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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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to the discussion that was announced, i hope it is clear what is being discussed, it is for this reason that we, we abstained from voting on resolution 2735, knowing that it was deliberately rejected, silently rejected by israel, providing diplomatic cover for israel’s actions, supplying weapons ammunition, washington, everyone understands, has become a direct accomplice in the conflict, just as in the case.
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bapor's mandate as a unique structure to provide assistance to palestinians in the occupied territories in neighboring arab countries, we insist on the immediate cessation illegal settlement activities. resolving these urgent issues would create the conditions for a return to peace negotiations on a generally recognized international legal basis in the interests of creating an independent, sovereign palestinian state that coexists. peace and security with
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israel, only then will the historical injustice towards the palestinian people and their fundamental right to self-determination be corrected, and the restoration of inter-palestinian unity is important, which we always sought to contribute, providing an opportunity for representatives of various palestinian movements to conduct a much-needed dialogue on the moscow platform, we are convinced that... they are able to independently determine their future without interference from the outside, no matter how someone might want to decide everything for them and against their will. this also applies, by the way , to the future of gas as an integral part of the palestinian state. we all know about what behind-the-scenes contacts are being made, what plans are being hatched, which predetermine the future of devices and gases, and... the entire palestinian state, although
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there is practically no talk about the state there, i believe that everyone should respect the principle of not a word about palestine without palestine. our proposal remains in force for a meeting of all external players who have influence over the various factions in gaza in the west bank, who can, if they speak with one voice, help overcome divisions in the palestinian ranks. an important step in this direction was taken in february of this year in moscow, when all palestinian factions, sending their delegations, spoke out in favor of restoration of unity based on the platform of the palestine liberation organization. today , we all have a responsibility to stop the unfolding human tragedy. in addition to the military operation in the occupied palestinian territories, its other neighbors also found themselves under the threat of being drawn into a large-scale confrontation with israel.
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tensions on the blue line between lebanon and israel are growing day by day. representatives of the israeli leadership publicly announce plans to open a northern front. doesn't stay in ihezbollah's duty, warning of readiness to repel the invasion. in syria, the israeli air force has increased its attacks multiple times across the country, including the areas of damascus, aleppo, latakia, and the dutch heights. dear colleagues, a ceasefire, a cessation of violence in gaza on the west bank, can create conditions not only for finding a reliable solution to the palestinian-israeli conflict, but also for overcoming other crisis centers in the vast area of ​​the near and...
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there is hope for the rapprochement of all coastal gulf countries, in the interests of overcoming long-standing contradictions and mistrust, in the interests of uniting efforts on a generally acceptable basis, so that they themselves, without external interference, can determine the parameters of mutual security and with one voice
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achieve the realization of the aspirations of the palestinian people and, in general, build an architecture of stability and good neighborliness in the region. progress on the palestinian track. so, this was sergei lavrov’s speech at a meeting of the un security council, where the situation in the middle east was discussed. also today a press conference is expected by the head of the russian mine, we will also show it live. well, now the footage that we received from our ministry of defense. hooray! 95
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russian servicemen were returned from ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger. in return, kyiv received so much. released prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces. it is reported that the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. in the near future, planes will deliver our released military personnel to moscow, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. now the situation with forest fires in the regions of russia managed to extinguish 122 fires over an area of ​​more than 230 hectares within 24 hours. this is data from the air security forest. so the fire was extinguished in vladimir, volgograd, kherson, sverdlovsk. tyva, in crimea and ingushetia, as well as in the khabarovsk territory and the khantemansi autonomous okrug. a large forest fire was extinguished near the village of kutana in yakutia, as the head of the region said, today is the first day when positive dynamics are visible, that is, the area of ​​fires has not increased, on the contrary, it has decreased by 40.
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in total, extinguishing continues in 22 regions, the situation in the rostov region remains unfavorable; this unusual heat affects the situation in general in the south of russia in astrakhan. the region is forecast to +41° in the coming days, according to the ministry of emergency situations, in the last 72 hours alone, 70 fires were recorded in the region, 58 of them were fires of dry vegetation and debris. the delicious calendar returns to the tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfa cards. bank, i like being a courier with yandex food, i manage my income, i choose how to deliver orders and i decide when to receive money, even every day, yes, i even manage this video,
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prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. kitchen cleaning equipment kitforрд with discounts up to 42%. the lawyer for the kompakt publication, banned in germany , said that he plans to appeal the decision in the near future. germany's kompakt magazine repeated trump's gesture . the editor-in-chief of the magazine, banned by the authorities , said that he intends to fight for his brainchild, despite pressure from the police, who confiscated almost all the property of the magazine, which is close to an alternative for germany.
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content, as well as noticeable russian influence, they say that this magazine is extremely friendly to russia. what does it mean? this probably means that the publication quoted deputies of the alternative for germany, and they openly said, for example, that germany cannot live without russian gas, refusing it is economic suicide, which neighbors in eastern and southern europe have already understood. according to media reports, 2/3 of the gas in greece comes from russia with a fourfold increase. this figure is for austria. is approaching 100%. after 14 packages of european sanctions through the pipeline
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, turkish stream reaches europe by 15% more russian gas than before. newcomers to nato, finland and sweden , hastened to introduce bans and were also left without the raw materials that ensured the competitiveness of their industry. according to experts, helsinki and stockholm will regret joining the anti-russian coalition. nato is an organization that incites. the main representative of the alliance on ukraine, he became the ex-military adviser to the leadership of the bloc, patrick turner, known for the fact that under him the us campaign in afghanistan ended, given that turner’s duties in kiev will include an assessment of the situation and the development of recommendations, there remains a tiny chance that...
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kotsarites in kiev, an article in a turkish publication that the leader of ukraine is supposedly not afraid of trump coming to power, is accompanied, to put it mildly , by incredulous comments from readers. olga ponomareva, matvey popov, news. the russian team won two gold and two silver medals at the international biology olympiad in kazakhstan. the schoolchildren
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have already returned home and shared their impressions and plans for the future. our correspondent alexander has details. gold medals, but in fact, every gold medalist works very hard, i had a high risk, i was already closer to the border of gold and silver, in fact, i decided almost every point. borim mikhailov from novosibirsk also fought for literally every point; he had silver in biochemistry, animal anatomy, bioinformatics and even molecular biology,
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the main sections. the competition took place in two rounds, theoretically and practically. according to the students, these were some of the most difficult tasks in the entire history of the olympiad. these the tasks were really interesting to solve, some tasks required quite careful reading of the text, because the answers were right there, some required ordinary logic, and some required calculations or even knowledge. eleventh-graders prepared for more than 2 years on the basis of lomanosov moscow state university, well, the training sessions took place in the educational center. in plans for 2025 to organize our own international olympiad in russia, according to the coach, there are people willing, we plan this year, well not this year, in may to hold our international olympiad in biology here in russia, it aroused a lot of interest, we made a little presentation there at the olympiad, and
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many countries expressed their desire. despite early rises at 6 am, a busy schedule. i had enough strength to see astana. the schoolchildren admit that the burabay national natural park was most memorable. the minister of education also congratulated and thanked the eleventh graders. today we pay great attention to the study of natural sciences; in this regard, participation in the olympiad movement is an important part of career guidance work in school. the direction we have chosen is one of the key ones for our country. and we hope that you will continue to improve your knowledge and make a meaningful contribution to development. domestic scientific thought. all eleventh-graders are winners of the all-russian schoolchildren olympiad, which means that they can enter any university in the country without entrance examinations. alexandra perfileva, lead. in ukraine, from today, those liable for military service cannot go outside without a military id. violators will face a fine or even delivery to the military registration and enlistment office. expired the day before
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a two-month period during which ukrainians had to register with the military or update their registration data. as required. the new law on mobilization also imposes fines for violations. anastasia ponko has details. a queue is forming outside the tsk building in kiev. the men are trying to update their military records in order to get a military id. according to the new rules, which come into force today, ukrainians from 18 to 60 years old are required to carry this document with them when going out. his lack of violation of the law is therefore fine up to 25.00 hryvnia, summons or delivery.
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they are hunting conscripts, the mobilized age in ukraine has been lowered to 25 years, but teenagers are also running away from shopping centers in fear. here is a minor guy who says that while he was in the store, people came to his house.
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it needs to be repeated once a year, then a summons can be issued right on the street, but poor health is not a reason to sit out in civilian life, according to the trade center. according to verkhovna rada deputy yuriy komelchuk, due to the formal
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approach to the medical examination, people end up in the army a large number of people with illnesses, some of whom have to be sent to military hospitals for treatment. it takes approximately 5-7 minutes for one person to complete the commission. do you think it is possible to conduct a normal medical examination during this time? and for these men, the medical examination didn’t even take 5 minutes, they just updated their data, after reading the document issued more carefully, they are surprised, it says, supposedly they have already been to the doctors, the date of the vlk is 2009, the date of the vlk is 2009, what’s most interesting is, i have never passed the vlk, while deputies on tv complain that the unhealthy and mobilized become a burden for the state, ordinary people help each other avoid meeting with workers, this is how they stand with that.
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in another 2 years, there are about twenty more in this area, so we will close this problem, and the children will study in normal conditions,
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as close to home as possible, and here , with the arch of this school, i think, the situation will be much better, here will need to be changed, possibly including the floors, look at the walls, the wooden floors in the gym are painted brown, on the walls there are paintings from the times of the glorious construction of bama, the kostenki secondary school... the voroniki region school was built in 1975, since then there has been no major renovation here. as part of the party landing, the educational institution was visited by state duma deputy from the voronesh region, evgeny revenko. a major renovation is planned for 2025. the school will expand significantly and add a new gym. next year , it is planned to spend more than 600 million rubles in total on the voronezh region, taking into account the federal and regional budgets. this is a lot of money almost a tenth of all the funds that are planned to be spent next year will go to kostenkinsky secondary school, almost 60 million rubles. in the brand new empty classrooms,
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still smelling of fresh paint, footsteps and voices are heard especially loudly, in some places builders are still sanding the walls, zolotov secondary school no. 16, one might say, a historical object in the pervomaisky city district, this is... the only surviving educational institution, today representatives of the united russia party, together with representatives in the kaluga region, they are conducting an inspection of the preparation of school number 16 in the city of zolotoe for the beginning of the school year. based on the results of the inspection of the work performed, we can confidently say that the equator of construction work has been passed. a meeting was held in moscow at the central executive committee of the united russia party.
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schools, of which 534 schools are being repaired within a two-year cycle, that is, the completion of this work will be in 2025; deputies of all levels bear personal responsibility. for the quality of the work completion time, a lot of work has really been done, i want it again thank the regional team, the leadership of the united russia party, and separately alena igoryevna for the monitoring that united russia has built, when each deputy is assigned to one or another object, this system is very, very effective, and today the start of the campaign is to get your child ready for school, in tuli
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of the young guards... we spent so much effort on driving out the americans, we won, the russians helped, they didn’t care, they didn’t give a damn about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, the benefits came from there were none. at first, the west did so by crippling these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. that we will
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punish for drugs, what the taliban are talking about has real confirmation, we are used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, watch, look in the app or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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you don't decide exactly how you'll meet your first love, you don't decide where you find friends for life.


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