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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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well, now some footage from the presidential press service. vale ivanovich. good afternoon, i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that the federal customs service is fulfilling its task, in the first half of this year almost 500 billion, more tax collections and payments were transferred compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing , throughput increases, including through the introduction of digital ones. summing up the work
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for the first half of this year, you can to report that all the tasks set by you and the government of the russian federation and the federal customs service as a whole were completed, all of them were aimed at creating conditions for the growth of foreign trade turnover through the digitalization of customs activities and implementation. modern technical and other solutions at all stages of customs clearance, to increase the efficiency of fiscal and law enforcement functions, as well as to provide comprehensive assistance to the ministry of defense and the military-industrial complex in solving tasks assigned to them. regarding the administration of customs duties, i can report the following: in the first half of the year , the collected revenues amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. at the same time...
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the effectiveness of customs control within the framework of the risk management system increased and 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. i would especially like to note the work of mobile groups of customs authorities: they are becoming an increasingly important and effective tool for our activities. almost 400 vehicles identified funds and about 49 thousand tons of goods transported with violations. the law enforcement unit is active. to date , about 1,200 criminal cases and 83,000 cases of administrative offenses have already been initiated. dear vladimir vladimirovich, to create conditions for growth in foreign trade turnover, the service continues full-scale digitalization. our strategic vector is the construction of intelligent customs. the main task for us is to create a comfortable environment for conducting honest business. digital technologies are being introduced. at the border
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when passing control at checkpoints, as well as at customs authorities within the country, and of course, the target for organizing work at checkpoints for us is the task you set to reduce the thermal inspection time of cargo transport at the border to 10 minutes. during the period of reconstruction of checkpoints, we are taking organizational measures that allow us to quickly decongest the border area; the places of arrival and departure of goods have been established; the schedule for a number of items has been changed. customs work. posts, some have been switched to round-the-clock operation, others to increased operating hours. the capacity of checkpoints has been increased due to the opening of additional traffic lanes and others. before the completion of the global reconstruction, we plan to create our information system as an intelligent assistant for receiving feedback from vet participants as ordinary citizens with a single entry point. expand electronic interactions within the framework of the interdepartmental electronic interaction system starting from august of this year.
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with rostransnadzor, with rosselkhoznadzor, rospotrebnadzor, to carry out in october, in cooperation with the ministry of transport rosgranstroi, in a pilot mode, the implementation of an integrated system of checkpoints in map tagerken kozmolyar, that is, we plan to combine weight control, inspection complexes, and video surveillance into a single system in order to to reduce the time of customs operations. we are actively participating in activities to introduce an electronic queue system, now it is already... we propose to further extend this practice to tagerken-kmalyar border, we are developing the use of inspection and inspection complexes, this is by far the most modern and effective technical means of control. we have only 73 idcs in service, and 57 of them are mobile. in fulfillment of your decision, we have been allocated additional funds for the purchase of new mobile idks; by the end of the year, 12 new vehicles will have arrived.
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customs. we consider portal dcs as a promising means of control; their use will allow for fairly fast, non-stop scanning of vehicles, which will allow again. reduce the time of customs procedures. the development of automatic customs technologies is carried out by services in the places of main customs clearance. and of course, in this work we focus on participants in foreign economic activity. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to digital format. most declarations are submitted electronically; auto-registration and auto-issue technologies are actively used. and in general we can say that about 90% of the total number of declarations. released within 4 hours. dear vladimir vladimirovich, assistance to the russian armed forces is one of the highest priorities for the service. we organized immediate clearance of goods for enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the ministry of defense. this month i visited the donetsk and
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lugansk customs, we talked with both the personnel and family members of the fighters about the problems that concern them now, of course, all of them have been taken under control, will be completed soon. russia has organized assistance to svo participants in employment, professional development, and if we talk about employment, then in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of fso participants so that they have greater opportunities hold positions as employees in the federal customs service of the russian federation. such an order will be issued soon. well, in conclusion of the report, vladimirovich, i want say that all the tasks you have set.
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i visited kraskino, pogranichnoye, uh, i understand perfectly how important this moment is, the speedy construction of this office housing is important, so that we can be staffed with professional staff and carry out the tasks assigned to us. at the moment, money in the budget is provided in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles. but it has not yet been determined who will be the main distributor of budget funds. in the near future, i hope understanding. will be found and this issue will be closed, well ok, let's talk about this now. so, vladimir putin met in novogorev with the head of the federal customs service valery pekolev. in early august, poland intends to launch operation safe podlasie on the border with belarus,
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the polish minister of defense announced this in an interview with local media. according to the minister, the goal of the operation is to strengthen the eastern borders, as well as create a buffer zone to reduce the number of illegal entries into the country. decreased, it is expected that about 17,000 military personnel will be involved. the deployment of american long-range missiles on german territory is a response to the deployment of russian iskanders in the kaliningrad region. this was stated by the head of the german ministry of defense, pistorius, in an interview with tagesblad. although the location of the missiles has not yet been determined, it is already known that the shells will be conventional weapons systems, that is, we are not talking about nuclear weapons, pistorius noted. and listen, there is a reaction from the russian foreign ministry to these words of pistorius. here, as deputy head of the department sergei rebkov said, moscow does not rule out the deployment missiles, including nuclear-equipped ones, in response to the deployment of american missiles in germany. the diplomat recalled that it was the actions of western countries, primarily the united states, that led to
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the destruction of international agreements in the field of arms control. rebkov also added that russia is not threatening anyone, but is simply looking for the most effective way to respond to challenges. now to the new data on the special operation, as reported in our ministry of defense, in one day our air defense systems shot down another 74 ukrainian armed forces drones, a ukrainian mig-29, three hammer bombs, french -made, six rockets. the black sea fleet destroyed 10 enemy naval drones. in addition, dozens of pieces of equipment on the ground were destroyed. so a division of the center group liquidated the american-made max pro infantry fighting vehicle. the southern group of troops hit two more howitzers. fh70 manufactured in great britain, and the west group of troops reports the liquidation of six field warehouses of the ukrainian armed forces. in total, enemy losses in different directions amounted to approximately 1,800 people. now about the fires. square the fire in kaktebel increased again. the fire
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has already engulfed 44 hectares, almost all of which is the territory of the karadak nature reserve. now they are assessing the damage. let me remind you that a natural fire near kaktebel started 3 days ago, but the culprit left. it is known that he was cutting metal with a grinder, as a result the grass caught fire, and then the fire engulfed a huge area. the fight against fires continues. over the past 24 hours, 13 forest fires have been extinguished over an area covered by fire of 13,000 hectares. three more fires were localized. four dozen outbreaks are still active. forests burn mainly in hard-to-reach areas where ground vehicles cannot reach; in such cases, the flames have to be extinguished manually or by aircraft. in veliky novgorod, an employee of one of the defense complex enterprises was detained on suspicion of treason. the regional administration reported this. fsb. according to investigators, the detainee himself contacted a representative of the main intelligence department
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of ukraine. on his instructions, he collected and transmitted information about military installations in the region. in addition, he informed the curator about the location of his work, volumes of intended use of manufactured products. and in dagestan, the driver of a car that hit a group of security forces was detained. footage from makhachkala shows people flying over the hood of a car due to the impact. according to media reports, none of them are serious. was not injured, law enforcement officers had bruises on their arms and legs, reports that this happened during the arrest, the driver is suspected of distributing drugs, he went on the run, soon after the emergency he switched to another car, but still could not escape, now the detainee faces up to 20 years in prison, more one criminal case was opened against him under the article of attempt on the life of a law enforcement officer. two tourists had to go through acute emotions while on vacation in sochi. during the standard fun of parasailing. their cable tied to the boat suddenly broke, the footage is now spreading online, but this time
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everything ended well, the couple landed in the water, where they were picked up by the same boat, they are checking in local groups, well now there is a short advertisement, then even more news, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated, every month you... choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point.
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years, we have grown by 3 half times. why shouldn't a robot? trust, i think that a robot cannot be trusted to make a decision, let the person take the decision while he makes it. american president joe biden has contracted the coronavirus, at least officially, and canceled election events that were scheduled for the coming days. he wrote on social networks that he feels well, but intends to comply with the isolation regime. earlier it became known that the leaders were already democrats. congress began demanding that biden withdraw his candidacy from the upcoming elections; they are confident that the current head of state has no chance of winning. at the same time, the number of americans who support biden's rival, donald trump, is growing. denis davidov will continue. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, just as he does not masks, having passed a positive test for covid, he barely gets out of the suv. mr.
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president, how are you feeling? i feel good. i can’t believe it, looking at how the eighty-one-year-old us president boards the plane, a short ramp is deployed for convenience, but he conquers these 13 steps with great difficulty, he is flying home to delaware for self-isolation, but was supposed to speak at a conference in las vegas. unfortunately, i just got off the phone with president biden. and he shared his deep disappointment that...
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he still has the same bandage on his ear, he has a bunch of guards behind him, after the assassination attempt he doesn’t miss a single day of the republican party convention, he goes out into the hall in the evening and listens not only to his associates, but also to his relatives, trump’s seventeen-year-old granddaughter kai made a splash. for me, he is just my grandfather, he
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gave us candy and cola when my parents weren’t looking. on saturday i was at school when i heard that he was shot, a lot of people put my grandfather through hell and he is still standing. the evening for the republicans turned out to be a family-friendly one. jady, who is running with trump as vice president, introduced his mother to the crowd. in the past, she was a drug addict and did not take care of her son, but it has been 10 years since she was cured. talks about a new path for america, according to him, with the arrival of trump in the white house, the united states will not get involved in wars unnecessarily. together, we will only send our children to war when we must. we'll hit, we'll hit hard. the trump and vence campaigns have refused to agree on a date for the vice presidential debate. republicans said they were unclear who the democrats would nominate as
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second person in the race. they made fun of kamala haris, who could become a presidential candidate if biden leaves. and the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious. more and more party members are calling on biden to withdraw his candidacy. a few minutes ago, congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. statement. a high-ranking democrat, biden going on sick leave, all this does not seem to be an accident, the day before the owner of the white house said: he will leave the race if he develops some kind of disease, the doctors will say stay. today his short message appeared on social networks saying that he was sick. denis davidov, polina fedorova, lead. the rostov region has reintroduced restrictions on energy consumption; limits apply in crimea; due to abnormally hot weather, consumption has increased significantly. the south of russia for the second day in a row updates its historical maximum. vera moroz understood all the nuances of the topic. so, vera, greetings, i wonder if it’s only the south that wastes electricity the most, because it’s hot
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in moscow right now all over the country. greetings, yes, indeed, except for the southerners, kaliningrad spends more electricity than ever in the central districts of the country. due to the heat, electricity consumption in the south of the country has reached a historical maximum for the second day in a row. july, but from the seventeenth, energy consumption increased again by 172 mega, and in the south, for the first time, the summer period exceeded the winter. i would like to note right away that winters in this part of russia are not so cold and consumption usually remains moderate, the reasons for the summer surge are the influx of tourists, the widespread use of energy-intensive appliances, air conditioners, fans. given the extremely hot weather, consumption levels will not decrease in the coming days. in order to minimize the shutdown of the population and prevent the shutdown of socially significant facilities, today increased tasks have been issued to limit the consumption mode
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of industrial consumers. in the event that generating equipment undergoing emergency repairs is put into operation, the volume of restrictions will be reduced. under conditions of increased loads, on tuesday on rostovskaya the nuclear power plant had a false protection trigger, and the first power unit of four was shut down. the situation was complicated by the fact that the third one had already been undergoing scheduled repairs for several weeks by that time, so in the south it was necessary to introduce consumption limitation schedules of one and a half gigawatts. now these limits are in force in crimea, the donetsk people's republic and again in the rostov region. repairs to power limitations at power plants in the interconnected energy system affected generation at 2 gw. the main task for the system operator on background. in conditions of emergency shutdowns of generation, prevent the development of system accidents and, as a consequence, uncontrolled
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mass shutdowns of consumers. it should be noted that the current situation confirms the need to build new generation in the south. electricity consumption is increasing throughout russia in the unified energy system, this figure is confidently approaching 138. the previous maximum during the period of extremely high temperatures was quite recently on july 5, the kaliningrad region breaks records, july 16 consumption exceeded the summer peak of last year, and the central part of russia in the voronezh region is not far behind. on july 16, the maximum was reached for the eighth time in the summer and the sixth in july, almost 2 gww, which is 181 mw more than during the previous period of extremely high temperatures. on july 7, 23 , energy consumption peaks on july 16 in the tverr and july 17 in the tambov, bryavsk and oryol regions. experts, in turn, talk about
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the need to reassess electricity consumption in order to find out the real needs of the regions. need to reconsider current estimates of energy consumption and look at real needs in many regions, because it is quite actively being carried out. in russia, housing construction, we know that last year the country set a historic record for housing commissioning, this also applies to apartment buildings, this also applies to individual housing construction, well, naturally, this requires additional volumes of electricity, despite the fact that, again, the needs are basic , they are becoming stronger, the largest increase in energy consumption of the ministry of energy is recorded in large agglomerations, therefore the ministry is preparing changes in energy consumption planning and will propose new approaches at the end of the year.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first, the west did so by crippling these people, because with their consent. we didn’t grow drugs, we explained to the people that we would punish for drugs, what the taliban are talking about has real confirmation, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch,
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russian channels, all tv series cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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well, now a briefing from the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, about damage to residential buildings and... civilian infrastructure. july 13. as a result of the strike on shibikina , eight of its residents were injured. on the same day in the city of gorlovko, nazis, ukrainian nazis dropped an explosive object from a drone, injuring three civilians, including a twelve-year-old child. on july 14, militants of the ukrainian armed forces fired from a multiple launch rocket system at the settlement
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of oktyabrsky, belgorod region. a quarter of four people were injured, a nine-month-old child was injured. on july 15, as a result of a bandera attack on the village of nikolskaya, one resident was killed. yesterday, july 17 , near the village of tserkovnaya, belgorod region, the ukrainian ffron attacked a car in which there was a young married couple. the couple died on the spot.
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they will definitely answer to the fullest extent of the law, and now directly about punishments for these crimes. russian courts , based on evidence from the investigative committee of our country, continue to pass sentences on ukrainian neo-nazis for their crimes, for their criminal acts, for their terrorist attacks against civilians. the investigative committee of the russian federation brought charges in absentia against the ex-commander of the air forces of the ukrainian armed forces, drozdov, the former commander of the forces. special operations of the armed forces of ukraine, lunev, ex-commander of the missile forces and artillery, deputy commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine gorbalev, at various times in the period from the fifteenth to the twenty- first years, they led the so-called operation of the joint forces in the south-east of ukraine. as a result of their criminal actions , at least 177 people were killed or injured, including eight children.


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