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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the digital ruble platform of the bank of russia showed its efficiency within the pilot; it’s time to move on to a broader platform. and digital currencies are becoming increasingly popular in the world. presidential statement at a meeting on the economy, what else was said and what were the conclusions? investments in orbit, the federation council approved a bill on public-private partnership in the space industry. who is ready to invest and how will business share risks with the state? in twenty-two regions of russia , forest fires are being extinguished, it is especially hot in...
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prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces. the exchange was reported to be in mortal danger. in return, kiev received the same number of its released soldiers returned from ukrainian captivity, where they were through the mediation of the united arab emirates. in the near future, planes will deliver the released military personnel to moscow, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. it is important for russia to develop conditions for digital assets, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on the economy. one of the main topics. issues of using digital
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currencies, today i propose to discuss issues related to the development of digital technologies in the financial sector, and more specifically with the introduction and use of digital currencies and other assets. this is indeed a very dynamic, promising area of ​​the modern economy, which is becoming increasingly in demand from business, investors, and citizens. almost all over the world, such technologies are already beginning to change the usual patterns in trade, in banking, in the service sector, in international payments. it is important for us in russia, as they say, not to miss the moment, to set up the legal system in a timely manner base and regulation, develop infrastructure, create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. we will return to this topic later;
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our economic observers will tell you the details, but for now we will talk about other events. temporary power outages are being introduced in many cities in southern russia, with high-voltage lines overloaded amid abnormal heat. this measure has already affected rostov, on the don, bataysk, and azov. the day before, energy consumption indicators for the first time exceeded winter and amounted to almost 21.00 mw. one of the units of the rostov npp could not withstand such overloads. we will find out what the current situation is from our correspondent valery. kvashi, she is in direct contact with the studio from rostov-on-don. so, valeria, greetings. well, actually, have the shutdowns already begun, because it was reported that they would also affect the energy and water supply? is this true? what does this mean for the city? and yes, what can i say, the zhersovka tests the strength of the rostov region. now even in the shade it’s 38°, in the sun it’s even more than 40, so it’s an escape from the heat whoever can. even the wind doesn’t help, and
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of course, in such weather , split-system air conditioners are used every day, it is clear that the load on the electrical system has increased significantly, and literally 2 hours ago , the governor of the rostov region vasily golubev announced that in the capital of the region, as well as in nearby cities, in bataisky azov , temporary restrictions and consumer shutdowns are being introduced again, this decision... was made by the operator of the unified energy system due to an overload of the high-voltage line, and the governor also informed residents that the system does not allow you to determine in advance where and at what time the lights will be turned off. and let me remind you that the previous evening there were also massive power outages in the rostov region. the reason was a malfunction in the rostov nuclear power plant. in the morning rosenergoatom. reported that the first power unit
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of the npp is connected to the network and is operating at full capacity, the supply to consumers has been restored, and now there is a new heat stroke, and a regional one... the ministry of housing and communal services stated that the outage could affect water supply facilities, including information that some shopping centers and social facilities, including hospitals, were left without electricity, and the governor of the rostov region also said that they would restore the power grid only after the situation in the region normalizes, studio, yeah. yes, valeria, thank you, our correspondent, valeria kvasha, was in direct contact with the studio, she is monitoring the situation. so, the heat in southern russia has reached its peak. let's talk more about the weather with tatyana belova. tatiana, greetings. so, in which regions have already updated temperature records? what is happening there? in the zone
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of extreme overheating, the entire south of russia in the kuban, stavropol and crimea, record overheating. in conditions of extreme overheating, new fires appear in the south of russia, in the red spring, smoke stands over a burning landfill, eyewitnesses report a new fire in the crimea near the villages of dobroye, azarechnoye and perevalnoye. only recently did information appear about the elimination of open burning at the site of a large landscape fire in the vicinity of the crimean kokhtebel, for the first time, the first reports of a fire were received on july 16 it took almost a day to localize the outbreak. the open burning at the site of the incident in kaktybeli has been eliminated. the area of ​​the fire remained unchanged (40 hectares) and was prevented. for the spread of the fire, all conditions for extinguishing have been created, and the area is being watered. here is the temperature in the cities of southern russia at noon; the hottest point was gelendzhik, where the air heated up to 38.6. krasnodar was only 1. short of +38,
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almost the same in kamensk, shakhsinsky, rostov region, 37.5 in simferopol + 37 in mineral waters, in the capital republic of crimea, as well. and mineral waters, daily maximums were updated, judging by the following frames, in the south, in the heat , cars began to light up from the inside, in this case, the role of the lens was played by a suction cup-plastic mount for gadgets ; the glass plastic began to melt, and then caught fire. extreme heat will continue as long as the influence of a broad, stable anticyclone persists. the high pressure area occupies the entire european part of the country and the urals. the influx of heat is enhanced by the surrounding atlantic cyclone. scandinavia, it is he, who will help ease the heat. the whirlwind will be able to overcome the resistance of the anticyclone, the clouds will gradually increase, and then the rains will come. light precipitation will occur in the northeast of the russian plain, in the caucasus in the westernmost regions. there will be little precipitation, but
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the temperature will gradually drop. but residents of southern russia and vacationers will have to spend several more days in extreme conditions. in yals, let me remind you, the temperature is at dawn. about 31°, and already in the morning the thermometers showed +37.1. the coming night will bring again, will not bring coolness, the minimum temperature will again be close to 30°. the next two days will be spent in the same conditions of extreme heat. in moscow it is already +29, in the daytime it will reach +31, on thursday the fields of cumulus clouds of the atmospheric front will reach the capital. the rains will linger in the megalopolis on friday, for a total of two days for the city.
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men and equipment, so units of the southern group of forces destroyed three enemy armored vehicles, fighters of the west group knocked out an american armored personnel carrier, m-113 and 12 vehicles, and thanks to the actions of the group the center of the armed forces of ukraine was lost another bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the state will retain rocket production, and private companies will be able to organize space services and create orbital constellations of satellites, as is already being done in other countries. this was stated by the head of roscosmos yuri borisov. today, the federation council, following the state duma, approved a bill on state private partnership in the space industry. it is expected that roscosmos' extra-budgetary revenue will increase in the next 5 years by almost 50%. how the state and business will interact, that’s what yuri himself says borisov said in an interview with our channel. we
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took the path to monetize space services on behalf of our president, this path has been tested and the effectiveness of this path has been proven all over the world, and the attraction of private capital and private ones. the company's commitment to the formation of space constellations, and thereby providing the growing demand for space services, is more fully satisfied, which is why the adoption of this law. opens the way for the organization of a truly private public partnership, for the signing of constitutional agreements, thus the burden on the federal budget will most certainly be reduced, risks will be divided between business and the state, and i think that it should have a very positive impact on the development of the entire space industry in russia. the kremlin today commented on us presidential candidate donald trump's statement about a possible withdrawal.
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ozho for distribution among participating states more.
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for which they provided specific photo and video evidence of evidence, including captured ammunition with toxic chemical filling, all of this, of course, basically western-made ammunition. the conclusion of specialized laboratories in this regard clearly demonstrated the preparation and results of attacks by ukrainian neo-nazis, including against the civilian population of civil infrastructure, during the course that ended last week...
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there are 15 states in the un security council, but when the month of russia’s chairmanship begins
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, attention to the opinion permanent member of the security council, of course , minister sergei lavrov personally flew to new york to convey to his colleagues moscow’s opinion on the most important world issues problems. sergei lavrov leads the delegation when it comes to issues crucial for the states of the world for the next meeting of the un security council; russia proposed the topic of creating a more just and democratic one. washington has not changed for decades, all schemes, all without exception schemes
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of euro-atlantic security, were based on ensuring the dominance of the united states, including the subordination of europe and the containment of russia. it is in this attitude towards the vital interests of other states that sergei lavrov sees the origins of the ukrainian conflict, again in this room it is necessary to explain why russia was forced to launch a special military operation when poroshenko, and then. banned the ukrainian orthodox church, no one in the west noticed this, did not demand from their wards in kiev to maintain decency, not to violate international conventions on the rights of national minorities, and the very constitution of ukraine, which requires respect for these rights. it is to eliminate threats to russia’s security and protect people,
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who feel themselves to be part of russian culture and have lived on the lands for centuries. orban, budapest clearly understands that the strategy of ukraine’s western allies is failing. if we take the supply of weapons to kiev or the sanctions imposed, we will see that the situation on the battlefield is still not the same as the united states and its allies hoped, and since there is no military solution, then negotiations are needed. lavov’s next guest himself
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asked for a meeting. this is swiss foreign minister ignazio cassis. the alpine country has long been trying to become something. intermediary between russia and ukraine, although moscow has repeatedly declared its neutral status, switzerland could not maintain it. and now cassis left without talking to reporters. following the death of iran's previous foreign minister in a plane crash, the position is now filled temporarily by ali bagheriri of kenya. at the end of july , the elected president of the islamic republic will take office, having already stated that all agreements with russia remain in force. at the inauguration our country will be represented by the chairman of the state duma, i hope, immediately after then we will start working without delay. the ministers also discussed bilateral relations and the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone. we also discussed the genocide that the zionist regime is currently carrying out in the gas sector. we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to stop these atrocities.
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tomorrow's meeting of the council of ministers will be devoted to the situation in the middle east. in anticipation of it, sergei lavrov held meetings with colleagues. and bahrain. alexey glovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan utkin and aleftina sorokina. news from the un, new york. new tensions in relations between beijing and washington. china has suspended consultations with the united states on arms control, the chinese foreign ministry reported. they clarified that the reason was the actions of washington, which sells weapons to the administration of taiwan. beijing called on the us to respect china's core interests and said only the states can create the conditions necessary to resume dialogue and consultation. jans stoltenberg appointed nato's chief representative in ukraine, as stated in the declaration washington summit. the top coordinator for arms supplies to kiev was the former zamgen seko for military policy, patrick turner, under whom the american company in afghanistan ended. this is how it follows from the appointment statement that turner will begin his duties in kiev in september 2024. the document clarifies what is expected from the chief representative not only
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of coordinating nato actions, but of assessing the situation in ukraine, as well as recommendations on what to do next. i wonder what he... will recommend. now the usa. if biden doesn't will drop out of the race, the democrats will lose, congressman adam schiff said at a closed meeting. if biden loses the election, the democratic party will lose the senate and will not be able to regain the house of representatives, the american press writes about this. disputes about future foreign policy are becoming increasingly fierce. there has already been talk about relations with russia after ukraine. maria skorodilko will tell you the details. thunder, lightning, heavy downpours , 10 tornadoes hit chicago at once, and this weather apocalypse is compared to atmosphere in the country, the election race is in full swing, there are many problems. under biden , crime is flourishing, he calls it a success. after becoming president, biden opened the borders and thousands of terrorists poured into the united states. one question,
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how many people came to our country? nobody seems to know. democrats are against it.
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ukraine openly says that it is not his interest, and
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he even voted against the bill on its financing. vance believes that the threat to the united states is not russia at all. china's international policies create barriers and increase people's poverty. china is a threat to us. american the media change their shoes in the air. write washington and allies should take advantage of the peacekeeping process on ukraine as an opportunity to resume dialogue with moscow, and taking into account russia’s historical claims regarding nato expansion, as an integral part of ending the conflict, can lead not only to a cessation of hostilities, but to a more stable and long-term balance forces in europe, the articles say, the main lobbyists of the ukrainian conflict have already fallen under the electoral skating rink, a new york court found heavyweight senator bob menendez guilty of corruption gold bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from egypt, he took bribes for many years, but menendez’s arrest came at a time when us relations with cairo deteriorated, and egypt came to
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brix, the rhetoric of american politicians is pushing the us towards civil war, the press argues, there are 4 months before the elections, and the dialogue between the two americas looks exactly like this from the point of view of the newspapers: solid bullets instead of words. maria skorodilka, news. go to wider. full-scale implementation of the digital ruble. this task was set by vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues, which was held via videoconference. maria filippova has details. so, maria, greetings, well, the digital ruble is already being tested in pilot mode, and what are the results? greetings, indeed, we have performed more than 30,000 operations, more on that later. the demand for the use of digital technologies in the economy today is becoming wider. in particular, from the business side of investors, the president emphasizes. also in the new products that have been made.
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in the future should be accessible to everyone, this digital ruble, it is already being used in test mode. transfers and settlements using the ruble in the new format are carried out by 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22 legal entities. it is planned that russians will be able to pay with the new digital currency from 2025. all digital rubles will be issued by the central bank on a special platform. this is not a replacement for regular money, but a convenient alternative form of payment. i'll start with the pilot project, which... was launched by the central bank in august last year. we are talking about a test, trial use of the digital ruble. essentially this is
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another form of our national currency . its peculiarity is that citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with. one digital ruble is equivalent to one cash or non-cash ruble.
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each such ruble is a unique digital code, blockchain technology is used, and it is also used by the creators of cryptocurrency. they also spoke at the meeting, more precisely about the problems around the extraction of these digital funds or mining. the key issue is energy consumption. according to calculations by the ministry of energy, mining in russia annually consumes 16 billion kilowatt-hours, which is almost equal to one and a half percent of the total electricity consumption in the country. the consequences can be quite significant. an uncontrolled increase in electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining can lead to a power shortage in certain regions; this has already been noted in the irkutsk region, buryat, and trans-baikal territory. the issue is, in fact, acute and fraught with serious consequences for the enterprise, housing and communal services systems, and specific cities and towns. colleagues from the regions speak directly about my concerns in this regard, i agree with...
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obviously, if there is no free power, if it is chosen by the so-called mining farms, then new enterprises, residential areas, social facilities will simply face supply interruptions, a shortage of electricity, and promising investment and infrastructure projects will be put on pause. according to vladimir putin, it is necessary to make the necessary decisions, including at the level of federal law. the questions relate in particular to: it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, take russian digital solutions to new
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heights. there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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now economic news, briefly. eu authorities have allowed to resume the conversion of depositary receipts into shares of russian companies. we are talking about papers that are blocked in the accounts of the national settlement depository, statements write about this. this decision was made to withdraw european investment from russia. the relaxation will only apply to eu citizens or residents. after february 22, unfriendly exchanges suspended trading in receipts, and in russia domestic issuers were obliged to convert them into shares. in russia, at the end of june, 148,000 car loans were issued, which is 74% more than last year’s volumes. however, in monthly terms the number of loans decreased. this data is provided by the national credit history bureau. in monetary terms they issued 217 billion rubles.


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