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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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reserve, according to the director of the reserve, the fire mainly affected the grass cover, and the damage is now being calculated. a natural fire near kaktebel in crimea began on the afternoon of july 15. according to the ministry of internal affairs, police officers identified the culprit. the fire started when dry grass ignited from a spark when metal was being cut with a grinder. hot weather complicates the situation with fires in other regions. per day. russia managed to put out almost 80 outbreaks. the largest area in yakutia on the territory of the republic is almost 70 natural fires. since the beginning of the season the fire covered about 950 thousand hectares. in the north of the region, in the abytssky district, a fire is raging 15 km from the village of belaya gora. additional fire fighters and an an-26 sounding aircraft were sent there. 13 forest fires were extinguished over the past 24 hours in transbaikalia.
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the state of emergency at the federal level continues to operate in the region; the governor of the region, alexander osipov, personally supervises the work to stabilize the forest fire situation. now he is in direct contact with us. alexander mikhailovich, hello. what area of ​​forests is currently engulfed in fire? moment how much has already burned out? we currently have 75. this is a very low figure compared to '.
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thus affected, so -called dry thunderstorms occur, electricity accumulates in dry air, more than almost 300 dry thunderstorms occurred in june, in july we have not yet fully counted the number, so last week we were on fire, we had more than 700 million thousand hectares, it turns out 3/4 million, their number was calculated. 60-170 per day, now the number has dropped to 25 total fires, of which in the ground zone extinguishing, that is, these are territories as close as possible to populated areas, there are only six fires with an area of ​​5.00 hectares, i go directly to them myself, because populated areas, infrastructure facilities and federal regional significance, economic facilities for us are the highest priority projects for protection, large help in reducing it thanks to us... the assembled
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federal groups, interregional groups, a large number of regional heads responded to our problem, with the whole world, we are extinguishing, arkhangelsk region, murmon, sverdlovsk, perm region, jewish autonomous region, right now these forces are working in the territory of the region, before that people from yakutia, from tv, the irkutsk region, buryat and so on worked, the federal aviation forces are also providing great assistance, six helicopters are working , we rent two, the russian ministry of emergency situations sent two, two. in russia, there is one b200 aircraft that directly protects populated areas, we have an aircraft from the ministry of natural resources that causes precipitation on 26, but with joint forces from seven, depending on the scale to we extinguish 25 fires a day, so you said in the previous day 13 fires were extinguished, extinguishing, and thus the number of fires is decreasing, and the last thing i will say, answering this particular question, has helped with a slight increase over the last week. in three of
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them, from the most critical areas of the region , there was not very significant precipitation, but it significantly influenced the change in the fire situation, because the fires began to stop, began to move more slowly, and the weakest of them went out. yes. well, indeed, judging by the data that you they have now reported that the area of ​​fires has decreased significantly, but at the same time there is information that the fire is approaching populated areas, there was a message that one of the villages is now only 2 km away, how do you... assess the situation here and is there, according to your data? is there a real threat to populated areas in transbaikalia now? on the territory of the trans-baikal territory there is currently no threat to populated areas, but i want to draw your attention to something, from five to 10, somewhere around 12 populated areas, all of which have been with us for the previous 2.5 months every day there were fires that either approached or arose close to populated areas, so these dry thunderstorms that i spoke about are especially conducive, sometimes there is work somewhere. some kind of
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equipment, so we constantly have to transfer forces, we go out with all our might, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations, the trans-baikal regional forces, volunteer fire brigades and, accordingly. populated areas, we stop this fire, make appropriate stripes, counter fires, flood the areas near populated areas, in order to protect populated areas, thank god, there hasn’t been a single incident so far, although i repeat once again, every time there are 160 fires, the situation is such that somewhere up to 12-15 populated areas are under threat every day, now their number has decreased, so far there are five fires in the immediate ten-kilometer zone from populated areas, one of them is about 3 km. yeah, are there any problems with smoke due to the proximity of the fires to populated areas? absolutely correct question, this is a huge number of fires, and smoke accumulates from the adjacent territories of our neighbors, and the republic of yakutia, and buryatia, and
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where something is in the irkutsk region, these are our neighbors, such a general haze is formed from this, specific fires, more dense, form such a smoke screen, and this is very significant. complicated the work of aviation equipment, just now when i spoke about the protection of populated areas, when so many outbreaks are involved so many, including populated areas, it is necessary to quickly, as quickly as possible , transfer people in order to respond in a timely manner, there were significant complications with the operation of aviation aircraft, we could not, i personally did this myself, i flew more than once, we could not even remove people from one place or another and transfer them to protection, we often had to act voluntarily ...
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so far there are no forecasts that there will be any large-scale precipitation, most of what we extinguished is a small contribution to this rain, but first of all the cyclone aircraft works, which, wherever it appears, some kind of resource cloudiness helps cause precipitation, and the most important thing is , of course, a large number of people today from the territory of the trans-bakal region, from other regions who are extinguishing, so there are no questions along the line, so to speak. regarding extinguishing from the sky by natural forces, we do not expect much relief yet, i think that there is no such thing yet, there are no such signals, forecasts that there will be large-scale rains throughout the region, well, we will wait for the situation to change, the weather will be in the future
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will be conducive to firefighting, but i let me remind you that we discussed the situation with natural fires in transbaikalia live with the governor of the region, alexander osipov, alexander mikhailovich, thank you. in crimea today there are limits on electricity consumption. the schedule of temporary planned outages was published the day before. due to abnormally hot weather, consumption increased significantly. the equipment quickly breaks down and residents of the region are urged to turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. in simferopol , records for maximum air temperatures were broken for the second day in a row. she was taller the day before 38°, in some areas of the peninsula it was almost 40. above 35 in the krasnodar territory in slavyansk in the kuban , a substation caught fire due to the heat, part of the city was left without electricity. restoration work is already underway. tel aviv's actions could provoke a large-scale war in the middle east, sergei lavrov said at a press conference at
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the un. the diplomat stressed that the policy of inciting conflict will lead to disaster, and noted that israel is blaming neighboring countries in order to... i am convinced that these are the most dangerous plans that put personal ambitions above the interests of their people and the peoples of the region. american president joe biden contracted the coronavirus and canceled campaign events that
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were scheduled for the coming days. he wrote on social networks that he feels well, but intends to comply with the isolation regime. earlier it became known that democratic leaders in congress had already begun to demand that biden withdraw his candidacy from the upcoming elections. many believe that the current head of state has no chance of victory. at the same time, the number of americans who support competitors is growing. biden donald trump. denis davidov will tell you the details. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, nor does he have a mask. having passed a positive test for covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr. president, how are you feeling? i feel good. but i can’t believe it, looking at how the eighty- one-year-old us president boards the plane. for convenience, a short ladder is deployed, but it is with great difficulty that he conquers these 13 steps. he is flying into self-isolation.
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according to him, with trump's arrival in the white house, the united states will not get involved in wars unnecessarily. together, we will only send our children to war when we must. if we hit, we 'll hit hard. the trump and vence campaigns have refused to agree on a date for the vice presidential debate. republicans said they were unclear who democrats would nominate as their second-in-command in the race. they made fun of kamala haris, who could become a presidential candidate if biden leaves. and the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious. all more party members are calling on biden to withdraw his candidacy. a few minutes ago, congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. a statement by a senior democrat, biden going on sick leave, all this does not seem to be an accident. the day before, the owner of the white house
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said: he will leave the race if he develops some kind of disease, the doctors will tell him to stop. today his short message appeared on social networks saying that he was sick. denis davidov, polina fedorova, lead. the future location of the american no missiles have been identified in germany yet, the head of the ministry said. us long-range missiles on german territory. pistorius clarified that the shells will be conventional weapons systems, that is, we are not talking about nuclear weapons. the minister added that berlin is considering the measure as a response to the deployment of russian iskander fighters in the kaliningrad region. and there is already a reaction from the russian ministry of defense to these words. as deputy head of the department sergei rebkov said, moscow does not rule out the deployment of missiles, including nuclear-
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equipped ones, in response to the deployment american missiles in germany. the diplomat recalled that it was the actions of western countries, primarily the united states, that led to the destruction of international agreements in the field of arms control. rebkov added that russia is not threatening anyone, but is simply looking for the most effective way to respond to threats. president of the european commission ursula fonder was going to turn the european union into a defense one, she directly stated this during her speech in strasbourg, arguing that...
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about the weather in the southern regions of russia. what we bring it back from traveling with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and get a superkick for air tickets up to 30. buy with benefits in the bank app or on the alpha travel website, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i drive sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in a triple helix shape, artneo helps
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petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and you would have access to the money. transaction on your account, but svetlana petrona turned on the intelligence officer, the count took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, after ringing the bank she hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, trying to get money out of you, hang up without further ado, the power system of south russia updated its power consumption record for the second day in a row. this was reported by the management of the unified energy system. meanwhile, other temperature records continue to be updated in the southern regions. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, hello. in the center of russia the temperature has dropped perceptibly after the rains, will the showers reach the south? heavy loads in the south have already been noted, but they did not
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bring significant precipitation or a significant drop in temperature. he burned down at work in a proletarian district of the rostov region, a combine caught fire in a field, the exact causes of the fire have yet to be established, but as experts say, such emergencies often occur in hot weather due to the ignition of dust of plant origin. at noon in this area the thermometer rose above +35. against the backdrop of extreme heat. the load on the power grid in the southern cities , a substation caught fire; the night before, for this reason, 10 apartment buildings in novorossiysk were left without power. the air in the city warmed up to +40.5, this is an absolute heat record for novorossiysk in the entire history of meteorological observation. in krasnodar, according to the latest data, +37.2; on wednesday, household thermometers showed +43, +44. light also went out in some houses in the capital of kuban. the following shots show how the residents. met him return, as they were shouting here now, as
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if they had won some kind of super-duper football match, the hottest point of the country right now is in the north-west of the republic of crimea, the thermometer at noon showed +38.3, above +37 temperature in the west of the rostov region, +36.7 in... at the same time, in the west and center of russia , city rains began to beat the heat; in bryansk , wind gusts up to 14 m/s created something like a dust storm. the temperature dropped from +27 to +19 in a short time. this is the second time bad weather has hit the region. the day before in some places in the west of the region, thunderstorms turning into hail were observed. now the fields of cumulus rain clouds have already come closer to the capital region, and the so-called flares can be seen on the snow radars. clouds appear on the approaches to koluga, and clouds also appear on the approaches to the oryol, kursk and tula regions. during the day , the change in temperature will also be accompanied by fairly heavy precipitation;
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in some areas more than 10-20 mm of moisture will fall per day. let's consider the situation in more detail: southern line belgorod-saratov widespread daytime temperatures will be above 35° this afternoon. in the epicenter of the warming up of the lower don, where the thermometers will again rise to record values, in central russia. with the beginning of the rains, the temperature began to return to the climate in the center of 25-30 °, in the west and north-west + 225. the second wave of bad weather will reach the capital region after 14:00, now the cloudy zone is on the border of the smolensk region and belarus, and within the day in moscow will be stuffy up to +28. a new increase in rainfall is forecast for friday morning, with a total of in two days, the metropolis will experience about a third of the monthly norm of precipitation, while...
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by the standards of this summer, this is already a cold snap. tatyana belova spoke about the continuation of extreme heat in the south of the country and about precipitation in the center of russia. rbrf will participate in the construction of sea ports and coastal infrastructure in the sakhalin region. this was stated by the head of the corporation igor shuvalov. web spent on sakhalin brands. in addition, igor shuvalov and a meeting with the leadership of the region, local entrepreneurs, owners of local governor of the sakhalin region, valery lemarenko, inspected the progress of construction of a school and water intake in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, and also visited an exhibition of drones. uav production is actively developing in the region, and the web is organizing support measures for high-tech entrepreneurs. with the participation of the corporation , projects worth 110 billion rubles are being implemented. the web has a big impact on sakhalin, this is the combination of passenger transportation in the city and in the surrounding area, this is the construction of a school,
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the overall development of the city economy, the launch of a campus and many others, we have big plans, we want to launch new projects in the coming years for the construction of new seaports, and of course for the sakhalin region this is one of the most important projects, it will be... organized on the instructions of kiev, as reported in the fsb department for the region, a russian citizen who was going to set fire to the building of the petrovsky district court of donetsk.
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it was established that after the crime. planned to go to ukraine, where she wanted to join the ranks of a terrorist organization. a criminal case has been initiated, the detainee has already been detained makes a confession. in particular, she showed the place where she prepared and stored the flammable substance. in dagestan , the driver of a car that hit a group of security forces was detained. footage from makhachkala shows people flying over the hood of a car due to the impact. according to media reports, none of them were seriously injured; law enforcement officers suffered bruises. arms and legs, they report that this happened during the arrest, the drivers are suspected of distributing drugs, he rushed to the bga, soon after the emergency he switched to another car, but still could not escape. car from belarusian license plates are now unable to freely enter estonia, regardless of the reasons for arriving in the country. this measure was taken in connection with eu sanctions imposed on belarus. an exception can
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only be made for diplomats. previously, similar restrictions were introduced in latvia and lithuania. large-scale flooding in the midwestern and southern united states in the states of arkansas and missouri. in a matter of hours, three times the monthly norm of precipitation fell in the region. as a result, many innocent areas were flooded. in addition, the disaster destroyed at least one large bridge. authorities evacuated about 500 people from the affected areas.
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have you ever thought about what
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would happen to us if we had? the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the last 200 years it has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, the power of its emotions, every day i take a piece of black bread, always rabi. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. now economic news, briefly. energy consumption in southern russia
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has fallen for the second day in a row. the port's volume reached 21 gigawatts per day, which exceeds even winter maximums, the operator of the unified energy system reports. the reason for this consumption is the influx of tourists; due to the abnormal heat, they actively use air conditioning. as deputy energy minister yevgeny grobchak previously stated, the infrastructure is at the limit of its capabilities. the russian stock market is declining; it is being pulled down by the shares of surgut oil and gas and transneft. after the dividend cut-off, they amused themselves by 20. and 10% respectively. in general, the moscow exchange index has been falling for more than two weeks in a row, now it is near a yearly minimum; the market expects an imminent increase in the key rate of the central bank, which makes investing in shares less attractive. russia and japan reduced trade turnover by a quarter. at the end of the half-year , it decreased to $3,800 million. tas writes about this with reference to data from the country’s ministry of finance. a key japanese export.


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