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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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in southern russia, for the second day in a row , the daily volume reached 21 gigawatts, which exceeds even winter highs, the operator of the unified energy system reports. the reason for this consumption is the influx of tourists; due to the abnormal heat, they actively use air conditioning. as deputy energy minister yevgeny grobchak previously stated, the infrastructure is at the limit of its capabilities. the russian stock market is declining; it is being dragged down by the papers of surgut neftegaz transneft. after. dividend cut-offs, they increased by 20.10%, respectively. in general, the moscow exchange index has been falling for more than two weeks in a row, now it is near a yearly minimum; the market expects an imminent increase in the key rate of the central bank, which makes investing in shares less attractive. russia and japan reduced trade turnover by a quarter; at the end of the first half of the year it fell to $3,800 million, tas writes with reference to data from the country’s ministry of finance. key article in japanese.
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the supply of cars here was immediately reduced by 70%. russia, in turn, increased fish exports and decreased supplies of lng, coal, grains and fruits. and chinese brands have supplanted apple from the top five most popular smartphones in russia, rbc reports, citing a marvel distribution study. in the first six months of 2024 , redmi smartphones from xiaomi became the most popular. next comes tecno. this was economic news, briefly. the zaporozhye region protects units of the dnepr group of troops from attacks in the ssu. the sky scans air defense systems around the clock. it only takes a few seconds to neutralize the threat. footage of combat work in our special report correspondent igor pikhanov.
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a radar station camouflaged in a forest belt scans the sky along the line of combat contact, looking for ukrainian kamikaze missiles and drones. every day the enemy probes our defenses, tries to attack populated areas of the zaporozhye region, protects civilians from danger from the air, an air defense unit, and dnepr military groups. we study the enemy, his capabilities, his means. relska detects absolutely all air targets. ranging from fpv to cruise missiles, uabs, aviation enemy. the situation in the front-line region is complex and dangerous, some villages are in direct line of sight from the front line in order to deceive russian air defense, the enemy is constantly improving its weapons, russian soldiers are proactive, modern technology and equipment are being supplied to the troops. now there is a war of technology, who will outwit whom, who will gain experience faster, also the introduction of innovation. even take our complex, we are in contact with
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the manufacturer’s specialists, we don’t stand still, we move forward, pvu division discovered an enemy drone, such an aircraft-type drone is capable of covering tens of kilometers, in a matter of seconds the combat crew of the tor anti-aircraft missile system neutralizes the threat, we are working on attack drones, coral missiles, uabs, of the latter , a cruise missile missile was shot down, it was flying towards the crimea, there is a lot of work . we complete the assigned tasks. on the neighboring sector of the front, nebo is protected by the pantsys anti-aircraft complex. during the special military operation, the fighters accounted for hundreds of destroyed drones and missiles enemy. thanks to advanced weapons , the shell knocks down the cylinders at a great distance from itself. the vehicle's high cross-country ability allows it to arrive on duty at the most inaccessible points. the enemy is not asleep. it happens that they send drones first, then high-precision weapons.
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tries, but without the task is feasible, the crew is coordinated, it works, we destroy everything we see, enemy drones are destroyed not only by combat vehicles, but also by crews of radar observation posts, piles of metal and plastic, this is all that remains of the heavy drone, which tried to attack the village with four 82 caliber mines at once. using a machine gun , russian fighters destroyed a ukrainian drone called baba yaga, it was immediately carrying no...shells after the fall, it took a minute. for their professionalism, the fighters were awarded a special military operation; the work of the air defense units does not stop due to an explosion; the drone was destroyed. in the area where state and departmental awards are held. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. in the khabarovsk territory , repairs to the famous bridge across the amur have begun. it connects the industrial center of the east of the country with, as they say here, the mainland.
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the mobile part, one and a half kilometers long, served for almost half a century. lyudmila smirnova found out what and where they will update. the vestas have worked in difficult conditions more than once, and this is like... just such a case, usually you can’t even stop here, but we have a unique opportunity to walk through the famous structure in the east of the country on foot. in a piercing wind, 25 m above a stormy stream, this is the height of almost a nine-story building, here now experts are literally giving a second life to one of the most iconic and monumental structures in the region, despite the fact that the bridge over the amur was built in one of the narrow places, its length is almost 1.5 km, and look at the view, and there are chipped slabs under your feet , the result of half a century of operation, with thousands of wheels. it turns out that we did a troubleshooting, it was revealed that destruction was taking place, the slab was supported on the central beam, well, we closed the emergency areas. the work is not for the faint of heart, heavy trucks
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are doused with the heat of their engines, cupid is filled with gusts of wild winds, romance. in general, it’s interesting, we ’ve been working on bridges for many years and have already built a lot in the far east along the seaside, it’s even nice. sometimes you look at what your job is, some of the damaged slabs will be repaired, some will be replaced, the main thing is that this is technically possible without blocking traffic, about 500 cars pass here a day, so the workers have to get used to the pitching, like on a ship, they measured the geometry completely, 25 the faucet will turn on and we will calmly work, here we are noticeably shaken now, despite the fact that the design is like this it’s monumental, that’s why, it shakes because of the great length, the cars drive, the dynamics, well, it’s both horizontal and vertical, and of course, for the driver to comply with the speed limit, this is for their own safety and for the safety workers. this is the only road artery that connects the industrial center of the east of the country, as they say here, with the mainland. the decision
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to build a bridge that would connect komsomolsk-on-amur with the west of russia and the ports of the tatar strait was made back in the thirties, but the war prevented it. so, here you go here, where we are now, there was a time... the crossing, accompanied by icebreakers , could go here even in the cold until december, but after that, already in january, the rails and winter road were laid directly on the ice. railroad traffic was opened in 1975, automobile traffic in eighty-one, then it was a symbol of man's victory over the elements, a great impetus for the development of the city, where airplanes and ships are built. almost 980 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the repair of the bridge. the work is expected to last 3 years. next year. it is also planned to replace the waterproofing, replacement of protective layers of concrete, replacement of expansion joints, there will also be a lighting device for the bridge, a device for architectural and artistic lighting, so the legendary crossing will receive not only
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decades without emergency service, but also an updated appearance in order to remain a bright landmark of the khabarovsk territory. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, host khabar. need money? tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. we've checked the offers and collected them in one place. just select the microfinance organization and send application. the money will come directly to the card. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare.
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the game of mafia has many fans, but it’s not always easy to gather them at one table sufficient number of participants. nowadays it is increasingly said that robots can replace humans. it’s a pity that you can’t invite them to the game, because if the city falls asleep and wakes up, the robot never sleeps. but in production, this disadvantage becomes an advantage and a solution to the personnel issue. here we can be with you, it’s absolutely safe, that’s right,
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we can definitely be next to this robot, we can be with that one, but just once, and then, and then, unfortunately, robots and doctors will come, and what can’t be trusted with a robot, i think it's a robot you cannot be trusted to decide what is important, what is cheaper or what is of high quality is necessary. current unemployment in the country is at a record low, only 2 million
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people are unemployed, and the manufacturing industry alone is asking for about 1,700 thousand specialists in the next 6 years, but what if the forges of personnel literally become conveyor belts at enterprises. over the past 5 years, the number of robots in russia has doubled and the pace is accelerating. in 2022 , 9,300 industrial robots were used in production. in 2023 is already over 3 s'. more, by 2030 there should be more than 99 thousand. how automation can help with solving personnel issues. where can you see a large concentration of robots in one place? from year to year, the forum innova exhibition becomes one of the main platforms for the latest industrial developments. this year's idea is to show a completely domestic robotic production line from workpiece loading. machine to quality control of the finished product. on our side
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there is a black and yellow robot, he has a certificate from the ministry of industry and trade stating that the certificate is the conclusion of the ministry of industry and trade that this equipment is domestic. and for an industrial enterprise, why is it important that it be a domestic robot? firstly, it’s beautiful, and secondly, it’s 24/7 support and supply of components. igor simakov, development director of the company motto. which machines must work and people must think. 14 years ago we got involved in industrial automation, in 2017 we set out to create our own robotic manipulator, now it’s the only one that can do it.
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will collect themselves. russian industry is in great need of robotization. now we are growing not as a percentage, but by multiples every year. what is the advantage of an ideal robot employee, besides the fact that he does not want to go on vacation and does not get tired. all over the world it is customary to talk about five criteria in which cases it is beneficial to install smart machines. these are monotonous operations, high-temperature or, for example, dusty areas where a person simply cannot work, or even dangerous production. another criterion is difficult conditions. labor articulated robot with one left is capable of lifting a ton of cargo and of course working with the exception of the human factor with expensive equipment. can you imagine such large lead buns that you need to throw into the stove, it weighs 28 kg, you
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lift it like that, by the end of the shift you feel such a surge of vigor in your back, then it appeared. task, let's put a robot there, we started contacting all foreign manufacturers and this is the price tag for us, oops, and excuse me, guys, we have everything on a conveyor belt, but you don't have a conveyor production, we don't know what to do here, pavel moryakov , general the director of the plant and a cable engineer in the third generation, the total work experience of the sailor dynasty is approximately 90 years, now the truth will have to be shared, a team from the bauman university assembled five robots for them, the payback for each is about.
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and there the robot served coffee, which coffee tastes better, which one was made by a person or which was made by a robot, well, of course a person, why does a person add syrup, well, at least there is a soul, you know, there is, but we can say that robotization in russia will be achieved in account of russian companies, we about 85 thousand robots should be supplied to the industry there, half of them are... know completely russian production in terms of support until the thirtieth year within the framework of the federal project there will be approximately 300 billion rubles, including non-budgetary sources. at least some of these robots are waiting at enterprises in the kaliningrad region, where we recorded this interview. there are currently
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15,000 job vacancies in the region. 30% of these vacancies are in industry. sit trade, we are a special region in order to people came here, we need additional conditions, some kind of motivation, this will be an excellent solution for us. a business can start digital transformation on the effectiveness.rf platform, it was launched under the national labor productivity project 2 years ago. today there are already 3,600 registered companies and about 430 digital solution providers. on the platform, for example, a business can choose state or russian support measures for itself.
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we had a case, we arrived at the enterprise, the chief employee for robotics, he said, here we have big real robots, and this is some kind of toy, when the robot was already folding boxes in flight, he came and said, let me put them myself, in short, he was our main adept, similar scenario at this enterprise, for many years they have been helping businesses automate storage systems, launching office furniture, but they had to automate their own production, so robots settled here, first foreign, and then the first russian cobot, soon customers asked them to install one of these:
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so the company became an integrator, an intermediary between the manufacturer and the enterprise, which is preparing a scheme for introducing smart machines for a specific task on a specific site, they say that chinese robots are now cheaper than... russian robots, firstly , the price depends on the quantity, that is, as the program expands, the production volume of robots will increase, and a competitive price will be ensured, but for now the company is just entering the market, which is included in the perimeter of budget support is the creation of preferential loans. production to expand production, this is preferential leasing, this is discount compensation, if these are russian
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manufacturers, then up to 50%, and you calculated the discount based on the cost of competitors, of course, including these measures will be enshrined in the new federal project: industrial robotics and production automation, it will become part of the national project, means of production and automation, the goal is to be in the top 25 countries in terms of robotization density, which is 145 robots per 10,000 employees, for now there are 19 of them, but there are not only competencies, but also examples where companies that were creating anthropomorphic robots decided to pick up the trend and start producing industrial manipulators. i added the item to my cart, well done. one minute, i’ll move on to the registration, meet the robot dunyasha, he sells ice cream, coffee and soda. in 2022
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, the company from permi gathered her and sent her straight to the economic forum in st. petersburg, where the cyber girl became one of the most talked about people. you know, when they ask, isn’t it easier to find an ordinary girl who would do the same thing, we would conduct analytics on the amount of revenue that the cybercafe gives, compared to the usual one. a classic point, dunyasha was more efficient and generated more revenue, the robot always attracts attention, five friends from perm noticed in 2013 that they began producing service robots-promoters, only later androids with artificial skin and robots appeared that perform in the circus or dance the lisginka. in 10 years, we were able to grow from five people from a garage on the outskirts of the city to 100 people, we now occupy an area of ​​2,200 m2. robots operate in 44 countries of the world, in 2022, as they say in the company itself, they could not resist entering a new market for industrial cobots, the first sample
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was presented this year at enoprom. you can, for example, put this in the kitchen, he will make cheesecakes with me, but if you make the same cheesecakes on an industrial scale, in 3-5 years all investments will definitely return, and if we are talking, for example, about blanks for machines with cnc, the payback there may be less than a year. more than 30 years our foreign ones in quotes partners developed the market for domestic work equipment, and then left in one day, and a huge market opened up before us, thousands of enterprises, thousands of factories that understand what it is, understand why they need it, are ready to pay for it, we just need to offer a solution, that is, the whole the job is done, the balls are given to me not by a coach, but by a smart machine, you can adjust, for example, the speed of the shot or the direction. as a result, beginners learn the basics, but the coach has more opportunities to prepare future champions. also with industrial robots,
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they take on boring jobs so people have more room to solve creative problems. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, appet may help. it helps restore memory and attention. to keep your head working. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. simple installment plans. comfort at low prices. market, from small things to significant things. buy a midea dishwasher on yandex market, which does not require a water connection. enjoy your favorite
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well, now some footage from the presidential press service. good afternoon. i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that the federal customs service is fulfilling its tasks; in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more were transferred - tax collections, payments, compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, and clearance is increasing ability increases, including through the introduction digital.


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