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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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mana without a flint, i was imprisoned in flints , pen, self-written magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s how i they call you because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. i can't live without traveling. flint, who doesn’t need a feather, who has a flint in his pocket? soon. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law. shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. got tense inside america, beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, and why? now you need to watch
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watch, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. expanding the capacity of water magistrates. construction of multimodal
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hubs, integration of ports of new regions into the country’s transport system. these issues were discussed at a working meeting by mikhail mishustin and the head of rosmorrichflot andrei torasenko. the prime minister emphasized the importance of the development of shipping and the agency’s work in this direction. from her the results depend on the efficiency and safety of waterways, and this directly affects the connectivity of our territories and their economic growth. including strengthening international cooperation, it opens up additional opportunities for industry, tourism, and a number of related industries. currently, the agency is in charge of 63 ports, which provide a cargo flow of 884 million tons, while the production capacity is designed for a volume of 1,300,000 tons, and there is still a capacity reserve of approximately 35%, which allows increasing the volume cargo. today it is the leader in transshipment volumes. the carrying capacity
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of railways, roads and rivers is used . the issue of creating a multimodal hub on the amur river is also being considered. currently, transshipment volumes in the far east are 238 million tons, but it could be more. in addition, the creation of a hub with access to the northern sea route is being discussed. you know that today we are in the arctic, for example. very good, big ones, there, irtysh, lena, denisey, they are idle today and cargo turnover is falling, because today there are no hubs, there is no such stevedore, which must organize, accumulate the cargo that will go, many have received licenses, there are deposits, but they do not have logistics today, so today we are agreeing with rosatov on the creation of certain hubs on such arctic rivers that will accumulate cargo and go out. mikhail mishustin pointed out
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the importance of restoring the entire transport and logistics infrastructure in the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions, including waterways. andrey torasenko spoke about the development of transport infrastructure in these regions. to launch large enterprises, we tell you what kind of cargo turnover you need, because we understand that today the raw materials that were previously used there are not there, they must now be brought in because of. let you help in placing an order, yes, yes, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly, we are putting in order all the depths that are necessary today so that there is a passage, well, moorings and all the other structures that are necessary for transshipment. as the head of government noted, everything needs to be done now necessary to ensure that the transportation of people and goods is carried out precisely according to russian standards, and for this it is important to integrate the relevant structures of new regions into the general transport system of the country. we watch
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to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app. or on the website. do you want to buy real estate, for example, an apartment or a cottage? already chosen the appropriate option. before you sign the contract, find out whether this property has any debt. otherwise, you may encounter an unpleasant surprise. how make sure that other people's debts do not become yours, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. first of all, you need to understand whether there are debts or whether everything is paid on time. the easiest way is to find out and ask to see the receipt. for payment for the last month, in the line the status of payments or debt for previous periods everything will be written, if the owner refused paper notices, then you can ask him for either access to the payer’s personal account, or a certificate of absence of debt, it is issued by the manager
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company, and only the owner or his representative can receive it, but not potential buyers, since this information is considered confidential; by law, debts accumulated for housing and communal services remain for... however, theoretically , a situation may arise when he decides to sell the apartment and stops paying , but while they were looking for a buyer, the owner lived in the apartment and used the resources, after 3 months of no payments, his water and electricity were turned off, and you didn’t know about it and signed an agreement, and you will be faced with the fact that you need to somehow restore the supply of resources? here , most likely, you will go to court, and you will go to court, to cancel this decision, or you will write: a claim, say that a transaction was made, the transaction was registered on such and such a date, and i am now the new owner, so supporting documents, and an extract from the unified state register of real estate, although now my middle name is not listed there, unless you yourself allow this information to be published, and well, the date of transfer
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of rights will be, accordingly, and you will say that cancel your these restrictions, you don’t have to pay anything for it , for repeated connection and so on, but... this will be a complex process, it is easier, of course, to prevent such situations. the management company does not have the right to demand that the new owner repay the debts of the previous one, although in practice such letters are sometimes sent out. to avoid this, it is better to discuss everything with the old owner on the shore and write everything down in the contract. this can be prevented; it can be stated in the agreement that the owner undertakes to pay for services at the moment of transfer of rights or until a certain date, you can. make it so that you pay for these services, but in return, gives you some kind of discount, yes, that is, reduces the price of the contract, or you simply agree so that i know that you have 4000 in debts, so we are there with you we reduce the transaction price by 700 and disagree, so
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there are a lot of options here, there is only one type of debt that follows the property, that is, it goes to the new owner when buying an apartment, these are debts for... major repairs, so this is what you should pay for pay special attention, yes, that is check debts for payment of contributions for major repairs, and accordingly, in court they can collect from you for the last 3 years, although you bought an apartment a month ago, and you will not go anywhere, because you are now the owner of this premises, this applies to both to the owners there , individuals, individuals, the situation with yes... plots is clear, all debts remain with the previous owner, the rights and obligations of the new owner arise only after the transfer of ownership, it all begins from scratch, although, of course, before buying it is better to talk with the chairman or accountant of snt, where you want to buy a dacha, if there are debts on membership or target
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fees, debts for electricity or maybe gas, then it makes sense to write it down in the purchase and sale agreement, the seller's obligation to repay them within a certain time frame. purchasing a plot of land located in snt, of course, it is necessary for the chairman of this farming and non-profit partnership to ask in advance whether there are any debts for this land plot. what is it for ? this is necessary in order, for example, to clearly understand whether targeted contributions for electricity, roads, and landscaping have been paid, but at the same time, everyone must clearly understand that debts from the previous owner to the new owner do not pass, so as for... debts for housing and communal services when purchasing an apartment remain with the previous owner, the management company has no right to demand their repayment from the new owner with
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one exception: debts on contributions to the fund major repairs, they pass to the new owner; when purchasing a dacha, all debts remain with the previous owner. if you want to know more, learn about how... how to make transactions with real estate or other property more reliably, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts, we will tell you everything in the next releases of our instruction program. where can you see a large concentration of robots in one place? from year to year, the forum and notre exhibition becomes one of the main platforms for the latest industrial developments. now we are not growing by percentage, but by multiples every year. our goal is truly ambitious. when we installed robots, our turnover was around 4 billion rubles. at the moment, we have 15 billion. in 3 years, we have grown by 3 percent. what can’t a robot be trusted with? i think that a robot cannot be trusted to make
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decisions while a person makes these decisions for him, here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently. you haven't been offended here yet ours didn’t come, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when they’re hammering, here outside the window, just like that, you sit and think whether he’s following you or not, at the last explosion, there were 18 people left here under the slabs, who lie until still, god help me, oh, thank you, we just came here forever.
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this is a tax program, me, larisa katosheva. hello. this september
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, the heads of tax administrations of the brics countries will gather in the russian capital. what kind of meeting will this be? and what impact will it have on tax administration in all these countries. in just a couple of minutes we will talk about this with elisey balta, head of the international cooperation department at the federal tax service of russia. well, right now it’s traditionally a few numbers. 2,600 billion rubles are expected to be brought into the country's budget by changes in the tax code. the corresponding law was signed by russian president vladimir putin. the innovation will come into force on january 1 next year and will affect citizens with an income of more than 2,400,000 rubles. in year. the same law provides for an increase corporate income tax from 20 to 25%. and at the same time it introduces a federal investment deduction, which will reduce. tax on capital expenditures for the development of the company. in addition, municipal authorities received the right to introduce
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a tourist tax, which should replace the resort fee. 6,200 thousand enterprises are registered in the updated register of small medium-sized businesses, which is 262 thousand more than in the previous version of the register. in general, according to the federal tax service services, small... enterprises make up more than 80% of all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the country. the register of small medium-sized businesses registered almost 70 million requests in the first 6 months of this year alone. as of the end of june, 428 companies were registered in special administrative regions on russky and oktyabrsky islands. this is almost a third more than at the beginning of the year. such data is provided by the news with reference to the ministry of development. special administrative regions will simplify
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relocation of foreign companies with russian roots to russian jurisdiction. investments of such companies in the russian economy in 2023 amounted to 85 billion rubles. 10 billion 979 million rubles. this is the amount of personal income tax according to the publication. paid by leonid mikhelson, a shareholder of the gas company novatek and the chemical manufacturer sibur holding. it topped the rating of the largest personal income tax payers, which included. those who transferred more than a billion rubles to the treasury as income tax. when compiling the rating of a publication used open data, in particular information on dividends paid, for a total of 22 taxpayers in the rating. well,
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elisey balta is in touch with us right now. elisha, hello. hello, larisa. this year, the heads of tax administrations of all brix countries will gather in the russian capital, what kind of meeting will it be and what are its goals? well , the heads of the prix tax services have been meeting for more than 10 years on an annual basis, the beginning was made in 2013, when there was the first meeting of the heads of the brix tax services, the main directions are works; to describe them briefly, they are an exchange of experience and best practices. in the field of tax control, administration, as well as improving the quality of information exchange for tax purposes. in cape town in 2023, it was decided to choose three main directions along which we would move. the first direction is design work. and we will focus on three main blocks: human resources, tax technologies
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for using data. and within the framework of the project work is expected that work groups will exchange in a structured manner. best practices, and this exchange will end with the release of guidelines for tax administrations around the world, then the so-called humanitarian agenda, where there will be youth, this is a women’s agenda, and the most important, probably strategic direction, is the movement towards the creation of a permanent governing body of the brix association . we are in constant contact with tax teams from nine tax services. brix countries, we are in constant interaction with them, we have already confirmed the participation of, in general, the majority of the delegation, so we are counting on great participation, great involvement, we already see it in the brix agenda of both old and new countries, and we are of course doing a lot to ensure involving new participants in
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the brix tax agenda. and the federal tax service of russia is the secretariat of this organization. that is, as i understand it, all this international coordination is on you? well, in reality , there is no permanent secretariat in the brix tax association now, but the rules are as follows: that the tax administration of the country, which presides over brix, is the temporary secretariat of the brix tax association, and russia is presiding this year, and this means that the federal tax service of russia is that very temporary secretariat, in practice this means that we launched for the first time.
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as far as i know, he is the leader of working groups, at least three in this organization, what kind of groups are these and what is happening there? four groups have now been formed: the first group is dedicated to the modernization of vat administration systems, if in the broadest in the sense of describing the program of this working group, this is the creation of a tax administration maturity model, where we would like to give direction to countries on where to move in order to...
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work out all hr processes, analyze existing practices, existing technologies in the field of hr, so
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as to attract employees and develop employees within the tax service, it is now headed by the federal tax service of russia, so we do not participate everywhere, but we support the work of working groups everywhere as a temporary secretariat. elisha, so what? will it take place directly at the event itself? there is a day when the heads of all taxes gather. administrations and there are expert days. the event will last 3 days, the first 2 days are allocated by the expert, respectively, the experts will finalize the brix activity program for future years, this program will be presented on the third day by the head of the heads of the brix tax services. in this meeting of the chief tax officials of the brix countries, what do you expect? there will be time set aside for a strategy session where heads can talk about what what direction the tax authorities can move. brix unification, the important thing is that we assume that the result of this meeting will be the approval of an agreement on the brix tax mechanism with the participation of an expanded
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number of countries. elisha, and the last question, in this situation in which we find ourselves, what do you see as the further development of international communication of the federal tax service? well, look, i can tell you a little about the directions of international cooperation along which we are moving. first and foremost, we continue to place great emphasis on attention to projects. technical cooperation , we communicate with them on this topic on an ongoing basis. another important area we are involved in is education. this year we successfully implemented an educational project for colleagues
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from the republic of tajikistan, shared with them best practices and innovations in the field of tax administration, and we will scale this project for colleagues from other jurisdictions, because there is a demand for education. the third story is the youth agenda, we are this year for the first time, we held a youth forum of tax administrations of the cis country, we plan to continue to work in this area, the youth track in international cooperation, i especially wanted to highlight, probably, electronic cross-border document flow, we conducted two pilots with the tax services of the republic of belarus and armenia, and have now launched it.
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develop, now more than 50 countries exchange information on financial accounts with russia, we participate at the un site in the preparation of an international tax treaty, the purpose of which is more representing the interests of developing countries on the global tax agenda, and of course we plan to continue to develop the areas of the brix tax association, because we believe that this is a promising area in the international tax agenda. a lot of new contacts. there are a lot of requests, in fact, we are now developing new directions, creating new institutions, and this is dynamic, interesting
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work in which we are completely immersed with great interest. of course, we are interested in the experience of other countries, we constantly exchange as part of bilateral meetings, we communicate with colleagues from jura and from china, for example, as was the case last year, we are interested in issues of organizational development, issues... the tax program, where we discuss tax legislation and tax practice, including international ones. see you!
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, its strength and mochi. every day i take a piece of black bread and i always
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feel happy in life. facing bread. a person is literally transformed, this is what our distant ancestors believed, we really hope that you think so too.
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cooperation between moscow and erriyadh in the political, trade, economic and energy spheres. vladimir putin discussed on the phone with the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman al saud. according to the kremlin press service, the parties noted that it is important to continue close coordination within opec plus in order to ensure stability in the energy market. in addition, they highly appreciated the level of friendly relations between russia and saudi arabia, which are based on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. we agreed to maintain contacts at various levels.


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