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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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none of the objective observers raised any doubts, he returned to russia, the leadership of the us secret service today re-entered because of their agents, police officers, who acted strictly according to protocol, guarding the donald trump rally, but the truth is there is no clear answer to the question why the shooter was not eliminated immediately when he was spotted on the roof has not yet been answered, in this regard , republican supporters continue to build various theories, including conspiracy theories, details from denis. the fourth day the fbi does not leave from the crime scene, investigates one of the biggest secret service failures in history, an assassination attempt on live television, hundreds of shots taken from different angles, at different times, it all says one thing: the shootings in pennsylvania could have been prevented. in this video , trump's speech was synchronized second by second with what eyewitnesses filmed around him. almost 2 minutes before shots are fired, an eyewitness points to the roof. in which a man
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with a rifle is crawling. the security knows that this suspicious man is already on the roof, but they they don't even force trump to leave the stage, they let him stand there and perform. the suspicious person was spotted even before trump appeared on the scene and his exit could have easily been delayed until the situation became clearer. almost half an hour before the shooting, crooks tried to enter the event. during the inspection, he attracted attention because he had a rangefinder in his hands. this device looks like a small pair of binoculars, but is used by snipers to determine the distance to an object. crooks did not have a weapon on him and could not prevent him from entering the event, but employees received orders to monitor him. just as we got it, we lost it when crux, spinning around in the crowd, went outside the perimeter. later he caught the eye of the police at least three more times. they managed to photograph the suspicious young man. here are the pictures. they filmed the bike he was riding, the backpack he was walking on, they saw how he
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was looking through a rangefinder at the podium, behind which trump was soon to appear. the sniper saw the circle looking through the rangefinder and immediately reported it to command post, he also tried to transfer his photograph there. the command post was set up to interface between the secret service and local police, but it is unclear whether he was alerted there. the observant sniper from the local police was not on the roof, he was looking from the window, from the same window.
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do you think this policeman did the right thing? i would do the same thing, of course, people think that police officers are supermen, holding on to the roof with one hand and taking the gun with the other when his own life is in danger, it doesn’t happen that way. was the policeman armed at that moment? yes, he was very well armed. this begs the question of why local police were inside the building and not on it.
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trump didn't look away for a second. there is a model of the trajectory of a bullet and the movement of the head of a presidential candidate. according to my sources, there should have been a police post on this roof, and someone should have been on it . this post was marked in internal logs, but for some reason no one appeared on it. according to my sources, the head of the secret service was given a command from the administration, if it wants to keep its job, needs to remain silent about this fact. crooks, who worked as a nutritionist's assistant in a nursing home on the day of the attack, took a day off and had his father's rifle with him. by the way, he thought that his son had gone to the shooting range, but he went 80 km from home to a trump rally. on the way, at a building materials store, i bought a ladder that i used to climb to the roof. he also had three magazines with almost a hundred rounds of ammunition and an explosive vest. the guy with the rifle climbed onto the building, so close to trump, and even with a ladder. people saw this too. they may try to kill again,
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the attacks are allegedly being prepared by iran, the iranian authorities deny everything, and trump is in his repertoire, he makes money from the assassination attempt, based on the attack , his campaign headquarters launched sneakers for sale, $299 per pair. denis davidov and anna lvova, lead. there is no longer any moral strength to associate oneself with a servant of the people, even formally, as explained by verkhovna rada deputy maryana bezugla, who wrote the statement. about leaving parliament zelensky’s party faction became famous for its constant criticism of the country’s military leadership, however, as it itself admits, it never succeeded in getting through to the kiev leader with its claims. it is noteworthy that the information dump unian sees off the shameless mocking signature about the loss of the best and a strange video with the participation
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of the people’s deputy, which really says a lot about ukrainian politicians. at the same time, the constant unrest, which the deputy disperses, became the reason for her inclusion in the lists of the extremist website peacemaker. on the page character is indicated. that she discredits the command of the armed forces of ukraine and demoralizes the personnel, all this is supposedly nothing more than planned in the interests of the russian information company, and it is bezuglaya who is one of those who insists on the mobilization of women and the war to the last ukrainian. so it is quite ironic that on the same extremist website, almost at the same time as the obvious hawk, the names of bloggers appeared who demanded an immediate cessation of hostilities. who got caught? anastasia ivanova, website will tell a peacemaker is, of course, not about peace, but those who really call for it become enemies of the regime. a dystopia according to zelensky, but one way or another a ukrainian reality, which was felt by influencers who seemed to be shaking hands. and now they are taboo. these are
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bloggers anastasia turkot, alexander voloshin and vladislava ragovenko. they all have more than 2.5 million subscribers, but now they also have a common stigma. no one needs the borders of the ninety- first year anymore, all people already want peace, tranquility and just to live, and the young lady rogovenko limited herself to a written story on an extremist instagram, but even so everything is very clear, she writes, let the clown, meaning zelensky, go and negotiate peace, enough innocent deaths, but if
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rogovenko is not taken from the vsbu, she and her family are already living in the usa , but then anastasia turkot was summoned to the sbu, which she informed subscribers about. judging by the fact that blogger voloshin has already apologized for his words, they may have also had a conversation with him, but it would seem that they had never spoken out against official kiev before, but what has changed now, it turned out that the boiling point was the ukrainian missile attack on the children's hospital in kiev, they understood and saw very well that it was not a russian missile that hit the children's hospital, ahmad, this is what dictated their appeal, that let's somehow move towards a truce , to the world,
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they dine on expensive potatoes and can’t go anywhere, they eat corn, they try not to pay attention to what’s happening so as not to go crazy, it’s funny and sad, and most importantly it’s true, we will now see how the network will gradually be filled with similar videos, yes, similar performances on
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social networks, and i think that zelensky, as a professional comedy actor, will appreciate this, because i think he watched these... viral videos anyway, but as a politician, he will be scared, because, if you remember, he came to power on approximately similar videos, and he will understand that his time is running out, bloggers felt tension in society, or society is outraged by the actions on the bank after the statements of influencers, but the statistics speak for themselves . already 44% of ukrainians supports the start of peace negotiations with russia, as noted by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, an impressive figure, despite zelensky’s harsh propaganda. the people become obsessed, they brainwash them, incite hatred towards everything russian, and promote reproduction. these fighters of nazism in the country, and yet this is still the percentage, they don’t talk
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about much in such inquisitiveness, and then, apparently , the dynamics, the dynamics are changing gradually, gradually the people who are passing on here the horror that reigns in ukraine, which will be more inclined towards non-urban affairs , will certainly grow. it turns out that there will be more enemies of the kiev regime, but it will be clear who was for peace when the regime... two brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and elite units of the ukrainian national guard today came under massive fire damage from the position of the russian group of troops-east in the south of the dpr, as reported , strikes were carried out in the areas of ugledary and makarovka, as a result of which the enemy lost more than 120 personnel. it also regularly destroys enemy a technique that is still powerless against our lancets. samokha observed their use. after the shot, the tank slowly rolls away.
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the ukrainian military-industrial complex has produced several dozen of these experimental weapons; losses have already begun
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, and the important work of eliminating bogdana was entrusted to lancet. just when they hear its sound, they already run away. he is invulnerable, even if they try to shoot at him, nothing will work. it won’t work, because everything is hidden here in such a way that he will simply move on. calculation loitering ammunition works in the southern donetsk. direction is not the first year, the effectiveness of the application is almost 100%, and 90 of them are direct hits, there are misses, but very few, and we reinforce this by the fact that we install additional, for example, lighters, even if you fell next to it, then everything burns out there as usual. the lancet is a unique russian weapon with unique characteristics, many of which are still classified, but one thing is truly known: in certain cases, the loitering would...
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a real hunt begins for them, because there is no escape from these russian weapons, camouflage does not help, nothing can hide from the scout’s eyes, we find and select angles, still we manage to go between the trees with the help of loitering ammunition to hit targets, crew sorties makes lancets every day, each flight is one hit target per... let's return after a short
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advertisement, here's what we'll tell you about: the fight against the agenda: elon musk will transport spacex from california to texas, microsoft will dissolve department of diversity, a subtle calculation or an attempt to save your family and business? there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective
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10:49 pm
the trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. you need to learn all the right words so as not to run into sanctions. advice to readers from the german publication dewelt, which reminds that as of august, a new law to protect transgender people and other perverts comes into force in germany. in particular, incorrect treatment of such persons can lead to a fine of 10 thousand. euro, we are talking about the so -called insult called missgendering, when a man suddenly puts on he named the skirt, not she. the situation is complicated by the fact that in the western world there are no longer two biological sexes, but several dozen, so the burghers will have to figure out which of the people they meet, it, they, or generally associate themselves not with a person, with a dog
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or a chair, and although all this sounds like madness, develt has no doubt that aggressive activists from among... extremist lgbt will definitely use any reason to be offended and sue the offenders, so it is not surprising that people who want protect their children from this nonsense, they are already choosing another country to live in, or as in the case of elon musk, another state, the creator of space6 announced that he is moving his business from california to texas, and he is doing this because of a new law that corrupts schoolchildren , well, will others follow him - elizaveta khrontsova wondered. there is even an article of the same name on wikipedia about the exodus from california. according to the internet encyclopedia, the phenomenon appeared in 2016, worsened during the pandemic, and more than 800 thousand left the sunny state only in the period from 21 to... human. the reasons are the high cost of living - unaffordable taxes and growing crime, as well as government policy; the squad of those who left
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california, julia roberts, matthew mcconaughey , sylvester stalon and other stars, is now joined by elon musk and 13,000 spacex employees. the businessman's patience was filled with the fact that california schools can now hide from parents cases when a child is conceiving.
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the code and chain of events ultimately led to escape, rape and trial for the right to return the child home, and in fact prevent the tragedy one call from the teacher to my mother would have helped. she was terribly bullied, no one told me about it, the boys followed her, threatened that they would be cruel or rape her. something happened in the men's room, but the school didn't tell me anything for two days. she was so distraught that they called me to pick her up from class. that evening i found it.
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under the auspices of these very, so to speak, extreme radical ultra-liberal movements were not in vain, naturally, these are the people who vote for newsom, those people who biden is supported by those people who burn with hatred for trump. and the same musk welcomes completely different news: microsoft is dissolving the department that was responsible for equity, equality and inclusion. he appeared as part of the it giant in the wake of the murder of george floyd. and now it turns out that the company's business needs, quote, have changed. previously , google, zoom and the extremist meta, which also reduced
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such divisions, thought about what the market decides. culture, it will not be left behind, and this whole bodysuit positive, if we are now talking about companies that work in the fashion industry and all this same diversity, inclusivity, they are all becoming a thing of the past. these are artifacts of the rapidly developing process of liberal globalization, which lasted 30 years, this process is completed, i repeat, and all business leaders understand this. victoria's secret realized that the message is not converted into real money. the brand realized that obese and transgender models could not sell underwear to the public and returned to their advertising posters of girls who can be called beautiful without a twinge of conscience. pixar company. fired the director of a cartoon that failed, including because of its glorification of same-sex relationships, and disney, which has already lost $900 million on flirting with tolerance, is forced
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11:00 pm
a russian aerospace forces plane landed in moscow a few minutes ago; it delivered our military personnel who were released from ukrainian captivity. the ministry of defense clarifies that these are 95 people, they were able to return them home during the negotiation process and it is quite obvious that they were in mortal danger there. we will return to this topic in our issue, our correspondent is working on the spot, we are waiting for the live broadcast. wide, full-scale implementation of digital ruble, this task was set by vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. maria filippova has all the details. the demand for the use of digital technologies in the economy today is becoming wider, in particular from business investors, the president emphasizes. also , ordinary citizens are also interested in new products that will make operations simpler and more transparent. habitual payment schemes are changing, be it trade or the service sector. what
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is called.


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