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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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russian schoolchildren brought four medals from the international biology olympiad, which was held in kazakhstan; in order to receive two gold and two silver awards, the children had to beat hundreds of competitors from all over the world. alexandra perfileva.
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iborim mikhailov from novosibirsk fought for literally every point, he had silver, biochemistry, animal anatomy, bioinformatics and even molecular biology, the main sections, the competition took place in two rounds, theoretical and practical. according to schoolchildren, these were some of the most difficult tasks in the entire history of the olympiad. these tasks were really interesting to solve, some tasks required quite careful reading of the text, because the answers were right there, some required ordinary logic, and some required calculations or even knowledge. eleventh graders trained for more than 2 years on the basis of lomanosov moscow state university, well, the training took place in education.
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schedule, i had enough strength to see astana. schoolchildren admit that the national natural park was most memorable burabai, congratulated and thanked the eleventh graders and the minister of education. today we pay great attention to the study of natural sciences; in this regard, participation in the olympiad movement is an important part of career guidance work at school. the direction we have chosen is one of the key ones for our country, and we hope that you will continue to improve your knowledge and make a significant contribution. winners of the all-russian
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schoolchildren olympiad, which means that they can enter any university in the country without entrance examinations. alexandra perfileva, news!
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expanding the capacity of waterways, building multimodal hubs, integrating ports of new regions into the country’s transport system. these issues were discussed at a working meeting by mikhail mishustin and the head of the rosmorrich fleet, andrei tarasenko. the prime minister emphasized the importance of the development of shipping and the agency’s work in this direction. its results directly affect the efficiency and safety of waterways. affects the connectivity of our territories, their economic growth, including the strengthening of international cooperation, opens up additional opportunities for industry, tourism, and a number of related industries. now the agency is in charge of 63 ports, which provide a cargo flow of 884 million tons, with
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production capacity designed for a volume of 1,300 tons, and there is still a capacity reserve of approximately 35%, what? allows you to increase the volume of cargo. the leader in terms of transshipment volumes today is the azov-black sea basin. it provided a volume of more than 291 million tons. carrying capacities are used there railway, road and river routes. the issue of creating a multimodal hub on the amur river is also being considered. currently, transshipment volumes in the far east are 238 million tons, but it could be more. in addition, the creation of a hub with access to... the other way is being discussed, you know that today we have the arctic, for example, the rivers are very good, big, there are rivers, lena, yenisei, they are idle today and cargo turnover is falling, because there is no hubs, there is no such stevedore
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who must organize, make an accumulation of cargo that will go, many we have received licenses, there are deposits, but they do not have logistics today, so today we are agreeing with rosatov on the creation of such...
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what is memorable about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on july 18, 390 bc, the battle of allia took place, which became the most shameful in the military history of ancient rome. for the first time, the roman republic was invaded by the gauls, tribes inhabiting the territory of modern france. to repel them and not let them into the capital, the romans defeated. brenna went on the attack, legions they ran so fast that they didn’t even close the gates to the capital. but the gauls did not believe that victory was so easy. they suspected a trick and
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decided not to storm the city yet; this saved rome and its citizens from death. most left, and the rest locked themselves in the temple on the capitalist hill. their gala was besieged. wuxi rome was saved. the gauls left, but only because they had to save their alpine possessions from the veneti. these are the ancestors of the venetians, who took a large indemnity from the romans. on july 18 , 1936, the drawing for the first ever ussr football cup. 94 teams, 28 master teams and 66 physical education teams took part. this was the main difference between the cup and the ussr championship that was played. and not professional football players. lokomotiv moscow and dynamo tbilisi met in the final. lokomotiv won 2:0.
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after the final whistle, the hero of the soviet union, pilot valery chkalov, entered the field. he congratulated the winners and wrote on a piece of paper: “hello to the winners of the ussr cup.” in total, the soviet union football cup was played 51 times. the only team from the major league that won it was the karpaty team from the city. this was in 1969, and the most titled team in the cup was the capital’s spartak. he won 10 times. it was spartak who, after winning the last cup in 1992, was given his trophy forever. a crystal vase set in silver, with the names of all the teams that won the ussr cup engraved on the lid of the stand. on july 18, 1947 , king george vi of england approved the law. on the independence of british india. the former colony became two independent
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states - india and pakistan. the second world war became a catalyst for national liberation movements in all colonies. the situation in india was complicated by the fact that the population was divided along religious lines: hindus and muslims. london decided to create two countries, but pakistan initially consisted of two territories: the western, now pakistan proper, and the eastern, now. this is bangladesh. and after partition, many indians ended up in muslim pakistan and vice versa. considering that among fellow believers there will be safer, 15 million people moved in both directions. but mass migration led to bloody violence. confrontation between india and pakistan still flares up periodically . and more often in the disputed region of kashmir. it is a former princely state in the himalayas. there are no clearly defined boundaries. part of the territory is controlled by india, part by pakistan. and part is china. on july 18, 2011
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, the astrophysical observatory spectrum r. was launched into space from the baikanur cosmodrome; it was launched by a zenit launch vehicle and a frigate upper stage. the main scientific goal of the mission was study of astronomical objects of various types with unprecedented resolution at that time. to millionths of an arcsecond, the essence of the system was that the object was monitored by a whole network of radio telescopes, the spectrum was responsible for its cosmic part, and several earth-based devices worked with it. then the data was synchronized. this system provided incredible accuracy. the project was called radio astron, and experiments within it were carried out by scientists from different countries, russia, the usa, the netherlands and others. created at the npo named after lavochka for the device. the spectrum is officially included in the guinness book of records as the largest space radio telescope,
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10 m in diameter. spectrum r operated in orbit for almost 8 years, which is 3 years longer than planned; communication with it was interrupted in 2019. this is what this day in history was like. here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror there. it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, there’s a man here. life will be completely different, they didn’t hurt you here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when they’re hammering, then here outside the window, just like that, you sit and think whether the next one is following you or not, at the last explosion, here under the slabs there were 18 people left who are still lying, god help me, oh, thank you, but we just came here forever. you want to buy real estate,
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for example, an apartment or a summer house, you have already chosen the appropriate option. before you sign an agreement, find out whether this property has any debt, otherwise you may encounter an unpleasant surprise. how to prevent other people’s debts from becoming yours, we’ll tell you about this in 5 minutes. program instructions. first of all, you need to understand whether there are debts or whether everything is paid on time. the easiest way is to find out and ask. show a receipt for payment for the last month, in it in the line the status of payments or debt for previous periods everything will be written, if the owner refused paper notices, then you can ask: he either has access to the payer’s personal account, or a certificate of absence of debt, it is issued by the management company and can only be received by the owner or his representative, but not potential buyers, as this information is considered confidential. according to the law, debts accumulated for housing and communal services remain with the previous owner, however, theoretically , a situation could arise when he decided
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to sell the apartment and stopped paying, but while they were looking for a buyer, the owner lived in the apartment and used it.
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sometimes such letters are sent out. to avoid this, is it better to discuss everything with the old owner on the shore and write everything down in the contract? this can be prevented; it can be stated in the agreement that the owner undertakes to pay for services at the moment of transfer of rights or until a certain date, you can make it so that you pay for these services, but in return he gives you some kind of discount, yes, that is, he reduces the price of the contract, or you just agree like this , that i know that you have debts there... 400,000, so you and i there reduce the transaction price by 700 and disagree, and accordingly, there are a lot of options here. there is only one type of debt that follows the property, that is, passes to the new owner when purchasing an apartment, these are debts for major repairs. therefore
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, you should pay special attention to this, yes, that is, check the debts for paying contributions for major repairs. and accordingly, in court they can recover from you for the last 3 years, although you bought an apartment a month ago, and you won’t get anywhere, because you are now the owner of this premises, this applies to the owners there as individuals, the situation with dacha plots unambiguous, all debts remain with the previous owner, the rights and obligations of the new owner arises only after the transfer of ownership, everything starts from scratch, although of course.
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for this land plot. what is it for ? this is necessary in order, for example, to clearly understand whether the targeted fees for electricity, roads, and landscaping have been paid? but at the same time, everyone must clearly understand that debts do not pass from the previous owner to the new owner, since you and i have rights and obligations exclusively from the moment of state registration of the transfer property. so, let's repeat the main thing: debts for housing and communal services remain when buying an apartment. for the previous owner, the management company does not have the right to demand their repayment from the new owner with one exception: debts for contributions to the capital repair fund, they pass to the new owner; when purchasing a dacha, all debts remain with the previous owner. if you want to know more, how to make transactions with real estate or other property more reliably,
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write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts about everything we will tell you in the next issues of our about... instructions: have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we did not have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. it is a universal language. over the past 200 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is powerful. in our country, its strength and wash, every day i always take a piece of black bread i enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too. this is from the philip trofimov studio. text neural networks
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are used for work, pictures are generated for entertainment too, the audience of such services is aging. yandex presented its first full-fledged, large study of why people use neural network models, of course, based on data on requests to their projects, the large yandex gpt language model and the visual yandex.
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here are business names for work, posts for social networks, program codes, advertisements and reviews, that’s what has definitely flooded marketplaces lately, i’d like to imagine that they generate some kind of congratulations, yes, if we talk about texts , posts on social networks, but uh, quite often there are unexpected things there, such as ideas for a business or a business plan, or people with the help of ross are looking for a name for a business. or they ask you to come up with a joke, well, there are surprises in pictures too, of course, the most popular types of pictures, in addition to just
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ordinary images, are logos, icons, different backgrounds, covers, but also often people ask to generate, for example, sketches, tattoos or memes. based on this research, yadex promises to refine neural networks for the most frequent requests, fortunately, as they say about the ability of neural networks. more than 60% of russians already know how to work with text and a third use it, they know even more about generating pictures, but they use it less, and they also say that the age of the audience is changing, the growth of the audience neroseti, well, mainly due to the older generation now, that is, among the older generation the growth is fastest, well, i think this is the effect of a low base, that is , among the older generation there are still the fewest users now, but this number is growing the fastest, and one more application: generative non-networks, which apparently are just gaining popularity, according to a survey conducted by cybersecurity specialists and saik, 98% of companies registered in hong kong
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admitted that at least once in the past year we have encountered fraud based on deep fakes, in other words, situations where attackers interfere with electronic communications and fake a voice or face together with a voice to impersonate a company employee. for example, in one of the british stories. multibillion-dollar architecture firm arab lost $25 million in american dollars after a hong kong employee followed orders from a fake cfo during a video conference. in total, according to police hong kong enterprises in this special administrative region gave away more than a billion dollars to scammers over the course of a year, while more than half of the hong kong companies surveyed by security and security are still confident that the employee... but in a slightly different way in the sense of protection
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from attackers used cameras built into the same laptops for spying and eavesdropping. such fears are probably not groundless; just remember that 8 years ago, a random photo revealed that mark zucherberg covers up the camera of his macbook, and he definitely understands technology, and the main thing is how... for privacy, corporate -class laptops often have a shutter built into the huawei camera from the factory; at one time they made a camera that retracts into the keyboard , but the image from it was taken from the bottom point and it turned out terrible, here is an amazing in its originality decision by honor, once a daughter of huawei, they came up with the idea of ​​​​making the camera completely removable using magnets and provided a special compartment for it in the laptop case, thus, the screen frame can be thinner, there is no need to allocate space under...
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product like? ?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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a soldier in which a person remains. how our fighters take on security guards, real stories and evidence from both sides, there is no hiding from them, no hiding from them, they are the ones who will hunt the f-16 in the skies over ukraine. the russian army received the first modernized mig-31 fighter-interceptors, the polish press writes, what to expect from these speed demons, russian soldiers will be protected from the enemy by the wings of an angel, as the soldiers call the new one.


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