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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. the federation council approved the bill on public-private partnerships in space, what this will mean for the industry and what else the senators discussed. dmitry morocco has all the details. the approved bill will allow roscosmos to enter into contracts with private companies to develop spacecraft, create infrastructure and implement other projects. according to the head of the state corporation, yuri borisov, this will, firstly, reduce the burden on the budget. state and business. the path to monetization of space services, which we took on the instructions of the president, opens up a real opportunity to attract private capital, private companies in such an important science-intensive field and, secondly, to share risks between the industry. the law, which was adopted at the initiative of senators, will indeed give a new dynamic to attracting both private companies and private capital, thereby reducing the burden
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on the budget and dividing it. development of space projects, business is interested in this if it is a normal business scheme has been built on the principles of public-private partnership, on the principles of concession. the federation council also considered a large block of issues devoted to the fight against illegal financial transactions. since the beginning of the year , fraudsters have stolen about 4 billion rubles from citizens, while in 5 months banks have prevented the transfer of about
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300 billion to the shadow sector. against the backdrop of a decrease in the availability of bank loans , providers of loans secured by real estate and vehicles have become more active. behind last year, at the request of the prosecutor's office , more than 3,000 resources with information on issuing loans were blocked, leaving the current procedure behind. in terms of work to suppress the activities of financial pyramids using materials from the service, together with law enforcement agencies, several dozen such organizations were liquidated over the course of a year and a half. the federation council also considered the issue of raising funds from citizens for the construction of individual houses through eskru accounts. this mechanism will provide people with financial protection and give new opportunities for development of the housing market. the same system is already successfully used in the construction of apartment buildings. dmitry moroka, andrey ganykin, semyon shapchenko. news. elon musk said his company spacex will move its headquarters from
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california to texas. the reason was the actions of the californian authorities, they passed a law according to which local schools were prohibited from informing parents about the child’s decision to change gender. musk called the law the last straw and specified that a year ago he warned california governor newsom that such the legislative initiative will force many families who want to protect their children to leave the state. the mayor of paris, anne idalgo , took a swim in the seine today, while the woman was accompanied by three other people, her deputy, the chairman of the organization. let me remind you that the french authorities stated that they intended to clean the river so that olympic swimming could be held there, but now the mayor’s office claims that the water meets the standards for swimming. at the same time , microbiologists quoted by the french press say that if the situation really such is the case, it is unlikely that the hay will remain clean
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for a long time. the chief representative of nato in ukraine, as stated in the declaration of the washington summit. top coordinator for arms supplies to kiev. became former deputy secretary general for military policy patrick turner, under whom the american campaign in afghanistan ended. this is how it follows from the application for appointment that turner will begin his duties in kiev in september 2024. the document clarifies that the chief representative is expected not only to coordinate nato actions, but to assess the situation in ukraine, as well as recommendations on what to do next. this year marks the 106th anniversary of the day. believers walked that night through the streets of yekaterinburg, they covered more than 20 km from the church on the blood to ganin yaam, this is the path along which the remains of the executed family members of the last russian emperor were transported.
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report by kiril bortnikov. this is perhaps one of the most important and large-scale open -air night services in yekaterinburg, including. because the church on the blood simply cannot accommodate everyone who wants to honor the memory of the royal saints passion-bearers. the most important day in life in general in the year, the most important holiday for the serlovites, well, for the residents of yekaterenburg. this is not the first year for me, and for me every year it is something new, something special, very exciting, because i really love our king, the martyr and his family. 106 years ago on the night of the sixteenth. on july 17, in the ipatiev house, on the site of which the church on blood was built, the bolsheviks brutally killed nicholas ii, his family and close circle. today there are thousands of orthodox christians here, gabriel doroshin, descendant nicholas i on his mother’s side, was born in
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france, but returned to russia to defend his historical homeland, it is important for him to be in yekaterinburg that night. to be a russian abroad, to call oneself russian, without joining the common suffering of the russian people, would be too easy, so when... the travel time is about 5 hours, but the main thing is not the number of kilometers traveled, but the spiritual
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benefit of joint prayer. this special repentant crusading prayer helps thousands of pilgrims overcome a difficult path. not small, yes, but by god with our help we will overcome it, i’ve been walking with pleasure, this is the first year, not the first, but i always think it’s going to be so hard, i’m walking straight , some kind of lightness appears, you know, but from where, from where, i don’t know, i don’t understand anything, prayer helps , probably with the first rays of the sun, the procession of the cross is approaching the monastery of the royal passion-bearers, a holy place for the orthodox, here on the gannet, in shaft number 7, the bodies of members of the royal
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family and four of their servants were thrown, on the spot... place of destruction of the royal family was hiding until 1991, only 7 years later the remains of the romanovs were reburied in the peter and paul fortress in st. petersburg. nicholas ii, his wife alexandra feodorovna and their five children were canonized by the russian orthodox church 24 years ago. they supported each other until the last day, they showed this beauty of relationships, a large, large, friendly family, this is an icon of the family, that’s what you can call it, a family.
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ekaterinburg, ganina yama monastery. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation and reduce. keep blood vessels healthy, attack by credit card debt? i ’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay them off within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. you don’t eat mayonnaise, now i eat it, because i love to cook a brand, i created a new mayonnaise that is pure, without sugar, without vinegar and without starch, it is just as tasty, the mayonnaise
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is profitable! this is a program for... changes in the tax code. the corresponding law was signed by russian president vladimir putin. the innovation will come into force on january 1 next year and will affect citizens with an income of more than 2,400,000 rubles. in year. the same law provides for an increase in corporate income tax from 20 to 25%. and at the same time, it introduces a federal investment deduction, which will reduce the amount of tax in terms of capital
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costs for the development of the company. besides. more than in the previous version of the registry. in general, according to the federal tax service, small medium-sized enterprises make up more than 80% of all legal entities and... as of the end of june, 428 companies were registered in special administrative regions on the russian islands and october, this is almost a third more than it was at the beginning of the year. such data is provided by the news with reference to the ministry of development. special administrative regions will simplify the relocation of foreign companies with
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russian roots to russian jurisdiction. investments of such companies in the russian economy in 2020, the third year, amounted to 85 billion rubles. rub 10.979 million this amount of personal income tax, according to forbes, was paid by leonid mikhelson, a shareholder of the gas company novatek and the chemical manufacturer: sibur holding. he topped the rating of the largest personal income tax payers, which included those who transferred more than a billion rubles to the treasury in quality. income tax, when compiling the rating, the publication used open data, in particular information on dividends paid; in total, there were 22 taxpayers in the rating. well, elisey balta,
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deputy head of the transfer pricing department of the federal tax service of russia, is in touch with us right now . hello. hello, larisa. elisha, in september of this year. in russian the heads of tax administrations of all brix countries will gather in the capital, what kind of meeting will it be and what are its goals? well , the heads of the prix tax services have been meeting for more than 10 years on an annual basis, it began in 2013, when the first meeting of the heads of the brix tax services was held, the main directions were identified there, these are the works, to briefly describe them, this is the exchange of experience and best practices in ... areas of tax control, administration, as well as improving the quality of information exchange for tax purposes. in in cape town in the twenty-third year, it was decided to choose three main directions in which we would move. the first direction is design work. we will focus on three main blocks:
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human resources, tax technologies and data. as part of project work, work groups are expected to exchange in a structured manner. practices, and this exchange will end with the release of guidelines for tax administrations around the world, then the so -called humanitarian agenda, where there will be this is youth, this is the women's agenda, and the most important, probably strategic direction, is the movement towards the creation of a permanent governing body of the brix association, we are constantly in contact with tax service teams from nine tax services. brix countries, we are in constant interaction with them, we have already confirmed the participation of the majority of the delegation, so we are counting on great participation, great involvement, we already see it in the brix agenda of both old and new countries, and we of course we do a lot to
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ensure the involvement of new participants in the brix tax agenda. and the federal tax service of russia is the secretariat of this organization, that is. as i understand it, all this international coordination is on you? well, in reality , there is no permanent secretariat now for the brix tax association, but the rules are such that the tax administration of the country, which presides over the brix, is the temporary secretariat of the brix tax association, and russia is presiding this year, and this means that the federal tax service of russia is the same temporary secretariat, in practice this means that we launched for the first time... this is the project direction, the work of working groups, ah, we are now developing final documents, this will be a cooperation program, which will define the image of the result, the timing of their implementation and etc. literally every week we meet with colleagues from different countries within the framework of working groups, well, i will say that this is
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the most intensive work within the association that has happened in all these years, and we are conducting it as a temporary secretariat, now yes, and russia. as far as i know, he is the leader of working groups, at least three in this organization, what kind of groups are these and what is happening there? four groups have now been formed: the first group is dedicated to the modernization of vat administration systems, if in the broadest sense we describe the program of this working group, then this is the creation of a tax administration maturity model, where we would like to give direction to countries where to move in order to obtain high-quality... data, we are focused on three main blocks: tax control, tax service and exchange
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data, in this group the leaders are the brazilian tax service and the federal tax service of russia, it is obvious that the working group related to digitalization, of course, this is a russian working group, but what about client-centricity, the third group is devoted to issues of client-centricity, three are also highlighted here block, the first direction is the formulation of policy strategies in the field of client-centricity, the second issue is improving the quality of services for taxpayers, the third is generally working with feedback within the tax service, this group is headed by the tax administration of the united arab emirates and the federal tax service of russia, it’s clear, but what’s in the hr group? the fourth group, a group related to work in the area of ​​human resources,
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we want there in detail in the context of all... assistance in setting up tax administration systems in different countries, such projects are now being implemented in kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, just recently we signed a memorandum on interaction with the tax authorities service of vietnam, a similar memorandum is planned to be signed with the cuban colleagues, and in general we see a lot of requests from african countries and middle eastern countries on technical cooperation issues. technical cooperation , we communicate with them on this topic on an ongoing basis. another important area we are involved in is education. this year, we
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successfully implemented an educational project for colleagues from the republic of tajikistan, sharing with them the best practices and innovations in the field of tax administration. and we will scale this project for colleagues from other jurisdictions because there is a demand for
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education. the third story is that we are now exchanging more information about financial accounts with russia, we are participating at the un in the preparation of an international tax treaty, the purpose of which is to better represent the interests of developing countries in the global tax agenda, and of course we plan to continue to develop the areas of the brix tax association, because we we believe that this is a promising direction in the international tax agenda, there are a lot of new contacts, very there are many requests, in fact, we are now developing new directions, creating new institutions, and this is dynamic, interesting
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work in which we are completely immersed. with great interest, of course, we are interested in the experience of other countries, we constantly exchange within the framework of bilateral meetings, communicate with colleagues from the jura, from china, for example, as was the case last year, we are interested in issues of organizational development, issues of approaches to risk analysis, issues building electronic invoicing and vat control systems, so we of course represent mutual
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interest in each other, moreover... the digital ruble platform of the bank of russia showed its efficiency as part of the pilot. investments in orbit, the federation council approved a bill on state private partnership in the space industry, who is ready to invest and how will business share
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risks with the state? heat, especially hot


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