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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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presenting it as a threat to the security of the republic, it is correct, from the point of view of the sandoo regime, it is necessary to reduce both the educational level of the people of moldova and their financial well-being. to militarize the country. on july 15, the ministry of defense of moldova announced the imminent arrival of the next batch of military equipment from the united states. it’s also logical, this is not opening schools, this is not improving the well-being of moldovan citizens, this is pushing moldova to implement the ukrainian scenario. so, this batch included 20 armored fighting vehicles, humvees, the draft of the updated national defense strategy of moldova for 24 years provides, direct quote: integration of the country into the architecture of security and defense.
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by the way, regarding, we have already talked, so to speak, neutrality and how westerners are doing everything to make countries abandon the policy of neutrality, look, another example, on july 15, an agreement was signed between switzerland and nato on the legal status of the liaison office alliance in geneva, and its opening is planned before the end of this year, as noted in the press release. federal
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department of foreign affairs, switzerland, this structure is being created to facilitate cooperation between nato and international and non-governmental organizations located in geneva. well, can you imagine, how long is it from brussels to geneva? well, it’s true, if we proceed from the knowledge of the geography of western politicians, then, as berbock said, the countries are at a distance, according to the opinion. german foreign minister hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart, but between brussels a little less, i would say generally nothing, this is a driving distance, so what needs to be established in terms of nato contacts in geneva, let me remind you that the north atlantic alliance’s headquarters is in brussels, that a whole agreement was required there in this regard, let’s look at... what’s happening actually. without
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a doubt, the step taken was further evidence of the progressive departure in switzerland from the neutral status, which previously gave it the opportunity to provide a platform for impartial discussions, and for discussing the most pressing international problems, without any external interference or pressure, have already repeatedly commented on the systemic actions bern has taken recently, which are contrary to neutrality... to the sanctions packages of the european union, a group of countries advocating the establishment of an international against the russian leadership, the freezing of russian assets, the approval of foreign policy strategy for the period from 24-27, which excludes russia from the european security system. cultivation
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of contacts with nato, and now access to the geneva platform of the alliance, and this, let me remind you, is an aggressive military-political bloc that professes the logic of... such bloc confrontation, the culmination of switzerland’s unfriendly position towards our country was the holding, at the instigation of the kiev regime, of the so-called peace conference on ukraine, which took place on june 15-16, was a disastrous event, but in general it is important from the point of view of demonstrating bern’s true approaches to his policy, in general it is a policy of abandoning neutral status. solidarity collective west, i would like to note that we do not intend to leave such steps unattended; we will henceforth take them into account when building interaction with switzerland, both on a bilateral basis and in a multilateral
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format, well, in fact, at the meeting held at the request of the swiss minister of foreign affairs, russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, in fact, said this, and we...
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standards in matters of historical responsibility, the leadership of the federal republic of germany continues to divide the victims of nazi crimes into categories, cynically singling out from them, you know, more worthy, less worthy or generally unworthy. i would like to remind you that berlin
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stubbornly refuses to recognize the blockade of leningrad and other crimes of the nazis on the territory of the soviet union as genocide of the peoples of the ussr. for a long time. berlin makes humanitarian payments, exclusively to jewish siege survivors of leningrad, our demands to extend these payments to all survivors of the siege are ignored, but what is this? just imagine, the people who lived for example, in one communal apartment in besieged leningrad , a russian family lived in one room, in the second room -
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from uzbekistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, moldova, ukraine, so what? how a communal apartment will also be divided according to nationality, you just need to read once the diaries, memoirs, documents based on the testimonies of residents of besieged leningrad to understand that famine did not know nationality in the city at that time, and people survived by helping each other. and people died not according to nationality, but simply from starvation as a result of the actions of nazi germany. for decades, berlin
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has been hypocritically transferring social benefits to people who served in the ss troops before the second world war, including direct participants in the blockade. who survived the siege of leningrad, these payments are not due from the point of view of berlin, but those who carried out this siege have german citizenship receive social benefits, and ethnic germans in the territory of siege leningrad also cannot count on benefits, this is not just absurd, is not stupidity, it's not flawed. logic, this is a crime, this is a crime in the literal
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sense of the word, a repetition of the monstrous criminal mistakes and crimes of the period of the third reich, we strongly condemn this immoral position of the german authorities, we call on berlin to stop the inhumane discrimination against victims of the nazi regime. well, on the other hand, berlin is not alone. in such an approach, in such a segregation of people, we drew attention to the materials of another journalistic investigation of the military published in the times newspaper crimes of british special forces in afghanistan. the materials are based on direct testimony from residents of the afghan province of helment during the period of nato occupation, which was part of britain’s area of ​​responsibility. so, the afghans interviewed confirmed to journalists numerous extrajudicial cases.
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excuse me, during the anti-rebel purges the british military often fabricated so-called evidence, for example, planted weapons, practiced torture during interrogations of persons who were suspected of connections with the afghan armed resistance, they tortured them, extracting so -called confessions from them, including with electric shock. let me remind you that it was the british and
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americans, as part of nato forces, or simply in their national capacity, who were present on the territory of the sovereign state of afghanistan, and by resolution of the un security council, but never once in these decades reported to the security council. what they are doing, they have used this mandate once and have never once presented an account of their activities there, while, what is noteworthy, the affairs of the afghans remained under the jurisdiction of the british military, to the afghan prosecutor's office, to local courts, they were not transferred at all, we must pay tribute unconditionally. partners whose efforts keep the topic of british war crimes in afghanistan in the focus of public attention.
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we believe that the libarian government that came to put in place, kiro starmer, who has repeatedly declared his commitment to human rights issues, including in terms of exposing war crimes abroad, now there is a good chance to show, or better yet, to prove, perhaps, that his words do not differ from his deeds. we once again call on official london and... by the way, its nato allies, also not to cover up war criminals, but honestly, well, as far as they are able to do this, honestly, so to speak, to conduct an investigation, and we advocate the immediate resumption an objective investigation that should result in the punishment of all military personnel involved in crimes in afghanistan. japan, we have noted the publication in japan the next annual white. books on defense, unfortunately, we note that it again reproduces old insinuations
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regarding russia in the context of both the ukrainian crisis and the development of our interaction with the dprk, with unfounded accusations, including violations of decisions of the un security council, such against this background, one is not surprised by the contemporaneous maxims about the primacy, quote, sharp condemnation of russia’s actions in ukraine in an absurd connection with their alleged influence on the degradation of the situation in... qi kisida on the remilitarization of the country. japan must understand that further departure from the peaceful provisions of its own constitution is not only fraught with increased tension in the region, but also comes into conflict with the provisions of the un charter, in particular article 107. as is known, it talks about the legitimacy of the actions of the allied
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powers taken in towards japan following the second world war. one of these steps was approval. federal council of the constitution text. once again we call on official tokyo to fully recognize the results of the post-war settlement and bring sincere apologies for the aggression of 1930-1940 by the people from neighboring states who suffered from it. and i would like to provide new additional information on the topic of the crimes of japanese militarism ahead of the second world war, and which, as we have repeatedly emphasized, have no statute of limitations. proceedings in this area continue with the aim of punishing all those responsible. the general prosecutor's office of the russian federation officially notified the resolutions adopted in may-june to cancel previously issued conclusions on the rehabilitation of the following japanese citizens. shiukichi kikuchi, fukuzu kikuchi, isamu marafudi, kakichi satu and
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tashikura soga. during the war they took part in sabotage. and espionage activities directed against the soviet union. based on the results of the review of court decisions in the constitutional supervisory authority , it was established that these persons are not subject to rehabilitation; their guilt has been fully proven. well , on to the issues of russophobia. on july 8 , the chairman of the plavdeevsky branch of the russophile national movement was arrested in bulgaria. zlatomir dyovlensky. there was a lot questions to us with a request to comment, so we collected all the main questions and made the following general answer to them: he was arrested on suspicion of inciting the disclosure of state secrets. he was later released on bail, and if the court finds him guilty, he faces a long prison sentence. to be honest, i don’t
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know what kind of bulgarian secrets i could reveal. dyavlinsky, as far as we know, he does not work in a very high position in the field of municipal government, but in general, to be frank, this is more like an attempt to combat enkomysl by suppressing those who do not agree with the russophopian course of official sofia, which advocates the establishment of friendly ties and relations with our country, this is what is really well known, that the bulgarian authorities do not hesitate to persecute those who openly expresses his love for... for russia and its people. unsubstantiated accusations of espionage have already been brought against activists of the national russophile movement. similar actions by the bulgarian authorities, who declare their commitment to democracy are nothing more than a manifestation of disrespect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the right to freedom of expression. we are concerned about
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the facts of pressure on the growing russophile movement in bulgaria. its representatives talk about this. are trying to defend their rights, we call on the bulgarian authorities to remain within the legal framework and refuse to persecute their citizens on the basis of fabrications and unfounded accusations. well, the czech republic, too, so to speak, has not come far, the unilateral decision of the czech authorities on we regard the refusal to recognize russian passports without a biometric chip as another unfriendly step, which is intended to cause additional damage. on the czech side, the numerical limitation of the composition of the russian embassy, ​​the closure of two consulates general, the possibilities for providing consular services to russians in the czech republic, including the issuance of
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new generation passports, are literally reduced to a minimum. to date, the only exception to the restrictive measures introduced by the czech authorities, about which they form informed the russian embassy in prague, are the owners of non-biometric ones. passports under 15 years of age. this year marks the 80th anniversary of
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the united nations monetary and financial conference. it is commonly known as the bratonwood conference. the results of the event laid the foundations for international, international regulation of the financial sector and determined its post-war development. among the results of the conference was the creation of an international monetary fund of an international bank. reconstruction of development, officially, in accordance with the statutory documents, the imf should, this structure should have contributed to the stabilization of the global financial sector, the balanced growth of trade, as well as the stability of exchange rates, the balance of payments, the bank was established ostensibly to facilitate the restoration of the economies of countries affected during the second world war. let's look at reality, so in reality. the economic interests of the west, primarily the united states, ensured the dominance of the dollar, which became the basis for exchange rate parities
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prevailing in international payments and reserve means, everything would have been fine if the united states had not turned the dollar into its weapon, the activities of the bradenwoods, yes, into its weapon, one not of a constructive plan, but of a destructive one. the activities of brittany institutions have always been. claims, the fund and the bank presented to the borrowers, as a rule, they presented to the borrowers, as a rule, unacceptable, including politicized conditions, the so-called help of these organizations was at all times distant, far from disinterested, far from impartial and obviously politicized, this is what has been happening lately, well, it can only be characterized as the fact that... the system, the structure, has completely turned into exclusively a conductor of the political and economic interests of key western shareholders, who, with their help, seek
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to consolidate neo-colonial practices and maintain their hegemony in world affairs in global markets, among other things, brotherton woods institutions are literally used by the collective west, including as tools. as a weapon in the fight against russia, we regularly record the decision of the fund and the bank to block or refuse to allocate funds to those in need of support for so-called technical reasons, or for some literally directly formulated political pretexts. here when we talk about technical reasons, what are they called, for example, outstanding debts, arrears, but what if we talk about?
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tutov, what about the legitimacy of power in ukraine? belarus, venezuela, iran and syria have already faced similar approaches; they did not even receive emergency funding during the coronavirus pandemic, although more on this they asked and did it, proving their positions, facts, figures, the real state of affairs, in this case.
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phenomena provoked by the irresponsible financial and economic policies of the west are literally diligently taken into a politicized plane in order to distort realities, well, my favorite is to blame russia for everything that happens , for global economic upheavals, for financial crises, well, in principle, for everything. moreover, since the twenty-second year , the main flow of resources from the imf and the world bank has been to western shareholders, redirected to support. the kiev regime, while the states that really need it, these are the states of the global south, cannot receive the necessary financial assistance. the fund and the bank are only observing such neocolonial atrocities; their leadership actually adjusts its activities to the american domestic political situation. of course, of course, in these conditions there is and cannot be an alternative to a full-fledged reform
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of the international financial architecture. its key institutions. imf agenda. it was live broadcast of the briefing by official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. it's clear to everyone that. russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what he is our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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well, now some footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, this week we we were on... a working trip to the chechen republic, where, on behalf of the president , the caucasian investment forum was held, at the exhibition the heads of the district's constituent entities presented breakthrough projects that are being implemented in the regions, you remember, we launched them 3 years ago in priority sectors, in industry, in the agricultural sector, in housing and communal services, in transport, in tourism, there is already a positive effect from...


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