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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] china's infrastructure projects may be nationalized in europe. according to cnn , nato is now considering this option of economic pressure on beijing. however, discussions are still at an early stage. alexander nazarova will talk about the causes and consequences of such a policy. nato is looking for options for economic pressure on china; according to cnn, they are now studying the possibility of nationalizing its infrastructure assets in europe in the event of an expansion of the conflict with russia. nato fears that beijing will use these assets to help moscow. on in my opinion, this is more like an excuse, pita honestly bought this or that company, invested money there, that is , he fulfilled his obligations, now to nationalize these
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companies in europe. does not seem officially possible, because at one time they were allowed, this is just the aid station of the russian federation, such a good, let’s say, opportunity to take advantage of this situation in order to push chinese business out of europe, that is, they can try this the key is to put pressure on china. we're talking billions dollars, last year alone china invested more than eight in the european union, almost 17.5% more than a year earlier, but this investment is generally for. so far, the aim has been to disrupt specifically infrastructure projects, primarily within the framework of the logistics initiative. since 2013, china has been very active in investing in many countries in europe and beyond europe as part of the belt and road initiative. but the most important thing is that all this was done on the basis of bilateral agreements and the largest recipients of chinese funds were from one on the other hand, great britain, on the other hand
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, germany and france, a large group of countries have entered the port infrastructure in europe; chinese companies already own more than twenty container terminals. one of the most striking transactions was the purchase of the greek port of pereas. in 2016, koska group received a share. 57% for almost 370 million euros. not only were all agreements concluded without violations, but europe was in desperate need of money, and there were simply no others willing to invest in such volumes. my country has seen virtually no european investment since the 2008 financial crisis. european companies came only to snatch assets for
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resale, and not for... development, only the chinese brought greece some money, including as part of the path initiative. therefore, the european union has no right to try to demonize chinese investment. in addition to stimulating the economy as a whole and increasing trade turnover between the eu and china by almost $800 billion a year. these projects gave europeans new jobs, and companies europe has gained wide access to the chinese market. according to surveys, china plans to do more than 90%. their investments, but in brussels they are once again ready to risk their well-being at the behest of washington, experts say, after the manipulation of russian assets, taking away chinese assets no longer seems impossible, until 2022 i think this is impossible, but the american european authorities have actually committed theft, and i don’t see any obstacles why they wouldn’t do the same actions in relation to china, but of course in relation to
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it will be a little more difficult for china to do this, with barriers trying to block access to technology. this concludes the broadcast of the morning news, next is the fifth studio. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, see you and good news. enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook. it will turn into a good dish.
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dropped 400 tons of water on another fire in the karadakh nature reserve, the fire was localized to an area of ​​40 hectares, it was extinguished by foresters, volunteers, the national guard and, of course , specialists from the ministry of emergency situations that. ..still burning in crimea, what outbreaks have been localized, what is the overall situation and what are the consequences, we will talk with vladimir konstantinov, chairman of the state council of the republic of crimea, now we are in contact with the fifth studio by phone, vladimir andreevich, i greet you, good afternoon, good afternoon, please tell me , regarding problem areas, yes, what can we say now, where are the hot spots, where are the fires, how is the liquidation going and what are the consequences of the fire? well, you have formed everything correctly, all the fires you listed have already been localized completed, we now have one operating point that is localized, this is koktebel,
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according to the head of the ministry of emergency situations of crimea, by the end of the day, today it will be completed, there is enough force, a total of about 300 people today. that about the power outage the day before, it is known that one of the power units of the rostov nuclear power plant was automatically disconnected from the network, because of this, and also because of the overload from the heat, accordingly, writes a news agency in the south of the country, there is a rolling blackout
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electricity, as for the crimea, called yalta, alushta, feodosia, kerch, sudak in sevastopol there is also a blackout, please tell us what the situation is with the provision
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of electricity, what measures are being taken. taken under control and restoration has completely begun, at this moment almost everything in crimea is already functioning as normal , there are literally only a few houses and... streets left, with which the work will be completed within 2-3 hours, absolutely everything, so to speak, will be resolved, everything is connected with the heat, of course, with overheating, all this in general to a certain extent, as for the life of our crimea, we have a normal life, today we are in the midst of the holiday season, the total load volume is about 55%, this is for this situation,
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in the absence of planes, well, of course all the other difficulties, this is a pretty good, not bad situation , in any case , will allow at least to cover financial issues, the market operator, in general, who has their own base, who has their own infrastructure, who invested money in this,
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today they have a percentage for... we have a special operation, we they try endlessly us to do some nasty things, and of course, this cannot be ruled out at all, including deliberate arson, but there are appropriate structures that must check all this in detail so that there is nothing unfounded, and of course, human negligence, this was not always the case at all at all times in crimea the main cause, so to speak, of flare-ups. when people meet the dawn in the forest,
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abandoned, left, were afraid of a fire, afraid of responsibility, ran away, and so on, such events, unfortunately, happen every year, and this also cannot be ruled out, thank you, thank you very much, vladimir andreevich, for your detailed answers, the chairman of the state council of the republic of crimea , vladimir konstantinov, was in touch with the fifth studio by phone, they talked about the fires occurring on the peninsula, they talked about them. reasons about how the tourist season is going, we move on to another topic and move on to threats of a different kind than fires, the likelihood of a ukrainian provocation with chemical weapons is growing, and the west is preparing to bring charges against russia, against of our country in the use of chemical weapons, the russian permanent representative to the opcw warns about this, vladimir torabrin is now in contact with
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the fifth studio, the kiev regime is ready to commit any provocations and crimes, this is particularly evidenced by the regular shelling of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the explosion of the odessa ammonia pipeline, the destruction of kokhovsko and ges, missile attacks on civilians, and we all know very well that the main task of the collective west, and, in fact, the west does not hide it, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, and to achieve this goal all means are good,
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and of course, there would be provocations, and they are organized with the support, of course, of western countries and with the participation of western countries directly, to accuse russia of violating the convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons and allegedly concealing . its military-chemical activities, continue to promote this topic as soon as possible. learn from western countries and we will certainly talk in more detail. now the question is: what is known about the use of already prohibited chemical weapons by the enemy side, are such cases recorded? yes, you
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know, such cases are recorded, and we regularly bring
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materials to the attention of the secretariat of the chemical defense organization. supply toxic chemicals to the zone of a special military operation, thereby violating the chemical weapons convention, please tell us what these substances are, where are they and how are they used? yes, indeed, the united states, although it officially announced the destruction of all declared stockpiles of chemical weapons, but according to experts, retained production facilities allowing the synthesis of various toxic substances
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in large volumes. compiles a list of prohibited substances. do not forget that in 2003-2009, the united states and great britain, without proper notification to the wcc, removed from iraq or destroyed on site about 5,000 chemical munitions from the era of saddam hussein. and this was done without proper verification and in an unsafe way. was the entire arsenal or part of it eliminated? not truly known, but during local conflicts in the middle east no, no, yes information is emerging about the use of ammunition with chemical filling, and toxic substances can be introduced, and are already being imported into ukraine by western military specialists. we
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have informed the state about this more than once by the participants of the cpc. so in march 2023, we warned about the us supply of chemicals to ukraine. temporarily withdrawing action, the so-called bz. cs, cr, tren-6 hand grenades, equipped with chemical irritants. and, by the way, assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces are actively equipped with such grenades. there are real video evidence of the use of soviet-style k-51 grenades loaded with tear gas by ukrainian militants and foreign mercenaries. in october 2023, kiev purchased abroad the chemical substance triethanolamine, used as a precursor for... the synthesis of nitrogen eprite. in addition, representatives of the ukrainian armed forces announced the presence at their
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disposal of organophosphorus compounds, including analogues of the chemical warfare agent tabun, also prohibited by the convention. more than 400 cases of use have been recorded the ukrainian side of toxic chemicals of non-lethal action, in particular such substances as pecrine chlorine. often mixed with chlorocytophone, chlorocytophone is a riot control chemical that is also prohibited by the convention. similar incidents took place in the areas of the city of donetsk, the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, artyomovsk, most of them were confirmed by an accredited laboratory of the russian ministry of defense, and these data were brought to the attention of the uzo. vladimirevich, here. with all this, yes, the united states itself imposed sanctions on the russian rcbz troops, who allegedly, yes, used prohibited substances,
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as the american side claims, and , of course, the west does not provide any evidence, here’s how to defend our point of view in such conditions, in case of provocation against russia, what we talked about, can we count on the fact that the ozo will still hear us, unlike washington, right? well, russia has always been and is still one of the most active states participating in the osho, and we are so i can say that we convey our point of view very substantively, very purposefully to the delegations of different countries, i dare to assure you, they hear us. i am, of course, primarily talking about delegations from developing countries, delegations from the world majority.
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representatives of the collective. i’ll probably say a banal thing, but the answer to the rabid disinformation campaign launched by the united states and its allies against russia can only be the truth, based on verified information from the russian ministry of defense, we convey to the participating states the true the state of affairs on the line of combat contact in ukraine, and since we provide
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concrete facts to support our statements, unlike ours... the next 2 years, do you think the application will be accepted? yes, we have applied for membership in the executive council for the next two-year period,
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i don’t dare to guess about the chances, i can only say that without faith in success it would not be worth even trying, and we will do everything possible to get elected, our opponents, of course , will do everything possible, will make every effort to prevent our re-election, but i think that it will not be so easy for them to do this, thank you, thank you very much for the detailed answers, vladimir torabrin, permanent representative of russia to the opcw, ambassador of the russian federation to the kingdom and the netherlands was in touch with the fifth studio, see you again in air. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable
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it's time to go to domclick to find housing for any purpose. the most daring taste with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale, choose what everyone will like. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. the bill on public-private partnership in the space sector is being discussed today in our neighbor, how it will be structured, we will ask the general director of roscosmos, we will ask questions to yuri borisov. the advance of the assault units of the north group in the special operation zone from the air managed to destroy several strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces at once. group
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ukrainian military surrendered. the diplomat discussed sergei lavrov’s busy agenda in new york and russian gas supplies with the hungarian foreign minister. a bilateral meeting was also held with the head of the swiss foreign ministry. our special correspondent in the usa knows what was on the agenda. black heat in southern russia in several regions is expected to reach +40 and above. how long will the abnormal heat last and what are the forecasts for the central regions? and let's start with the situation with forest fires. in one day, 122 fires were extinguished in russian regions. outbreak on an area of ​​more than 230 hectares, this is data from air forest protection. large fires were extinguished, including in the vladimir, volgograd, kherson, svetlovsk regions, the republics of tva, crimea, ingushetia, as well as in the khabarovsk territory and the khantamanti
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autonomous okrug. the firefight continues in 22


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