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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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and then he said the following: you know, india itself determines how it trades, with whom it trades and how to ensure national interests, but the fact that the west makes claims, even to such powers as china and india, means, well, firstly , of course, this is lack of culture, an inability to engage in diplomacy at all, and secondly, it’s...
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stop, stop pretending that you just need to come to terms with reality and the united states will decide everything, everywhere, you know, it’s interesting, it was an interesting conversation, in michael bohm works in russia, a journalist from what kind of media he is, from his own, and he is on his own, and such a freelancer.
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in globalization, and these principles were invented by the americans and offered to everyone, but china, on their own field in the american one, began to beat them in the economy, and the united states simply closed the body of the world trade organization for resolving disputes, there were some
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technical tricks, there are none there now quorum, for many, many years now, all the complaints that china rightly sent to the protectionist policies of the united states have lain dormant.
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exorbitant ambitions to play the role of hegemon on the world stage, i just think
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that the united states will at some stage understand that it is better to be part of a constructive process than to run around with a baton, sanctions, military and so on, forcing everyone to dance to its tune, and there the pipes change often. i have already commented on this topic; neither hezbollah, nor
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the lebanese government, nor iran want a full-scale war, and there is a suspicion that some circles in israel are trying to do just that, to provoke a large full-scale war in the hope of dragging the united states into it. i am convinced that this is the most dangerous.
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maintain contacts in order to see if someone can be exchanged for someone else, everyone knows very well that this topic does not like fuss, periodically americans throw it into the public space, which does not help, of course, but such contacts exist, and this has nothing to do with journalism in this case with an attack on journalism, i assure you that we care no less than you about freedom of journalism and freedom expressions of opinion, when they began to kick out our journalists, when they began to close entire correspondent offices, we didn’t answer at first, so maria and i talked,
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i had a position like this, you know, we don’t have to do the same as them, we must preserve this ... its principles, the principles of the osce, by the way, but then it came to absolutely disgusting steps, thoughtless, aggressive, and well, you have to act tit for tat. if you let evelyn your oh, experience is well known, you are known to journalists, would you help? help us in obtaining a list of the so-called killed in bucha, we didn’t succeed, even with the secretary general, it would be nice if journalists, as representatives of the investigative profession, at least asked this question, the fact that it is of no interest to anyone, killed dozens of people there, thank you
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very much, this concludes the press conference, yes i wish you, colleagues. military personnel, each of whom, according to the ministry of defense, was in mortal danger in captivity, all of them immediately received primary medical psychological assistance, will soon be taken to moscow to undergo full treatment and the necessary rehabilitation. in return, the ukrainian country again received 95 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces, and i will add that the united arab emirates provided mediation in this exchange. russia
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must not lag behind modern economic trends, and therefore it is necessary to develop conditions in the country, including for... the financial sector, and more specifically with the implementation and related to the development of digital technologies using digital currencies and other assets. it's really very dynamic a promising direction of modern economics. which is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, citizens, practically all over the world. such technologies are already beginning to change. familiar schemes in trade, banking, services, and international payments. it is important for us in russia not to miss the moment, to set up
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the legal framework and regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign countries. partners. well, now there is footage from the center of moscow, on presnenskyval street the building where the center is located is on fire. a fire broke out on the roof, the fire area reached 700 km, the fire siren went off normally, the employees managed to evacuate, there was no one left in the premises, so no one was hurt, it is clear that the building is not modern , there is a wooden ceiling in the attic, this complicates the work of firefighters, with about 100 people are fighting the fire, vehicles with water cannons are working along the entire perimeter of the building, two moscow helicopters also joined in the extinguishing aviation center within 24 hours , units of the central and southern groupings of russian troops in... managed to occupy more advantageous positions in the ovdeevsky and donetsk directions of the northern military district, respectively, the total losses of the ukrainian armed forces in these areas amounted to over 900 manpower
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. in addition, the enemy lost one bradley bmp and several other armored fighting vehicles, and the dnepr group in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, meanwhile, destroyed three us-made enemy self-propelled guns paladin tank american galubica. report by mikhail andronik. a brigade of airborne troops hits the rear of ukrainian militants, the range allows, the weapon is well camouflaged, the enemy cannot find it, and responds with indiscriminate fire into the forest. another fire in the forests on the left bank of the dnieper after another arrival of a ukrainian shell, the fire is rapidly spreading and is already approaching one of the villages. for the third week, the thermometer in the kherson region has not dropped below 40° during the day. the forest floor is like gunpowder, ready to burst into flames. at any time, in this weather, a plus. well, the heat there is enough to literally have a small spark, that is, just a little bit and you don’t need much. constant shelling of forests on the left bank, as a result of fires in large areas where hostilities are taking place,
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are forcing the command of our army to look for modern ways to protect units from fire. regular fire departments are usually located far from the front and do not have time to arrive in time to the beginning of the active spread of the flame. for this purpose , such freelance units are created, who manage to localize the fire in time. to provide. it is as easy to use as possible, it was developed at the military academy of logistics and technical support in the city of st. petersburg, by order of the headquarters of the logistics support
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of the armed forces of the russian federation, at the moment yes, it is being tested here, paratroopers have already identified it in combat conditions several points that can be improved in this fire extinguishing installation, all comments will be passed on to the developers and designer, after elimination of shortcomings, the appearance of this mobile fire extinguishing system is expected in... mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, conduct the kherson region. three museums, two tourist centers, an amphitheater, an open-air temple, a garden, workshops and a reconstruction quarter. sevastopol is preparing for the opening of the unique historical-archaeological park new khersanez. already this month, the first visitors will be able to appreciate the large-scale work of hundreds of builders, archaeologists and reconstructors who managed to combine history with modernity in the ancient city. new yana has already appreciated the attraction. this is not only in russia, there is nowhere else in the world, the new chersonese, which is being built on the site of a suburb of the ancient city, is amazing in its scale, in its very heart is a unique,
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first-ever temple park, services here will be held in the open air. the structures, which seem light and airy, will soon look like a garden, a place of future worship against the backdrop of the dome that crowns the first museum of christianity in history, with a diameter of 31 m, just like the hagia sophia. the format will be very similar modern, we find ourselves in the middle of actions, we find ourselves in the middle of events, in the middle of the life of prince vladimir, in the middle of the life of christ and in the middle of what christianity gave to russia. here you can literally touch history, the sacred land where in 988 prince vladimir was baptized, followed by all of russia. now this place is a reflection of the greatness and continuity of byzantine culture, which can be read even in the smallest details. the new gersonese is a whole. a complex of a dozen buildings, for example, this grandiose structure, the museum of crimea and novorossiya, which will tell the history of these lands from ancient times. the scenery immerses you in different eras,
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the ancient city with. the building of the black sea fleet and two defenses of sevastopol, and nearby there is an amphitheater and youth centers. the reconstruction quarter looks exactly like how the ancient city was seen back in khersenysito at the time of the baptism of prince vladimir, and even the paving stones here are historical. the red carpets are made from fragments of ceramics that were found here during excavations. 4 million finds - the largest excavations in the history of the peninsula. now it will be possible to see how ancient chersonese lived exactly where the artifacts were found. the grave of a hero or the founder of the city at the entrance to the largest in the south of russia, the museum of antiquity. this is probably the only object in history that was built around the objects that will be exhibited in it. and first the building was built, then the exhibits were brought into it, it was built taking into account the relief, the rock and the objects that archaeologists found. st. vladimir's cathedral is also being renovated. large-scale reconstruction brings back shrines its original appearance. the mosaic
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is being restored here. according to historical documents, i believe that this is a very special place , a very spiritual place, one might say, a special place for our entire country, an ancient city that played a crucial role in the history of russia, today it is being revived again and it will open its doors before the end of july . yana shcherbat and andrey terentsev, host sevastopol. the delicious calendar returns to tasty spots. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards, reliable, the same reliable tools for houses and cabins, everything for the home, cottage, construction, repairs for all tools. trimer giant 6.990, you have to take it, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out that you can at 20. i thought about opening a deposit in one
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