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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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britain immediately sent a fleet, instead of somehow looking for a solution, de-escalation, first of all, to talk with israel, so that somehow we reached an agreement on how to implement the resolutions, which even though were adopted after four or five vetos, but also remain on paper; instead , they resorted to military force, shelling the territory of yemen.
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but during that period, as i already said, there was a dialogue between us and washington at the highest and highest levels. now there is no such dialogue; there was a meeting in june of twenty-one between presidents putin and biden in geneva, but after the start of our special military operation, after we explained exhaustively that we have no other choice but to protect our security interests, to protect the people whom the kiev regime has declared terrorists and bombs daily, after that no... contacts, there were no contacts, well, i mean at this level, there are occasional conversations, on the phone, the head of the cia bilburns met with the director of the foreign intelligence service last
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year on neutral territory, there are some telephone conversations at different levels, but nothing significant there... russia publicly, austin said, in my opinion,
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the enemy, the main threat, we must do everything for ukraine to win, this was recently, biden was quoted now, the us president recently said . if russia wins in ukraine, then in my opinion the exact quote: poland will leave, and countries, other countries, right up to the balkans, will feel more independent, will not behave more independently, here, if you think about it like that, a deep thought is buried, then available in ukraine it is necessary to defeat the russians in order for the united states to remain completely under its...
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sanctions are so serious, there was still a dialogue, and this is useful in any case, read it yesterday, or maybe you heard, the minister of foreign affairs in hungary, peter szijarta spoke, and devoted most of his speech to how almost the rest of the european union was starting the tactics of sabotage and boycott of the events of the hungarian presidency. for the fact that viktor orban went to moscow to china, for the fact that he stands for peace, this is amazing, the european union, which was created in order to ensure the well-being of all participants, to ensure stability, has now completely
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turned into an appendage of nato, and no less aggressively, maybe sometimes even more aggressively, they demand defeat of russia, e.g.
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both on the part of donbass and on the part of ukraine in 10 years after the coup, that is... the scale, the scale, of course, is terrifying and i would like, since you
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raised this issue, there is still such, such, such an aspect of this situation , how - the role of the un and its secretariat, the secretary general, here recently when we attacked military-linked energy infrastructure. personal wounds, immediately in the morning mr.
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dujarik, with whom you are well acquainted, or dujarik, accused russia on behalf of the secretary general, demanded to stop all this and so on. but at the very beginning of the operation in gas after the terrorist attacks on october 7, attacks were carried out on hospitals,
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who did it, when the next day they asked mr. dujaric, after all, you figured it out, who is to blame, he says, i can’t add nothing to do with what i said yesterday, well, double standards are simple, well , obvious, i think you participated in briefings, you have come across similar examples more than once, this is regrettable, there is article 100 of the un charter, about the impartiality, neutrality of un officials, it is unacceptable that...
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such realities include, in particular, the fact that after boris johnson, with the support of the united states, thwarted the peace agreements in april of twenty-two, after that, if he had not done this, then a significant part of those territories that then held referendums became part of russia.
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fact, all the initiatives that are now floating around in ukrainian affairs are absolutely correct, that our chinese friends paid attention to the priority, the tasks of understanding the root causes and eliminating them, but others don’t talk about the root causes at all, all the western ones are these green plans, formulas
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for peace , what the west is promoting a... nowhere is it said about human rights and the rights of national minorities, and the west loves these topics so much, as you know, and we ask the question, why? i'll tell you, confidentially, we had not advertised contacts, well, through political scientists, but political scientists who know each other and understand their policies.
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under the authority of those who will sign peace treaties, do you, americans, support inclusion in such agreements, the abolition of laws that banned the russian language in all spheres of life.
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we will demand when we are accused of something, i ’ll probably write another letter to the secretary general, this is
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the uproar in april 2022, which was also used to disrupt the peaceful treaty, i told you several times, i spoke to the security council, if you were so embittered, this... i mean, show the tests that they did on the late alexei navalny, on the basis of which they accused us of poisoning him, we asked, show me... tests,
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please, no, we can’t, if we show you the tests, you will then find out what knowledge we have in the field of biological weapons, but if you don’t want to show it, then how can you blame, and such people have accumulated there are many questions, i even have a whole list, we will, we will seek from the west, seek the truth, because otherwise there will be no trust, and, by the way, about energy, these are these northern streams. everything that they are now trying to ban, in the form of pipeline gas, in the form of liquefied natural gas, is directly related to the food crisis, because the production of fertilizers in the european union has sharply decreased due to soaring prices for energy, gas, gas, so all this interconnected, and blaming russia for everything, well, this is unworthy of any
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country, especially those who...
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before this, there were many examples when ukrainian ambassadors behaved like, in general , hooligans, there was an ambassador in germany who was indignant every time that olaf scholz gave little money, gave little weapons, in some interview he publicly called the german chancellor offended by liver sausage, this is a quote, it
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can be found on the internet. the ukrainian ambassador to kazakhstan publicly said in an interview: we will do everything to kill as many russians as possible, so that our children have less work, we will see this through to the end, that’s why i think that india is very behaves with dignity, and my colleague subromani amj shankar after... some kind of western tour, answering questions about why you began to buy more oil from russia, he cited statistics showing that the west also increased purchases of gas from us, despite on restrictions in some form, and oil, and then said the following: you know, india itself determines how it trades, with whom it trades.
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