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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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[000:00:31;00] vladimir putin discussed trade, economic and energy spheres by telephone with the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman al-saud. according to the kremlin press service, the parties noted that it is important to continue close coordination within opec plus in order to ensure stability in the energy market. in addition, they highly appreciated the level of friendly relations between russia and saudi arabia, which are based on the principles of mutual respect and taking into account each other’s interests. we agreed
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to maintain contacts at various levels. in a russian aerospace forces plane landed in moscow and delivered our military personnel who were released from ukrainian captivity. the ministry of defense clarifies that these are 95 people who were returned home during the negotiation process and it is clear that they were in mortal danger there. there is treatment and rehabilitation ahead in the capital. our correspondent, sofya sergieva, met the board at the airport. russia returned 95 of its soldiers home to their homeland, some of them spent several weeks in captivity, others several months, but the worst thing for them is already certain behind, many have already managed to call their family, loved ones, friends and tell the main cherished news that they are now at home, in their native land, it is still unclear, have not yet understood, have not yet understood, have not yet felt, but how did they find out that so you come back to me and what do you know, somehow unexpectedly, just yesterday it was lights out and they didn’t say anything,
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then suddenly they suddenly called me to shave. wash, write a statement and wait. the exchange of prisoners of war took place in the 95x95 format, again through the mediation of the united arab emirates. let me remind you that this is the sixth exchange of prisoners of war this year, and the previous exchange of prisoners of war took place at the end of last month, then russia and ukraine agreed to exchange 90 of their prisoners of war. and as of june 5, there were 1,348 russian soldiers and officers in captivity of the ukrainian armed forces in russia. 6,465 ukrainians, you will see your relatives, you will see relatives, friends, nephews, nieces, to visit, of course, the first thing is to go to church, pray for all the guys who stayed there, to give health to the soldiers. previously the ministry of defense published footage showing our soldiers leaving the transfers, the place of exchange and in the video emotions that cannot
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be faked. daughter, daughter, i’m done, i’m in russia, i’ll see you soon, soon they’ll give me a phone number, in about an hour i’ll call again, keep the phone handy, glory to russia, glory to russia, hurray, the military personnel went to moscow on these buses, they we still have to undergo a medical examination, if necessary, treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the ministry of defense, but as the soldiers themselves told us, houses on their native land and walls are being treated. move to a wider, full-scale implementation of the digital ruble, this task was set by vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues via videoconference. the topic will be continued by maria filippova. the demand for the use of digital technologies in the economy today is becoming wider. in particular, from the side of business investors, the president emphasizes. ordinary
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citizens are also interested in new products that will make operations simpler and more transparent. habitual payment schemes are changing, be it trade or the service sector. we are in it is important for russia, as they say, not to miss the moment, to set up the legal framework and regulation in a timely manner, to develop infrastructure, to create conditions for the circulation of digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. one of the technologies that should become available to everyone in the near future is the digital ruble. it is already being used in test mode. transfers and settlements using the ruble in the new format are carried out by 12 banks, 600 individuals and 22 legal entities. it is planned that the russians will be able be calculated using a new digital currency from 2025 . all digital rubles will be issued by the central bank on a special platform. this is not a replacement for regular money, but a convenient alternative form of payment. i'll start with the pilot project that was launched by the central bank last august.
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we are talking about testing. trial use of the digital ruble, in fact, this is another form of our national currency, its peculiarity is that citizens and businesses can... use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account has been opened. one digital ruble is equivalent to one cash or non-cash ruble. the new currency will be stored in digital wallets. all operations will be under the control of the central bank and thus the use of the digital ruble will make transactions more transparent. according to the data, as of july 1, the digital ruble was used more than 30,000 times. thus, more than 27 transfers were made and payments for goods and services were made over 7 thousand times. among the main advantages of the digital ruble is the ability to conduct transactions with it even without access to the internet. the bank of russia plans to expand the experiment to increase the number of participants to 20 banks, 9,000 individuals and 1,200 organizations. in general
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, the digital ruble platform, as the president noted, has shown its efficiency and functionality. in practice, each such ruble is a unique digital code, blockchain technology is used, and it is also used by the creators of cryptocurrency. they. they also spoke at the meeting, more precisely about the problems surrounding the extraction of these digital funds or mining. the key issue is energy consumption. according to calculations by the ministry of energy, mining in russia annually consumes 16 billion kilowatt-hours, which is almost equal to one and a half percent of the total electricity consumption in the country. the consequences can be quite significant. an uncontrolled increase in electricity consumption for cryptocurrency mining may lead to power shortages in certain
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regions. it's already. the united states is blocking un security council resolutions that are aimed at an immediate complete ceasefire in the gas strip. about this. sergei lavrov said at a ministerial meeting of the un security council. according to the head of the russian foreign ministry, washington, covering israel at the diplomatic level by supplying it with weapons, becomes a direct participant in the conflict. with details from our special
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correspondent in new york, alexey golovko. the main topic of today's meeting of the un security council is the situation in the middle east; the palestine-israeli conflict has existed as long as the united nations organization itself. and all these. for 80 years, first the soviet union, and then russia, have been trying to untie the knot of contradictions, the current meeting was scheduled on the initiative of sergei lavrov. the russian minister's motorcade appeared at the un building a few minutes before the start of the meeting; an unprecedented number of countries were invited to this council. the topic is the most important in the ceasefire, almost the whole world is interested, but israeli activists tried to disrupt lavrov’s speech, they somehow got past the guards with posters, got to the podium, and started shouting. i don’t understand, please tell me more clearly, more clearly, otherwise i don’t understand, someone alone, tell me clearly what you want, don’t want, okay, our country has always consistently advocated the creation of two states on the territory of palestine, but
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world plans are torpedoed by israel and its allies from the west, the mandate for the colonial past of the middle east and north africa has become a difficult legacy for the countries of the region, the situation is aggravated by new... geopolitical experiments of the west, we we are convinced that the countries of the region must themselves, without outside interference, determine their path to strengthening sovereignty and independence, social and economic development for the benefit of their peoples. over the past 10 months, this is the fourth meeting on the topic of war in the gas sector. russia immediately condemned the terrorist attack by militants on israeli settlements on october 7 last year. but what is happening now is an indiscriminate and collective punishment
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of everything peaceful. on both sides during 10 years of conflict in the south-east of ukraine, today gas lies in ruins, all infrastructure, schools, hospitals, residential buildings have been destroyed. 2 million people are under complete siege, dying of hunger and thirst, although food and water are only a few kilometers away from them, what is happening in gaza will go down in history as the most documented genocide in history, but israel, carrying out a clean-up and closing all humanitarian corridors, continues
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to build illegal settlements. iran supplies weapons to hezbollah, supplies weapons used to fight in ukraine, iran supplies weapons to the houthis, the islamic republic of iran is the main security threat in the region and the main key to security in the middle east. russia has a different opinion about who is starting the fire in
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the middle east. speeches by representatives of israel, you do not have there was a feeling that you were in the wrong room and came to the wrong discussion that was announced. i hope it's clear what we're talking about. russia advocates an immediate ceasefire in the region and an exchange of prisoners. this requires the creation of a unified palestinian state. sergei lavrov discussed these conditions yesterday and today with regional leaders from bahrain, kuwait and libya. and the iranian foreign minister told
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reporters what could happen. dangers of the un, as well as the results of bilateral meetings with foreign ministers affairs of six states, sergei lavrov summed it up at a press conference. most of the questions, of course, concerned the ukrainian crisis. the russian diplomat recalled that his first reason is the expansion of nato to the east, despite numerous warnings from moscow. our country has repeatedly shown goodwill in trying to resolve the conflict, but any attempts to reach an agreement were thwarted by ukraine at the behest of the west and each time after
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that it lost territory. however, the united states and... self-isolation, and even before the news that the president had contracted covid, an influential democratic congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the election race. shiv became the twentieth most... senior representative of the democratic party who publicly suggested that biden resign. the current president is adamant, despite the catastrophic ratings. meanwhile, republican vice presidential nominee jd vance, r-agaia, will make his first speech in the coming hours. donald trump's ally
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will formulate the main points of their common program, before delegates to the republican national convention. our own correspondent is following the progress of the election race. usa. dmitry melnikov. for the third day in a row , delegates to the republican national convention greeted their leader with a standing ovation. he appears in the evening and continues to maintain the intrigue. trump listens to the speakers, waves to the crowd, but remains silent. obviously, a calibrated calculation, to bring the intensity of expectations to the peak in order to deliver one, but crushing blow. arizona, georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania and
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wisconsin. the so-called hesitant ones. you know it hurts, i think people for the most part will vote with their wallets, that's what we've come to here in wisconsin. i think we'll see a little higher voter turnout, a little more participation in rural areas of the state, and that will be enough to put us in first place. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden, who had suspended his campaigning, again went out to the people. shooting your opponent completely for the time being. dropped the question of removing him from the race and the democrats decide to continue in nevada, another crucial state for the election campaign. unlike ordinary americans, biden has not been to the grocery market for a long time ; he obviously cannot estimate the rise in prices during his presidency, nor is he able to understand where he is, but when he sees
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a three-year-old black girl, he habitually rushes towards her. the new electoral reality forces. and what is a job for blacks, this is the work of the vice president of the united states, this is the first black president in american history, barack obama. while the top of the dimparty is choosing a new strategy after the shooting in pennsylvania, major democratic donors are weaving their intrigues. according to the new york times, they are calling
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politicians close to biden, urging them not to abandon the idea of ​​removing biden from the election track. biden himself said the day before that he was ready to withdraw from the election if he gets it. it would be great to replace it with a person who would be able to simply read the text from a prompter without errors. in addition, musk announced that he was moving tesla's office from democratic california to republican texas. the headquarters of his company spacex. as musk said, the last straw was the new law of the california democratic governor to
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protect the rights of lgbt schoolchildren. this attention of democrats to the rights of transgender people and minorities, against the backdrop of much more serious unresolved problems in the country. irritates republican supporters as much as biden's strange governing methods. this is being discussed at the congress now. i am concerned that the current president of the united states is not able to fully carry out his duties. our opponents do not limit their actions according to the president's schedule from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. we need a commander in chief who can lead us 24/7. on the third day of the congress on the podium. political heavyweights, unlike the democrats, the republicans are an absolute monolith 3 months before the vote, and trump’s main opponent in the primary, nicky haley , publicly swears allegiance to her leader. if we have 4 more years of biden or one single day with kamala haris, our country will suffer very seriously, to
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save our country we must move on with donald trump. trump looks happy and confident; the day before, in an interview with bloomberg, he once again directly accused biden of incompetence, but trump is already looking far beyond the limits of the american agenda. according to him, it was biden's policies that made increasingly closer relations inevitable. according to him, this is far from the limit, but i’m ready to reconsider my opinion on sanctions as a means of confrontation with russia, what we are doing now in terms of sanctions leads to the fact that everyone is moving away from our country, so i don’t like sanctions for the impending washington trump , the whole world... is watching the situation in america with ever-growing alarm, and now the us state department has to explain what it means for ukraine that the possible arrival
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of such an ardent opponent of kiev’s support as j.d. vance to the white house as vice president. i'm probably going to have a hard time in the next few months when there will be a lot of statements made during the campaign that i would like to respond to that i probably shouldn't respond to, so i'll just highlight our support for ukraine. meanwhile the future foreign policy of the united states is discussed at their congress and the republicans, a senator from wisconsin and a member of the congressional foreign affairs committee, voices a thesis that is not the most popular, but is circulating on the sidelines. we must reconsider our policies. i don't want america to go to war with russia, we need to put an end to this. and president trump understands this too. i think putin understands too. tomorrow donald trump and the situation will address the delegates. things are heating up around the convention site every day. the day before, the police shot and killed a black man who was wandering around in a mask, armed with a knife
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, near the site of a party event. the police detained another suspicious person. during the search , a pistol and a full magazine were found on him. it is unknown what he was doing in the area of ​​the congress, as police representatives told us, squads that arrived in meluki are now in the city to ensure security. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 18. the battle of alia took place in 390 bc. which became the most shameful in the military history of ancient rome. for the first time, the roman republic
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was invaded by the gauls, tribes inhabiting the territory of modern france. to repel them and not let them into the capital, the romans set up camp in the suburbs, near the allia river, a tributary of the tiber. but the battle formation was too extended and when the gauls, under the leadership of their leader brennus, went on the attack, the legions ran, so fast that they didn’t even... the gates to the capital, but the gauls did not believe that the victory was so easy, they suspected a trick and decided not yet storm the city, this saved rome and its citizens from death. most left, and the rest locked themselves in the temple on the capitalist hill, their gala was besieged for 7 months, once they were able to climb the wall, but again no luck. the approach was revealed by sacred geese, and the attack was repelled by the defense forces led by marcus manlius. then the expression geese appeared. they were saved. the gauls left, but only because they had to save their alpine possessions from the veneti - these are the ancestors of the venetians, and
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they took a large indemnity from the romans. july 18, 1936 the draw for the first ever ussr football cup began. 94 teams, 28 master teams and 66 physical education teams took part. this was the main difference between the cup and the ussr championship, which was played and not played. professional football players. lokomotiv moscow and dynamo tbilisi met in the final. lokomotiv won 2:0. after the final whistle, the hero of the soviet union, pilot valery chkalov, entered the field. he congratulated the winners and wrote on a piece of paper: “hello to the winners of the ussr cup.” total soviet union football cup played 51 times. the only team not from the major league that won it was the karpaty team from the city of lvov. this was in 1969, and the most titled team in the cup was the capital’s spartak. he won
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10 times. it was spartak who, after winning the last cup in 1992, was. his trophy, a crystal vase in a silver frame, with the names of all the teams that won the ussr cup engraved on the lid of the stand, is given away forever. on july 18, 1947, king george vi of england approved the independence of british india. the former colony turned into two independent states - india and pakistan. the second world war became a catalyst for national liberation movements in all colonies. the situation in india was complicated by the fact that the population was divided along religious lines into hindus and muslims. london decided to create two countries, but pakistan initially consisted of two territories: the western, now pakistan proper, and the eastern, now bangladesh. and after partition there are many indians ended up on the territory of muslim pakistan and vice versa, believing that
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it would be safer among fellow believers, 15 million people moved in both directions. but mass migration led to bloody violence. confrontation between india and pakistan still flares up periodically, most often in the disputed region of kashmir, a former princely state in the himalayas. there are no clearly defined borders; part of the territory is controlled by india, part by pakistan, and part by china. on july 18, 2011 , an astrophysical mission was launched from the baikanur cosmodrome. observatory spectrum into space it was launched by the zenit launch vehicle and the frigate upper stage. the main scientific goal of the mission was to study astronomical objects of various types with unprecedented resolution up to millionths of an arcsecond at that time . the essence of the system was that the object was monitored by a whole network of radio telescopes, the p spectrum was responsible for its
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cosmic part, and several worked together with it. experiments within its framework were carried out by scientists from different countries, russia, the usa, the netherlands and others. created at the lavochkin npo, the spectrum device is officially included in the guinness book of records as the largest space radio telescope, 10 m in diameter. spectrum r worked in orbit for almost 8 years, which is 3 years longer than planned, communication with it. power in 2019. this is what this day in history was like.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first, the west did so by crippling these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on
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the website. welcome to asia, where the heart


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