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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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goblock number one to the network, which yesterday, as it was established, was normally disconnected from the intended protection operation, for this purpose the entire personnel of the nuclear plant was mobilized and last night at 22:28 the power unit again began supplying electricity to the network. by this morning, its power has been raised to 100%, which is 1.00 mw. we will learn about the situation in crimea, where restrictions have affected several cities and districts, from our correspondent yana cherbata. she has already joined me, jaana, greetings, tell me if you succeeded everywhere restore power supply? yes, alexander, greetings, well, according to the latest official data, the power outage schedules that were published today in crimea continue to be in effect, that is, today there will still be spot power outages in crimea. power engineers say that the system is now overloaded, so they need to redirect the load from one power plant to another. but they celebrate. that
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these blackouts will be very targeted, only in certain settlements, only in certain areas of crimea where the load on the power grid is high, we are, of course, primarily talking about the southern coastal part of crimea. also , power engineers note that in addition to the fact that the outages will be targeted, that is , electricity will not be turned off everywhere at once, but only in certain settlements in turn, so besides the fact that the outages will be targeted in turns, they will also be very short-term, no more than power engineers plan to turn off lights in houses for 2 hours; these two hours are just enough for them to redirect part of the load from some electricity to others, well, based on the graphs that were published by crimea-energo, right now at these very minutes there may be no light in the houses of a number of settlements, i will note a number of settlements in the feodosia, pervomaisky, dzhankoy and black sea regions. a similar situation is developing today in sevastopol, where targeted temporary power outages are also planned in different regions of crimea. it's worth saying. that this power outage
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is also associated with severe weather conditions, the fact is that in crimea the temperature is now 7° above the climatic norm, even now at 9:00 in the morning in simferopol the thermometers already show +35, by the middle of the day they can completely exceed the mark of 40°c, such the heat, which is abnormal, even for the southern crimea, leads to the fact that a very large number of people, if not to say almost everyone on the peninsula , turn on their air conditioners, and this is many times over, according to power engineers. increases the load on the power grid, which is why it is necessary switch this load from one electrical network to another. alexandra. thank you, yana cherbataya spoke about the situation with the energy supply in crimea after the emergency shutdown of a power unit at the rostov npp. and to other topics. there is now new data on the situation with forest fires. during the day, 122 outbreaks were extinguished in the regions over an area of ​​more than 230 hectares. this is recent data. security large fires
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were extinguished, including in the vladimir, volgograd, kherson, svertlovsk regions, also in the republics of tva, crimea, ingushetia, in the khabarovsk territory and khanty-mansiysk autonomous okrug. fighting continues in 22 regions where 223 forest fires are active. in yakutia, the fire burned through more than 300,000 hectares, in transbaikalia more than 100 thousand, and about 20 more outbreaks remain in the irkutsk region. the tense situation is also... 700 pieces of equipment, including aircraft. another natural fire was discovered in buryaati this night, as reported by the forestry agency, an area is burning on the border with transbaikalia, and it is from there that the fire supposedly spread. the remaining fires in the region were caused by dry thunderstorms currently, 18 fires are being extinguished in the republic, hundreds of forest guard employees are trying to stop the fire, and... firefighters and volunteers,
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there is no threat to populated areas. as of the morning of july 17, work continues to extinguish eighteen forest fires. there are 437 people working on the extinguishing fire, including forest guards, aviation forest guards and external personnel. 79 units of forest fire equipment were involved. the total area covered by the fire is more than 2. there is no threat to populated areas. there is a state of emergency in buryat. of regional significance, you can only be in the forest in specially designated areas. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke at a meeting of the un security council in new york, where he held a series of bilateral meetings and made several statements. a report from new york by vesti special correspondent alexey golovko. there are 15 states on the un security council, but when the month of russia's chairmanship comes , attention is paid to the opinion of the permanent member. security council,
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of course, special minister sergei lavrov personally flew to new york to convey to colleagues' opinions from moscow on the most important world issues. sergei lavrov leads the delegation when speaking.
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the united states, including its subordination of europe to contain russia. it is in this attitude towards the vital interests of other states, lavrov. national minorities, and indeed the international conventions on the rights of the constitution of ukraine, which require kiev to maintain decency and not violate these rights. it is precisely to eliminate threats to the security of russia and protect people who feel themselves to be part of russian culture, and
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living on lands settled for centuries by their ancestors, to save them from legislative and physical extermination, was begun. this is a special military operation. sofbes changes through a series of bilateral meetings, the first of them with the hungarian foreign minister. hello. it's possible, it's possible. sergei lavrov and petr szijarta discuss hungary’s peace initiatives, which prime minister viktor orban recently proposed during a voyage to kiev, moscow, beijing and washington. budapest is clearly aware that the strategy of the western allies ukraine is failing. if we take the supply of weapons to kiev or the sanctions imposed, we will see that the situation on the battlefield is still not the same as the united states and its allies hoped, and since there is no military solution, then negotiations are needed. lavov’s next guest himself asked for a meeting, this is the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland ignazio cassis, the alpine
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country has long been trying to become a kind of mediator between russia and ukraine, although moscow has repeatedly stated its neutral status, switzerland could not maintain it, and now cass. left without talking to reporters. following the death of iran's previous foreign minister in a plane crash, the position is now temporarily filled by ali bagheri kenya. at the end of july , the elected president of the islamic republic will take office, having already stated that all agreements with russia remain in force. at the inauguration, our country will be represented by the chairman of the state duma, i hope that immediately after this we will begin to work without... delays , the ministers and bilateral relations discussed the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. we also discussed genocide, which now the zionist regime is conducting in the gaza strip. we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to stop these atrocities. the situation in the middle east will be discussed at tomorrow's meeting
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of the council of ministers. in anticipation of it, sergei lavrov held meetings with colleagues from kuwait and bahrain. alexey glovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan utkin and aleftina sorokina. news from the un, new york. the election race in the united states is increasingly fueling conflict in society. many blame the democrats for the assassination attempt on trump. their aggressive rhetoric could lead to civil war. the media writes about this. maria skorodilka has all the details. thunder, lightning , heavy downpours, and 10 tornadoes hit chicago at once. and this weather apocalypse is compared by us residents with the atmosphere in the country. the election race is in full swing. there are many problems.
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changed the rhetoric of all presidential candidates at once: the white house stands for security, but does nothing, journalists criticize, while many have long associated the attempt to kill a politician with aggressive rhetoric precisely... he will preach the unity of the nation, the rating of the current president continues to fall, more and more people believe biden
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is failing in health, his reservations are topics for jokes. obviously, these are democrats, he couldn’t even lift a gun properly, he was probably trans, instead of changing gender, they should become more accurate, but the truth. politicians' excuses anger americans. i'm tired of all this. then why the hell are you allowing all this? shut up! despite the same advanced age, trump remains cheerful, and this is a threat, liberals say. he has already set his priorities. he stated that he would think about easing russian sanctions when he returns to the white house, the media write. europe is also frightened by the vice-presidential candidate in vence; he treats ukraine worse than trump. the newspapers are hysterical. he openly says: ukraine is not his interest, and besides... the usa is not russia at all.
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china's international policies create barriers and increase people's poverty. china is a threat to us. the american media are changing their shoes in the air , writes washington and allies should take advantage of the peacekeeping process in ukraine as an opportunity to resume dialogue with moscow. and taking into account russia’s historical claims regarding nato expansion as an integral part. the end of the conflict can lead not only to the cessation of hostilities, but to a more stable and long-term balance of power in europe, the articles say: the main lobbyists of the ukrainian conflict have already been put under the electoral skating rink, a new york judge found heavyweight senator bob menendez guilty of corruption with the receipt gold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from egypt. he took bribes for many years, here is the arrest of menendez came at a time when us relations with cairo deteriorated, and egypt entered brix. american politicians are pushing the united states towards civil war - the press argues that there are 4 months before the elections, and the dialogue between the two
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americas looks exactly like this from the point of view of the newspapers: solid bullets instead of words. maria skorodilka, news. an assault detachment from the russian north group captured a large group of ukrainian soldiers. home, home, let's move, boys. the accumulation of manpower of the armed forces of ukraine and equipment was discovered using a drone, they were on their positions, then went on the attack. our military opened fire, the enemy was driven back. when the attack drone operators finish their work, the attack aircraft take over. with the help of hand grenades and grenades, the enemy is literally squeezed out of the dugout trenches. advancement is provided by artillery and reconnaissance copters. everyone works in tandem behind the sky, rap follows. for me , the attack aircraft itself, sappers, miners are watching in front, it all works, plus there’s a heavy machine gun when you’re walking from
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such a shelf, but it’s very difficult to take it, plus everything on the right and left is mined, naturally, you urgently request artillery, and artillery must be delivered at that very moment, that is, everything is on track, everything must happen quickly and boldly, then the enemy surrenders, now we’ll take a short break, then on to economic news. the delicious calendar returns to a delicious point, we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses.
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russian family, they throw away 664 plastic bottles per year, and if you sort waste, this could result in: 21 backpacks for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort waste, give things a new life. the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. we continue broadcasting. nato is concerned about
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china's support for russia. according to cnn, they are considering limiting it. nato is looking for options for economic pressure on china, according to cnn, is now studying the possibility of nationalizing its infrastructure assets in europe in the event of expansion.
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would just push chinese business out of europe, that is, they can try to put pressure on china with this key. we are talking about billions of dollars. last year alone , china invested more than eight in the european union, almost 17.5% more than a year earlier. but this is an investment in general. the west has so far aimed specifically at disrupting infrastructure projects, primarily within the framework of the logistics initiative. 2013 china is very actively, as part of the belt and road initiative , invested funds in many countries in europe and not only europe. but the most important thing is that all this was done on the basis of bilateral agreements. and the largest recipients of chinese funds were, on the one hand , great britain, on the other hand, germany and france, a large group of countries in eastern europe, primarily the czech republic, poland, romania,
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and the project provided for infrastructure investments, this means investments primarily in roads, railways, transportation, as well as to various factories. serious investments went into port infrastructure. in europe, chinese companies already own more than twenty. container terminals, one of the most striking transactions was the purchase of the greek port of perei. in 2016, koska group received a 67% share, for almost 370 million euros. not only were all agreements concluded without violations, but europe was in desperate need of money, and there were simply no others willing to invest in such volumes. after the financial crisis of 2008, european companies came only to to snatch assets for resale, and not for
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development, only the chinese brought some money to greece, including as part of the path initiative, so the european union has no right to try to demonize chinese investments. in addition to stimulating the economy as a whole and increasing trade turnover between the eu and china by almost 800 miles. dollars per year, these projects gave europeans new jobs, and european companies gained wide access to the chinese market. according to surveys, more than 90% plan to make china their investment destination. however, in brussels is once again ready to risk their well-being at the behest of washington, experts say. after the manipulation of russian assets, taking away chinese ones no longer seems impossible. until 2022, i think that... is impossible, however, the american and european authorities actually committed theft, and i don’t see any obstacles, why don’t they do the same actions in relation to china, but of course in
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relation to china it will be it’s a little more difficult to do, because there is much more european investment in china itself than in russia, it is clear that china can begin exactly the same expopriation in its own country, this will threaten serious and catastrophic losses for european business. about respect for private property. in europe they are now thinking last, but they still have to weigh the risks to the economy. according to cnn, the chinese nato project is still at an early stage of discussion, so far economic pressure on china has to be limited to trade barriers and attempts to block access to technology. sasha, even this the west does with caution. thank you, sasha. alexandra nazarova spoke about the possible seizure of infrastructure assets. china in europe. and let's move on to other topics. the fsb has declassified another part of historical documents about the crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war.
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protocols of the interrogation of hitler’s general, who was the military commandant of mogilev during the occupation, are now available on the official website of the department. in june 1944, during the operation to liberate belarus, he was captured. in total they were detained then more than twenty general. the wehrmacht, during interrogation , admitted that he personally gave orders for the execution of soviet citizens. hundreds of civilians were sent to hard labor camps. during the trial, the detainee was found guilty and sentenced to death by death . about 45 thousand pilgrims walked through the streets of yekaterinburg that night in memory of the romanov family. this year marks 106 years since the execution of the royal family. thousands of believers traveled more than 20 km from the church on blood to ganina yama, this is the route they took the remains of executed family members of the last
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russian emperor. next, a report by kiril bortnikov. this is perhaps one of the most important and large-scale open-air night services in yekaterinburg, also because the church on blood is simple. can accommodate everyone who wants to honor the memory of the holy royal passion-bearers, the most important day in the life of the year in general, the most important holiday for the serlovskys, well, for the people of yekaterburg, this is not the first year for me and for me every year it is something new, something special, very trembling because i i love our king, the martyr and his family very much. 106 years ago on the night of july 16-17 , you... line, was born in france, but returned
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to russia to defend his historical homeland, it was important for him to be in yekaterinburg that night. to be a russian abroad, to call oneself russian, without joining the common suffering of the russian people, would be too easy. therefore, when i arrived at the front, one colleague told me very correctly, i think that i have earned the right to call myself russian. divine night liturgy ends at three in the morning and precedes a large-scale prayer procession. an endless human river on the central streets of yekaterinburg, the religious procession moves from the church on the blood, where the royal family was killed, to the naganina yama monastery, where they tried to destroy the remains, here everyone symbolically repeats the route of the last journey, the family of the last russian emperor. the length of the royal procession is almost 21 km, the travel time is about 5 hours, but the main thing is not the number of kilometers traveled, but
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the spiritual benefits of joint prayer. lord jesus christ, son of god, have mercy on us. this is a special repentant, crusading prayer that helps thousands of pilgrims overcome a difficult path. your buffoon is not small, yes, but with god's help we will overcome it. i go with pleasure and this is the first year already, not the first. yes, i keep thinking, it ’s going to be so hard, i’m walking straight, some kind of lightness appears, you know, but where, where?
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sanctifies russia to its most extreme limits. over the past 7 years, almost 2,000 catholic churches have been closed, people’s faith in in the west, it is growing stronger among our people, and we are becoming spiritually mature. the place of destruction of the royal family was hidden until 1991; only 7 years later the remains of the romanovs were reburied in the peter and paul fortress in st. petersburg. nicholas ii, his wife alexandra feodorovna, their five children, russian. the orthodox church canonized 24 years ago, they supported each other until the last day, they showed this beauty of relationships, a large, large, friendly family, this is an icon of the family, this is what you can call the family of emperor nicholas ii. and today this icon she is still a saint, today she is a holy family. the prayer for peace of justice is read in the eyes of every pilgrim; the royal procession of the cross was performed by several tens of
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thousands of people this year.
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