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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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let's return to the fifth studio, let me remind you that we paused to talk about how the american election race is becoming a factor in chinese politics, but it is obvious that for american politics itself, key events are now taking place in the country, they are developing very rapidly, frankly speaking, very unpredictably, passions have not subsided after the assassination attempt on donald trump, now joe biden has been diagnosed with coronavirus, this is naturally the main topic of the world media this morning, the washington post reports that the president fell ill as...
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pressure amid calls to withdraw from the presidential race due to his age and disastrous debate performance. needless to say, when commenting on these materials, many users doubt that the coronavirus is an accident, are looking for some signs of conspiracy theories in what is happening, and say that this is a great way for joe biden to get out of the presidential race now. , which he is actively being pushed to do, including by his fellow democrats, at least that’s what the americans are writing about. hello, hello, were you surprised by the news about joe biden’s illness and do you agree that, in general, this may be an attempt to put a good face on a bad game? but no, i wasn’t surprised, there are many accidents in life, this is one of them, for biden in general, of course, the election campaign is not going well now, but in general there are some negative moments happening, at the same time i don’t think that this will somehow affect his prospects. be nominated from the party,
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since the mechanism itself works in such a way that the president can either remove himself from this candidacy with this nomination, or he will remain a candidate from the democratic party, in principle, taking into account that, as official american sources again write, the president will ghost and govit pass in an easy form, well, i don’t see any obstacles yet a mild form of covid is certainly, but frankly speaking, it is not the easiest condition, apparently. the health of the elderly joe biden, at least the debate did not demonstrate the best physical shape, i will put it very mildly, i will leave it to the users of social networks, practice your wit, the republican convention the day before was such a warm, family -like atmosphere, trump brought his granddaughter, jady vance brought his mother, a woman of difficult fate, as we all learned, all this was very emotionally touching, in the context of what is happening now with the democrats, probably .
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for now it will remain so somewhere, plus this assassination attempt allowed trump to change even the slogan, to make america great again, now he is calling for its unification, in this sense , such a family party congress - that was it in line with this agenda, the unification and reconciliation of america, and this is an initiative that , due to assassinations, of course, trump has now taken on himself, and this is now the republican agenda, that is, it turns out, as the republican party positions itself, that the democrats are working for a split. countries
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introduce some incomprehensible norms, requirements, do not follow the traditional values ​​on which america is built, accordingly, the republicans are now such a family party, yes, which calls for unification, reconciliation of america, well, in principle, the progress is quite good, the party platform was adopted at the convention, which is also generally aimed at such unification and movements, with the exception of the problem with immigration policy, where the republicans remain tough, even the approach to...
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more an hour before the assassination attempt. according to the senator, officers immediately identified crooks as suspicious, noticing he had a rangefinder and a backpack, but at some point lost sight of him. nobody took responsibility. and in his opinion, after this, the head of the secret service should resign. and information appears that the nsa could have known about the plans of wash crooks, who, well, perhaps, did not speak openly about them at all, nevertheless, judging by what the american media are writing now.
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less so, such strong examples as the assassination of president kennedy, which is still in principle, but its origin of this very event, it is not entirely clear, whether it was osfald or it was someone else, it is unclear, the same thing here, but in current conditions of the election race, this is not the first time we have seen all this, any such event can become a reason for speculation in the political struggle, so it can be twisted in absolutely any direction, starting from the fact that if there is a democratic...
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they are winning back, but so far it has helped trump should change the slogan, probably get the photo of the year and turn the party around a little bit to unite america, while everything is going well for the republicans, a photo, even i would say not years old, these are photographs, you know, decades already from a painting, i don’t know about croix they compare trump in this photograph with the american flag, so i think that this is generally the main photograph, perhaps in his biography, well, in this election race, at least, that’s what concerns the democrats from your point of view. view, returning to the coronavirus, returning to the not very successful start of the company, yes, this is already in general, probably, perhaps everyone, including joe biden, admits that in general the debate was probably not brilliant for them, and including, if take into account the information that
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they say a lot that inside the party many today they are talking about the need to change the candidate before it’s too late, who is another question, whether it will be mrs. ha do you think the chance that joe biden will not be the candidate in the november elections is really great or is that all? -more talk, speculation, attempts in general to somehow change the situation, at least switch attention? well, look, first of all, about kharis, she doesn’t have very high ratings, she hasn’t proven herself very well as such a leader of the executive branch in united states, probable, accordingly, it is definitely a party. biden is being considered to be elected purely by the technical structure of how a party convention takes place, and here only he himself can withdraw his candidacy, accordingly, so far the entire presidential administration, accordingly, and opinion leaders in the democratic party are in
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favor of changing the president they won’t, that biden will remain a candidate, that’s what kharis said, just not so long ago, that we won in this trump configuration in the twentieth year, we will defeat him in twenty-four. there will be a change of candidate for the party, i’m not sure that it will be better than a weak candidate, since this will show that the party, well , definitely could not at all calculate its strategy back in the twentieth year 8 years in advance, what should have been done, and the party made a bet on the wrong person, which means there is a crisis of leadership within among the democrats, it is even deeper than previously imagined , this is the first, second, biden, i must say, has a fairly strong team, this also applies to... and jake salevanan, adviser of homeland security and secretary of state anthony blinken, who in fact, and this can become a negative, on the other hand, is a reason for speculation, is such a deep state, since these people are in the prime of their political careers, they obviously
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make the most important decisions, in in any case , they help in their preparation, development and consideration of various variations of scenarios; accordingly, biden in the second term, if he becomes president, will be re-elected. will rely heavily on his team, which will manage, uh, generally guide the development of the united states as a whole , internally and in foreign policy, too, uh , roughly the configuration looks like this: biden is not yet ready to recuse himself, he has spoken about this several times himself, and i don’t think it will be like - something to change, including against the background of the coronavirus, because well , this happens, but if the president recovers from the coronavirus and comes out healthy and prosperous to his voters, this will show that he has the power, everything is not so bad, we will wait, i hope that everything will be ok, joe biden will handle the coronavirus just fine, will he handle the election race, will he officially participate in it? which is what we will do, of course.
10:41 am
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a large concentration of robots in one place, from year to year, the forum and noprom exhibition becomes one of the main platforms for the latest industrial developments. now we are not growing as a percentage, but multiples every year, our goals are really ambitious, when we installed robots, our turnover was around 4 billion rubles. at the moment we have. in 3 years we have grown in 3 positions, but what can’t be trusted to a robot? i think a robot cannot be trusted to make decisions.
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to put into industry there about 85 thousand robots of different calibers of different nomenclature, completely russian-made, this is 4500 units, must be produced and delivered to our industry, from the point of view support, how to do this, then until the thirtieth year within the framework of the federal... project there will be approximately 300 billion rubles, this, of course, including non-budgetary sources. for the full version of the conversation with first deputy prime minister denis mantru, watch russia-24 today after 11:00 moscow time. and to other topics: in
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the lugansk republic they tested a new type of drone, it is a ground-based drone on tracks, it is capable of accelerating to... and transporting heavy loads. svyatoslav dolgachev found out where it can be used. in these frames a copter is testing a new ground drone, a tracked drone is carrying cargo to a conditional position. the new drones were invented by specialists from the repair unit of the troops center group. it took a little over a month to create the car. a ground drone can hold half a ton. ammunition or food, the drone can also be used to evacuate the wounded, two people can easily fit here, even three if desired, the range of the vehicle is up to 2 km, a moped engine is installed inside, it allows you to reach a speed of up to 20 km/h. caterpillars borrowed for a motorized towing vehicle, the craftsman made the body themselves, the electronics
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are based on the base of a toy car, this bullet itself is a toy car, like a throttle to the left, to the right... the launch also comes from here, it turns out that they put the automation there, so it works on it, plus servos were added, the servos turn out to be powerful and they regulate all this control. a fighter with the call sign of a bashkir became the first test pilot, before serving in the army he was an ordinary auto mechanic, now he is alone of the inventors of a new technique of victory. next to the ground drone pilot there is always a uav operator making adjustments from above. this is the sorcerer's call sign, he worked together
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with the hat, this is their brain work, that is , they thought about everything, solved all the issues, vakha and berkut they from... were already engaged in more manual work, that is, they performed the mechanical part. the first tests were successful, the drone withstood mine fire and brought supplies to the conditional position. work on experimental equipment will continue; repairmen plan to increase the range drone operation up to 4 km. a prototype wheeled platform is also in development. svyatoslav dolgachev, nikolay pyrkh, alexander khvastov, lead lugansk. against the backdrop of abnormal heat, electricity consumption in russia. reached its maximum value. on wednesday, power consumption was almost 138 gw. the highest nose loads are now in the south of the country. alexandra nazarova will tell you all the details. i say goodbye to you with this. see you and good news. electricity consumption in russia is breaking records. against the backdrop of the heat in the unified energy system. this indicator is confidently approaching 138 gv. the previous
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maximum during a period of extremely high temperatures was anything but. recently, on july 5, then we crossed the 137 gw mark, but already on july 17, consumption increased again. meanwhile, in the south of the country, the summer record for the first time exceeded the winter one, although not by much, so far it has been possible to stay within 21 gv. gaza is, in principle, characterized by higher summer maximums than other parts of the country. particularly high temperatures, the influx of tourists and the widespread use of energy-intensive appliances, in particular, have an impact. considering the prevailing extremely hot weather, the level of consumption will not decrease in the coming days. in order to minimize the shutdown of the population and prevent the shutdown of socially significant facilities. as of today, increased assignments have been issued to limit consumption by industrial consumers; in the event that generating equipment undergoing
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emergency repairs is put into operation, the volume of restrictions will be reduced. under conditions of increased loads, on tuesday at the rostov npp there was a false operation of the protection, and the first power unit from four passed out. the situation was further complicated by the fact that the third power unit had already been on schedule for several weeks at that point. repairs, as a result, in the south and northern caucasus it was necessary to introduce temporary schedules for limiting consumption by 1.5 gigawatts, but in the evening power unit number one resumed operation, on wednesday morning the ministry of energy announced the restoration of supply to consumers, the normalization of the situation was confirmed in the regions. our critical infrastructure facilities were not damaged; we have an agreed upon schedule to ensure connection via ten situations, today there are no restrictions, now. so far, the situation, let’s say, is in a normalized energy supply mode. however, restrictions remained in a number of regions; on wednesday, sevastopol turned off the lights in large shopping
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centers to free up capacity for residential buildings. consumers in some areas of kuban received notices of restrictions; for example, krasnodar established schedules for possible power outages until july 19. temporary restrictions are also in effect today in crimea and the donetsk people's republic republic. the main task for... the system operator, against the backdrop of extremely high temperatures and high consumption, in emergency conditions of the main generation, is to prevent the development of system accidents and, as a consequence , uncontrolled mass outages of consumers. it should be noted that the current situation confirms the need to build new generation in the south. experts, in turn, talk about the need to reassess electricity consumption in order to find out the real needs of the regions.
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and again, basic needs, they are getting stronger. the ministry of energy is already preparing changes in energy consumption planning for large agglomerations. the ministry will propose new approaches by the end of the year. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. have... universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin,
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10:58 am
here in avdeevka people were brought there. terror is flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, they live here, you haven’t been offended here yet ours didn’t come, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when it’s hammering, here outside the window, just like that, you’re sitting and thinking whether the next one is following you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left lying under the slabs still,
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help me, lord, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here forever, a big press conference by sergei lavrov. following his visit to the united states, the minister answered questions for an hour and a half. about plans for a peaceful settlement in ukraine, the growing conflict in the middle east and opportunities cooperation between russia and the united states in the event of trump's victory. let's look at the main statements. every day there are new introductions to the american election race. now she is undergoing quarantine. joe biden was diagnosed with coronavirus and sent to self-isolation. how will this affect the election campaign?
11:00 am
the heat does not recede, in crimea +39 a hundred-year-old record has been broken, the krasnodar region and the central region will be covered by a cargo front, where and when should we expect the elements to strike? the future is in automation, 300 billion rubles will be allocated in the coming years for development robotization in russia. the sources of financing for new technologies are not only discussed in an interview with deputy prime minister denis mantorov. the crews of mi-28 helicopters carried out massive attacks on units of the ukrainian armed forces. they used unguided aircraft missiles. as a result of the strikes , fortified positions of enemy infantry clusters were destroyed. after.


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