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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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in paris, anna dalbo personally went to swim in the seine, all to prove that the river was suitable for olympic swimming. rescuers on boats and journalists were on duty. what else do the french authorities go to for the sake of good pr against the backdrop of political turbulence? well, right now we will discuss the latest events related to the election race in the united states with deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev. he is in direct contact with the studio, konstantin losevich, hello, and first of all, here is the assassination attempt on donald trump, judging by the latest polls, it added political points to him, in your opinion, is this a long-term effect, and has anything changed in the election race since last saturday? well, it is clear that in the short term a lot has changed, the rhetoric has changed, it is obvious that at the emotional level trump is now collecting a very big deal. the number of additional sympathies
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of possible potential votes, but from my point of view, the actual assassination attempt, god forbid that it turns out to be the only one, will still not be the determining factor that will to play some role in the elections themselves, in voting, the determining factor will still be the attitude of americans with the right to vote to what was happening to their country. with the united states of america in the last 4 years, the years of biden's presidency, i will remind you that 4 years ago biden won, how clean is another question, but nevertheless he won by denying everything that happened to america in the 4 years of his presidency that preceded it trump, not everyone liked trump for his extravagance; he scared, and biden did it quite skillfully.
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played, now trump is very skillfully playing on what people don’t like about the events of the last four years of biden’s presidency, because, frankly, there is nothing to be happy about, all biden’s slogans, uh, are about returning to a certain status quo familiar to americans, when america was the only country in the world, a superpower, a world leader, on whom everything depended, all these promises.
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election than the assassination attempt on presidential candidate trump. actually, it’s interesting that both camps, republicans and democrats on the one hand, after the assassination attempt on trump , call on people for calm and unity, but at the same time, the police in melook shoot at a suspicious person who was a couple of kilometers from the place where the republican convention was held. the secret service does not rule out new attempts on trump's life. and, by the way, trump’s security was reinforced by the anti-assault group with drones and dogs.”
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his reputation, well, approximately, maybe these are completely different categories, but in the same way the american authorities are disgracing our country, russia, already hanging on us absolutely monstrous epithets and attributing to us absolutely monstrous intentions that are not in the name, the same thing happened on another level, with trump there was an atmosphere of hatred, obviously, trump, of course, did not remain in debt, because he has a sharp tongue, he... doesn’t go into his pockets for words, and his palette of epithets is no narrower than that of the current authorities, so yes, emotions are inflated to the limit, people have already stopped paying attention to substantive arguments, disputes, political disputes - is carried out at the level, say so, shouting, and not calm conversations, i would add one more point to this, taking into account the well-known state - president
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biden, from my point of view, in the elections, strictly speaking, the conversation will not be about who is for trump, who is for biden, the conversation will be about who is for trump and who is against. trump, and those who will vote for biden will not actually vote for biden, they will vote against trump, in any case it is bad for the usa, it is bad for the democratic system, it is bad for political system in the united states, which is unable, probably not for the first time, to generate a real choice, real alternatives, between which people can reflect, ultimately settle on this or that candidate, for and against, and no, all this now revolves around trump’s candidacy, from my point of view, if his chances are assessed as preferable, it is not because he is better, but because what i repeat once again
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has happened to the united states of america in recent years is definitely worse, and for for the united states of america and for the entire world around us, the americans have failed with their policies. claims to world hegemony, they are obviously failing in their economic policy, as a result of their social policy, the united states of america is in a fever, and the only thing that can be taken from this situation, what is called good, is that the world, fortunately over the past few years, has become very seriously weakened its dependence on what is happening in the united states of america, let's remember how 10 and even more so 20 years back everyone is practically at peace with their hearts skipping a beat. we were watching how the presidential elections in the united states would end, now there is no such thing, there will definitely be some choice in the united states of america, but it will not be some kind of turning point in the destinies of the world, and this, from my point of view, is good news, the world is gradually starting
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to live, regardless of what is happening in the united states of america, well, the world is indeed becoming more multipolar, but nevertheless, if we speak to the company. usa trump has decided on his second number, jade, senator tagay, became the vice-presidential candidate; many also call him trump 2:0. in general, what does this choice mean ? we remember, yes, that vensi publicly criticized us aid packages to ukraine , insisted on negotiations with russia, such a candidacy for vice president, why is trump taking this step, this is a definite challenge, well, not everyone doubt is a challenge, but trump wouldn't be trump if he didn't learn from the situation.
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against the backdrop of this distracting figure, of course, trump will look a little more moderately, because of this, probably to win more votes among those who have not yet made a choice, so this is a purely political technology step, it remains to be seen how trump and vance will behave after this or in
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the event of that scenario when they win these elections, there will probably be much more moderation in their practical actions, and we, by the way, observed this in... the example of trump’s first presidential term, so i wouldn’t pay too much attention now to the statement, either from trump or from vence, the previous ones, those that will follow, that's all this will be said within the framework of the election rhetoric, but we will judge, we will be judged by deeds, well, let’s now move to the democrats’ camp, biden has already made statements that he is ready to leave the race only if health problems are really revealed. in general, there is a large bench of spares for this thermal rocket, as you said, how will they react now? well, you know, about a month ago i was sure that a very strong candidate for the position
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of vice president would be found for biden, everyone would be given to understand maybe not explicitly, not directly, but there will be such a bold hint that look, no matter what happens to biden with... with the country, with the government, nothing will happen, because according to the constitution, god forbid, biden leaves for one reason or another, there is a ready-made leader of the nation, you can evaluate him now. to be honest, i considered this scenario the most likely from the point of view of organizing biden’s election campaign, time passes, nothing happens, there is no strong figure, ala j.d. vance, in the camp of the democrats appears, from my point of view this means that they are doing poorly with reserve figures, they cannot find anyone to replace biden, they cannot find anyone to reinforce biden. in the format of vice-presidential candidates, and this does not mean that they
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do not have strong figures, it means that the democratic party is very much divided, each of the influence groups within the democratic party has its own or its own very strong candidates, they do not dare to go forward, because they understand that this will be the most severe behind-the-scenes fight, which will probably tear the democratic party apart from within before... the party's nominee even gets to november voting day. here's my version of what's happening. the democratic party is in a deep crisis, and i don’t see, frankly speaking, practically any chance for the democratic party to get out of this crisis in the time remaining until voting day. yes, but the main thing is that the world is really becoming much more multipolar, what we talked about today. thank you konstantin osich, let me remind you that we... we talked with deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev. the pain can
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returned from ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger, in return kiev received the same amount. taxes in the financial sector, and more specifically with the introduction and use of digital currencies and other assets. this is truly a very dynamic, promising area of ​​the modern economy, which is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, citizens, almost all over the world. such technologies are already beginning to change
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the usual patterns in trade, banking and the service sector. in international payments, we in russia, it is important, as they say, not to miss the moment, to set up the legal framework and regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. the armed forces of ukraine lost almost 2.0 militants, military equipment, and several more weapons and ammunition depots over the past 24 hours. our troop groups are successful. repelling the attacks of ukrainian attack aircraft, occupying increasingly advantageous positions. denis collected all the latest information about the progress of the special operation alekseev. mercenaries, officers and ordinary militants of the ukrainian armed forces. in total there are more than 160 people, this is the loss of the ukrainian army only after one high-precision strike from our side. russian rocket scientists from the iskander complex worked at a training ground in the kharkov region.
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personnel were transported there by buses for training. our scouts from the drone. we saw the barracks where the vsushnikov formations were based, in the end the goal of the strike was achieved, these frames show the moment of the destruction of the american howitzer tsm37, the combat crew hindered the advance of the russian groups with indiscriminate fire, covering our positions, but this did not last long, after an accurate strike, the installation burned down along with the ammunition and personnel, the group’s subdivision to the west continued to occupy more advantageous lines of the position, it was defeated by formation 44, 115, mechanized in the areas of senkovka, beristovo, brigades and the first brigade of the national guard stelemakhovka and chervono-debrava. a counterattack by the assault group 110 of the territorial defense brigade was repelled. the enemy lost up to 650 troops. southern group continues to advance in the eastern part of chasofyar, the attack aircraft are supported by artillery. the ukrainian armed forces suffered major losses in konstantinovka and krasnoye, over 600 militants,
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and just to the south on the neighboring front, the center group already defeated the kiev formations. near toretsk, there the ukrainian defense begins to show an impressive crack, and the morale in the positions noticeably drops. the military personnel are again complaining about the lack of soldiers, and are trying to justify their failures by the lack of shells, they say that the west may be supplying them for now, but it’s not the same, the quality is poor lame, inferior to the russian one. to be precise, these 152mm western shells just arrived at the front are surprisingly less effective than soviet-designed shells, they assure. soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine in the lci commentary, the area of ​​​​responsibility of the north group is volchansk and its environs there. the armed forces of ukraine are slowly moving back, holding positions is more and more difficult, it’s not even possible to send in reinforcements every other time, but whenever necessary, our pilots completely destroyed the southern bridge, for example, along which ukrainian armed forces infantry had the ability to cross the volchie river,
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now only by swimming, comments on these shots seem to be unnecessary under the cover of darkness of a heavy flamethrower... it can be built using house kits or... a standard project, in general, standard solutions for the construction of residential and non-residential facilities already exist , there is a corresponding register of projects that have been verified by the head of the state expertise of russia. according to
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its principle, exactly as it is already implemented today in the construction of apartment buildings, funds citizens will be placed in a special escrow account at the bank. this money will remain there until construction is completed and the facility is registered, and the contracting organization , either at its own expense or... at the expense of raised funds , will receive financing and build accordingly. in addition, iskrow’s account will be insured for up to 10 million rubles. the initiative is under the jurisdiction of the ministry of construction, it is being implemented on behalf of the president, together with colleagues from the state duma, the federation council, the banking community and contractors. undoubtedly, the introduction of hidden accounts will have a positive impact on formation. confidence in individual housing construction, which will increase demand, the introduction of isrrow accounts will have a positive impact on the individual housing construction market in
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terms of development and market transparency , isrrow accounts form a new stage in individual housing construction. the number of people in the us democratic party is growing. dissatisfied with president joe biden, many are upset by the fact that the speech of the head the state becomes more and more incomprehensible, as a result it becomes impossible to understand what exactly the owner of the white house means. during one of biden's last speeches, many clearly heard in his words gloating about the assassination attempt on donald trump. anna voronina looked into what the american president really meant. the game of who joe greets is no longer in fashion. now there is a new trend on the internet. what did he say anyway? what he says? even my subtitles mumble. he looks like one of the presidents from the disney cartoons, but his speech is distorted and makes no sense. what happens to the sound? i don't understand anything
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he's saying. the reason was this address by joe biden from the podium in las vegas, and to understand what exactly the president is saying regarding the fact that trump was non-fatally wounded, the word regret, expressing regret, or grateful, is a new mystery for americans. the controversy over the pronunciation of the american president was not a joke, because even the day before they were talking about reducing the belligerent rhetoric between democrats and republicans after assassination attempts, now they seem ready to flare up with renewed vigor because of one word. i listened to it several times and he actually said, “we are grateful.” it's slurred, like he's drunk as always, but wanting to hear what you think he said doesn't change what he actually said. i can't stand this man, but don't act like a democrat. when they make false accusations against trump. i'm not acting like it, i'm sharing a video of him performing. and i, as everyone in my house heard regret. you heard what you heard. if he
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really chewed, we are grateful in one word, we are sorry, then he should learn to pronounce the words clearly, especially when it comes to something so deadly serious. against this background, users again raised the question of joe biden’s physical and mental condition, and what it would be nice for the democrats to pick up. another party candidate for the upcoming presidential race, to which biden replied: only doctors can take him out of the race. only if there was some disease that would worried someone, if the doctors came to me and said: you have this problem and that problem. yes, i made a serious mistake in the debate, but frankly, i think the only thing that age brings is a little wisdom, and i think i demonstrated that. however, his opponent doubts this. in an interview with bloomberg, donald trump called biden stupid, not because of his age, but because of his actions, including in foreign policy. 3 and a half
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years ago we allowed the worst that could happen, we allowed it because biden is a stupid man, he forced russia and china into marriage, they got married, then they accepted his little cousin, iran, into the family, and then they accepted north korea, trump also agreed that in the event of a peace settlement in ukraine with russia it was good would lift the sanctions, however, omitting the fact that the united states will also benefit from this, as the kremlin reminded. we consider these sanctions a, illegitimate from the point of view of international law, b, undermining the foundation of international trade and international economic relations, and we also believe that sanctions have. the acute nature of the attack causes damage not only to those to whom they are introduced, but also to those who introduce them. the american media are confident that if trump wins, a major shift in foreign policy
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is inevitable. allegedly, instead of russia , china and iran will be named as the main threat, it seems that the ground is being prepared for this, as the politician writes with reference to high-ranking american officials, us intelligence does not rule out a new attempt on trump in the near future , attacks are expected with the assistance of tehran. anna voronina, matvey popov, news.
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who are you? i am a traveler, an aeronaut. ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception and without flint, whether i was imprisoned in the fires, pen, self-written magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give it to me horse, mechanical, but...
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beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint , he doesn't need a pen, he whoever has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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well, now about the weather, the heat in the south of russia has reached its peak, at the same time, residents of the regions of the center of the country are warning about rain and a drop in temperature. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobas center vadim zavodchenkov. so, vadim, greetings, is there any hope that the showers will wash away the heat from the south of russia. good evening, alas,
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no, it may rain. authorities in the rostov region of krasnodar warned of new temporary power outages to avoid overloading the power grid. the lights went out in some shopping centers. earlier , the country's ministry of energy reported that in hot conditions, energy consumption exceeded winter highs for the first time in history. yesterday, in fact, with us. a situation came when the power system of the south for the first time in its entire existence, the summer maximum consumption exceeded the traditional winter maximum, that is, this indicates that now the energy system is at its maximum capabilities, and of course we are trying to help it by minimizing the volume of technological work that traditionally...


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