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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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i went swimming in the hay, all to prove that the river was suitable for olympic swimming, rescuers on boats and journalists were on duty. what else do the french authorities go to for the sake of good pr against the backdrop of political turbulence? and the last straw for elon musk: the billionaire is closing the offices of his companies in california. the reason was the so-called law on child transgenderism, what it implies and what the consequences may be for silicon valley. it is important for russia to develop conditions for digital assets, vladimir said putin at a meeting on the economy. one of the main topics is the use of digital currencies. today i propose to discuss issues related to the development of digital technologies in the financial sector. and more specifically with the introduction and use of digital currencies and
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hello alexey. yes, well, first of all, we see that the data is constantly changing, 170 is what the information agencies reported based on your data, how many fires are there now in the region and how quickly is their area increasing? at the moment, as of this evening, we have 155 fires, and today is the first day when the area of ​​fires in our republic has not increased, it... but we believe that by tomorrow about 30-odd fires will still be extinguished, and this will give us an additional reduction of 80 thousand hectares, just an hour ago, the largest fire that was active in the aldan region near the village of kutana, with which there are about 60 people, was extinguished...
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through more active work of the healthcare system, the population is constantly notified about the measures that need to be taken in these cases, at the same time, here's the critical one smoke, serious smoke we have only in those settlements that are as close as possible to the fires, these are our small settlements located in inaccessible areas; today there are fires in a fifteen-kilometer zone... valid for 19 settlements in the republic today, that’s 13 there are only active fires, but there are 19 settlements within a 15-kilometer zone from them. yesterday we had such a rather serious threat to the regional center of belaya gora, this is obysky region, this is the north of our republic, there is quite dry, hot weather has been standing for more than a month, there has been no rain at all. and
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accordingly, the forest fire, which was at a distance of 26 km from the populated area under the influence of the strong wind that was there, became a high wind and moved to... a distance of about 10 km. yesterday we additionally redeployed aviales security forces and the ministry of emergency situations from yakutsk there, today we also redeployed additional forces there from some areas, now we understand that the fire will be stopped, but it shouldn’t go to the populated area, all measures are being taken for counter-annealing, which will most likely take place here tomorrow, when we expect a change in the wind. er from the village - er in other populated areas, which were also quite close to the fires, i want to emphasize that as a result of the good work of the sounder aircraft during yesterday, we had in the alekminsky district, where we have the largest number of fires
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and where we have a third all the forces that put out fires, and today we have fires put out in order 1,900 people, the third of them was just in the aletomsk region, as a result of the work of the aircraft ... the sander, good heavy rains fell on many fires, including the populated punktyanya, where there was heavy smoke and the fire was quite serious was approaching, it is a very remote settlement, the fire there has already weakened much, and i think that in the coming days, by additionally transferring forces there, we will be able to completely eliminate it. once again i want to emphasize that our territory huge, we have 250 million hectares of forests. this is a third of the forests of all of russia, and of course, you have to operate on such a vast territory, maneuver aviation , planes, helicopters, transfer forces, sometimes people travel tens of kilometers on foot in order to start putting out fires, they act courageously, competently,
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i would like to emphasize the great role of forest fire forces, both federal and republican, from other regions, colleagues came to help us, the ministry of emergency situations is also very seriously now involved in i want to emphasize that today we have very good operational communication with federal departments, with the ministry of natural resources and rosliskhoz, in almost every situation we analyze the situation, make joint decisions for
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more prompt and effective action to extinguish forest fires, and of course ministry of emergency situations, this is where a certain danger arises. for populated areas - it helps us, including actively, just last week at the beginning of this week it worked - b200, which just knocks down the horse fires, helps stop the advance of forest fires to populated areas, and a number of helicopters are also working, including the ministry of emergency situations, the roslikhoz, and our airlines with drainage devices, which also help. first of all, to combat crown fires, which are extremely dangerous due to the fact that a crown fire can very quickly spread over a long distance, tens of kilometers pass literally before our eyes. you have already spoken about the colossal efforts that
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the rescuers are making, but as far as we understand, and ordinary residents do not stay in the country, how do they help in putting out fires, what is their role here? we're in a row. instructors from the air forest security, thanks to these hundreds of people , today we are not only maintaining the situation in these areas, but also quite successfully localizing large forest fires, well, in the future, they are already being guarded and extinguished, where, first of all, of course, it’s the volunteers and
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the mobilized population is what works first. well, we will monitor the situation in yakutia. let me remind you, on a straight line the head of yakutia was in touch with us. aisan nikolaev, thank you, aisan sergeevich, i would like to emphasize once again that the situation is gradually, gradually, as nikolaev noted, stabilizing. well, now about the weather for the authorities of the rostov region and krasnodar. warned of new temporary power outages to avoid overloading the power grid. meanwhile, the heat in southern russia has reached its peak. let's talk more about it now with tatyana belova. so, tatyana, greetings. in which regions temperature records have already been updated? in the zone extreme overheating - the entire south of russia, in the kuban, stavropol and crimea , record overheating. here is the temperature in the southern cities at noon, the hottest point was gelendzhik, where the air heated up to 38 and...
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was not enough to +38, almost the same in kamensk, shakhtinsky, rostov region, 37.5 in simferopol + 37 mineral waters, at the same time, the capital of the republic of crimea, as well as yalti and mineral waters, updated their daily maximums. a column of smoke over galitsky park, hundreds of meters from the stadium, scared the residents of krasnodar today; it turned out that the fire the flames are not burning outside, the flames have ignited in the premises where the mowers are stored.
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started to catch fire from inside the car. in this case, the role of the lens was played by a suction cup in a plastic mount for glass gadgets. the plastic began to melt and then caught fire. the extreme heat wave will continue as long as the influence of the broad, stable anticyclone remains. the high pressure area occupies the entire european part of the country and the urals. the influx of heat is enhanced by the atlantic cyclone circling over scandinavia, but it will be associated with it weakening of the heat. the vortex will be able to overcome the resistance of the anticyclone, and the clouds will gradually disappear. poland, then the rains will come. today , heavy precipitation will occur in the northeast of the russian plain, in the caucasus in the westernmost
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regions. there will be little precipitation, but the temperature will gradually drop. but residents of southern russia and vacationers will have to spend several more days in extreme conditions. in yalta, let me remind you, at dawn the temperature was about 31°, and in the morning the thermometers showed +37.1. the coming night again will not bring coolness and the minimum temperature will again be close to 30°. the next two days will be spent in the same conditions of extreme heat. in moscow it’s already +29, in the daytime it’s +301. on thursday , the cumulus cloud fields of the atmospheric front will reach the capital. rain will linger in megalopolis on friday. in total, in two days the city will receive about a third of the monthly precipitation norm. at the same time, the daytime hours will finally freshen up to +25. the far east has already begun to get rid of the heat and blagoveshchensk hit blagoveshchensk in just 10 minutes. half the ten-day norm of precipitation, while the temperature dropped from +30 to 22, yesterday it was +34,
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gnawing rains in places with hail refreshed the air in chita, where the day before it was also over +30. this is the information about wait until this minute? yes, thank you, tatyana belova, about the sizzling heat in the south and regions where the heat has already begun to recede. the state will retain rocket production, and private companies will be able to organize space services. the creation of orbital constellations of satellites, as is already being done in other countries, this was stated by the head of roscosmos yuri borisov. today, the federation council, following the state duma, approved a bill on public-private partnership in the space industry. according to the plan , roscosmos’ extra-budgetary revenue will increase by almost 50% in the next 5 years. the general director of roscosmos, yuri borisov, spoke in more detail about the innovations in an interview with our channel. we took the path to monetize space services on our instructions.
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did the kremlin comment on the statement of us presidential candidate donald trump about the possible lifting of sanctions with russia? our position is obvious, we consider these sanctions to be illegitimate from the point of view of international law, b - undermining the foundations of
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international trade and international economic relations, and we also believe that sanctions are double-edged. causes damage not only to those against whom they are introduced, but also damage to those who introduce them. hundreds of cubic meters of water were pumped out from an omsk street after a heavy downpour, the local road department reported. the consequences of the bad weather are still being eliminated, the rain began the night before, in some areas thunderclaps were also heard and it was raining hail streams of water immediately began to flow along the sidewalks and roadways. the storm warning is now in effect; weather forecasters promise it will happen in the evening and at night. a new portion of precipitation. now a short advertisement, then even more news. travel with alfabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy
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well, now to the situation with the energy supply to the southern regions, where the day before, due to a malfunction at the rostov nuclear power plant, about 2.5 million people were left without electricity. after power is restored, networks remain overloaded amid intense heat and, as a result, temporary power outage schedules are being introduced in some communities. visti sevastopol correspondent is now in direct contact olga chernetskaya. so, olga, greetings, well, as far as we know. sevastopol also had blackouts the day before, how did the city survive those few hours and what now, are there plans to introduce restrictions again? yes, alexey,
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hello, in sevastopol, indeed , temporary power outage schedules have also been introduced, the city resource supply organization reported that they can turn off the lights every 2 hours for 2 hours, such time intervals are necessary in order to, excuse me, evenly distribute the resource between. all districts of the city, while now there is no need to work according to such a schedule at the beginning, while according to the latest order of the governor of sevastopol, mikhail razvazhaev, the energy supply to large construction sites is still limited ; large shopping centers are turned off in turn, all in order to provide electricity to apartment buildings, and this is where the leap occurs.
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at the same time, department specialists continue to monitor the situation in regions where abnormal heat is observed. sevastopol is no exception, right now the temperature is air reaches +35°. and i will add that power outages began the day before, and for several hours shopping centers and trolleybuses, which have batteries, were not working, but they switched to them, eh. traffic lights were also turned off, the heat affected the work of the beaches during the holiday season, the pump did not work, because of this people could not
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take advantage of such benefits of civilization as showers and toilets, but now work is gradually returning to normal, and there is hope that this the weather itself will contribute, because according to weather forecasters, by the weekend sevastopol promises a slight cooling, and this means that... the thermometers should drop from +35 to +30. alexey, thank you, olga chernetskaya, update on sevastopol, the situation with energy supply in the city, where it is now 35 degrees celsius. for the duration of the electricity supply, it was decided to limit the supply of electricity in kuban in krasnodar for 3 days until july 19 from noon to 6 pm; residents of several areas may be affected by an emergency shutdown. they introduced their own schedules in crimea, they will affect everything. peninsula and during the day the lights may be turned off for a while every 2-3 hours, planned restrictions are reported in the rostov region. according to information from the ministry of housing and communal services of the region, they may
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affect, including water stations and water towers, wells. in this case , they will be connected to backup sources, and water will be supplied to residents. the federal agency for maritime and river transport is working with rosatom to create river hubs on northern rivers. the head of the agency announced this. andrei toraenko at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. how shipping will develop in russia in the coming years vera moroz will tell. expanding the capacity of waterways, building multimodal hubs, integrating ports of new regions into the country’s transport system. these issues were discussed at a working meeting by mikhail mishustin and the head of rosmorrichflot andrei tarasenko. the prime minister emphasized the importance of developing shipping and work. agency in this direction, the efficiency and safety of waterways depends on its results, and this directly affects the connectivity of our territories, their
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economic growth, including strengthening international cooperation, opens up additional opportunities for industry, tourism, and a number of related industries. currently, the agency is in charge of 63 ports, which provide a cargo flow of 884 million tons, while the production capacity is designed for a volume of 1,300 thousand tons, and there is still a capacity reserve of approximately 35%, which allows increasing the volume of cargo. leader in terms of transshipment volumes today. is the azov-black sea basin, it provided a volume of more than 291 million tons. there the carrying capacity of railways, roads and rivers is used . the issue of creating a multimodal hub on the amur river is also being considered. currently, transshipment volumes in the far east are 238 million tons, but it could be more. in addition, the creation of a hub with access to the northern sea route is being discussed. you know that today we are in
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the arctic. for example, the rivers are very good, big, there is opi, irtysh, lena, denisei, they are idle today, and cargo turnover is falling, because today there are no hubs, there is no stevedore who should organize, to accumulate cargo that will go, many have received licenses, there are deposits, but they do not have logistics today, so today we are agreeing with rossat on the creation of certain hubs on such arctic rivers that will accumulate cargo and go out to the northern sea route. mikhail mishustin pointed out the importance of restoring the entire transport and logistics infrastructure in the dpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions, including waterways. andrey torasenko spoke about the development of transport infrastructure in these regions. to launch large enterprises, we tell you what kind of cargo turnover you need, because we understand that today the raw materials that were previously used throughout the territory
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are not there, they must now be brought. launch , you are helping in the formation, yes, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly, we are putting in order all the depths that are necessary today so that there is passage, well, berths and all other structures that are necessary for transshipment, as the head of government noted, now everything needs to be done necessary for the transportation of people and goods to be carried out exactly according to russian standards, and for this it is important to integrate the corresponding structures of new regions into the general transport... system of the country, we spent so much effort on driving out the americans, we won, the russians helped them it wasn’t like they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed,
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there was no benefit from them. at first, the west made sure that these people were crippled, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open. we watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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