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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] vladimir putin discussed the economic and energy spheres by telephone with the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman al-saud. according to the kremlin press service, the parties noted that it is important to continue close coordination within opec plus in order to ensure stability in the energy market. in addition, they highly appreciated the level of friendly relations between russia and saudi arabia, which are based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. we agreed to maintain contacts at various levels. in a russian aerospace forces board landed in moscow. he delivered our military personnel who were released from ukrainian captivity. minu barona clarifies that these are 95 people who were returned home during the negotiation process, and it is clear that they were in mortal danger there. there is treatment and rehabilitation ahead in the capital. our correspondent met the board at the airport. sofya sergieva. russia returned home 95 of its
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fighters. somebody. some of them spent several weeks in captivity, some several months, but the worst thing for them was already definitely behind, many have already managed to call their family, loved ones, friends and tell the main cherished news that they are now at home, in their native land, it’s still unclear, i still can’t believe it, i haven’t understood it yet, i haven’t understood it yet, i haven’t felt it yet, but how did i find out? about the fact that you are returning to me, what do you know, somehow unexpectedly, just yesterday lights out and they didn’t say anything, then suddenly they suddenly called me, shave, wash, write a statement, the exchange of prisoners of war took place in the 95 to 95 format again with mediation united united arab emirates. let me remind you that this is the sixth exchange of prisoners of war this year, and the previous exchange of prisoners of war took place at the end of last month, then russia and ukraine agreed to exchange 90 of their prisoners of war. and as of june 5 , there were 1,348 russian soldiers and officers in captivity of the ukrainian armed forces,
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6,460 in russia. five ukrainian, you will see relatives, you will see relatives, loved ones, friends, here is a nephew, nieces, to visit, of course, first of all, it is to go to church, to pray for all the guys who stayed there, to put the soldiers in good health. previously the ministry of defense published footage showing how our soldiers are leaving the transfers, the place of exchange and in the video there are emotions that cannot be faked, and of course, thanks to everyone. who contributed to their speedy return home, daughter, daughter, i’m done, i’m in russia, see you soon, soon they’ll give me a phone number, in about an hour i ’ll call again, keep the phone handy, glory to russia, glory to russia, hurray for these buses , the military personnel went to moscow, they still have to undergo a medical examination, if necessary, treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the ministry of defense, well, as the soldiers themselves told us, houses in their native land and walls are treated, sofia sergieva,
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andrey shnyr, konstantin veselov. move to a wider, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble, this task was set by vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. the topic will be continued by maria filippova. the demand for the use of digital technologies in the economy today is becoming wider. in particular, from business investors, the president emphasizes. also in new products that will make operations are simpler and more transparent, and ordinary citizens are also interested. habitual payment schemes are changing, be it trade or... services. it is important for us in russia, as they say, not to miss the moment, to set up the legal framework and regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. one of the technologies that should become available to everyone in the near future is the digital ruble; it is already being used in test mode. transfers and settlements with
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using the ruble in a new format. 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22 legal entities. it is planned that russians will be able to pay with the new digital currency from 2025 . all digital rubles will be issued by the central bank on a special platform. this is not a replacement for regular money, but a convenient alternative form of payment. i'll start with the pilot project that was launched by the central bank last august. we are talking about a test, trial use of the digital ruble. in fact. this is another form of our national currency, its the peculiarity is that citizens and businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with. one digital ruble is equal to one cash or non-cash ruble, the new currency will be stored in digital wallets, all operations will be under the control of the central bank, and thus the use of the digital ruble will make
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transactions more transparent. will face supply interruptions, electricity shortages, and promising investment and infrastructure projects will be put on pause. accept the necessary decisions, according to vladimir putin, are also necessary at the level of federal law. questions, in particular
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, relate to taxation and tariffs. the united states is blocking un security council resolutions that are aimed at an immediate, complete ceasefire in the gas strip. sergei lavrov stated this at a ministerial meeting of the security council. according to the head of the russian foreign ministry, washington, by covering israel at the diplomatic level by supplying it with weapons, becomes a direct participant in the conflict. with details, our special correspondent in new york, alexey golovko. the main topic of today's meeting of the un security council, the situation in the middle east, the palestine-israeli conflict has existed as long as the united nations itself, all these almost 80 years, first the soviet union and then russia. they are trying to untie the knot of contradictions; the current meeting was appointed on the initiative of sergei lavrov. the russian minister's motorcade appeared at the un building a few minutes before the start of the meeting; an unprecedented number of countries were invited to this council. subject the most important thing in a ceasefire,
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almost the whole world was interested, but israeli activists tried to disrupt lavrov’s speech, they somehow got through security with posters, got to the podium, and started screaming. i don’t understand, please tell me more clearly, more clearly, more clearly, otherwise i don’t understand. “someone, tell me clearly what you want, don’t want, well, okay, our country has always consistently advocated the creation of two states in palestine, but all peace plans are torpedoed by israel and its allies from the west. mandate for colonialism the past of the middle east and north africa remains a difficult legacy for the countries of the region. the situation is aggravated by the new geopolitical experiments of the west, we are convinced that the country. regions must themselves, without outside interference, determine their path to strengthening sovereignty and independence and socio-economic development for the benefit of their peoples. over the past 10 months, this is the fourth meeting on the topic of war in the gas sector. russia immediately condemned
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the terrorist attack by militants on israeli settlements on october 7 last of the year. but what is happening now is not selective and collective punishment of the entire peaceful people of palestine. the war has been going on for almost 300 days. the clearing of the sector of the most densely populated place on the planet, which has been called an open -air prison for many years, the result of a large-scale military operation that israel is waging together with its american allies has become a terrifying statistics of victims of destruction: in 10 months, almost 40,000 dead and 90,000 wounded palestinian civilians, most of
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which the children... tried to blame on iran, he showed a photograph of a clock from one of the streets of tehran, where the countdown to the destruction of israel is underway. iran supplies weapons to hezbollah and supplies weapons used to fight in ukraine. iran supplies weapons to the houthis, the islamic republic of iran is the main security threat in the region and the main key to security in the middle east. russia has a different opinion about who is starting the fire in the middle east. providing diplomatic cover for israel's actions, supplying weapons and ammunition washington, everyone understands this, has become
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a direct accomplice in the conflict, just as in the case of the situation in ukraine, if this support ceases, the bloodshed will be stopped, but the united states either does not want or cannot do this, apparently, the main thing is not saving human lives, but maneuvers that will allow you to score more points during the election campaign. today's discussion showed that the united states actually refused to discuss plans for a peaceful settlement in advance. in connection... in this regard , the russian minister reminded the american i would like to convey to permanent representative thomas grimfield her statement yesterday at the security council. she did not like the arguments of the russian side so much that at some point she said, apparently, she - quote - entered the wrong room. israel does not need any plan with a hint of peace. today we were convinced of this again, by the way, i wanted to ask, dear representatives of the united states, listening to the speech of the representatives of israel today, did you have the feeling that you... were in the wrong room and came to the wrong discussion that was
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announced. i hope it's clear what we're talking about. russia advocates an immediate ceasefire in the region and the exchange of prisoners; the creation of a unified palestinian state is necessary. sergei lavrov discussed these conditions yesterday and today with regional leaders from bahrain, kuwait and libya. and the iranian foreign minister told reporters how the operation against hezbollah in southern lebanon could turn out. the israeli regime cannot compensate for its failures by spreading the war to other parts of the region, especially lebanon. there they will get stuck in the swamp of problems they create. the situation in lebanon sergei lavrov also discussed this with his counterpart from beirut today on the sidelines of the un security council. alexey golovkov, philip dubrovsky, ivan udkin, un news, new york. the results of two days of work as chairman at ministerial meetings of the un security council, as well as the results of bilateral meetings with the minister. sergei lavrov summed up the foreign affairs of six states at a press conference. most
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of the questions, of course, concerned the ukrainian crisis. the russian diplomat recalled that his first reason is the expansion of nato to the east, contrary to numerous warnings from moscow. our country has repeatedly shown goodwill in trying to resolve the conflict, but any attempts to reach an agreement were thwarted by ukraine at the behest of the west and each time after that it lost territory. however, the us and allies persist.
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after the failure, the so-called peace. carried out by registered mail, however, this
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does not mean that ttc will suddenly disappear somewhere, on the contrary, now they have the right to demand documents and a military id, but absolutely all men, without any discrimination, will face arrest for violators, with details, anastasia ponko. a line is forming outside the tc building in kiev; men are trying to update their military registration data in order to receive a military id. according to the new rules, ukrainians are from 18 to 60 years old. when going out, they are required to carry this document with them, its absence is a violation of the law, therefore a fine of up to 25 thousand hryvnia, a summons or delivery straight
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to the military registration and enlistment office, also without a military officer... the new rules have driven ukrainian men into a trap, or they themselves go to the military registration and enlistment office , or pay the state. so, why are you fighting? the pace of mobilization in ukraine in recent times months have doubled, going out has become even more dangerous. employees of the military registration and enlistment offices diligently hunt for conscripts,
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the mobilized age for... to clarify the data, and if he does not have documents and is unfit, he is sent to the vlk, where he can be recognized as fit with reservations, then he is sent to the training ground with an offer to complete the paperwork or obtain combat status and then resign. it seems they are ready to mobilize almost any person; they tried to take this guy by force from hospitals, despite what happened. according to the new rules, if the results of a medical examination on a military id are overdue, now it must be retaken once a year, then a summons can be issued right on the street, but poor health is not a reason to sit out in civilian life, according to the tsk. according to verkhovna rada deputy yuriy komelchuk, due to the formal approach to
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the medical examination, a large number of people with illnesses end up in the army, some of whom have to be sent to military hospitals for treatment. it takes approximately 5-7 minutes to complete commission by one person, do you think it is possible to conduct a normal medical examination during this time? and for these men, the medical examination did not even take 5 minutes, they had just updated their data, having read the issued document more carefully, they are surprised, it says that they have already been to the doctors. vlk date 2009 rick, vlk date 2009, what’s most interesting is that i’ve never passed the vlk. deputies on tv complain that the unhealthy and mobilized become a burden for the state, ordinary people help each other avoid meeting with employees of the shopping center, like this they stand with a sign with the inscription, hand out summonses, save those whom they want to forcefully send to the front. anastasia panko, andrey sapegin, host. the us department of defense was
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forced to officially admit that it does not know where part of the money allocated for military assistance to ukraine could have gone. inspector general. the pentagon reported on the results of the audit for the first half of last year; auditors were unable to confirm more than 50 invoices for contracts for the repair of armored vehicles, the purchase of equipment and business trips of specialists. these works were carried out on polish military base, through which a significant part of western aid for the kiev regime passes. it is feared that the contractors simply pocketed a total of $20 million in whole or in part. in addition, auditors discovered so -called irregularities. now the pentagon is looking for those responsible for negligence and very urgent news from the united states: joe biden a few minutes ago canceled his speech at another election event because he tested positive for coronavirus, and according to the white house press service, the american
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the leader feels fine, but he went into self-isolation, and even before the news that the president had contracted covid, an influential congresswoman. adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the election race. schiff became the 20th highest-ranking democratic official to publicly suggest biden should resign. the current president is adamant, despite the catastrophic ratings. meanwhile, the republican vice presidential nominee, state senator agaya, j.d. vance, will speak for the first time in the coming hours. donald trump's ally will formulate the main theses of their common program. americans greet their leader with applause; he appears in the evening and continues to maintain intrigue. trump listens to the speakers, waves
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to the crowd, but is silent himself, obviously a calculated calculation to bring the intensity of expectations to the peak in order to deliver one, but crushing blow. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and wisconsin, the six so-called swing states that will determine the election results in november this year. that's why the republicans decided to hold their own congress. here in wisconsin, i think we'll see a little higher voter turnout, a little more voter participation in rural parts
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of the state, and that will be enough to put us in first place. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden, who had suspended his campaigning, again went out to the people. the shooting of an opponent temporarily completely eclipsed the issue of removing him from the race, and the democrats decide to continue in nivada, another one. the new electoral reality forces biden has noticeably softened his anti-trump rhetoric and wants to prevent a surge in political violence. the voices of non-white
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americans, he decides to remind them that his vice president is black kamela harris, as well as the phrase that jobs are for blacks, which trump said at the debate the day before. guys, i know what the hell a black job is, it's being the vice president of the united states, that's the first one. black president in american history, barack obama. while the leadership of the democratic party is selecting a new strategy after the shooting in pennsylvania, its big democratic donors are scheming. according to the new york times, they are calling politicians close to biden, urging them not to abandon the idea of ​​removing biden from the election track. biden himself said the day before that he was ready to withdraw from the election if he received such a recommendation from doctors, but so far he saw no reason for this. if i had some kind of disease, if someone, the doctors would come and say you have such and such a health problem, but to be honest
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, i think the only thing that age brings is a little wisdom. and all this on amid regular punctures of biden's reservations in public speeches. one of the main critics of the current president, elon musk , has already stated: biden would be perfectly replaced by a person who would be able to simply read the text from a prompter without errors. musk announced that, following tesla’s office, he is moving the headquarters of his company spacex from democratic california to republican texas. as musk said, the last straw was the new law of the california democratic governor to protect the rights of lgbt schoolchildren. such attention from democrats to transgender and minority rights amid much larger unresolved problems in the country irritate republican supporters as much as biden's erratic management practices. he talks about this. my concern is that the current president of the united states does not have the ability to fully carry out
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his duties, our adversaries do not limit their actions to the president's schedule from 10 am to 4 pm, we need a commander in chief who is able to lead us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. on the third day of the congress, political heavyweights, unlike democrats, republicans 3 months before the vote. american agenda, according to him, it was biden’s policy that made increasingly closer cooperation between russia and china inevitable. in
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the economic struggle with china, trump promises to continue already proven tactics. introducing draconian tariffs on goods from the middle kingdom and sixty percent duties, according to him , is far from the limit, but he is ready to reconsider his opinion on sanctions as a means of confrontation with russia. what we are doing now in in terms of sanctions, it leads to everyone moving away from our country, so i don’t like sanctions. the whole world is watching the situation in america as trump approaches washington with ever-growing alarm, and now the us state department has to explain what it means for ukraine? i'm probably going to have a hard time in the next few months when there will be a lot of statements made during the campaign that i would like to respond to that i probably shouldn't respond to, so i'll just highlight our
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support for ukraine. meanwhile, the future republicans also discuss us foreign policy at their congress. the police detained another suspicious person; during a search, they found a pistol and a full magazine in his possession. what he was doing in the area of ​​the congress is unknown, as police representatives told us, squads who arrived in meluki from all over the country are now working in the city to ensure security. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from
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milwaukee, wisconsin. we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, we won, the russians helped them it wasn’t all the same, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, there was no benefit from them, at first the west did it in such a way that they maimed these people, because with their consent. the places did not grow drugs, we explained to the people that we would punish for drugs, what the taliban are talking about has real confirmation, we got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working, we install,
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open, watch, russian channels, all series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello. on july 18, 390 bc, the battle of aliyah took place,


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