administrative fine of up to 2,500 rubles. on citizens. so, let’s repeat the main thing: the government has returned to calculating the cost of living based on the level of median income in the country. from january 1 , the minimum will increase by 2-2 rubles per month, its size affects benefits for needy families with children, additional payments for pensioners, scholarships and other payments. growth will make it possible to provide social assistance to more people citizens. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about existing benefits, write to us in telegram. we will collect your questions, send them to experts, and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. but beat yourself over the head, the main thing is van, hurry up, what kindles interest, what
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has begun, and makes life brighter, i was sharply sharpened, of course, by flint, and takmyski, first state radio of russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners . on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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a monster from azov , which is banned in russia, shot our soldier who was surrendering . why are kiev-bred terrorists not afraid to post this online and spit on the geneva convention. in su they are using chemical agents again, even against civilians. what nato chemical shells are used and what poison is used on the copters. the hegemon is in panic. in the usa they are afraid that...


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