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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the ukrainian army lost almost 2,000 militants in one day, dozens of military equipment and several weapons and ammunition depots were destroyed. our troop groups successfully repulse the attacks of ukrainian attack aircraft and occupy more advantageous positions. the latest information on the progress of special operations. collected by denis alekseev. mercenaries, officers and ordinary militants of the ukrainian armed forces. in total there are more than 160 people, these are the losses of the ukrainian army only after one high-precision strike from ours sides. russian rocket scientists from the iskander complex worked at a training ground in the kharkov region. personnel were transported there by buses for training. from a drone , our scouts spotted the barracks where the vsushnikov formations were based. as a result , the goal of the strike was achieved. but in these... in
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the footage the moment of the destruction of the american m3 howitzer of the seven, the combat crew prevented the advance of the russian group with indiscriminate fire covering our positions, but this did not last long, after an accurate strike the installation burned down along with the ammunition and personal composition. the group's division in the west continued to occupy more advantageous positions. the formation of the 44th, 115th, 116th mechanized brigades and the first brigade of the national guard were defeated in the areas of senkovka, beristovoye, stelemakhovka and chervono-gebrovoye. the counterattack of the assault group of the 110th territorial defense brigade was repelled, the enemy lost up to 650 troops. the southern group continues to advance in the eastern part of chetsafyar, the attack aircraft are supported by artillery, the ukrainian armed forces suffered major losses in konstantinovka and there are over 600 militants in red, and just to the south on the neighboring front the center group has already defeated the kiev formations near toretsk, there the ukrainian defense is beginning to show an impressive crack, and morale in the positions is noticeably falling. the headphones again
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complain about the lack of soldiers, and try to justify their failures by the lack of shells , saying this: the west may be supplying them for now, but it’s not the same, they say the quality is lame, inferior to russian. to be precise, these 152mm western shells just arrived at the front were surprisingly less more effective than soviet-designed shells, ukrainian armed forces soldiers assure in lci comments. the area of ​​responsibility of the north group is volchansk and its environs. there the armed forces of ukraine are slowly but surely moving backwards, holding positions is more and more difficult, sending in reinforcements, it doesn’t even happen every once in a while, but when necessary, our pilots completely destroyed the southern bridge, for example, along which the armed forces infantry had the opportunity to cross the volchye river, now only in the swim, it seems that comments are unnecessary on these shots, under the cover of darkness heavy flamethrower systems support the advance of airborne attack aircraft, zaporozhye front, sector.
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it’s hot there even during the day with zelensky’s formation, hundreds of people are being lost, and at night it turns out that you can’t breathe out, thermobaric ammunition arrives right at the support towers. denis alekseev, lead. well, today the name of the main nato representative in ukraine became known. former deputy secretary general for military policy patrick turner has been appointed top coordinator for arms supplies to kiev. under which, in fact, the american company ended in afghanistan. he will begin his work in september, it is known that he will... coordinate the actions of the alliance and make recommendations. russian schoolchildren brought four medals from the international biology olympiad. it took place in kazakhstan. to receive two gold and two silver awards, the guys had to beat hundreds of competitors from all over the world. alexandra perfilyeva met with the winners. here they are, the winners and prize-winners of the thirty-fifth international biology olympiad.
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cope with stress find your pace completing tasks, for russia it is more or less normal to receive gold medals, but in fact, every gold medalist works very hard; i had a high risk, i was already closer to the border of gold and silver, in fact, i decided on almost every point. borim mikhailov from novosibirsk also fought for literally every point; he has silver, biochemistry, animal anatomy, bioinformatics and even... molecular biology, the main sections. the competition took place in two rounds, theoretical and practical. according to the schoolchildren, these were some of the most difficult tasks in the entire history of the olympiad. these tasks were really interesting to solve, some tasks required
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quite careful reading of the text, because the answers were right there, some required ordinary logic, and some required calculations or even knowledge. eleventh grader. we prepared for more than 2 years at the lomonosov moscow state university, well, the training sessions took place at the sirios educational center. the plans for 2025 are to organize their own international olympiad in russia, according to the coach, there are those who want to. we plan on this year, well not this year, in may to hold our international biology olympiad here in russia. it aroused a lot of interest; we made a small presentation of this kind at the olympics. and many countries expressed their desire, despite early rises at 6 am and a busy schedule, they had enough strength to see astana. the schoolchildren admit that the burabay national natural park was most memorable. the minister of education also congratulated and thanked the eleventh graders.
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today we pay great attention to studying natural sciences, in this regard, participation in the olympiad movement is an important part of career guidance work at school. the direction we have chosen is one of the key ones for... our country and we hope that you will continue to improve your knowledge and make a significant contribution to the development of domestic scientific thought. all eleventh-graders are winners of the all-russian schoolchildren olympiad, which means that they can enter any university in the country without entrance examinations. alexandra perfileva, news! there is just over a week left before the opening of the olympics in france, around there are a lot of scandals surrounding the games, from insufficient security measures to dirty water. however , the paris authorities are diligently trying to convince the entire world community that it is suitable for competition, but in the meantime , weather forecasters are predicting weekend rains that could wash a new portion of sewage into the hay. with details natalya goncharova.
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parisians could not miss such a performance on the banks of the seine. loud exclamations, camera flashes and a smile from the mayor of paris anna and dalgo. wearing a wetsuit, she jumped into the river to prove that the water is suitable for competitions. the hundred-meter swim with edalgo was shared by her entourage, the deputy mayor, the chairman of the olympic organizing committee and the prefect of the paris region. french journalists wondered for a long time whether the hidalgo would be in the same full equipment as the minister of sports, who decided to organize a public swim.
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microbiologists agree yesterday in france published research data that the water is suitable for swimming, but no one believed them. experts are confident that even if the number of pathogenic bacteria in the river has now been reduced, nothing has changed globally. any rain and dirt from all of paris will flow back into the seine through the storm drain. the problems are mostly related to intestinal viruses, which can lead to gastroenteritis.
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we realized that many premises are simply unsuitable for habitation, there is complete unsanitary conditions there, we demand relocation, the participants in the olympic torch relay are being discussed on social networks. it is always a symbol of the country, an open message to the whole world. usually it is carried by olympic champions, outstanding talented people who have earned this right. the french have an honorable mission arthur reino, a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation, joined. carrying the olympic flame is a great pride, it is an opportunity to speak in front of the whole world, the opportunity to carry the flame is a reason to be proud of your sexuality, and showing yourself to the world is very important. the olympic flame,
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unsanitary conditions in the buildings for security officers, but french journalists, despite this, see the danger in something else. newusvik writes quite seriously that the main threat to the olympics is russian hackers. according to their version, they will certainly rip off games. some nameless experts told the publication about this. well, the russian foreign minister continues to meet with colleagues from other states in new york, where sergei lavrov chairs ministerial meetings of the un security council. the head of the russian foreign ministry held talks with the head of the lebanese foreign ministry and discussed bilateral cooperation and international problems. for headaches, there is askafenp at an affordable price. askafen ultra with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. hello, my name is boy. i
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you can try it on, yes, please, you can try it on, it’s all embroidered by hand, earlier in russia, kushniki in each region had
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its own design, there is no such traditional one, it’s just my own, like this for me.
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more than 40 from india to colombia, but... art connoisseurs with a variety of preferences from avant-garde to classics, but most importantly, it has become a truly family holiday, a holiday of traditional values, here residents and our guests can really relax their souls. dear friends, slavic
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the soul is limitless in its openness to the world. therefore, our festival has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, through art to a world of mutual understanding, this is how alexander lukashenko defined the philosophy of the festival, vladimir putin also agrees with him, the president of russia sent greetings to the guests and participants of the forum, emphasizing that the slavic bazaar has been enriching the cultural the life of many countries makes a significant contribution to strengthening spiritual ties between slavic peoples and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation.
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great prosperity, the culmination of the days of the union state at the slavic bazaar, a concert in the summer amphitheater built specifically for this forum, which first received guests in the ninety-second year. the stands for 6,000 spectators are filled, some are even standing on the stairs. but today, having thought about what the motto of this concert should be, we invite you to support a very simple formula. brotherhood. more valuable than any wealth. the concert organizer , the permanent committee of the union state , invited star artists from russia and belarus, financing the holiday from the union budget. the stage is replaced by the choir of the turkish ensemble sebra and the seminal kuban cossack choir and the singers ensemble
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kabardinka and ruslan likhno. an original singer with a velvety voice, zara , comes to belarus every year, and this is already a tradition. it's warm and cozy here. the incredible viewer is attracted to the performers, this cannot but rejoice. dmitry mezintsev presented diplomas from the permanent committee of the union state to eight educators for their contribution to the cultural development of the two countries. they were awarded in particular the head of the ros-izo center olga galaktionova, as well as the belarusian songwriter anna seluk. but a special award goes to composer alexander zatsepin. a living legend, author of the melody and songs that are heard in leonid’s comedies. gaidaya cartoons the secret of the third planet and the film film film, he is still creating his 98th, the most anticipated premiere of the festival, his musical for children, the fairy tale about tsar saltan.
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my name is david, i think that there will be a very colorful performance, such a slavic bazaar has never happened before, a show with luxurious costumes, incendiary dances, and absolutely new hits from the genius of film music, pushkin’s plot familiar from childhood, where are you going, the second day of the union state program, here in vitebsk the union state program opened for children, at this musical we saw
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special emotions, children, parents, emotions , which are not fake, sincerely memorable, this is one of the elements of the fact that today in our formats we pay more attention to the children’s and youth program, youth topics, we have the olympics, you you know, we have... a sports competition for youth, we have a cadet shift, we have a new festival of youth creativity. on the days of the festivals in vitebsk it’s +30, so by the way, this street shower, as they say, cool off in vitebsk, there is something in this corner of belarus, as noted... alexander lukashenko, which has inspired the creation of great works for centuries . vitebsk province is the birthplace of marc chagall, repin and malevich worked here, hence the composer mark fratkin, author of the song road to berlin on
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poems by evgeny dolmatovsky. over the centuries , a unique atmosphere has been created here, an atmosphere of creative search, an atmosphere of dialogue between civilizations. for centuries , trade routes crossed here, connecting east and west.
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into three fundamental questions: where are we from, why are we the way we are, and how can we build a strategy for the future? without philosophy, cultural studies, history and understanding of these things, these options, there is no nationally patriotic segment of business, no sane, adequate political elite and no concept of an important overall strategy. one border and one story. next year , the union state will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the common victory in the great patriotic war. three bayonets. against the backdrop of a stormy sky as a symbol of the immortal feat of soviet soldiers-liberators of partisans and underground fighters. in the pouring rain, the delegation of russia and belarus laid flowers at the eternal flame.
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in july , additional trains with cornflowers, symbols of the festival, were specially launched between moscow and vitebsk. there are so many tourists that available hotel rooms in the city ran out in june. in one of the parks we even had to open a tent city. during the slavic bazaar, vitebsk turns into a festival city, for example, here, on the busy tolstoy street, a fair of folk crafts opens, street musicians perform, it’s hard to believe.
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russia and belarus are closely intertwined, this is clearly visible in the work of joint farmsteads and sister regions, such as the belarusian village of liozna and the russian city of rudnya in the smolensk region. a delegation led by the union secretary of state. states greet, according to custom , a loaf of bread and offer to taste the dishes from leningrad region, this is a special guest of the slavic bazaar. for many, it is probably a surprise, probably every second pack of tea that is found in stores in belarus is tea produced in the leningrad region, but we are always famous for what belarusians bring to us, even today many are surprised, we we supply dairy products to belarus, last year, when these deliveries began, there was such an ambiguous story, well, because
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how... the world star, singer oscar abdrazakov gave a solo concert of the vitebsk philharmonic the slavic bazaar celebrates its 5th anniversary. and as a sign of the unity of cultures, the program includes a duet with the soloist of the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus oksana yakushevich. for me, of course, this is a huge honor and a feeling of, you know, my own satisfaction when you
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really immerse yourself in... this unusually pure program, the program of slavic culture, it is you who want to talk about ours, about our love, first of all, of two peoples, yes, the days of the union state at the slavic bazaar represent all areas of cooperation between the two states with a single border. it should be noted that the brightest, most compact and significant projects are those that we have been implementing for many years under the auspices of the union state. the slavic bazaar is a good platform for cultural creative negotiations, because cultural leaders also come to us , and the leaders of countries, cities, regions, here we get to know each other, and then cultural days appear in the novosibirsk region of our country, and the novosibirsk region comes to for us, this is just an example, but many such examples can be given. the slavic bazaar is called a holiday that makes us stronger, brings people together and enriches cultures,
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this is the main philosophy of such shows. through art, find the key to a world of mutual understanding. this is a big information evening. we expect it soon. press conference of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov following the ministerial meetings of the un security council. naturally, we will take a break to show it live. and here’s what else we’ll tell you about at this hour. a soldier who remains human. how do our fighters take second-hand soldiers? real stories and testimonies from both sides. you can’t hide from them, you can’t hide. they will be the ones who will hunt f-16s in the skies over
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ukraine. russian army.


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