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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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can you try it on, yes, please, you can try it on. it’s all embroidered by hand,
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earlier in russia kushniki each region had its own design, there is no such traditional design here, it’s just my author’s, that’s how i wanted to do it, as they say, i’m an artist, that’s how i see it, it seems to me now already kokoshniks are becoming a fashionable accessory again, because i see many people are starting to, and you know, last year one woman bought me a kokoshnik, i say...
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before the open air uniting russia and belarus had died down in alexandria, vitebsk picks up the baton of festival diplomacy. the slavic bazaar brought together a record number of participating countries, more than forty, from india to colombia, but the union state has a special place in the program. we are happy that belarus is hosting guests, a very hospitable republic, we are looking forward to applauding and watching alexander grigorievich. art with a wide variety of preferences from avant-garde to classic, but most importantly, it has become a truly family holiday, a holiday...
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of values, here the residents are our guests they can really rest their souls, dear friends, the slavic soul is limitless in its openness to the world, so our festival has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, through art to the world of mutual understanding, this is how alexander lukashenko defined the philosophy of the festival, vladimir putin also agrees with him. the president of russia sent greetings to the guests and participants of the forum, emphasizing that the slavic bazaar has been enriching the cultural life of many countries for decades and makes a significant contribution to strengthening spiritual ties between slavic peoples, expanding mutually beneficial cooperation for humanitarian purposes. at the opening of the festival, alexander lukashenko presented the union state prize in the field of literature and art, and the people's artist of russia, grigory leps, was awarded the award. thank you very much for such a high award, alexander grigorievich. to all the belarusian
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people, thank you for appreciating my work, musical work, happiness, health, all the best, peaceful sky and great prosperity to your brotherly people. the culmination of the days of the union state slavic bazaar, a concert in a summer amphitheater built specifically for this forum, which first received guests in ninety-two. the stands for 600 spectators are filled. someone is even standing on the stairs, but today, having thought about what the motto of this concert should be, we invite you to support a very simple formula: brotherhood is more valuable than any wealth. the organizer of the concert was the permanent committee of the union state, invited star artists from russia and belarus, financing the holiday from the union budget.
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the stage of each other is replaced by the choir of the turkish ensemble sebra and samotsvety, the kuban cossack choir, the singers ensemble kabardinka and ruslan likhno, an original singer with a velvet... eight educators, they were honored, in particular, by the head of the ros-izo center olga galaktionova, as well as the belarusian songwriter anna siluk. but composer alexander zatsepin received a special award. a living legend, the author of the melody and songs that are heard in the comedies of leonid gaidai, the cartoons the secret of the third planet and
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the film film film. at 98, he is still creating. the most anticipated premiere of the festival, its musical for children, the tale of tsar saltan. my name is david, i think it will be very colorful. a performance that has never happened before in a slavic bazaar, a show with luxurious costumes, fiery dances, and absolutely new hits from the genius of film music, a pushkin plot familiar to everyone from childhood. i remember when i was little, there i was 4 years old , five years old, my mother took me to see the blue bird, i didn’t understand anything there until... she explained everything to me, so they still need to once commented. before the premiere , alexander sergeevich was a little worried about how the musical would be received by small audiences, but the success was expected and deafening. that musical, which on the second day of the union
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state program, here in vitebsk opened the program, the union state, to children, at this musical we saw special emotions, children, parents, emotions. which are genuine, sincerely memorable, this is one of the elements of the fact that today in our formats we pay more attention to children’s and youth programs, youth programs, youth topics, we have olympiad, you know, we have a sports competition for young people, we have a cadet shift, we have a new festival of youth creativity.
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a unique atmosphere was created, an atmosphere of creative search, an atmosphere of dialogue between civilizations. for centuries , trade routes intersected here, connecting east, west, north and south, this city gratefully absorbed new ideas and trends, and developed due to this. 600 show participants and a program for every taste, concerts, performances,
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theater in minsk, brest, gomel or other wonderful cities of fraternal belarus. russia and belarus have several joint applications to unesco and from year to year there are more and more cross-events in the field of culture. we have a common civilizational matrix. this is not a tale of the vienna woods, this is about three fundamental questions. where we come from, why we are the way we are and how we can build a strategy for the future. without philosophy, cultural studies, history and understanding of these things, these options, there is no nationality.
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russia and belarus laid flowers at the eternal flame. additional trains were specially launched between moscow and vitebsk in july with cornflowers, symbols of the festival. there are so many tourists that available hotel rooms in the city have run out. back in june , a tent city even had to be opened in one of the parks. during the slavic bazaar, vitebsk turns into a festival city, for example, here, on the busy tolstoy street , a folk crafts fair opens, street musicians perform, it’s hard to believe that it’s so crowded here on a weekday. tirakot, smoked ceramics or vortex, clay group making technique.
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dishes from the leningrad region, this special guest of the slavic bazaar. for many, it is probably a surprise that every second pack of tea that is found in stores is in stores in belarus. this is tea produced in the leningrad region, but we are always famous for what belarusians bring to us,
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even today many are surprised, we supply dairy products to belarus, last year, when these deliveries began, there was such an ambiguous story, well, because well, like belarus with leningrad dairy products, but today we are actively we interact at the end of 2023, the turnover between the leningrad region and the republic of belarus amounted to just over $930 million. the tour program includes a duet with the soloist of the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus oksana yakushevich. for me, of course, this is a huge honor, and
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a feeling, you know, of such satisfaction when you really immerse yourself in this unusually pure program, the program of slavic culture, it is you who want to talk about ours, about our love, first of all, of two peoples, yes. days allied the states of the slavic bazaar represent all areas of cooperation between two states with a single border. it should be noted that the most striking , compact and significant projects are those that we have been implementing for several years under the auspices of the union state. the slavic bazaar is a very good platform for holding cultural and creative negotiations, because both heads of the cultural sphere and heads of countries, cities, regions come to us, here we get to know each other, and then cultural days appear in the novosibirsk region of our country and... the novosibirsk region comes to us, this is an example, but many such examples can be given. the slavic bazaar is called
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a holiday that makes us stronger, brings people together, enriches cultures, this is the main philosophy of such shows, through art to find the key to a world of mutual understanding. china has suspended consultations with the united states on arms control and non-proliferation, the chinese ministry of foreign affairs reported. they clarified that the reason was the actions of washington, which sells weapons administration in taiwan. beijing called on the us to respect china's core interests and said only the states can create the conditions necessary to resume dialogue and consultation. and now there is new information about the progress of the special operation. according to the ministry of defense , our air defense forces shot down almost 60 more ukrainian drones in one day. a hammer bomb and two us-made haimers shells. in different directions, the ukrainian armed forces lost almost 2.0 people and
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equipment. thus, a unit of the southern group of troops destroyed three enemy armored vehicles. the fighters of the west group knocked out american btrm-113 and 12 vehicles. and thanks to the actions of the center group, the ukrainian armed forces lost another bradley infantry fighting vehicle. and now the footage. in the financial sector, and more specifically with the introduction and use of digital currencies and other assets. this is truly a very dynamic, promising area of ​​the modern economy, which is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, citizens, almost all over the world. such technologies are already beginning to change
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the usual patterns in trade, banking and the service sector. in international payments, we in russia it is important not to miss the moment, to set up the legal framework and regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners, we have already made serious progress in this area, and colleagues today , i hope they will report on current results and future plans, while... i propose to focus on issues that require special attention and additional solutions. i'll start with a pilot project that was launched by the central bank in august last year. we are talking about a test, trial use of the digital ruble. in fact, this is another form of our national currency. its peculiarity
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is that citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with. 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22 trade and service enterprises from eleven cities are participating in the project. as of july 1 , more than 27,000 transfers of over 7,000 payments for goods and services have already been made in this system. in a word, platform showed the digital ruble as part of the pilot. its performance and functionality, and now we need to take the next step, namely move to a broader, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy, in economic activity in the field of finance. i expect that today we will talk in detail about this topic, and a separate question, a separate
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question concerns the so-called cryptocurrencies. they are not monetary units. in the usual sense, but is increasingly used in the world as a means of payment in international calculations. in turn, mining or so -called mining of digital currencies can be carried out virtually anywhere on the planet, but this requires a lot of electricity. according to estimates by the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion kilowatt-hours are spent annually for these purposes, that is.
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an uncontrolled increase in electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining can lead to a power shortage in certain regions; this has already been noted in the irkutsk region, buryat, and trans-baikal territory. the question is really acute and fraught with serious consequences for the enterprise, housing and communal services systems, specific cities and towns. colleagues from the regions speak directly about their concerns in this regard, i agree with...
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let's discuss today what we have managed to do and how this work should be structured in the future. let's move on to discussing the proposed topics. vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. mikhail mishustin demanded that everything necessary be done to transfer shipping to russian standards in new regions, this topic became one of chief at the meeting of the prime minister and the head of the rosmorrich fleet andrei tarosenko.
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and that nothing interferes with the integration of the relevant structures of our new regions into the overall transport system of the country. elon
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musk said his company spacex will move its headquarters from california to texas. the reason was the actions of californian authorities. they passed a law that prohibited local schools from informing parents about their child's decision to change gender. musk called this law the last straw and clarified that a year ago. warned the governor of california newsom that such legislative initiatives will force families who want to protect their children to leave the state. and again to the situation with energy supply in the south of russia. the day before it exceeded not only summer, but for the first time in history, even winter maximums. this was stated by the ministry of energy. the energy system is already at its limit, so the main task now is to reduce the load. including by reducing the volume of traditional summer repair work. yesterday, in fact, we had a situation where the energy system of the south, for the first time in its entire history,
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existence, the summer maximum consumption exceeded the traditional winter maximum, that is, this indicates that now the energy system is at its maximum capabilities, and of course we are trying to help it by minimizing the volumes of technological consumption. work that is traditionally carried out in the summer in preparation for winter highs. temporary power outages are being introduced in the rostov region due to overloading of high-voltage lines amid the heat. according to the regional governor vasily golubev, the restrictions will affect rostov, nadon, bataysk, azov and other cities. earlier it became known about the introduction of such schedules in the crimea and kuban. with the latest news from krasnodar, our correspondent andrey malyovy. the energy situation in krasnodar and the region is now quite tense, but i would like to immediately emphasize that, as we were told in
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the city administration where we called, restrictions may be introduced, that is, subscribers may be disconnected if there is an organization that monitors the state of the energy system , will notice that some the permissible limits are exceeded, then subscribers can be disconnected, but for now no one is disconnected. in the zone of possible restrictions there are substation vitamin-kombinat, rip, zip, angarskaya, western vodozabor and voengorodok. citizens connected to these facilities may be left without electricity from 12 to 18 hours daily. the restrictions themselves are possible from today from july 17 to july 19. also, in addition to these designated substations, outages may affect residents of the western and southwestern regions. cities, neighborhoods, festival, anniversary, in addition to krasnodar, electricity restrictions will be introduced in the region, this is due to the extreme heat
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and increased load on the energy system, the decision on restrictions is made by the kuban regional dispatch office, it monitors the condition of the power grids, but notifications about possible restrictions have already been sent to timoshevsky, tikhareysky , slavic, leningrad and southwestern energy paradise. why all this is happening, of course, because of the heat and increased energy consumption, but the krasnodar region is an energy-deficient region, only a third of the electricity is generated locally, everything else comes from neighboring regions, so this situation is contributing, and of course the prera ​​are making their contribution, since the beginning of july in kuban several such climatic records for temperature have already been broken, nature does not loosen its hot grip, the heat will persist until next week and only in the middle of it will it get a little colder, conditionally, of course, to 32°. well, colleagues, we’ll wait, if we don’t melt.
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andrey malyovan and konstantin popov. news.
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investments in orbit the federation council approved the bill on state private partnership in the space industry, opening the way for attracting private companies and
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private capital. for the development of our space, who is ready to invest and how business will share risks with the state. the strike was carried out at the location of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of gulyai pole in zaporozhye, and thanks to the strikes on the railway station, the ukrainian troops did not receive new military equipment. let's tell you what's happening at the front now. at 22 regions of russia are fighting forest fires, it is especially hot in the south of russia. in krasnodar they extinguished a fire in one of them. in the largest parks in the city , cars also catch fire from the inside, why and what are the forecasts of weather forecasters? sergei lavrov will speak today at a meeting of the un security council, where the main topic is israel and palestine, and then answer questions from the press, our alexey golovko is following the minister’s program, what does he report? the mayor of paris, anne dalgot, personally went swimming in the hay; there was a lifeguard on duty to prove that the river was suitable for olympic swimming. on
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boats and journalists, what else will the french authorities go to for the sake of beautiful pr against the backdrop of political turbulence? and the last straw for elon musk: the billionaire is closing the offices of his companies in california. the reason was the so-called law on child transgenderism, what it implies and what the consequences may be for silicon valley. in russia, it is important to develop conditions for digital assets, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on the economy. one of the main topics is the use of digital currencies. today i propose to discuss issues related to the development of digital technologies in the financial sector. more specifically, with the introduction and use of digital currencies and other assets. it's really very dynamic.


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