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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned up to this hour. another 95 of our soldiers, who were rescued from ukrainian captivity, returned home. the board was stationed at an airfield in the moscow region. the fighters were already able to communicate with their families for the first time in a long time; a course of treatment and rehabilitation lies ahead.
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joe biden was diagnosed with coronavirus, the president has mild symptoms, the head of the white house went into self-isolation at his residence in belover, it is reported that biden will continue to serve. airplane sander. will be sent for extinguishing forest fires in the north of yakutia. the most difficult situation is now in the obysky district. the fire is raging 15 km from the village of belaya gora, and additional fire fighters have been sent there. and now our correspondent, vitali prokopyev, will tell you all the details. vital, greetings, how is the fight against the fire going? hello, alexander. pobyisky. in the area here, a large
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outbreak is located 10 km from the settlement. the footage shows how the fire engulfed the forests; in total, the fire engulfed over 930 hectares; aviation was urgently brought in to extinguish it. also for to stabilize the situation , additional forces, in the amount of 50 people, were sent to the obysky district, they have already reached the place and are now doing everything possible to tame the elements. also, backpack window extinguishers and pumps were sent to the village. masks, respirators and water containers. during the past 24 hours , six forest fires were detected in the region using aerial monitoring, and 26 were extinguished on an area of ​​almost 70,000 hectares. the total number of fires is about 150. almost 2.0 people and 176 pieces of equipment are involved in the firefighting effort. airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is involved in obiysky, olekmensky, verkhnevilyuysky and aldansky districts. departures are also planned. the cia
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launched large-scale surveillance of residents of the dpr and lpr, including intercepting calls and messages on cellular networks. for these purposes, according to experts, the cia's mission was completely restructured and functioning. the cia even built new buildings and an electronic espionage department in kiev. all this cost washington tens of millions of dollars. officially, such generosity was explained by fears that old publications vulnerable to russian intelligence. massive attacks on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, fortified positions and concentrations of enemy infantry destroyed the crews of russian aviation. the attack
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was carried out by unguided aircraft missiles from mi-28 helicopters. all targets destroyed. then an anti-missile maneuver using an on-board defense system and a successful return to base. today we received a combat mission to destroy enemy strongholds. we took off strictly on time, set out on a combat course, and fired missiles. in the army s8, s-13 completed anti-missile maneuver with an arrow of thermal traps, on the way back, at an extremely low altitude, behind the folds of the terrain, we flew back. the crew of the t-80 tank destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the southern donetsk direction. tankers from the 10th separate tank battalion of the southern group of forces fired aimed fire at the positions of ukrainian militants and corrected the attack using a drone.
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from a closed firing position, with an accurate shot , the t-80 tank destroys a neo-nazi stronghold, objective control footage confirmed that the task was completed, it is possible move to the rear. just returned from a combat mission in the t-80 tank. the crew worked on positions of ukrainian militants. tired, but with a sense of accomplishment, the crew turns off the engines and leaves the car. hit the enemy's support position, the enemy was hit, the task was completed completely, three tankers, three cheerful friends, maybe the song was dedicated to another crew of a combat vehicle, but this one deserves no less awards, the guys from donbass, even before the start of the northern military district, as soon as they turned 18,
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they came to duty . i learned to drive in a week, that’s it launch, all the sensors have been learned, it’s not difficult at all, everyone can come and learn about the combat exploits of the young crew. prefers not to tell, but most eloquently, this is evidenced by the awards, on the chest there are medals for courage, despite the fact that the front-line air is literally teeming with enemy drones, they boldly rush into battle, help our assault troops, one of the eighty is currently undergoing repairs board, the accumulative jet tank passed through, well, thank god everything was fine, the grilles, katzes saved it, what we are welding, with a welding machine... tank commander daniil is in his hands. minor repairs, replacement of active protection, installation of so-called barbecues, they try to do everything with their own hands. there are no standards, everyone makes their grills differently, but mostly they are from resets, also from fpv, well, mostly from resets and fpv. after completing combat missions, the crew tries
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to analyze the vulnerabilities in the equipment and modernize it. in addition to the usual triplexes, a camera was installed on board for a better overview of the situation on the battlefield. and here's another one know-how in this step. the mixture is located and when the temperature reaches over 200° when it hits, in particular, an fpv and a drone, this mixture is sprayed and accordingly eliminates the source of fire. at first, as soon as the soldiers arrived for duty, they counted every enemy target destroyed, but during the special operation they lost count and began to perceive everything as work, even combat. they are not making plans for the future yet, they say the main victory is the reason they are fighting. vadim topalov, roman frolov. vesti, donetsk. we met another one in moscow a group of our military personnel who were rescued from ukrainian captivity. 95 people arrived. all of them will undergo treatment and rehabilitation. sofia sergeeva spoke with the fighters. il-76 military transports have just
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landed. this means that 95 of our soldiers released from ukrainian captivity will very soon be home. how are the emotions? fine thanks. us, the long journey home is behind us, we don’t want to ask about what they had to endure, but they themselves are thinking more about the future and, of course, about the long-awaited meeting with their family, someone wants to hug mother, beloved children, someone to build a house, plant christmas trees and certainly see how they grow, we felt wonderful support from the population when we crossed the border, that is , people waved to us, greeted us with smiles, it’s kind of invigorating, but gives, so to say, force, yes, which... so to speak, was not enough, russia does not abandon its own, as a result of the negotiation process through the mediation of the united arab emirates, russia and ukraine agreed to return 95 fighters each to their homeland, many believed the news of the liberation with difficulty, it is still unclear, have not yet understood, have not yet understood, have not yet felt, but how
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did you know that you were returning to me, what is this? somehow unexpectedly, just yesterday lights out and they didn’t say anything, then suddenly they suddenly called you, shave, wash, write a statement. zhenya was captured on march 1, and upon arrival, the first thing he did was call his grandparents. that's it, we arrived in moscow, grandfather, it's already about 30 km, and i can say we're home. we prayed for this, we called everyone today, everyone said everything, everyone thanks god, the grandson returned home, alive and healthy, maybe not very healthy, but most importantly alive. no, grandma, i’m completely healthy, everything is fine. according to the commissioner for human rights in russia, dialogue is still not easy when exchanging prisoners of war with ukraine. there are still quite a few russian military personnel remaining in ukrainian captivity, and yet, this is already the sixth exchange in a year. during the previous one, at the end of june, 90 fighters returned to russia, and
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now they are praying for the speedy return of those who remained in captivity. relatives, friends, nephew, niece. the fighters still have to undergo a medical examination, if necessary, the ministry of defense will provide them with treatment, rehabilitation and psychological assistance, but the worst is definitely over, ahead is a meeting with family , friends, and of course, plans for the rest of their lives, glory to russia, glory to russia, cheers, sofia sergieva andrey shner, konstantin veselov, daria leonova, news! tel aviv's actions could provoke a large-scale war in the middle east, sergei said. lavrov at a press conference at the un. the diplomat emphasized: the policy of inciting conflict
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will lead to disaster, and noted that israel is blaming neighboring countries to expand the war zone to involve its main western ally, the united states. neither hezbollah, nor especially the lebanese government, nor iran, want full-scale wars, and there is suspicion. that some circles in israel are trying to do exactly this, to provoke a large full-scale war, in the hope of dragging the united states into it. i am convinced that these are the most dangerous plans that put personal ambitions above the interests of their people and peoples of the region. american president joe biden contracted the coronavirus and canceled his campaign events. which were scheduled for the coming days on social networks, although he wrote that he was feeling well and
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was going to comply with the isolation regime. earlier it became known that congressional democratic leaders had already begun to demand that biden withdraw his candidacy from the upcoming elections. many believe that the current head of state has no chance of winning. at the same time, the number of americans who support rival biden is growing. donald trump. denis davidov has all the details. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, nor does he have a mask; having passed a positive test for covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr. president, how are you feeling? i feel good, but i can’t believe it, looking at how the 81-year-old us president boards the plane; for convenience, a short ramp is deployed, but he conquers these 13 steps with great difficulty, he is flying home to delaware for self-isolation, but was supposed to perform at a conference in... unfortunately, i just
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spoke with president biden on the phone and he shared his deep disappointment in not being able to be with us, he had just tested positive for covid. the white house doctor reported that biden has a runny nose, cough and malaise, no fever, he has been vaccinated and revaccinated against covid, for the coming ones. as the next president of the united states. ladies and
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gentlemen, welcome the next president of the united states, donald trump. there's still the same bandage on his ear, and there's a bunch of guards behind him. since the assassination attempt, he has not missed a single day. republican party convention, goes out into the hall in the evening and listens not only.
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refused to agree on a date for the vice-presidential debate. republicans said they were unclear who democrats would nominate as their second-in-command in the race. they made fun of kamala haris, who could become if biden leaves. presidential candidate, and the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious, more and more party members are calling on biden to withdraw his candidacy. a few minutes ago, congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. statement a high-ranking democrat, biden going on sick leave, all this does not seem to be an accident. the day before, the owner of the white house said: he will leave the race if he develops
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some kind of disease, the doctors will tell him to stop. today his short story appeared on social networks. message about being sick. denis davidov, polina fedorova, lead. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. couples. we trust renival, we choose renival, reliably, the same reliable tools for small workshops of large industries, all
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undertaking a series of actions that seriously violate china's core interests and destroy bilateral political... a major political event is taking place, the third plenum of the twentieth congress, a key, decisive, but very important from the point of view of economic decisions and the development of economic relations with the united states. there is currently no information on the captive, one of the most commentators says that this confirms that the most closed event in the last maybe 10 years in the party life of china, and of course there is very little
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information when, against the backdrop of these closed-type political consultations senior management. there is news about cessation of dialogue on strategic stability, and this is not just about arms control, but control over nuclear weapons and non-proliferation, this is a very serious anti-american signal that the entire elite of the country of china is sending in relation to the united states, this is the main context that needs to be understood, yes, that is, as the americans say, the big picture, the look from above, other nuances, there are quite a lot of such nuances, well , firstly, china has never had transparency regarding the control of its own - from external observers, that is , nothing similar to the dialogue between russia and the united states, which exists on control over the non-proliferation and quantity of nuclear weapons in the two countries, between china and the united states simply does not exist, well, to begin with, experts are simply guessing about the amount of nuclear potential of the people's republic of china, they call the figures 380 warheads and so on,
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someone says that the potential has been increased significantly over the past 5 years to a thousand warheads. but china never let close means any observers external to its own nuclear forces, this is a subject of extremely serious, and serious control on the part of china, and there has never been anything like what happened with the russian federation. this is the first one. the second important context is that in china there have been very significant changes in the composition of the senior leadership of the armed forces, and firstly, the former minister of defense ishaanfu has been condemned in a party way, and they say: that means weifangh, his previous predecessor also, who withdraws from nuclear forces, is also condemned, that is, this is a very serious signal, which was accordingly, before this decision, yes, uh, this... second important context, yes, besides this there are other nuances, that is, the united states is already beginning to directly accuse china of playing along with russia, that is
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, officials, congressmen of the united states say that china is actually playing the russian game, that is , trying to accuse it of being an ally of the russian federation, and an ally only in the ukrainian operation, an ally in in a global sense, yes, that is, this decision is very, well, let’s say background. very much like some kind of reflection on the part of the initiatives of the russian federation, something that we constantly talked about, but within the framework of the conflict, i will note that there is no direct conflict between china and the united states yet. and the last, probably such an important nuance, but the fact is that the americans have been supplying weapons to taiwan for half a century, that is, in fact, there was no such obvious major push or impulse that would force some. side of this decision to take, based precisely on the supply of weapons to taiwan, that is, taiwan for tens of billions of dollars, there are defense contracts for all types
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of weapons, from patriot missile systems, ending with countermeasures, meaning ground combat such as jivelins, and so on and so forth, the whole spectrum weapons, which our viewers are well aware of in terms of supplies to ukraine, that is, all this was decades, the only thing that could move... to china was the visit of senator mccaul, a republican, by the way, what is important in the current context is the current situation in the united states to taiwan, which promised powerful supplies of weapons to taiwan from the united states, due to supplies to ukraine, taiwanese deliveries stalled, that is, there are shortfalls of several tens of billions of dollars, judging by apparently, the americans are hatching plans for a large-scale pumping of weapons into taiwan, but i repeat once again that this happened. decades and such a reaction similar to leaving the dialogue on strategic there was no stability, that is, china is essentially saying that, firstly, and we
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are no longer ready to make any kind of compromise, it means a compromise with the united states on nuclear arms control, and we believe that this does not contribute to strengthening our sovereignty, i remind you that an article by siden pin has just been published, a landmark in the theoretical party journal of nonsense, and which practically has the title: development, defending one’s own independence and development based on one’s own strengths, that is, here it is very such a bright, firstly, the subtext is the desire for sovereignty, but the subtext is anti-american, well, i would even say not the subtext, but the text, that is, a direct signal from the anti-american elites of china, and the collective elites of china to the united states, that is, this is what how can we comment on this decision, but again this is really a very striking decision, because we remember that before this there was a new minister of defense.
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nuclear weapons, but the world did not become safer after this step. here, in the context of exactly what you said, is another statement, heard at a briefing just on wednesday from an official representative of the chinese foreign ministry, beijing
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condemned the mention of china in election campaigns in the united states. and let me remind you that earlier the former president, donald trump himself, in an interview with bloomberg stated that taiwan should pay the united states for protection, that the united states is now like an insurance company, if my memory serves me correctly. that’s exactly how trump put it, saying taiwan doesn’t pay anything, and we insure them for something, why on earth, let’s do something about it. so well, a representative of the chinese foreign ministry says: we have always been against china being mentioned in the us elections. china does not want to be a factor in the american election campaign, is the american election campaign becoming a factor in chinese politics now, including taking into account the fact that a plenum is underway, obviously some decisions that are quite serious for the country can also be made at it. anastasia, you are absolutely right, this is a very important thesis that the internal policies of the two countries are maximally interconnected, well, let's start with the fact that
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the third chinese plenum, which usually takes place like clockwork for decades, each captivity comes at the end of october, beginning of november, it was delayed by as much as six months, well , of course, this is not a violation of the party charter , but the failure was obvious to all observers, and it was postponed to july 15-18, these are the exact dates of the republican party congress in the usa, that is, it is obvious that chinese policy is following the path and observing and considering the behavior of the still existing hegemon , no one... he hasn't yet canceled, as one of the most important factors for its further development, apparently, the complex, close to a hybrid civil war, situation that is now developing in the united states, it is obviously a factor of instability for the future development of china, china is trying to work out a solution, how to live in a world decoupled from the united states, and if in china, if the united states makes a decision of a very different spectrum of anti-chinese from
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the beginning. and stimulation of the taiwan crisis, the introduction of gigantic tariffs, which is constantly discussed trump said, that is, well, for our viewers we must explain that if trump comes to power, sixty percent tariffs will be introduced on chinese-american trade, this means its complete collapse, that is, now it is 650 billion dollars, most likely by the end of the year it will be , which means that if such reciprocal tariffs are introduced, it will be reduced by 150 to 150 billion dollars, that is, it will be three times for you, forgive me nikolai nikolaevich, we have to interrupt you, thank you very much for being ours. guests, we will now take a break and we will definitely return to our studio, thank you, we spent so much effort on driving out the americans, we won, the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed,
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they were of no use. at first, the west crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install. let's open, look, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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let's return to the fifth studio, let me remind you that we paused to talk about how the american election race is becoming a factor in chinese politics, but it is obvious that for american politics itself, key events are now taking place in the country, they are developing very rapidly, frankly speaking, very unpredictably, passions did not subside after assassination attempt on donald trump, now joe biden has been diagnosed with coronavirus, this is naturally the main topic of the world media this morning, the washington post reports: that the president fell ill just at the moment when the summer wave of coronavirus swept the united states. the latest cases of the disease in the country are caused by new variants of coronavirus. politics goes further and reports that biden's battle with the disease comes as the nation's leader confronts the widespread belief among fellow democrats that he has i don’t have the strength to run for another term. the guardian finally says news of the disease
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comes at a crucial time. when biden is under tough.


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