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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. our paratroopers destroyed ukrainian artillery with lancets. the group's attack aircraft from the north defeated the ukrainian armed forces militants who tried to attack our positions. another group.
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the ukrainian military was captured, the grad crews destroyed the german armored vehicles. the rostov npp has put power unit number one back into operation. as reported by the rosenergoatom concern, the equipment is operating at full capacity. all equipment was thoroughly checked. it turned out that the protection was triggered falsely, now the blocks are working normally, one per scheduled repairs from june 22. former rival of donald trump for the nomination. republican party member nicky haley expressed her support for him and noted that there were no wars under trump. in addition, us ambassador prion harshly criticized biden's policy on the palestinian issue and emphasized that america is showing its weakness. eu threats will not force hungary to stop its peace mission to end the ukrainian conflict. this was stated by the head of the country's foreign ministry, petra seyart. he pointed out that such actions of the european union are only encourage budapest to do more. efforts
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for a ceasefire. and new data on forest protection tava on fires per day in the regions managed to extinguish 122 natural fires. in yakutia, the fire covered another 300,000 hectares, in transbaikalia 114. a little more than twenty outbreaks in the irkutsk region. the tense situation is also in buryatia, khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk territories. six fires were specifically recorded. protected areas in nature reserves. more than 6,500 people are employed in the firefighting efforts throughout the country, and aviation is working. and in in crimea, where a natural fire is being extinguished in the kaktybel area, more than a hundred water discharges have already been carried out. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. the crews are working in inaccessible mountainous areas. the work is complicated by hot, dry weather and wind. a fire broke out in the karadakhsky nature reserve on monday. at first the fire occupied 20 hectares, after a day it was covered. managed to localize it
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to an area of ​​40 hectares, according to the ministry of internal affairs , the alleged culprit of the incident was found, and a criminal case has already been opened. and in the krasnodar territory the night before they managed to put out a fire near the guamka farm. this is data from the regional ministry of natural resources. before this, fires in the gelendzhuk area were eliminated. there, the fire occupied approximately 2 hectares; about 100 people poured flames. aviation had to be involved in the work near novorossiysk, where approximately 60 hectares were burning, two of them worked.
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he admitted that he personally gave orders for the execution of soviet citizens. hundreds of civilians were sent to hard labor camps. during the trial, the detainee was found guilty and sentenced to death. the commemorative event takes place in yekaterinburg. exactly 106 years ago , nikolai romanov, his family and associates were shot in the basement of ipatiev’s house. in 2000, the royal family was canonized in the church on the blood, which was built. a service was held at the execution site that night, then tens of thousands of believers held a religious procession through the streets of the ural capital. the route is 20 km, it was along this road that the remains of the dead were presumably transported to the burial site. and now a short advertisement, then technology news with philip trofemov.
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travel with alfabank, choose where fly with the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets of up to 30%. buy with benefits in the app. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with an elect subscription. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the tasty spot, new
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collected, let's fly, and it won't turn on. thank you, dad, thank you, dear, and for this too, every thank you sber changes for the better, the sber thank you program has been updated, choose up to five useful cashback categories and receive mega cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a sber subscription. this is from the philip trofimov studio. text neural networks are used for work, images are generated for entertainment too, the audience of such services is aging. yandex presented its the first full-fledged, large study of how and why people use neural network models, of course, based on data from requests to
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their projects, the large yandex gpt language model and the visual yandex art in the form of an application better known as a masterpiece. it turned out that most neural networks are needed for business. in general, yes, these are two clear categories, there is for business, there is for entertainment, and today, as it were, how can we say that this is not a toy, that is, not so much a means for entertainment, first of all, it is used for business, here the tasks can be very different, young people, again, generate different texts, pictures related to studies, after that up to 45 to 55, primarily work tasks, the older generation for personal matters, for example, they especially often look for neural networks for photo processing . it is interesting that in
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the generation of images the most popular requests for logos and icons among entertainment texts are in the lead for a fairy tale, somewhere nearby are congratulations, here is a name for a business for work, posts for social networks, posts on social networks, but quite often there there are such unexpected things as, for example, an idea for a business or a business plan, or people using neroset are looking for a name for a business, or they ask you to come up with a joke, well , there are also surprises in pictures, it’s clear that the most popular types of pictures are just ordinary ones images, these are logos, icons, different backgrounds, covers, but... people also often ask to generate, for example, sketches, tattoos or memes. based on this
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research, yandex promises to refine neural networks for the most frequent requests, fortunately, as they say, more than 60% of russians already know about the ability of neural networks to work with text and a third use it; they know even more about generating pictures, but they use it less, and they also say that the age of the audience is changing. and another application of generative neural networks, which apparently is only gaining popularity, according to a survey conducted by cybersecurity specialists and syke, 98% of companies registered. hong kong admitted that at least once over the past year they encountered a scam based on deep fakes,
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simply put, with situations where attackers interfere with electronic communications and fake a voice or face along with a voice, impersonating a company employee. for example, in one story , the british multibillion-dollar architecture company arab lost $25 million in american dollars after an employee of the hong kong division carried out orders from a fake cfo. given during a video conference meeting. in total, according to the hong kong police, for the year the enterprise of this special administrative region, gave away more than a billion dollars to scammers, while more than half of the hong kong companies surveyed by security experts are still confident that employees will be able to distinguish a deepfake manager from a real boss. and continuing the topic of security and videoconferencing, but in several ways. refraction in the sense of protection from attackers using cameras built into the same laptops for spying and
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eavesdropping, such fears are probably not groundless, just remember that 8 years ago, a random photo revealed that mark zuckerberg was taping up the camera of his macbook, and he definitely understands technology, and most importantly, how valuable privacy is. on corporate -class laptops , a shutter is often built into the huawei camera from the factory; at one time they made a camera that retracts into the keyboard, and well... the image from it was taken from the bottom point and it turned out terrible, here is a solution from honor, once a daughter of huawei, that is surprising in its originality , they came up with the idea of ​​making the camera completely removable using magnets and provided there is a special compartment for it in the laptop case, so the screen frame can be thinner, there is no need to allocate space for the camera, and privacy at a height the camera is physically turned off and it is more difficult to lose it, well, than just a separately purchased webcam. june 28th
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is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, on the 28th i have nuggets, and on the 24th, 24th a chicken burger, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price only in the delicious app, period we’ll open it. at an excellent interest rate, in the branch and online. a reliable foundation. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration.
8:45 am
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russia. buy tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. filed in the garage for weeks, my father - for days, and a few minutes are enough for me in the garage, drive your car into the avito auto garage, you will immediately see the suitable spare parts, the avito auto garage, the garage of our time, register your car in the avito auto garage and get a chance to win a new car , one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what a high speed, it’s you! that i didn’t connect it with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone is number one in terms of speed of coverage, credit card debts are attacking, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts on one account, conveniently pay off them in 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments, kholva - simple methods of installments,
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the problem of cystitis is known to many women, the main cause of cystitis is bacteria, cyston by... supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berp. in moscow, there was the first case of confiscation of an electric scooter; its owner was riding drunk and hit a person. there is also an experiment underway to slow down scooters in some urban areas. anastasia ponko will tell you in detail how effective these measures are. natalia's first video right
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after. a few minutes before , a man on a scooter crashed into her at speed; the girl was walking along an empty wide sidewalk in the center of moscow. here she is crossing the road, just like that. in footage from cctv cameras you can see how the scooter moves to the opposite side, does not dismount, moves straight in the center of the sidewalk, not watching the road. careless driving causes a collision. having recovered from the blow, the victim went to the hospital. natalya escaped with abrasions and bruises on her arm, but the next day was hers. worse, my joints and muscles began to ache, and of course, today i couldn’t even get up, because my abdominal cavity was completely painful, my chest still hurts, and bruises appeared. the sidewalk seems to be a safe area for pedestrians, but during the warm season , scooters appear on the streets, many of whose drivers are too careless and do not perceive their vehicles as a threat to others. this is the kaluga region,
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a driver at full speed ran into a woman with a child in her arms. doctors diagnosed the eight-month-old baby with a concussion. brain, the driver himself decided to leave the scene of the accident as quickly as possible. those who like to drive at high speed will soon have to change lanes. the state duma approved a bill in the first reading that would toughen penalties for dangerous driving. speeding may cost up to 5,000 rubles. and if the driver drives a scooter while drunk, then the fine is several times higher, up to 30,000 rubles. some operators that provide services. about renting this scooter, they themselves also have the right to impose any fine, for example, in some, from 100 to 150,000 rubles have already been fixed. for participation in an accident. by the beginning of summer , the largest electric scooter rental operators increased the amount of fines for traffic violations. in particular, penalties for slowing down at crossings and transferring control of transport have increased
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a minor, driving while intoxicated, as well as for traveling with a passenger. the latter faces a fine of 5.00 rubles. loading onto an electric scooter, going to school, come on, come on, come on, come on, if several people are riding on one scooter at once, then the chance of getting into an accident is higher, such transport is much more difficult to drive, the driver simply will not have time to swerve to avoid an accident. in novorossiysk, two men on an electric scooter knock a woman from behind, the result is a broken leg, a soft tissue bruise and... a telephone, the culprits escaped and are now being sought. the investigative committee began an investigation. registration plates help record violations. cameras recorded a driver who did not get off his scooter at a crossing. the fine for such a violation is 800 rubles, but this method is only suitable for rented scooters with license plates. last year there were 43 deaths
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associated with personal mobility devices and half of them involved participants in personal mobility vehicles that are in private hands. last year , electric bicycles and scooters became a million more. 300,000 were purchased for kicksharing, 700,000 were purchased by the people themselves. it’s even harder to track down all the violators without numbers. according to statistics, those who violate the most are those who own their own means of individual mobility; they exceed the speed limit, because it is more difficult to do this on shared scooters, yes, since they independently limit the speed, but, of course, no one will control their own sims. first of all, experts believe, scooter riders should be taught the rules of the road, such a ride that... would certainly not lead to accidents for pedestrians. in some cases, the scooter itself will prompt the driver at what speed he needs to go. in crowded places, its speed
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is automatically reduced from 25 to 15 km/h. there are also no-travel zones. these are places where neither city residents nor tourists expect to see a scooter, because they just relax and walk there. when entering such zones, there are also plenty of them in the city, the scooter simply stops. this is also done. at an automatic level and does not depend on desire user. in the capital, since july 15 , an experiment has been carried out to reduce speed in the area of ​​the third transport ring and the moscow ring road; the limit will now be 20 km/h. this measure is expected to help reduce the number of scooter incidents. the results will be announced in a month. after all, scooters are urban transport that should bring benefit and not harm to residents. anastasia ponko, olga alvukhina. news. and now about the weather, weather forecasters warn that the heat wave is peaking in the south today, to what levels will the thermometers rise, about ksenia levitskaya will tell you about this. hotter than in
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cairo and new delhi, extreme heat has covered southern russia, what consequences has this already led to and how long will temperatures continue to rise. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobas center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello, the peak of the heat in the south will already come. today, the scorching sun has dried out all the vegetation in the region, causing natural fires to occur daily. crimea remains the leader in fire rates. the day before , flames frightened vacationers on one of the beaches of yalta. and these are stills from kaktybel. let me remind you that a natural fire broke out there at the beginning of the week and threatened the reserve. it took rescuers almost a day and about 400 tons of water to localize the fire. on tuesday in the power grid. and again there was a failure. problems with electricity were reported in kuban, stavropol, rostov region, kalmykia, dagestan, karachay-cherkessia, kabarzino-balkaria and
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crimea. for example, trams have been installed in krasnodar. the lights went out in most stores. part of the housing stock was also cut off. inhabitants of the upper floors of high-rise buildings, where due to safety precautions, it was impossible to install gas stoves; they cooked food directly on hot bricks on... meanwhile, in rostov-on-don, fish began to die from the heat. a major freeze occurred in the northern reservoir. as the inspection showed, the cause of the emergency was a decrease in the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water. this could have been caused by an active algae bloom coupled with abnormally high temperatures. and this is not at all surprising. the day before, the maximum temperature in kuban was below. don and the foothills of the north caucasus reached record +39-40. imagine, the heat in russia turned out to be even 3° stronger than in the
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hottest cities in africa and south asia. the atmosphere over the south of russia seemed frozen in a sultry marev. thanks to the anticyclone, the sky over the region has been clear for many days now. on monday , masses of cumulus rain clouds appeared over the caucasus, but then a center of high pressure began to push them into the caucasus. to the turkish coast of the black sea. in such a situation, the heat on the russian plain will reach its peak. today, even in the polar regions, thermometer columns will reach +20-25. in the middle zone, the prevailing daytime temperature will be +28:33. and the south of the country will remain the epicenter of overheating. here the air will warm up again, like in africa at midday +36:41. and for now, count on a reversal of the weather trend. it turns out that tomorrow in the northern half of european russia an atmospheric front will shift, carrying fresher atlantic air along with rain clouds, but
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the southern regions - this invasion... will go unnoticed, so the extreme heat here will linger at least until the end of the week. let's say, in krasnodar in the coming days it is sunny, no rain, and during the day the thermometers will rise to +39:40, so the series of heat records will continue, only on sunday local showers and thunderstorms are possible in the capital of kuban, which, however, will not bring coolness . but in central russia today is the final day of this hot period. in moscow it’s still... it’s 6° hotter than usual, but on thursday the metropolis will be covered by the cloudy fields of a thunderstorm front and the temperature will gradually drop, on the weekend in the city +24.26. that's all i have until now dates.
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assault units of the north group of troops captured a large group of ukrainian soldiers, let's talk about the situation in the esvo zone: nato is looking for options for economic pressure on china, the media are writing about this. details from the economic editorial office. in the regions , 113 natural fires were extinguished within 24 hours.
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what is the situation at this time? sergei lavrov held a meeting in new york with the head of the swiss foreign ministry. what topics were the focus? the political race is in full swing in the united states, as the american media write. in the south of the country +40, in moscow is expected to experience a slight cooling. we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. at the rostov npp, the operation of the first power unit has been restored, the emergency shutdown of which the day before led to disruptions in the supply of electricity in several regions at once. rosatom reported that it has now reached full capacity. this is how the company commented on the situation by this time. good news from the rostov nuclear power plant. rostov nuclear scientists in the shortest possible time managed to connect power unit number one to
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the network, which was like yesterday. was established in in normal mode, disconnected from the scheduled operation of the protection, for this purpose the entire personnel of the nuclear plant was mobilized and last night at 22:28 the power unit again began supplying electricity to the network, by this morning its power had been raised to 100%, this is 1.00 mw. we will learn about the situation in crimea, where restrictions have affected several cities and districts, from our correspondent yana cherbata. she has already joined me, yana, welcome. tell me, was it possible to restore power supply everywhere? yes, alexander, greetings, well, according to the latest official according to the data, the power outage schedules that have been published in crimea today continue to be in effect, that is, today there will still be spot power outages in crimea. power engineers say that the system is now overloaded, so they need to redirect the load from one power plant to another. but they note that...


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