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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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the funds of russians during the construction of a house will now be protected; at a plenary meeting of the federation council, laws were adopted regulating the attraction of citizens' money for the construction of individual houses using panels and scroos. this system is already actively used in the construction of apartment buildings, but now we are talking about the so-called individual housing construction. you can build using house kits or a standard project. in general, standard solutions for construction. residential and non-residential facilities
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already exist, there are the corresponding register of projects that have been verified by the heads of the russian state expertise. according to its principle, exactly as it is already implemented today during the construction of apartment buildings, the citizen’s funds will be placed in a special escrow account in the bank, this money will remain there until the completion of construction and registration of the facility, and the contractor will either use it at his own expense. , or at the expense of funds raised for the corresponding scrooge of money. will receive funding and be built. in addition, the bill from the crow will be insured up to 10 million rubles. the initiative is under the responsibility of the ministry of construction and is being implemented on behalf of the president, together with colleagues from the state duma, the federation council, the banking community and contractors. undoubtedly, the introduction of hidden accounts will have a positive impact on building confidence in individual housing construction, which will increase demand.
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exceeded 41.5%, according to the central bank materials. as for the export of russian goods, there are also record numbers. for the first time, more than half of payments from asia were made in currencies friendly countries. europeans began to more often pay for russian supplies in rubles. the share of such transactions is almost 63%, and this is also a record. eu authorities have allowed to resume the conversion of depositary receipts into shares of russian companies. we are talking about papers. which are blocked in the accounts
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of the national settlement depositary, statements write about this. this decision was made to withdraw european investments from russia. the relaxation will only apply to eu citizens or residents. after february twenty-second , unfriendly exchanges suspended trading in receipts, russia obliged domestic issuers to convert them into shares. in russia, at the end of june, 148,000 car loans were issued, which is 74% more than last year’s volumes. however, on a monthly basis, the number of loans decreased, according to the national credit bureau. in monetary terms, they were issued for 217 billion rubles. most of all in moscow and the region, as well as in tatarstan. at the end of may, the average size of a car loan increased to 1,420,000 rubles. and russia reduced purchases of european goods by 2.2 times guilt. in may, deliveries dropped to almost 9,000 tons. this is the minimum since february 2015.
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reports with reference to eurostat. spain reduced exports more than others by seven times, and supplies from germany and lithuania fell four times. experts say the reason is the increase in import duties on wine from unfriendly countries. they were raised from 12.5 to 20%. it was economic news. short. jens stoltenberg has appointed nato's chief representative in ukraine. as it was actually spelled out in the declaration of the washington summit. topkoor. kyiv in september this year. the document clarifies that the chief representative is expected not only to coordinate nato’s actions, but also to assess the situation in ukraine, as well as recommendations on what to do next. i'm curious what he will recommend. there are more and more people in the us democratic party.
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free by president joe biden, many are upset by the fact that the head of state’s speech is becoming increasingly slurred and, as a result , it is impossible to understand what exactly the owner of the white house means. during one of the last performances. gratitude, a new mystery for americans.
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the controversy over the pronunciation of the american president flared up in earnest, because even the day before there was talk of reducing the belligerent rhetoric between democrats and republicans after the assassination attempt. now they seem ready to burst into flames. new strength because of one word. i listened to it several times and he actually said, “we are grateful.” it's slurred, like he's as drunk as ever, but wanting to hear what you think he said doesn't change what he said. in fact. i can't stand this man, but don't act like democrats when they make false accusations about trump. i'm not acting like it, i'm sharing a video of him performing. and i, like everyone else in my house, heard i’m sorry. you heard what you heard. if he really chewed it. thankfully in one word i'm sorry, then he should learn to pronounce the words clearly, especially when it comes to something so deadly serious. against this background , users again raised the question of joe biden’s physical condition, about mental, and that it would be nice for democrats to choose another candidate from the party for
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the upcoming presidential race, to which biden replied: only doctors can take him out of the race. only if there was some kind of disease that would bother me. what could have happened, we allowed this to happen because biden is a stupid person, he forced russia and china into marriage, they got married, then they accepted their little cousin iran into the family, and then they accepted north korea, they don't need anyone else, they
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no one else is needed. trump also agreed that in the event of a peaceful settlement in ukraine with russia , it would be good to lift sanctions, however, omitting the fact that the united states. china and iran will be identified as russia's main threat. it seems that the ground is being prepared for this, as the politician writes with reference to high-ranking american officials; us intelligence does not rule out a new attempt on trump’s life; attacks are expected in the near future with the assistance of tehran. anna voronina, matvey
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popov, news. the united states could be stripped of its right to host two olympic games. twenty-eighth and thirty-four . this will happen if the american anti-doping organization is not recognized. the wada has a corresponding code, said former world anti-doping agency president richard pound. the reason is the rotchenkov act, adopted 4 years ago, which uses the united states to investigate the positive results of doping tests of twenty-three chinese swimmers. the rotchenkov act applies to all competitions held in accordance with the rules of the organization and provides for the possibility of prosecution by the united states any person in the world if he is involved in a doping conspiracy at competitions involving american athletes. well, let me remind you, the summer olympics are 28. well , there is a little more than a week left before the opening of the olympics in france, there are already a lot of scandals around the games, from insufficient security measures to dirty water in the village,
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that the authorities of paris are diligently trying to convince the entire world community, how natalya goncharova will tell. parisians couldn't miss such a performance on the shore seine. loud exclamations, camera flashes and a smile from the mayor of paris, anygo. wearing a wetsuit , she jumped into the river to prove that the water was suitable for competition. sydalgo's hundred-meter swim was shared by her entourage, the deputy mayor, the chairman of the organizing committee of the olympics and the prefect of the paris region. french journalists wondered for a long time whether the league would be in the same full outfit as the minister of sports, which she decided to organize.
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microbiologists absolutely disagree. yesterday in france they published research data that the water is suitable for swimming, but they no one believed it. experts are confident that even if the number of pathogenic bacteria in the river has now been reduced, nothing has changed globally. any rain and dirt from all over paris will flow back into the seine through the storm drain. the problems are mostly related to intestinal viruses, which can lead to gastroenteritis. certain types of bacteria can also cause ear infections and skin problems.
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french police also complain about dirt and unsanitary conditions. earlier, on the eve of the olympics, the number of law enforcement officers in the capital was increased. authorities fear terrorist attacks. the gendarmes transferred to paris were placed in a dormitory with cockroaches, rodents in refrigerators and non-functioning sewage systems. the police refuse to work in such conditions. we very quickly realized that many of the premises were simply unsuitable for habitation, they were completely unsanitary, and we demanded relocation. and on social networks they are discussing the participants in the olympic torch relay. torchbearers are always a symbol of the country, an open message to the whole world. usually it is carried by olympic champions, outstanding talented people who deserve this right. for the french , arthur reynaud, a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation, joined the honorary mission. carrying the olympic flame is a great pride, it is an opportunity to perform
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in front of the whole world, the opportunity to carry the flame is a reason to be proud of your sexuality, and showing yourself to the world is very important, so i will carry the olympic flame not only as drak queen, but also as arthur, young gay. security concerns, transgender people carrying the olympic flame, unsanitary conditions in security buildings, but french journalists, despite this, see danger in their friend. writes quite seriously that the main threat to the olympics is russian hackers. according to their version, they will certainly disrupt the games. some nameless experts told the publication about this. natalya goncharova, lead. elon musk said his company spacex will move its headquarters from california to texas. the reason was the actions of the californian authorities, they passed a law according to which local schools were prohibited from informing parents about the child’s decision to change gender. called the law the last straw, clarified that a year ago he warned california governor newsom that such
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legislative initiatives would force many families who want to protect their children to leave the state. the federation council approved the bill on public-private partnership in space, what this will mean for the industry and what else the senators discussed, dmitry morocco has all the details. the approved bill will allow roscosmos to enter into contracts with private companies for... the development of spacecraft, the creation of infrastructure and the implementation of other projects, according to the head of the state corporation, yuri borisov, this will, firstly, reduce the burden on the budget and, secondly, share risks between the state and business. the path to monetization of space services, which we took on the instructions of the president, opens up a real opportunity to attract private capital and private companies to such an important science-intensive space. the law, which was adopted at the initiative of senators, will indeed give a new
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dynamic to attracting private companies and private capital, thereby reducing the burden on the budget, sharing risks, adoption of the law it is long overdue, today the participation of business in space projects is already a world practice, noted chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. according to her, this will attract private investment into the industry, which will only benefit its development. development of space projects, business is interested in this if a normal business scheme is built, on the principles of public-private partnership, on the principles of concession, and the federation council also considered a large block of issues devoted to the fight against illegal financial transactions. since the beginning of the year , scammers have stolen about 4 billion
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rubles from citizens, while in 5 months banks have prevented the transfer of about 300 to the shadow sector. against the backdrop of a decrease in the availability of bank loans, providers of loans secured by real estate vehicles have become more active. over the past year, at the request of the prosecutor's office, more than 3,000 resources with information about issuing loans were blocked, bypassing the current procedure. in terms of work to suppress the activities of financial pyramids using materials of the service, together with law enforcement agencies , several dozen such organizations were liquidated over the course of a year and a half. the federation council also considered the issue of raising funds from citizens for the construction of individual houses through skru accounts. this mechanism will provide people with financial protection and provide new opportunities for the development of the housing market. the same system is already successfully used in the construction of apartment buildings. dmitry moroka, andrey ganykin, semyon shabchenko,
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lead. now about the situation at the front. on fighters of the vostok group of forces destroyed the southern donetsk direction. self-propelled apu unit. bili lancet is a drone with unique characteristics. part of the combat work is performed by artificial intelligence. our military correspondent sergei samokha saw it in action. the ukrainian self-propelled gun bogdan, an analogue of the french caesar gun, leaves the forest. the crew does not know that they have already been captured by a russian reconnaissance drone. without having time to shoot the enemy vehicle, our artillerymen immobilize it. and at this time, a loitering fighter flies out to destroy the target lancet ammunition, primorsky compound.
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the repeater was jammed, and artificial intelligence brings everything to the very end; among other things, this high-precision weapon is invisible to the enemy. the enemy sees the loitering ammunition only on approach, due to the fact that the landset is made of composite materials, it is not visible to enemy radars, and the electric power plant does not allow enemy manpads to target it, if you are broadcasting from the un security council right now. i don’t understand, please tell me more clearly, more clearly, more clearly, otherwise i won’t i understand, someone alone, tell me clearly what you want? you do not want? okay, the middle east region is facing unprecedented risks to the security,
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well-being and peaceful life of its people. waves of violence spill far beyond the zone.
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israel's application for membership in the un is subject to, i emphasize this, conditional on the implementation of general assembly resolution 181-194 on the partition plan for palestine and the rules for palestinian refugees to return, this was clearly stated when we voted for israel's admission to the un, and also today we we support the entry of palestine into our organization, and i note that... the sovereignty of palestine as a state has already been recognized by almost 150 countries that are members of the un, we defend it based on the norms of international law. position within various international formats, the settlement of the palestinian-israeli and broader middle east conflict. we proceed from the imperative of implementing un decisions, including
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the mentioned first resolutions of the general assembly and key security council resolutions 242 and 338 adopted after the end of the six day war and the yom kippur war , as well as 478 and 497. on the status of jerusalem and the dutch heights. we attach particular importance to dialogue with arab countries and their neighbors, iran and turkey. from the very beginning , the constructive potential put forward by saudi arabia in the 2002 arab peace initiative was highly appreciated. at the same time, as you know, we respected the decision of a number of arab states to normalize relations with israel even before the settlement.
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soglenie, the balfour declaration and the so -called white paper, laid mines delayed action, which continues to explode to this day. the situation is aggravated by the new geopolitical experiments of the west; we are convinced that the countries of the region themselves, without outside interference, must determine their path to strengthening sovereignty and independence, social and economic development for the benefit of their peoples. this will ... liberate the enormous global, historical, civilizational, religious, cultural significance of the middle east and north africa in
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the interests of peace and stability. today the most acute and urgent problem is, of course, palestinian. this is the fourth time in 10 months that the security council has met with ministerial invitations, and four resolutions have been adopted, but they are still ongoing. the bloodshed in the occupied palestinian territories confirms that all these decisions remained on paper. russia consistently opposes terrorism in all its manifestations. we unequivocally condemned the terrorist attack against israel on october 7 last year. however, what is happening now in gaza is unacceptable collective punishment civilian population. almost 300 days. the military cleansing of the sector of the most densely populated place on the planet, which has been called an open -air prison for many years, continues; the result of the large-scale military
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operation that israel is waging together with its american allies has become a terrifying statistics of victims of destruction: in 300 days, in 10 months, let's say so, in 10 months, almost 40 thousand... dead and 90 thousand wounded palestinian civilians, most of whom are children and women, this is twice more than the number of civilian casualties on both sides in 10 years of conflict in south-east ukraine, 10 months produced twice as many civilian casualties as 10 years of conflict in ukraine in...
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this is the largest, one-time loss for the un in modern times stories. many humanitarian workers were killed along with their families. we express our condolences to the relatives and colleagues of the victims. on may 7, an operation was launched to clear rafah, the last refuge for... one and a half million palestinians who fled here from all over gaza. the rafah checkpoint was closed. the sector has again become, i quote, the only conflict zone in the world from which people are not even allowed to escape. end of quote. our secretary general, antonio guterres, said this in 2009, when he served as un high commissioner for
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unilateral actions to create irreversible facts on earth, as mr. rattray spoke about, are gross violations of israel’s obligations as an occupying power, obligations, i note especially, that stem from the geneva conventions adopted 75 years ago, and adopted ironically, largely to protect the jews who were subjected to inhumane suffering during the second world war. and to prevent any future persecution based on nationality. dear colleagues, the current unprecedented explosion of violence in the middle east was largely a consequence of the well-known policy of the united states in the region, a consequence of that very diplomacy, the effectiveness of which american representatives have been telling us for almost 10 months now, it was necessary to curtail work on the council platform un security. this call was made by
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