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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing that a person has, something that is in every family, bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technical revolution, it is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind, it is a universal language,
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so ours believed distant ancestors, we really hope that you think so too. in moscow 9:31 minutes onwards, briefly about the main thing. at the rostov npp,
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the operation of the first power unit was restored, the emergency the shutdown of which the day before led to power outages in several regions at once. the rosatom company reported that it has now been taken out at full capacity. let me remind you that the restrictions affected not only the rostov region, but also stavropol, kuban, dagestan, crimea and sevastopol. now the power supply is gradually being restored. stormtroopers from the russian north group captured a group of ukrainian soldiers. the enemy personnel and equipment were discovered using a drone. the enemy launched an attack received a rebuff and was thrown back. afterwards, thanks to coordinated work, our unit occupied several strongholds in the ukrainian armed forces. sergei lavrov spoke at a meeting of the un security council. he noted that today the foundations of the international legal order are being tested. except.
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moreover, the diplomat added: not everyone recognizes the main principle of the un charter: sovereignty, and the so-called american exceptionalism is a threat to the whole world. the election race in the united states continues, biden's rating is declining. according to national according to polls, the current head of state is already inferior in popularity to donald trump. more than 42% of voters are ready to cast their votes for the latter, and only 40% for joe biden. in germany, the compact magazine was closed; authorities found elements of anti-semitism, nationalism and racism in it. 4 days ago, the publication’s website published an interview with the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. she herself compared this fact with the censorship of the third reich and called on the european administration to respond to another act of violation of freedom of speech in regarding their own media. anton dadykin found out all the details. 14 offices and residential buildings
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in four german states were subjected to thorough searches, a large-scale operation involving about 340 police investigators was directed against the german magazine compact, its bank accounts were seized, electronic storage devices and documents were seized, the compact itself, which had a circulation of 40,000 copies, is now prohibited. compact is the main mouthpiece of the far right extremist milieu, its obvious goal is to destroy our free society, the state is trying to confiscate all materials in order to destroy a successful media project simply because it was disliked by the authorities, and of course, criminal charges have nothing to do with it; in 14 years of work, not a single charge of inciting hatred or promoting nazism has been brought against the compact or anti-semitism, and then suddenly this ban, this is typical fascism in execution, the authorities banned any journaling... the main reason is that
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the truth was voiced, which is carefully hidden from the germans. quote from the interview. germany is not receives russian gas only because germany was prohibited from doing so by the united states. russia and the ussr never took the initiative to stop gas supplies to europe and the eu. technically restoring gas supplies along the remaining string of the nord stream gas pipeline is a matter of several weeks. hans-york müller, moscow correspondent for kompakt magazine, agrees with a similar explanation. it was he who interviewed maria zakharova. this is probably not an accident, it’s just an emergency action, right now, because we just gave this interview an opportunity for residents in germany to hear first-hand the opinion of the russian authorities, not through some filters or temptations, but simply
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directly, this is probably related to the interview. attempts to suppress an inconvenient point of view are made in the european union at the level of relations with member states of the association. a group of 63 members of the european parliament. stated that hungary, the current president of the european council, should be deprived of its voting rights there. parliamentarians did not like the initiatives of prime minister viktor orban to resolve the ukrainian crisis. conflict. based on the results of visits to kiev, moscow, beijing, washington, and florida. the european commission admitted that the legislation does not allow for the early termination of budapest's presidency of the eu. however, you can make this period as uncomfortable as possible for hungarians. european officials and some eu countries are on... orban in a third country in connection with the conflict in ukraine. this visit damaged the image of the unity of the european union. we were very
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united in the face of the war in ukraine. now disagreements are starting to emerge. have you seen hungary's position. if she, as an independent sovereign country, wants to go meet anyone, that is her right. but only as long as it does not act contrary to the policy that is accepted as general. the hungarian foreign minister at a meeting of the un security council called the actions of the european union a scandal. peter särta noted: brussels’ steps completely contradict the approaches previously adopted in the eu. what has always been europe's position? this was a call to abandon the issue of force before the start of negotiations. what is the position now that there is war in europe? completely different. even moreover, if someone uses the words peace and negotiations, then he is immediately exposed to dishonesty. you know what expressions are used: spies, trojan horse, someone's henchman, and so on. this is a completely wrong approach, because the legitimacy of diplomacy is essentially called into question. the conflict in ukraine has no military solution, sjarta added. according to him
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, peace negotiations are necessary, it is time to restore lost legitimacy to diplomacy. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. and now we continue to talk about... on international topics in tel aviv, orthodox jews staged riots, demonstrators blocked roads and resisted law enforcement agencies. in addition, protesters called the police fascists and nazis. according to media reports , nine people have been detained in the chaos caused by the tdf's recent decision. now representatives of this community will be called up for military service on an equal basis with all israeli citizens. a real picture of hell, the inhabitants of sicily. this is how they comment on the new eruption on social networks etna. the tallest active volcano in europe has been gushing lava for weeks. eyewitnesses publish footage of the eruption. a column of ash and smoke rises to a height of up to 6 km. due to the tremors, local authorities have raised the alert level. the national
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institute of geophysics and volcanology of italy continues to monitor the situation and reassures that there is no danger yet for the settlements closest to the volcano. now let's talk about the weather in our country, the heat in the south is reaching its peak. the day before, in some cities it was +40 in the shade, but today the zone extreme heat will expand. we’ll find out all the details from our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she’s joining me. katya, greetings. well, amid the heat, local power outages began to occur. well, it’s clear that at night without air conditioning and fans, i think it’s impossible. what are the forecasts? in general , it’s really very difficult, actually at night. today i just want to give an example: in yalta the minimum temperature was almost 31°, without air conditioning it is very difficult, well, there will be hope for a slight decrease in the heat. now about everything i'll tell you in detail. judging by the following images, in hot weather a fire can occur even inside a car. in this case, the role of the lens was played by a plastic mount on the glass.
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the plastic began to melt and then caught fire. in conditions of extreme overheating , local power outages occur after a failure in the operation of generating equipment at the rostov nuclear power plant. the night before in sochi, due to lack of light, some shopping centers in krasnodar were closed, trams stopped, and in anapa due to pumps turned off the supplies in clean water reservoirs have critically decreased. previously , transformers caught fire in the city due to... increased load on the power grid. the day before, in the krasnodar territory , thermometer columns reached +40. temperatures of +40 were recorded in dzhubga. only 1/2 was not enough to reach this mark in azov, rostov region. it was exactly 39° in the cool city of kabardino-balkaria. weather conditions in the south of the european territory of the country are comparable to those currently observed in north africa or the rara arabia peninsula. extreme heat surrounds the black and caspian seas. maroon tones correspond to a temperature of +40, but in most of our
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country thermometers show +30 during the day. the extreme heat wave will continue as long as the influence of the broad, stable anticyclone remains. the area of ​​high pressure occupies the entire european part of the country and the urals. during the day the sun heats up the earth, and at night it does not bring coolness either. the fact is that on the southern periphery of the anticyclone, eastern and southern winds predominate, with air flowing into the russian plain. masses of the influx of heat into central asia is also enhanced by the atlantic cyclone, which is now circling over scandinavia, but it is with it that the weakening of the heat will be associated. the cyclone will be able to overcome the resistance of the anticyclone, the clouds will gradually increase, and then the rains will come. today, light precipitation will occur in the northeast of the russian plain, in the caucasus in the westernmost regions. there will be little precipitation, but this will be the beginning of the heat wave. it will become a little cooler in the central region. tomorrow the south will face several more days in extreme conditions. in let me remind you in yalta at dawn, the temperature was
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+31, now it’s almost 35, in the afternoon it will be 38 in the shade. the coming night will again not bring coolness, the minimum temperature will again be close to 30°. the next two days will be spent in the same conditions of extreme heat. in moscow at night the temperature dropped to a comfortable 19°. the day will be hot again with partly cloudy skies reaching 31°. the next night will become warmer than the previous one, on thursday afternoon the fields of cumulus clouds from the atmospheric front will reach the capital, the rains will linger for in the metropolis on friday, in a total of two days , the city will receive about a third of the monthly norm of precipitation, and at the same time, in the daytime, it will finally be fresher to 25°. cooler air will reach the south only by the weekend, we expect light rain during the day, a drop in the maximum temperature to 32-34°, colder temperatures, thank you, the effectiveness of
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nato assistance to ukraine decreases with each day of the special operation. our military intercepts western weapons and equipment or finds new ways to counter them in combat conditions, and the technologies that become known to our engineers are shared with china. all examples are in the material of my colleague vadim zavodchenkov. isn’t it too late for the yankees to grab it, for 2 years now russia, in front of the eyes of the whole world, has been declassifying nato’s best weapons, becoming stronger every day. here is fresh footage from the special operation zone, a wonderful catch, an almost intact stormshadow was intercepted and landed. all the secrets of the cruise missile are in our hands. at what stage does it turn on and off, what is each block intended for? we will work with the next rocket, we will understand already this is the primary version, or
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some changes have already occurred. russia is winning, and not only on the battlefield, a fact that even the most frostbitten propagandists do not dare to dispute. our secret is adaptation. the west brought its best tanks to ukraine, our soldiers quickly sketched out manuals on how and with what to beat the vaunted abrams overseas.
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its own potential hot spot - taiwan, and the americans brought there the same highmars, abrams and petriots, technologies that, as a result of a special military operation come to us, they are naturally of great interest to china, they are a history of such national importance, it is quite possible that they are even interested in our
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analysis, ours, respectively, military... military-analytical moments, because at the moment we are the only country that, firstly, has been waging a high-intensity conflict for more than 2 years, the chinese are diligent students are already learning lessons from the experience of a special military operation, but should washington and the united states be wary of them? there are hundreds of military bases all over the planet in the majority. americans are not welcome in the regions, i would mention one more country with which russia probably has military-technical cooperation in this area, this is our also very fraternal and friendly korean people's democratic republic. why does this whole story bother americans? they do not
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hide the fact that their key region of presence in the 20th century is not europe, it is... it is southeast asia. returning to the fields of io, our army managed to capture examples of almost every type of western military technology. we dissected both tanks and drones. for combat vehicles, the armor and chassis are studied. electronics have ways of suppressing frequencies. after all, there are trophies, and some of them, including abrams and leopards, are in very working condition. our chinese comrades can fly to moscow to dig into them a little, which they are most likely doing quite well too. and the work of our engineers is already changing the pentagon’s plans. the american media claim that the united states has stopped supplying ukraine with expensive goods and, it seems,
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escalibur precision artillery shells. because they don't hit anymore. in terms of targets, western analysts are forced to admit that the guidance systems of their smart ammunition are useless where russian rap works, the best in the world. in fact, the main secret of the world hegemon has long been no secret to anyone; there are no superweapons in the americans’ arsenal. sber loyalty program, thank you a. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. i eat something wrong, what should i do? in case of poisoning , entermin, a new generation enterosorbent
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presentation of real madrid's star newcomer, frenchman kylian mbappe. almost 85,000 spectators gathered to watch mbappe's first appearance in a real madrid shirt at the club's home stadium. during the ceremony , real madrid president florentina perez and former team coach, real madrid legend, also frenchman zeineddine, were present on stage. zedan. kylian mbappe kissed the emblem of the madrid team and addressed the real madrid fans in spanish. he said that playing for real madrid was a childhood dream, now.
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england head coach garratt leaves his post about the decision to leave and that it is time for a change, southgate said two days after the lost european championship final. southgate has led the england national team since 2016. despite all the criticism , southgate became one of the most successful managers in the history of the england national team. under under his leadership, the team reached the finals of two european championships in a row, for the champion. world cup, the british reached the semi-finals and quarter-finals. in total, the england team under the leadership of garth southgate played 102 matches. russian
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goalkeeper psg matvey safonov began preparations for the new season as part of his new club. the day before, matvey arrived for pre-season training. a training session took place in the gym. it is expected that today safonov will conduct his first full training session on the field as part of psg. about the transfer of a twenty-five-year-old russian from krasnodar let me remind you that pss already announced a little more than a month ago, the contract is for 5 years. we are waiting for the debut of the russian national team goalkeeper as part of the french champions. in early august, psg will play several friendly matches, and the first round of the new season in the french league 1 is scheduled for august 18th. and st. petersburg ska hockey, the upcoming khl season , will again be held in the ice palace, and not in the brand new ska arena. the club announced this officially. the reason for this decision was a fire in early june. at the sky arena and taking into account the scale of the stadium and the complexity of the systems fire safety will now require a long time to eliminate deficiencies. let me remind you that
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sky has moved to the largest arena in the world. last season, here is a return to the ice palace. ska will play its first home match in st. petersburg as part of the khl championship on september 12 against chelyabinsk tractor. that's all about sports for now, see you in our next issues. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction. each month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything, are more profitable with a subscription to berprime. world blockbusters on yandex market, what about you?
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this is what we have learned by this hour: in the southern regions , the supply of electricity has been completely restored after restrictions due to a malfunction of the rostov nuclear power plant. the ministry of energy will continue to monitor the situation in those settlements where abnormal heat continues. let me remind you that the restrictions also affected kuban, stavropol, dagestan, crimea and sevastopol.


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