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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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could repeatedly achieve a ceasefire and a peace agreement, but kiev, blinded by the desire to preserve its regime, stubbornly rejects all possibilities. sergei lavrov spoke about this, the head of russian diplomacy answered questions from journalists after participating in meetings of the un security council, where russia is now the chairman. what other important statements were made? alexey golovko will talk about this. the work of the russian foreign minister at the un invariably arouses great interest in... their media and
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after the end of the security council , journalists have the opportunity to ask him any question. at the end of his working trip , sergei lavrov holds a large final press conference. after the minister’s brief report on two days of work , questions immediately arise: will russia participate in the second so-called peace summit, as zelensky suggests. but our country still does not see any practical sense in this. the course has been taken to push through the so-called zelensky plan at any cost. which has a distinct shape ultimatum. if we talk about peaceful efforts, for some reason everyone talks about this buergenstock. but no one talks about china’s initiatives, of which there were several, at the beginning of this year; later china put forward its proposals. recently, china and brazil also formalized several elements of the initiative. i will not list them, but the main difference is from zelensky’s formula and from...
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dense, non-negotiable interpretations that this story is full of, which i tried to tell briefly. we have to repeat again, ukraine over the last 10 years could have achieved both a ceasefire and a peace agreement several times already, the last time during the negotiations in turkey, the first time during the events on the maidan. if in february 2014, the agreement that president yanukovych signed with the opposition would have been implemented.
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they demand that the russians liberate crimea, from the russian population, that is, from ukrainian citizens living in crimea. it was not possible to keep ukraine within the 1991 borders, because crimea held a referendum and the expression of will did not raise any doubts among any of the objective observers, it returned to russia. in any case, changes on earth have already been recorded in the russian constitution; residents of four new regions have made their choice. not all territories there have been liberated yet. but we cannot
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leave the people who voted for returning to russia under the yoke of a regime that exterminates everything russian. the us press asks: now that trump's chances of winning have increased after the unsuccessful assassination attempt, is russia ready to cooperate with him as the us president? we worked with president trump, we had contacts, he met with president putin, he received me at the white house a couple of times. regardless of what his moods were, it was during trump’s presidency that the sanctions war began, very much, obama started it, in fairness, let’s say, but under trump there were more sanctions, both economic and diplomatic, but during that period, as i already said, there was a dialogue between.
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made several public statements that confirm this position, but the feeling is that they want to provoke them, provoke them into full-scale involvement of hezbollah, and the purpose of such a provocation, as analysts
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suggest, is to involve the united states directly, in participating with its armed forces in this conflict. i really hope that the west will do everything to ensure that such provocative thoughts, if they exist, of course, in the israeli leadership, so that they remained thoughts, but would have been better forgotten. sergei lavrov answered questions from reporters for almost an hour and a half; as expected, next time in the work of the united nations, he will take part in the fall of this year during the un general assembly. alexey golovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan utkin, news from the un. ny. and another group of russian military personnel was delivered to the moscow region, who managed to be freed from ukrainian captivity. 95 people arrived. representatives of the united arab emirates acted as mediators in the exchange. and my colleague sofya sergeeva met the board.
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the military transport il-76 has just landed. this means that 95 of our soldiers released from ukrainian captivity will very soon be home. like mosk. ok, thank you, victory will be ours, long way to go home is left behind, they don’t want to ask about what they had to go through, but they themselves think more about the future and, of course, about the long-awaited meeting with their family, someone wants to quickly hug their mother, their beloved children, someone wants to build a house, planting christmas trees and certainly seeing them grow, we felt wonderfully supported by the population when we crossed the border, that is, people greeted us with smiles, it kind of invigorates, well , gives it so to speak, the united arab emirates, russia and ukraine agreed to return 95 each to their homeland fighters, news of liberation many believed with difficulty, it is still unclear,
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have not yet understood, have not yet understood, have not yet felt, but how did they find out that you were returning to me, it was somehow unexpected, just yesterday lights out and you didn’t say anything, then suddenly they called me suddenly. shave, wash, write a statement, and wait, zhenya was captured on march 1, upon arrival, the first thing he did was call his grandparents: that’s it, we ’ve arrived in moscow, grandfather, it’s already about 30 km, and i can say home , we prayed for this, we called everyone today, that’s it they said, everyone, everyone thanks god, the grandson returned home, alive and healthy, maybe very healthy, but most importantly alive, no, grandma, i’m completely healthy, everything is fine, according to the commissioner for human rights in russia, during the exchange of prisoners of war with the dialogue between ukraine and ukraine is still not easy, many russian military personnel remain in ukrainian captivity, and nevertheless, this is already the sixth exchange in a year; during the previous one, at
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the end of june, 90 soldiers returned to russia, and now they are praying for a speedy return those who remained in captivity, you will see relatives, you will see relatives, loved ones, friends, from nephew to niece to visit, of course, first of all, this is to go to church, pray for all the guys who stayed there, put the soldiers there for good health, freed the soldiers still have to undergo a medical examination; if necessary, the ministry of defense will provide them with treatment, rehabilitation and psychological assistance, but the worst is definitely over, ahead is a meeting with family , friends, and of course, plans for the rest of their lives. sofia sergegieva andrey shnyr, konstantin veselov, daria leonova, news! the crew of the t-80 tank destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian neo-nazis in the southern donetsk direction.
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tankers of the tenth separate tank battalion of the southern group of forces fired aimed fire at the positions of ukrainian militants, corrected the attack with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, reported on the course of the battle and how they provided protection for their own. completed completely, three tankers, three cheerful friends, maybe the song was dedicated to another crew of a combat vehicle, but this one
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deserves no less awards, guys from donbass even before the start of the svo, as soon as i turned 18, they came to the service, in a week i learned how to drive everything, how to run all the sensors, i learned everything, but it’s not difficult at all, everyone can come and learn, the young crew prefers not to talk about their military exploits, but most eloquently about this they say awards, medals on the chest for... courage, despite the fact that the front air is literally teeming with enemy drones, they boldly rush into battle, help our assault troops, one of the eighty is now under repair, fpv hit the side, the accumulative jet has passed tank, well, thank god everything is fine, these gratings, katezashki saved us, what we are welding, tank commander daniil with a welding machine in his hands, minor repairs, replacement of active protection, installation of the so-called... barbecues, they try to do everything with their own hands, there are no standards, everyone
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makes their grills differently, but mostly they are from resets, also from fpv, from this, well, mostly from resets and fpv. after completing combat missions, the crew tries to analyze the vulnerabilities in the equipment, it is modernized, in addition to the usual triplexes, a camera was installed on board for a better overview of the situation on the battlefield. and here’s another know- how in this ball there is a mixture and when the temperature reaches over 200° when it hits... at first, as soon as the soldiers came to duty, they counted every destroyed enemy target, during the special operation they had already lost count, they began to perceive everything as they are not making plans for the future yet, they say the main victory is the main victory, and they are fighting for it. vadim topalov, roman frolov, lead donetsk. in the vdeevsky direction are working. fpv drones of the vega special forces squad. the fighters destroy
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enemy personnel in open areas and in shelters, as well as strongholds in the forest and populated areas. the calculations consist of an operator and an assistant. the first determines the target, the second prepares the ammunition, launches and tracks the drone, and also orients the operator and corrects his work. several drones are always in the sky.
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will be approximately 300 billion rubles, this, of course, including from non-budgetary sources,
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budget support includes preferential loans and leasing, as well as compensation for discounts to manufacturers, watch the full version of the interview with first deputy prime minister of russia denis manturov on our channel today after 11 o’clock moscow time. according to the ministry of economic development, annual inflation in russia is slowing down from july 9 to july 15. it dropped to 9.21%. price growth has become less active both for food products and in the segment of non-food products, and specifically electrical household appliances have become cheaper. noted in the ministry. in russia it is necessary to create about 18,000 agricultural classes so that the training of personnel for the country's agriculture begins at school. this was stated by the minister of agriculture oksana lot. accordingly, we, in the whole country, see the need to create 18,000 agricultural classes, but in fact these are 18,000
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rural schools, which are located in rural areas, including small schools, which certainly need to be addressed. and the creation of agrotechnological areas there, the energy system of ukraine can wait collapse due to heat. this conclusion was reached in the new york times. in addition to the fact that the network was already in critical condition, it is now overloaded due to the active use of air conditioners and cooling units. there are true blackouts throughout ukraine, but this does not help. the authors of the article reported that kiev is trying to negotiate with the european union on the lifting of restrictions on... in addition to spare parts, however, experts emphasize that , in addition, the authorities are asking the west to allow them to restore the ukrainian system in the winter, it will not be possible to restore the ukrainian system, the idea of ​​​​installing hundreds of gas turbines good on paper, but difficult to implement. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the official exchange rates for today are 88 rubles 8 kopecks for the dollar,
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9630 euros, that’s all i have for now. tatiana.
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opportunity to withdraw biden from the election race, then i don’t see such an opportunity anymore, many senators are demanding that biden’s candidacy be replaced, but aides are misleading the head of the white house about the ratings, journalists state. so, california congressman adam shift called on joe biden to drop out of the presidential race because the country is at a crossroads. a second trump presidency would undermine the foundation of our democracy. can the president defeat trump in november? big question, he said. republicans go on the attack and do not mince words. the democrats betrayed us, they threw us into the abyss. joe biden and kamala haris screwed us over. at the republican national convention, all of trump's opponents, nicky haley and ron disantis, are calling on americans to unite. there is only one goal - to send biden to a nursing home. the reds
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rely on protectionism. europeans trump considers them parasites. he promises to introduce 15% tariffs on... imports of european products and force europe to pay for placement there, and even more with the usa, and to do away with ukraine altogether. all this, of course, goes against the policies of the democrats. biden moves from personal attacks against trump to criticism of the reds' policies. the focus is on project 2025, compared to the first 100 days of president biden's second term. they want to show the contrast of doctrines, but the content of his speeches will remain virtually unchanged. democrats are traveling around the country, vice president haris is flying to michigan, scaring voters with an international threat, our president biden called on everyone for unity.
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in his candidacy from the election, the article says, and biden seems to have responded: if the doctors tell me that for health reasons i cannot be president, i will leave. maryarodilka, news, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets. gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with subscription with berprim. siès. professional
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assault or bullying, the prisoner even tries to joke awkwardly, ours answer, i’m at jimmy’s, how do you like mine the rexes were processed, fine, all the rexes are ours, in the sense fighters say that they fought for zelensky? well, of course, this is a sub-step, that is, but any capture of a prisoner, that is, it is a kind of game, that is, who will win, that is, it’s not just like that, well, the guys also say out of courage, well, how did my rexes do you? , well, it’s beautiful, a fighter with the call sign taman also took prisoners in different directions, and artyomovskaya and ovdeevka say that there is no such thing as beating those who surrender, much less shooting prisoners of war.
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came towards us, and we seemed to meet him, everything, tied him up, yes, of course, but to beat and torture there, we don’t have that, that is, he sat in our position for three or four days, so he himself sort of told where their positions were, where were the flamethrower, machine-gun points, they also fed him, then he as if they said, you are the command, we are russian soldiers, every soldier must stay. human in any situation, but the enemy has destroyed the humanity in himself, in any case, an animal from the forbidden azov, capable of shooting a wounded, unarmed russian soldier at point-blank range, precisely what our soldiers do not allow such a nightmare, the special strength of the russian soldier. this is an extremely revealing story of how they fight and how we fight. it was on bolshoi potemkin island on the dnieper, the armed forces of ukraine,
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they planted theirs as bait, as a decoy, and he did something wrong with them, so they shouted at him like a decoy, for three days he shouted: russians, help, yes, can you imagine? when there is silence, this is water, everyone can hear all this, well, there is a click, they first broke his arm, this is not a made-up story, it all really happened, they then broke his leg, this is because that he was screaming badly and we didn’t crawl up to him, that is, pull him out, but they had a sniper couple sitting there who would have worked on the same thing. we prepared everything and we pulled him out without any losses of our own, and we then transported him urgently, he was cured by our doctors, these are the records of a doctor with the call sign ovdey, who cured a prisoner from potemkin island, we read: patient vladislav kritsul from odessa, ninety sixth year of birth, he was given antibacterial drugs and so on, that is, ours naturally saved his life, maybe is that why the vyseushniks surrender? when
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they took the village, there were a lot of prisoners, we had 18 prisoners at once in one assault, they say, they don’t want to fight with us, they are forced. dmitry romaev from the ukrainian 57th motorized infantry brigade, was imprisoned for theft, robbery, murder, drugs, was released on parole because he joined the armed forces of ukraine. we were told that, in general, we would recapture the wolves, then we would go to belgorod, where we would be allowed a shorter time.
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who are you, i’m a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we get bored, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception. without a flint, i was imprisoned in a flint , a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is , because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go. “
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i can’t live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now? you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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