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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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the reason was the so-called child transgender law, what it implies and what the consequences may be for silicon valley. and let's start with the situation with forest fires. over the course of a day , 122 fires were extinguished in russian regions covering an area of ​​more than 230 hectares, according to data from the air security forest. large fires were extinguished, including in vladimir, ingushetia, as well as in the khabarovsk territory and the khantamansi autonomous okrug. extinguishing continues in 22 regions where 223 forest fires are active. in yakutia , the fire covered another 300 thousand hectares. in buryat discovered another natural fire this night, as reported by the forestry agency, an area is burning on the border with transbaikalia. it is from there that the fire is believed to have spread. outbreaks remain in
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the irkutsk region, the tense situation is also in the khabarovsk and krasnoyarsk territories, in koma in the urals. more than 6.00 people and more than 700 pieces of equipment, including aircraft, are involved in the firefighting efforts. during the special operation, assault units of the north group of troops captured a group of ukrainian soldiers. their movements became known thanks to our scouts. they detected enemy infantry and equipment using a drone. first , fire was opened on the militants when they tried to hide, and attack aircraft cleared their shelter. a reconnaissance drone accompanied our fighters and suggested possible pockets of resistance in the trenches. as a result of coordinated work, it was possible to destroy several large strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces at once. everyone works in tandem behind the sky, rap is watching, there, naturally for me, the attack aircraft itself is watching in front, sopers, miners, it all works, plus yes, a large-caliber machine gun, when you go with such a shelf, but it is very difficult...
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the ukrainian self-propelled gun bogdan, an analogue of the french tsez gun, leaves the forest. the crew does not know that they have already fallen into the lens of a russian reconnaissance drone, without having time to shoot the enemy vehicle, our artillerymen immobilize it, at this time the lancet loitering ammunition of the primorye formation of the vostok group flies out to destroy the target. for 2 months we were looking for the so -called bogdan, we finally found her, she was completely amazed.
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no longer noticeable to the enemy. the enemy sees the loitering ammunition only on approach, due to the fact that the landset is made of composite materials, it is not visible to enemy radars, and the electric power plant does not allow enemy manpads to target it. if isu finds out that lancet crews are working in the direction, a real hunt begins for them, because there is no salvation from these russian weapons. masking doesn't help. nothing can be hidden from the scout's eyes; we find and select.
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the corners are still between the trees using loitering ammunition we manage to enter and hit targets. landset crews make sorties every day, every sortie is one hit target, the primorye crew count hundreds of destroyed guns, armored vehicles and several tanks. sergey samokh, oleg sokolshchuk, lead. a record for energy consumption was set in the south of our country. due to the abnormal heat the day before, the figures exceeded winter values ​​for the first time. and amounted to 2100 mw. one of the blokovo rostov nuclear power plants could not withstand such overloads. due to generator protection failures, several million residents rostov-nadon, taganrog, krasnodar, crimea and the north caucasus were left without electricity. but power engineers managed to get the situation under control in a matter of hours and restore the power supply. report by veronica bogma from the rostov region. according to official data , there is electricity in the rostov region. restriction of electricity supply. this happened an hour
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after rostov nuclear scientists managed to launch the first power unit in the shortest possible time. it was turned off yesterday during the day as usual. defrosting refrigerators is another this has never happened before, inconvenience, the threat is not so bad, even repairing a broken tire in the dark is not the worst thing, if you have a flashlight,
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well, we have an unpleasant situation, well, at least we have stocked up with at least something we can, while others have nothing at all no, it’s most difficult for those whose health and treatment depends on whether there is current in the outlet or not. we didn't know there would be a city. the lights were turned off selectively, people had blackouts, his daughter took him to friends so that in extreme cases he could move to where there was electricity. to hospitals and socially significant objects have autonomous power sources. thanks to the coordinated actions of power engineers, power supply was restored around 24 hours on july 16. currently, all consumers disconnected within the temporary shutdown schedule are supplied with voltage. continues to promptly monitor the situation with energy supply in those regions where abnormally high temperatures are observed. the supply of energy was carried out in stages; it returned to tupsa, krasnodar, sochi, and dagestan. power outages still continue in crimea and the rostov region, as it was before the situation at the nuclear power plant. the heat in the southern regions continues, which of course increases
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the load on the networks. the weather forecast for the near future continues to be hot. veronica bogma, bulat shakiev, eduard ilin, vladimir shumakov, denis denisov, elena bedyak and svetlana selivanova. news. and today the ministry of energy announced that due to the abnormal heat , the load on the energy system is minimizing the volume of summer repairs. deputy head of the department evgeniy grobchak spoke about this on our channel. yesterday, in fact, we had a situation where, for the first time in its entire existence, in the southern energy system, the summer maximum consumption exceeded the traditional winter maximum. that is, this indicates that the energy system is now. is at the limit of its capabilities, and of course, we are trying to help it by minimizing the volume of technological work that is traditionally carried out in the summer in preparation for winter maximums. the federation council, following the state duma, approved the law on
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public-private partnership in the space industry. the document will allow attract private investment into the space sector. and this is what he said about the advantages of such cooperation in an interview with our channel. director of roscosmos yuri borisov. we took the path to monetize space services on behalf of our president; this path has been tested and the effectiveness of this path has been proven all over the world. and the attraction of private capital and private companies to the formation of space constellations, and thereby providing the growing demand for space services, is more fully satisfied. therefore, the adoption of this law opens the way. for organizing a truly private public partnership, for signing constitutional agreements, thereby certainly reducing the burden on the federal budget, sharing risks between business and the state, and i think that it
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should have a positive impact on the development of the entire space industry in russia. the technical secretariat of the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons will soon receive from russia. he added that we are not talking about an isolated case, but about several episodes when the ukrainian military used toxic substances on the battlefield. over the past months, we have sent more than three dozen notes, specific to the requirements, to the technical secretariat of the uzo for distribution among the participating states.
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evidence, evidence, including captured ammunition with toxic chemical filling, all of this, of course, is mostly western-made ammunition, conclusion: specialized laboratories in this regard have clearly demonstrated the preparation and results of attacks by ukrainian neo-nazis, including against civilian civilians infrastructure. but during the 106th session of the half-council of the uzo, which ended last week, we prepared and distributed such quite specific materials that not only demonstrate the active use of toxic chemicals in ukraine in violation of the convention as a means of administration.
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our special correspondent in new york, alexey glovko, knows what was discussed. there are 15 states in the un security council, but when the month of russia’s chairmanship comes , attention to the opinion of a permanent member of the security council, of course, is special. i flew to new york in person minister sergei lavrov to convey to his colleagues moscow’s opinion on the world’s most important issues. sergei lavrov leads the delegation when it comes to issues crucial for the states of the world for the next meeting. at the un security council, russia proposed the topic of forming a more just, democratic, sustainable
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world order, instead of the current one based on unwritten rules. in the last century, george orwell, in his story scott farm, already foresaw the essence of a rule-based order. i quote: all animals are equal, but some more equal than others. end of quote. if you carry out the will of the hegemon, everything is allowed to you, and if you dare, you will begin to protect. your national interests, you will be declared an outcast and subject to sanctions. washington's hegemonic policy has not changed for decades. all schemes, all, without exception, schemes of euro-atlantic security, were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. it is in this attitude towards the vital interests of other states that sergei lavrov sees the origins of the ukrainian conflict. and again in this room.
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weapons to kiev or sanctions imposed, we will see that the situation on the battlefield is still not the same as the us and its allies hoped, and since there is no military solution, then negotiations are needed. lavov’s next guest himself asked for a meeting, this is the swiss foreign minister ignazio cassis. the alpine country has long been trying to become a kind of mediator between russia and ukraine, although moscow has repeatedly declared its neutral status. switzerland could not stand it. and now cassis left without speaking to reporters. after the death of iran's previous foreign minister in a plane crash, this
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position is now temporarily filled by ali baghiri kani. at the end of july, the elected president of the islamic republic will take office, having already stated that all agreements with russia remain in force. at the inauguration, our country will be represented by the chairman of the state duma, i hope that immediately after this we will begin to work without delay.
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cooperate with budapest to promote a peaceful settlement situation, making it clear that this is the most urgent matter. all parties must reach consensus as quickly as possible to avoid escalation. wang yi stated the need to create real conditions for peace negotiations. china has suspended consultations with the united states on arms control and non- proliferation. this was reported to the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china. they clarified that the reason was actions. washington, which sells weapons to the taiwanese administration. beijing called on the united states to respect china's interests, saying that only states can create the conditions necessary to resume dialogue and consultation. the mayor of paris, anne idalgo, took a swim in the seine today. three more people joined the swim: the deputy mayor, the chairman of the organizing committee of the paris olympics, and
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the prefect of the paris region. all four in wetsuits went down into the water from the platform and swam about 100 m. let me remind you that the french authorities stated that they intended to clean the river so that olympic swims could be held there. now mary claims that the water meets the standards for swimming athletes, while microbiologists quoted by the french press claim that if the situation is true, then the river is unlikely to remain clean for long. elon musk said that his company spacex will move its headquarters. from california to texas. the reason was the actions of californian authorities. they passed a law that prohibited local schools from informing parents about their child's decision to change gender. musk called this law the last straw and specified that a year ago he warned california governor newsom that such legislative initiatives will force many families who want to protect
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of the process. this was stated by deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko at a meeting with management treasury of russia. financial resources allocated for a new goal are tied to a specific result, and these are new schools, roads, modern equipment in hospitals and other socially significant projects. in addition, budget checks. completely transferred to automatic mode, as the deputy prime minister noted, the main task facing the treasury is the fast and efficient movement of budget money. also, one of the tasks for the treasury, i believe the most important tasks, is the procedure for issuing subsidies to our legal entities and treasury support, these procedures should be as simple as possible, as comfortable as possible, many processes... are digitalized and thereby simplified, unnecessary or unnecessary actions are removed, well , probably the third area that i will highlight is procurement, these are the notorious
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government procurements, of course there is a lot here what remains to be done, in addition to simplifying the procedures themselves, it is important not to lose quality. the federal agency for maritime and river transport is working with rosatom to create river hubs on northern rivers, about this said the head of the agency andrei tarasenko at... a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. and now my colleague vera moroz joins me. vera, greetings, what are the prospects for such hubs? hello, sea routes are needed to transport goods from birthplaces through the northern sea route. they are expected to be in high demand. expanding the capacity of waterways, building multimodal hubs, integrating ports and new regions into the country's transport system, these are the issues.
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tourism, for a number of related industries. currently, the agency operates 63 ports, which provide a cargo flow of 884 million tons. at the same time, the production capacity is designed for a cargo flow of 1,300 thousand tons, and there is still a reserve of approximately 35%, which will allow increasing the volume of cargo. the leader in terms of transshipment volumes today is the azov-black sea basin. it provided more volume. the carrying capacity of railways, roads and rivers is used. the issue of
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creating a multimodal hub on the amur river is also being considered. currently, the volume of transshipment in the far east is 238 million tons, but it could also be more. in addition, the creation of a hub with access to the northern route is being discussed. you know that today we have the arctic, for example, the rivers are very... way. mikhail mishustin pointed out the importance of restoring the entire transport and logistics infrastructure in the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions, including water ones.
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ways, andrey torasenko spoke about the development of transport infrastructure in these regions, in order to launch large enterprises, we we say what kind of cargo turnover you need, because we understand that today the raw materials that were previously used in the territory are not there, they need to be brought in now, they need to be put into operation, you help in forming the order, yes, yes, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly we are putting everything in order the depths that are necessary today for there to be a passage, as well as moorings and all the rest. facilities that require transshipment. as the head of government noted, now we need to do everything necessary to ensure that the transportation of people and cargo was carried out precisely according to russian standards, and for this it is important to integrate the corresponding structures of new regions into the general transport system of the country. vera, thank you, vera moroz spoke about plans for the development of shipping.
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who are you? i, an aeronaut traveler, jean ivan, and so we go out and ask, what is a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception? without a flint, whether i go to the flint, the pen, the magic ink, you can get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself in the head beat me, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to. i can’t live
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without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation, tense inside america, beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do we need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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well, now about the weather, heat records in the south russia began to update at the beginning of the day. and we will talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello, it’s very hot now in the south of russia, where the hottest point of the country is. the entire south of russia is in a zone of extreme overheating; the situation on the southern coast of crimea is especially striking. in yalsa, even at night, the thermometer dropped only to +37. and by 9:00 am the air had heated up to 37 and one. the daily temperature record was exceeded by more than 2 degrees, as the warming
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continues. in the cities of kuban, stavropol region, dagestan is still far from record numbers, but even there, as well as at 9:00 in the morning, it was over +30 and there is a great chance of updating the statistics. novorossiysk at 9:00 in the morning it was about +35 on the ashes of the forest fire, which was extinguished the day before, a small whirlwind spun up. let me remind you that two people fought the fire for more than three days. the area of ​​the outbreak reached 60 hectares. judging by the following images, heat has begun to flare up in the south. started to catch fire inside the car, in this case the role of the lens was played by a plastic mount on the glass, the plastic began to melt and then caught fire. the heat is reaching its peak in the north-west of russia in st. petersburg, already +27, the excitement at the kazan cathedral was caused by this dog taking a swim in the fountain. passers-by sincerely envied him. the extreme heat wave continues and will continue.


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