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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is conducted by the duty department and the honest detective, also subscribe to our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maksimovchan was in the studio, see you on the tv channel russia 24 at 21:30. 95 russian servicemen were returned from ukrainian captivity, where they were in mortal danger. the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. now ours the released military personnel will be taken to moscow, rehabilitation lies ahead. the digital ruble platform of the bank of russia, as part of the pilot , showed its efficiency; it’s time to move on to its wider use, especially since digital currencies are becoming increasingly in demand in the world. solution.
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the minister notes, and the new geopolitical experiments of the west are aggravating the situation in the middle east, what else has been said? forest fires in dozens of regions, especially hot in the south of russia in krasnodar, the fire was extinguished. in one of the largest parks in the city, from the inside cars catch fire, plastic burns. what are the weather forecasters' forecasts? and the mayor of paris, anne dalgot , personally went swimming in the hay, all to prove that the river is suitable for olympic swimming. rescuers on boats and journalists were on duty. what else do the french authorities go to for the sake of good pr against the backdrop of political turbulence? so,
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more than half of americans believe that democrats will lose the presidential election if they do not replace biden, these are the results of the latest polls. biden himself, however, is ready only withdraw from the race if you have health problems. trump, meanwhile, introduced his vice presidential candidate. this is the man they call trump 2:0. we will discuss all this with dmitry trenin, leading researcher at the institute of international relations of the russian academy of sciences. so, dmitry vitalievich, good evening. good evening. good evening, trump introduced his vice presidential candidate, this is the senator from the state of agaya, gidi vance, well, we know that in the past he criticized trump, now he is called trump 2:0. that's how fair this is assessment and how does this choice generally characterize trump’s plans for a possible presidential term? well, i think that this choice characterizes trump's desire to cement his direction in domestic foreign policy, as in the case.
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it should be noted that the party congress is ongoing, there is practically no alternative, well, it’s worth the republican party, tomorrow, in fact , trump must give official consent to the nomination of his candidacy for the presidency, this event, this is already a formality, rather, or there may still be surprises, well, for trump this is what i think formality, usually the convention is where the various candidates. those who received a certain number of votes during the primary elections, so to speak, compete, as a result a common candidate from the party appears, today there is no, there was no intrigue, with the exception of the intrigue regarding who trump will choose as his candidate for vice president , so for trump, no, it was clear from the very beginning, for many months it was clear that ...
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for many independent voters, the so -called, who have not yet decided, for who they will vote in november has had a serious, serious impact and trump's position has certainly strengthened. well , returning to the convention, i will note the information that is now being widely discussed, that the milwaukee police during the republican convention shot and killed a man 3 km from the venue of the event, counting.
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a person who will continue that line, which is quite clearly drawn by biden himself, excuse me, himself, trump himself, i apologize, well, it’s worth noting that both republicans and democrats after the assassination attempt trump, now they are calling on society to unite and not succumb to provocations, these words have already been heard from the mouth of biden, how explosive is the social situation in your opinion? in the usa, especially taking into account all the events that we have observed in recent years, well, there are two points: the first moment, polarization has indeed reached a very high degree, an attempt to assassinate a candidate, i remind you that this is
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the first attempt to kill a president or a candidate president since 1981 , this... the strengthening of negativity in society, on the other hand, is the fear that this negativity could completely upend the entire political
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situation in the united states and destabilize the situation in the country, and this works in the opposite direction. well , let's now talk about what 's happening in... the democratic party, it is known that there are increasingly growing doubts about biden's chances of winning, by the way, just a few minutes ago cnn cited data that in 14 states the popularity... biden fell, biden himself says that he will only withdraw from the race if he reveals health problems. how do you assess the chances of the democratic party to find a replacement for biden if necessary, in general, how long is their bench ? well, i think that the bench has already been calculated here a few days ago, especially after uh after the nato summit, where biden...
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trump is on horseback, he is obviously beating biden and any of those, any of them, we still have kamala haris in the deck , and he, in my opinion, today, is quite capable of defeating kamala haris in november and become president, but again we understand that a lot of things can happen between july and... we see that a gun has appeared on the scene,
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it will be there for a very long time, and before the elections, perhaps after the elections, this factor of the gun or rifles, as you wish, cannot be discounted, of course, if it is decided to replace biden and the president himself agrees with this, all the possibilities are enormous. therefore, we need to follow events, make predictions about the american elections,
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today it is an extreme, extremely thankless task. well, we are following the election race in the united states, let me remind you that we spoke with the leading researcher at the iran institute of economics and international relations, dmitry trenin. us policy has largely led to an unprecedented surge in violence in the middle east, the russian foreign minister said at the meeting. un security council on the palestinian-israeli conflict. according to sergei lavrov, washington repeatedly blocks resolutions on an immediate permanent ceasefire in the gas sector. carries out diplomatic covering up israel's actions by supplying weapons and ammunition, washington, everyone understands, has become a direct accomplice in the conflict, just as in the case of the situation in ukraine, if this support stops, the bloodshed will be stopped. either they don’t want to or can’t do this; apparently, the main thing is not saving human lives, but maneuvers that
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will allow them to score more points during the election campaign. let me remind you that russia categorically condemns the hamas terrorist attack on israel on october 7, but to use it as a justification for bombing and military operations in peaceful areas of the gas sector is unacceptable, lavrov emphasized. according to him , tel aviv is carrying out collective punishment. and people have nowhere to run, the decisions on the palestinian problem, which the un security council nevertheless managed to adopt, remain on paper, lavrov noted. neighboring states could be drawn into the conflict, leading to a major regional war. russia calls for negotiations, but they must take place with the mandatory participation of representatives palestine, the head of the russian foreign ministry emphasized.
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95 russian military personnel returned to their homeland from ukrainian captivity, where they faced death threats. danger, here are the personnel from the ministry of defense, glory to russia, glory to russia, hurray, in return the same number of prisoners of war of the armed forces of ukraine were transferred to kiev, and as the russian ministry of defense reported, the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates. our freed soldiers will be transported by aerospace forces aircraft to moscow, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. move toward more complete, large-scale implementation digital ruble. this task was set by vladimir. putin at a meeting on economic issues, it was held via videoconference. maria filippova has all the details. the demand for the use of digital technologies in the economy today is becoming wider. in particular, from business and investors, the president emphasizes. also interested and ordinary citizens are interested in new products that will make operations simpler and more transparent. habitual payment schemes are changing, be it trade or the service sector. for us in
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russia it is important not to miss out moment, timely. set up a legal framework and regulation, develop infrastructure, create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. one of the technologies that should become available to everyone in the near future is the digital ruble; it is already being used in test mode. transfers and settlements using the ruble in the new format are carried out by 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22 legal entities. it is planned that russians will be able to make new payments. central bank on a special platform, this is not a replacement for regular money, but a convenient alternative form of payment. i'll start with the pilot project that was launched by the central bank last august. we are talking about a test, trial use of the digital ruble. in fact, this is
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another form of our national currency . the point is that citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have a bank account with. one digital ruble is equivalent to one cash or non-cash ruble. stored new the currency will be in digital wallets. all operations will be under the control of the central bank, and thus the use of the digital ruble will make transactions more transparent. as of july 1 , the digital ruble was used more than 30 thousand times, thus more than 27 transfers were made and... paid for goods and services over 7,000 times. among the main advantages of the digital ruble is the ability to conduct transactions with it even without access to the internet. the bank of russia plans to expand the experiment to increase the number of participants to twenty banks, 9.00 individuals and 1.200 organizations. in general, the digital ruble platform, as the president noted, has shown its efficiency and
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functionality. in practice, each such ruble is a unique digital code, blockchain technology is used and... energy consumption according to the calculations of the ministry of energy, mining in russia annually consumes 16 billion kilowatt-hours, which is almost equal to one and a half percent of the total electricity consumption in the country, the consequences can be very tangible, uncontrolled growth in electricity consumption for mining cryptocurrencies may lead to power shortages.
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farms, then new enterprises, residential areas, and social facilities will simply face interruptions in supplies, shortages of electricity, and promising investment and infrastructure projects will be put on pause. according to vladimir putin, it is necessary to make the necessary decision, including at the level of federal law. questions, in particular , relate to taxation and tariffs. russia will soon transfer new ones to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. data about the use of toxic substances by the ukrainian military on the battlefield, permanent representative to osho vladimir tarabrin reported this on our channel. according to him, against the background of failures at the front, kiev is ready to organize any kind. provocations, including the use of chemical weapons. egor grigoriev found out the details. kiev may be preparing a new terrorist attack and using chemical weapons of mass destruction.
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russia's post-prep under ozho said that the west is helping ukraine in this. the ultimate goal is to blame russia for what happened and create a fuss in the media. it would be, according to the west, it would be very nice to organize some kind of incident using weapons of mass destruction, which... includes chemical weapons, for example, maybe the most primitive option is to spray some kind of chemical substance ourselves and immediately blame it on russia. ukraine, including through its special services, has more than once staged sabotage: explosions of containers with samyak at industrial enterprises in sumy, tanks with samyak in rubezhnoe, shelling of the su kaksakhim plant in avdeevka, using ukrainian militants using chemical weapons against civilians. against the russian military, over the past month alone , our country sent over thirty notes to the opcw secretariat outlining specific data: the active use
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of toxic chemicals by ukraine in violation of the convention as a means of warfare. militants from the magyar group of the armed forces of ukraine are preparing discharges for copters, filming the process, there are toxic chemicals in containers. more footage after the fall of ukrainian chemical munitions. one of our servicemen started convulsions. our military filmed footage of another shelling, the ukrainian armed forces most likely used a shell with western -made chemicals, evidence of violations of the convention by ukraine, based on the conclusions of specialized laboratories accredited by the opcw. and cases of chemical use have been identified. the enemy takes it and uses it in a combat direction. yes, which was not used for combat before, they use it as a combat temporary breaker, well, this is chlorine-pecrin, haf is usually used, as well as various solvents that are used in peaceful life
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are used for paint, but with a little work on them, they can cause a lot of trouble for our soldiers on the front line. chloropicrin irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, which leads to temporary incapacitation of our soldiers. another substance discovered causes psychosis. it is interesting that he was studied back in the sixties and seventies of the last century in the usa. synthesis is possible only in a well-equipped laboratory. it is known that the pentagon is creating and modernizing non-lethal chemical munitions. allocated for purchase tens of millions of dollars a year. all this, of course, is mostly western-made ammunition. the conclusions of specialized laboratories on this matter clearly demonstrated the preparation and results of attacks by ukrainian neo-nazis. need to mark. that in the near future we will provide the technical secretariat with even more specific and detailed additional information in this regard. several indirect
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signs of sabotage planned by kiev: kiev has been requesting antidotes and gas masks from western partners since the spring, and in large quantities quantities, with funds from the ozo budget, several courses on investigating chemical incidents were conducted especially for ukraine, data from our troops.
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