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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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operation on the right bank of the dnieper, the position of the ukrainian armed forces is being smashed with lancets from the airborne forces. and the war correspondent, sergei samokha, is monitoring the work of our paratroopers. the ukrainian self-propelled gun bogdan, an analogue of the french caesar gun, leaves the forest. the crew does not know that they have already been captured by a russian reconnaissance drone. without having time to shoot the enemy vehicle, our artillerymen immobilize it. and at this time , the loitering ammunition lancet, a coastal formation, flies out to destroy the target. vostok groupings, throughout
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there we spent two months looking for the so-called bogdan, finally we found her, she was struck, she was completely burned out, nothing was left of her. the lancet is a unique russian weapon with unique characteristics, many of which are still classified, but one thing is truly known: in certain cases, loitering ammunition does not even need an operator. the reb system is essentially not a big problem for us. if, for example, my participation is no longer necessary because... now the repeater has been jammed, and artificial intelligence is bringing everything to the very end, among other things, this precision weapon is invisible to the enemy. the enemy sees the loitering ammunition only on approach, due to the fact that the landset is made of composite materials, it is not visible to enemy radars, and the electric power plant does not allow enemy manpads to target it. if the armed forces of ukraine find out that landset crews are working in the direction, a real hunt begins for them, because...
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there is no salvation from these russian weapons, camouflage does not help, nothing can hide from the eyes of a scout, we find and select corners, we still manage to enter between the trees with the help of loitering ammunition and hit targets. flights and landing crew crews are carried out daily, each flight results in one hit target, counting primorye residents, hundreds of destroyed guns, armored vehicles and several tanks. sergey samokh, aleg sakashchuk, lead. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov , met with the acting minister of foreign affairs of libya. negotiations took place in new york. the diplomats discussed the development of the libyan state, stabilization of the situation in the country, preservation territorial integrity and sovereignty. the parties also confirmed their commitment to strengthening russian-libyan relations. moreover, the representatives emphasized their interest in developing mutually beneficial cooperation. let me note that it was part of the dialogue.
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demands unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests. rule america is the essence of the notorious rules-based order, a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace. in the last century, george orwell, in the story scott farm, already foresaw the essence of the order founded on the rules. i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. end of quote. if you carry out the will of the hegemon.
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wang also noted that this is the most urgent matter. the parties must reach a consensus as quickly as possible to avoid escalation. moreover, the diplomat emphasized the need for a ceasefire to create conditions for peaceful people. thunder, lightning, heavy downpours, 10 tornadoes hit chicago at once, and us residents compare this weather apocalypse with the atmosphere in the country. election race in in full swing, there are many problems.
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crime is flourishing under biden, he calls it a success. after becoming president, biden opened the borders and thousands of terrorists poured into the united states. one question: how many people came to our country? the assassination attempt on trump changed the rhetoric of all presidential candidates at once: the white house stands for security, but does nothing, journalists criticize, while many have long associated the attempt to kill the politician with aggressive rhetoric, namely the democrats. several congressmen, republicans proclaimed blame for the attempted assassination of trump directly to president biden, media democrats, post- georgia republican congressman mike colin for saying joe biden gave the order to kill trump. trump campaign spokesman nick adams made a publication on social networks, this is a direct result
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of biden’s rhetoric, there can be no dispute, this is a fact. democrats continue to privately lobby biden to withdraw from the race , congressional sources told the reporter. if he fails in the elections, the party will lose a lot. well i was worried donald trump? will he participate in retaliation within 4 years? i think yes, but still there is a glimmer of hope that he will preach the unity of the nation. the rating of the current president continues to fall more and more, people believe biden’s health is failing him, his reservations are topics for jokes. obviously, these are democrats; he couldn’t even lift a pistol properly. it was probably a trance. instead of changing gender, they should become more accurate, but really. politicians' excuses anger americans. i'm tired of all this. then what the hell are you do you allow all this? shut up. despite
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the same advanced age, trump remains cheerful, and this is a threat, liberals say. he has already set his priorities and said that he will think about it. about the easing of anti-russian sanctions, when he returns to the white house, the media writes, vice-presidential candidate vance also scares europe, he treats ukraine worse than trump, lies in the newspapers, openly says ukraine is not his interest, and even voted against the bill on its financing, vance believes that the threat to the united states is not russia at all. international politics china is building barriers and increasing people's poverty. china is a threat to us. the american media are changing their shoes. in the air they write washington and its allies should take advantage of the peacekeeping process in ukraine as an opportunity to resume dialogue with moscow, and taking into account russia’s historical claims regarding nato expansion, as an integral part of ending the conflict, could lead not only to a cessation of hostilities, but to
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a more stable and long-term balance of power in europe, the articles say, the main lobbyists of the ukrainian conflict, a new york court found senator heavyweight bob menendez guilty. corruption with the receipt of gold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from egypt. in exchange, minendez lobbied for arms supplies to cairo and demanded that egypt not be criticized on human rights issues, reporters say. he took bribes for many years, but menendez’s arrest came at a time when us relations with cairo deteriorated, and egypt came to brix. the rhetoric of american politicians is pushing the united states towards civil war - argues press. there are 4 months until the elections, and the dialogue between the two americas is looking good.
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banks noted growth in the second quarter. due to active growth in may june , gdp in the second quarter increased, according to our estimate, by 0.8% compared to the level of the first quarter, adjusted for seasonality. this expansion of the economy, combined with increased price growth, indicates, at a minimum, the persistence of overheating in the economy, when the supply of goods and services does not have time to increase to meet demand. also stated that risks of increased price growth remain or a too slow return to target and
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emphasized the need to tighten monetary conditions in the second half of the year? although supply factors made a significant contribution to the acceleration of the current rate of price growth, the inflationary influence of demand factors also increased in may. to resume the disinflation process , greater rigidity of monetary conditions is required. half of 2024, compared with actual tightness in the first half of the year and a longer period of tight monetary policy. income the federal tax service exceeded 19.5 trillion rubles last year. this is more than one and a half trillion higher than forecast, the accounts chamber reported. the high figures are largely due to the growth of imports from eu countries and an increase in the tax rate in relation to.
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reported the press service of the ministry. in the conditions of modern intensive crop production, the risks of exposure to abnormal temperatures on crops are, for the most part, already built into the production process and are minimized through the use of agricultural technology. techniques, first of all, reclamation. in addition, a significant amount of vegetables are grown in closed ground, which does not depend on weather conditions. russia and china are exploring the possibility of cooperation on the world payment system, this news was reported at the chinese embassy in moscow. to attract more tourists, china is working to improve conditions for them, trying to make payment more convenient, in particular , allowing them to link foreign bank cards. payment platforms, as well as actively use more foreign electronic wallets, this is also available for
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travelers from russia. at the end of the issue, i would like to remind you of the official exchange rates for today: dollar 88 rubles. 28 kopecks, euro 9626, that’s all i have for now. tatiana. alexander, thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. and again to the topic of a special military operation, assault units of a group of troops. the north was captured by the ukrainian military, at home, at home, let's move, boys! the movement of enemy infantry and equipment was revealed by scouts using a drone, according to the militants at first opened fire when they hid in cover, the attack aircraft cleared the position. the reconnaissance drone accompanied the actions of the fighters and suggested possible areas of resistance in the okupas. several dozen militants were... captured, the rest were liquidated, everyone works in tandem,
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the sky is watched by rap, there, naturally for me , the attack aircraft itself is watching in front, sappers, miners, it all works, plus yes, there’s a heavy machine gun when you you go in such a regiment, but it is very difficult to take it, yes, plus everything on the right and left is mined, naturally, you urgently request artillery, and artillery must be delivered at that very moment, that is, everything must be rolled forward, everything must happen quickly and boldly, then the enemy surrenders. and now to the topic of power outages in the south of the country due to the heat. local power outages. energy supply was limited in some areas of the krasnodar territory. the outage affected approximately 40% of the power grid. power supply has already been restored in the kubansky district of the regional capital, as well as in sochi in the tuabse district. as noted, the ministry of energy at the rostov npp experienced a failure of generating equipment. during the period of maximum load
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on the power system of the south, caused by abnormally high temperatures, one of the power units was turned off due to the activation of the generator protection at the rostov npp. the automation system worked normally; the reasons for the protection’s activation are currently being investigated. immediately after the power unit was turned off, in accordance with pre- developed actions in emergency situations, restrictions were introduced in the amount of about one and a half gw. the situation is also complicated by a significant amount of emergency repairs. generating equipment of novocherkassk gres. the outage affected household and industrial consumers in the krasnodar territory and rostov region. thanks to the prompt actions of power engineers , power supply was restored to some consumers by 7 p.m. restoration work remains to be carried out on your own. control of the russian ministry of energy until the power supply is completely restored. local issues with electricity supply had to be resolved in crimea. the restrictions affected kerch, yalta, alushta and a number of other areas. according to krymenergo, power supply has already been restored in sevastopol. regional authorities also urged residents to turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. due to the heat, consumption has increased significantly. according to
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forecasts, a drop in temperature should only be expected by the end of next week. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription with berem, so that you we managed to finish everything. buy from local suppliers with discounts up to 60% until august 14 , start relaxing earlier, build your plans faster and cheaper with avita for your home. avita, it’s better for everyone. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service
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bonuses. cool, i slept through my first exhibition. i'll have to, dad, hi, look what i collected, let's fly, well, it won't turn on, thank you, dad, thank you, darling, for this too, every thank you saves money. the effectiveness of nato assistance to ukraine is decreasing every day - a special military
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operation. our military is intercepting western weapons and equipment or finding new ways. in combat conditions, but by technology, which become known to our engineers, are shared with china, examples in the material of my colleague vadim zavodchenko. aren't the yankees too old to get it? for 2 years now, russia, in front of the eyes of the whole world, has been declassifying nato's best weapons , becoming stronger every day. here is fresh footage from the special operation zone, a wonderful catch, intercepted and almost undamaged.
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americans has fallen to almost zero, all vulnerabilities, we will inform the chinese comrades, if necessary, not only the chinese comrades, what their system is.
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a history of such national importance, it is quite possible that they are even interested in our analysis of our, respectively military,
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military-analytical aspects, because at the moment we are the only country that, firstly, has been waging a high conflict for more than 2 years intensity, the chinese diligent students are already learning.
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they began supplying ukraine with expensive and seemingly high-precision excalibur artillery shells, because they no longer hit
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targets. western analysts are forced to recognize the guidance systems of their smart ammunition is useless where russian rap works, the best in the world. in fact, the main secret of the world hegemon has long been no secret to anyone. superweapon in the arsenal. no. over the past 24 hours , 113 natural fires have been extinguished in russian regions, and 276 are still being extinguished. these figures are given by air forest protection agencies. in yakutia, the fire covered almost 300 more hectares, in transbaikalia 298. a little more than twenty outbreaks in the amur region. three of them are in specially protected natural areas, in nature reserves and sanctuaries. 23 fires in the irkutsk region. tense.
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it was localized over an area of ​​40 hectares. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the alleged culprit of the incident has been found and a criminal case has been opened. and in the krasnodar territory the night before , they managed to put out a fire near the guamka farm. this is data from the regional ministry of natural resources. before this , fires in the gelendzhuk area were eliminated. there the fire occupied approximately 2 hectares. about 100 people poured out the flames. aviation had to be involved in the work near novorossiysk, where approximately 60 hectares were burning. two helicopters and a plane were working, the fire was completely extinguished, in the case of this night another one was found a natural fire, as reported by the forestry agency, is burning an area on the border
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with... baikal, from where the fire presumably spread. the remaining fires were caused by dry thunderstorms. now they have been recorded in eight regions of the republic. 440 people are trying to stop the disaster. these are forest guards, aircraft firefighters and volunteers. there is no threat to the populated area. on the morning of july 17, work continues to extinguish eighteen forest fires. 437 people work at the fire. from among the forest guard employees. forest protection and those involved. 79 units of forest fire equipment were involved. the total area covered by the fire is more than 2.0 hectares; there is no threat to populated areas. a regional emergency situation is in effect in buryatia. you can only be in the forest in specially designated areas. in kurgan , specialists at the ilizarov medical center are assisted in carrying out complex surgical operations by a robot.
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technology can analyze. any type of injury acts quickly, accurately, and most importantly , unlike a person, it does not get tired. manipulations can last several hours, as this is happening, albert musin saw. with a slight whirring sound, the robot surgeon, with an accuracy of tenths of a millimeter, grinds out the bone for the future joint prosthesis. surgery is the only chance for the patient to get back on his feet. for traumatologists at the ilizarov center, the robot colleague is also a step into the future. the iron partner does not get tired, he knows. precise parameters of each patient and is able to work with any type of injury. everything develops from simple to complex, at first simpler cases, then it will perhaps be possible to use in severe cases, then it will become an indispensable assistant. perhaps in the future this will reduce the morbidity and duration of surgical intervention. in the middle of the last century , the founder of the center, gavriil elizarov, proposed a revolutionary method of treating skeletal pathologies and fractures of any complexity.
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the device is pulled out. and fixing bones for fusion in the correct position was named after him, and until now this is the only method recognized in world practice to put previously incurable patients on their feet. today his students make dozens of such operations per day, and the technique is used in more than a hundred countries, and robots will be a new step in continuing the medical breakthrough in strengthening the international status of russian doctors. nowadays, such interventions require enormous physical effort from surgeons. just look at this whole tool. the introduction of robots will remove this burden, making operations even more accurate. in tandem with the robots at the center, they developed their own artificial intelligence. the program analyzes x-ray images at just a few points pictures in different projections in 5 minutes gives the exact tactics of the operation. in some cases, it becomes necessary to simply measure the x-ray image using a protractor and a centimeter. but here it’s all simpler. the digital revolution will also speed up rehabilitation. here in
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the center. in other countries, where operations cost tens of thousands of dollars, lizazarov’s center operates under compulsory medical insurance and a system of high-tech medical assistance; for many years, doctors from beyond the urals have been helping patients from all over russia and other countries. albert mosin, maksataper gildiev, gennady lugonov and elena goleeva, news from kurgan.
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who are you? i, traveler, balloonist, jean ivan! oh, so we go out and tease! what a fairy tale, without ivan! uh, uh, what started? without deception and without flint. am i imprisoned from going to the flints? self-written pen, magic ink, can you get it? the main thing is van, hurry up. i need a horse, mechanically, but beat yourself over the head, you have a horse that goes where you need it, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, that’s not i need a pen hugging someone in your pocket, soon, if everything looks
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