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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 18, 390 bc, the battle of aliyah took place, which became the most shameful military battle. history
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of ancient rome. for the first time, the roman republic was invaded by the gauls, tribes inhabiting the territory of modern france, in order to repel them and not let them into the capital, the romans set up a camp in the suburbs, near the allia river, a tributary of the tiber, but the battle formation was too stretched when the gauls, under the leadership of their leader brennus , went on the attack, the legions ran so quickly that they didn’t even close the gates to the capital. but the gals did not believe that the victory was so easy, they suspected a trick and... while not storming the city, this saved rome and its citizens from death. most left, and the rest locked themselves in the temple on the capital hill. their gala was besieged for 7 months, once they were able to climb the wall, but again no luck. the approach was revealed by sacred geese, and the attack was repelled by the defense forces led by marcus manlius. then the expression appeared: the geese saved rome. the gauls left, but only because they had to save their alpine possessions, from... the netov are the ancestors
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of the venetians, they took a large indemnity from the romans. on july 18, 1936 , the first ever ussr football cup began. 94 teams, 28 masters teams and 66 physical education teams took part. this was the main difference between the cup and the ussr championship, that non-professional football players also played. lokomotiv moscow and dynamo tbilisi met in the final. locomotive. won 2:0. after the final whistle , the hero of the soviet union, pilot valeryich kalov, entered the field. he congratulated the winners on the sheet paper wrote: “greetings to the winners of the ussr cup. in total, the soviet union football cup was played 51 times. the only team not from the major league that won it was the karpaty team, from the city of lvov. this was in 1969. well, the most titled team in the cup became the capital's spartak. he won
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10 times. it was to spartak, after winning the last cup in 1992 , that his crystal vase in a silver frame was given forever, with the names of all the teams engraved on the cover of the stand. winning the ussr cup. on july 18, 1947 , king george vi of england approved the law on the independence of british india. the former colony turned into two independent states - india and pakistan. the second world war became a catalyst for national liberation movements in all colonies. the situation in india was complicated by the fact that the population was divided along religious lines into hindus and muslims. london decided to create two countries, but pakistan initially consisted of two territories: western, now it is actually pakistan, and eastern one, is now bangladesh. and after partition, many indians found themselves on the territory of muslim pakistan and vice versa, counting. that
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it would be safer among fellow believers, 15 million people moved in both directions, but mass migration led to bloody violence. confrontation between india and pakistan still flares up periodically and more often in the disputed region of kashmir - a former principality in the himalayas. there are no clearly defined borders; part of the territory is controlled by india, part by pakistan, and part by china. july 18, 2011 in 2008 , the spectrum r astrophysical observatory was launched into space from the baikanur cosmodrome ; it was launched into space by a zenit launch vehicle and a frigate upper stage. the main scientific goal of the mission was to study astronomical objects of various types with unprecedented resolution up to millionths of an arcsecond at that time. the essence of the system was that an entire network was monitoring the object.
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radio telescopes, the p spectrum was responsible for its space part, several earth devices worked with it. then the data was synchronized. such a system provided incredible accuracy. the project was called radio astron and experiments within it were carried out by scientists from different countries, russia, the usa, the netherlands and others. created at the lavochkin research and production association, the spektr apparatus is officially included in the guinness book of records as the largest space radio telescope , 10 m in diameter. spectrum r operated in orbit for almost 8 years, which is 3 years longer than planned; communication with it was interrupted in 2019. this is what this day in history was like. july 17 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. july 18, 1770 battle of largues. rumyantsev's russian troops defeated the turkish army, which was twice its size. rumyantsev used the tactic of moving troops in columns, which in battle turned into a scattered formation. the battle turned out to be
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a strategic victory for russia. for success on the larga river, rumyantsev was the first of the military leaders to be awarded the order of st. george, first degree. do you want to buy real estate, for example, an apartment or a cottage? already chosen the appropriate option. before you sign the contract, find out whether this property has a debt, otherwise you may to face an unpleasant surprise, how to make sure that other people's debts do not become yours, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. first of all, you need to understand whether there are debts or whether everything is paid on time. the easiest way is to find out and ask to see the receipt for payment for the last one. in it, in the line status of payments or debt for previous periods , everything will be written: if the owner refused paper notices, then you can ask him for either access to the payer’s personal account, or a certificate of absence of debt, its is issued by the management company and can only be received by the owner or his
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representative, but not by potential buyers, since this information is considered confidential: by law, debts accumulated for housing and communal services remain with the previous owner, however... theoretically a situation may arise when he decides to sell apartment and stopped paying, but while they were looking for a buyer, the owner lived in the apartment and used the resources, after 3 months of no payments, his water and electricity were turned off, and you didn’t know about it and signed an agreement, and you are you faced with the need to somehow restore the supply of resources? here , most likely, you will go to court, and you will go to court, to cancel this decision, or you will write a claim, say that: a transaction was made, the transaction was registered on such and such a date, and i am now the new owner, here is the confirmation documents, and an extract from the unified state register of real estate, although now there is no patronymic name there, unless you yourself allow these to be published, and well, the date of transfer of rights will be,
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accordingly, and you will say that cancel your these restrictions, pay nothing for it no need for reconnection and so on, but it will be a complex process, it’s easier. of course, such situations should be prevented. the management company does not have the right to demand that the new owner repay the debts of the previous one, although in practice such letters are sometimes sent out. to avoid this, it is better to discuss everything with the old owner on the shore and write everything down in the contract. this can be prevented, it can be stated in the agreement that the owner undertakes to pay for services at the moment of transfer of rights or there until a certain date, you can do this, what are you...
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therefore, you should pay special attention to this, yes, that is, check the debts for paying contributions for major repairs, and accordingly, in court they can collect from you for the last 3 years, although you bought the apartment a month ago , and you won’t go anywhere, because you are now the owner of this premises, this applies to both the owner there, individuals and legal entities, the situation with dacha plots is clear, all debts. remains with the previous owner, the rights and obligations of the new owner arise only after transfer of ownership, it all starts with a clean slate, although, of course, before purchasing it is better to talk with the chairman or accountant of the snt where you want to buy a dacha; if there are debts on membership or target fees, debts for electricity or maybe
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gas, then it makes sense to register in the purchase and sale agreement, the seller is obligated to repay them within a certain time frame, and when purchasing a land plot, it is located. novt, of course, it is necessary in advance the chairman of this industrial and non-profit partnership puzzled to find out whether there are debts on a given land plot, why is this necessary? this is necessary in order, for example, to clearly understand whether targeted contributions for electricity, roads, and landscaping have been paid, but at the same time, everyone must clearly understand that debts from the previous owner to the new owner do not pass, so how rights and obligations you and i have arise exclusively from the moment of state registration and transfer of ownership. so let's repeat the main thing is that debts for housing and communal services when purchasing an apartment remain with the previous owner, the management company has the right to demand their repayment from the new owner with one exception: debts for contributions to
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the capital repair fund, they pass to the new owner, when buying a dacha, all debts remain with the previous owner . if you want to know more, learn about how to more reliably make transactions with real estate or other property, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts, we will tell you everything in the next issues of our programs instructions. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what every family has. bread created our civilization. contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution, this is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind,
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this is a universal language, over the last 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, the power of its emo, every day i take a piece of black bread i am always happy life. faced with bread, man literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.
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it’s just my author’s, how did i want to do it like this, as they say, i’m an artist, i see it that way, it seems to me that now poop bags are becoming a fashionable accessory again, because i see a lot of people are starting to drink poop, i say, i asked, i i say, for what purposes, she said, and i will greet my guests this way, the folk master from vladimir, anatalya terikhova is meeting guests in belarus for the first time, they and my husband has long dreamed of going to the slavic bazaar, the largest arts festival in eastern europe, the selection is strict, they invite the best of the best, and finally natalya is among them. finally, our dream has come true, we arrived, we are very happy about it, we were greeted here very hospitably, i sew my own clothes. bags and kitchen textiles. no sooner had open air, uniting russia and belarus
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, died down than vitebsk picked up the baton of festival diplomacy. the thirty -third slavic bazaar gathered a record number of participating countries, more than forty from india to colombia, but the union state has a special place in the program. we are happy that belarus is hosting guests, a very hospitable republic, we are looking forward to applauding alexander grigorievich. and watch a wonderful concert. these spectators of the opening concert came to vitebsk from moscow and st. petersburg. tickets were purchased several months in advance and they always sell out promptly. today this festival brings together people of different generations, religions and cultures, true connoisseurs of art, with a variety of preferences from avant-garde to classics. but most importantly, it truly became a family holiday. a holiday of traditional values, here the residents, our guests
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, can really rest their souls, dear friends, the slavic soul is limitless in its openness to the world, so our festival has long gone beyond the geographical boundaries of the slavic brotherhood, through art to the world of mutual understanding, this is how alexander lukashenko defined the philosophy of the festival:
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to whom the people happiness, health, all the best, peaceful sky and great prosperity. the culmination of the days of the union state at the slavic bazaar, a concert in a summer amphitheater built specifically for this forum, which first received guests in ninety-two. the stands for 6,000 spectators are filled, some are even standing on the stairs. but today, having thought about what the motto of this concert should be, we invite you to support. a very simple formula: brotherhood is more valuable than any wealth, the concert organizer is the permanent committee of the union state, invited star artists from russia and belarus, the holiday is financed from the union budget. turetsky's choir replaces each other on stage,
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ensembles sebra and samotsvety, kuban cossack choir and songers, ensemble kabardinka and ruslan likhno. cultural development of two countries to eight educators, they were awarded, in particular , the head of the ros-izo center olga galaktionova, as well as the belarusian songwriter anna seluk, but a special award went to the composer alexander zatsepin. a living legend, the author of the melody and songs that sound in the comedies of leonid gaidai, the cartoons the secret of the third planet and the film film film, he is still
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creating his 98th year, the most anticipated premiere of the festival, his musical for children, the tale of tsar saltan. my name is david, i think. that there will be a very colorful performance, such a slavic bazaar has never happened before, a show with luxurious costumes, fiery dances, and absolutely new hits from the genius of film music, with a pushkin plot familiar from childhood. i remember when i was little, there i was 4 years old , five years old, my mother took me to see the blue bird, i...
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parents, emotions that are genuine, sincerely memorable, this is one of the elements of what we are today in our formats more we pay attention to the children's and youth program, youth topics, we have an olympics, you know, we have a sports competition for children and youth, we have a cadet shift, we have a new festival of youth creativity. there is something in this corner of belarus, as alexander lukashenko noted, that has inspired the creation of great works for centuries. vitebsk province is the birthplace of marc chagall,
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repin and malevich worked here, and composer mark fratkin, author of the song road to berlin based on evgeniy’s poems, is from here. has been created here for centuries a unique atmosphere, an atmosphere of creative search, an atmosphere of dialogue between civilizations. for centuries, trade routes intersected here, connecting east, west, north and south, this city gratefully absorbed new ideas and trends, and developed due to this. 6,000 show participants and programs for every taste. concerts, performances, creative meetings and conferences, including at a high level. the results of 25 years of cooperation in the humanitarian sphere under the auspices of the union state were discussed at a round table. we have been in' since last year.
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partisans and underground fighters. under the torrential rain of the feat of soviet soldiers and liberators
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, the delegation of russia and belarus laid flowers at the eternal flame. in july , additional trains with cornflowers, symbols of the festival, were specially launched between moscow and vitebsk. there are so many tourists that available hotel rooms in the city ran out back in june, and a tent camp had to be opened in one of the parks. during the slavic bazaar, vitebsk turns into a festival city, for example, a fair opens here on the pedestrian tolstoy street folk crafts, street musicians perform, it’s hard to believe that it’s so crowded here on a weekday. tirakot, smoked ceramics or wrought-iron technique. is different for each region of russia and belarus, explains the master from mogilev, vyacheslav yakovenko. you can play
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any melody on it, and it imitates the voices of birds and animals, you can play any melody, even a march. the cultures of russia and belarus are closely intertwined. this is at...
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a solo concert at the vitebsk philharmonic , the world star singer oscar abdrazakov celebrates his 5th anniversary at the slavic bazaar. to her as a sign of the unity of cultures in the program there is a duet with the soloist of the bolshoi theater of the republic of belarus oksana yakushevich. for me, of course, this is a huge honor and a feeling
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of, you know, my own satisfaction when you really immerse yourself in this unusually pure program, the program of slavic culture, it is you who want to talk about ours, about our love, first of all, of two peoples, yes. the days of the union state at the slavic bazaar represent all areas of cooperation between two states with a common border. necessary it should be noted that the most striking, most compact and significant projects are those that we have been implementing for several years under the auspices of the union state. the slavic bazaar is a very good platform for holding cultural and creative negotiations, because both heads of the cultural sphere and heads of countries, cities, regions come to us, here we get to know each other, and then cultural days appear in novosibirsk. people and enriches cultures,
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this is the main philosophy of such shows, through art to find the key to the world mutual understanding. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a benzolo country. to bring russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does digital help with, you are incomparably original in your questions and what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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cooperation between moscow and erriyadh in the political, trade, economic and energy spheres vladimir. discussed on the phone with the crown prince of saudi arabia arabia, mohammed bin salman al-saud. according to the kremlin press service, the parties noted that it is important to continue close coordination within opec plus in order to ensure stability in the energy market. in addition, they highly appreciated the level of friendly relations between russia and saudi arabia, which are based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. we agreed to maintain contacts at various levels.


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