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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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well, now some footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues. this week we were on a working trip to the chechen republic, where, on instructions from the president , a caucasian investment forum was held. at the exhibition, the heads of the district's constituent entities presented breakthrough projects that are being implemented in the regions, you remember, we launched them 3 years ago in priority sectors, in industry, in the agricultural sector, in housing and communal services, in transport, in tourism, there is already a positive effect , the volume of such work is growing
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attracted investments, production is developing, modern , in-demand infrastructure is appearing, additional jobs are being created, we held a formidable meeting with members of the relevant government commission to consider in detail the situation as a whole in the north caucasus federal district, together with the heads of the constituent entities and federal ministries, we developed a decision on... improving the quality of life in the macroregion, developing its economic, social sphere, industry, and this also applies to improving transport connectivity its territories, a very important issue that all the heads of the subjects of the north caucasus spoke about, in order to ensure the convenience of residents and travelers , they talked about improving the financial sector on the payment system, on modernizing the personnel training system, including those with secondary specialized education. that
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from there, it is very important to support the market , they prepare a system of professionalism, they remain locally in the macro-region, it is necessary not to leave, so that those specialists who work, especially in the north caucasus, dear alexander valentinovich, thank you for organizing it, i also want to thank ramzan akhmatovich kadyrov, my colleagues who held this event at the highest level; based on the results of the trip, it is necessary to promptly prepare a list of instructions. taking into account all the issues that were discussed at the meeting, i ask the heads of the ministry and departments to keep under personal control how work is progressing in the north caucasian federal district in all areas under your supervision. before we move on to today's meeting agenda government, i want to talk about several decisions made, but first of all, in the healthcare system, one of the government’s priorities in this area is to increase the availability of quality medicine for residents of every corner of our large country. to
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this end, we continue to modernize medical institutions, build new ones, not only in large cities, but in remote , hard-to-reach rural areas, create conditions for more competent specialists to come and work there, including implementing programs zemsky doctor and zemsky paramedic, within which one-time payments are provided to medical workers, on behalf of the head of state, we will increase their size for those... who move to work in new russian regions up to 2 million rubles for doctors and, accordingly, up to 1 million rubles for paramedics, nurses and other mid- level medical specialists. the federal budget has allocated over a billion for these purposes, of which more than 350 million for the current year. we will also supplement both programs with another mechanism, thanks to which the employee will be able to validity of the contract, one-time change of place of work and... service to another
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healthcare organization in the same region. we hope that these decisions will be a good incentive for our doctors to stay in small settlements, as well as for graduates of medical colleges and universities to return home and work there, provide qualified care and consultations to local residents, of course, this is extremely important, not all of them, for various reasons, have the opportunity to travel and get treatment even at a regional medical institution, about this you you know, they always say: regional leaders when we meet with them. the government continues to support enterprises in the belgorod region and other regions that border new entities. the president has repeatedly paid special attention to this; a whole range of measures are being implemented in this direction, including those developed on behalf of the head of state, the law on the operation of a free economic zone in the region, preferential leasing programs, equipment, grants for restoration or... last year
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we have established a deferment for the payment of a number of taxes and insurance premiums for citizens' enterprises, so that the necessary payments to the budget are made in installments over the next 12 months. we will retain this opportunity for tax obligations that arise before december 31, 2024. the decision made will help local businesses; they will have more working capital that can be used, including for employee salaries, for the purchase of raw materials and equipment. now to the agenda: the government continues to support development of domestic shipbuilding and shipping, the importance of this has been repeatedly emphasized by the president; for more than 10 years , there has been a zero rate on insurance premiums, which are calculated on payments by the crew of ships from the russian international
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register. as a result, the number of ships registered in the registry increased by almost 2 and a half times, and the number of sailing personnel exceeded 16 thousand people. on behalf of the head of state , a bill has been developed to extend such a benefit, and the implementation of this initiative will help increase the share of ships flying the flag of our country in the world merchant fleet. this goal is set in the maritime doctrine of the russian federation. it is expected that thanks to this measure , maritime transport companies will have an additional 14 billion rubles left, which will strengthen their economic capabilities, including in terms of paying wages. these were shots from the government house. mikhail mishutin chaired a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. now the weather, against the backdrop of extreme heat, in the south of russia is expanding the zone where a special fire regime has been established. today is about introduction such preventive measures to avoid wildfires, the authorities of kabordin balkaria reported. we’ll talk more about the heat in the south with
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tatyana belova, she’s joining the broadcast. so, tatyana, greetings, well, when the temperature finally starts to drop. a slight softening of the bottom in the southern regions, possible only on weekends. burned down at work in the proletarian district of the rostov region , a combine caught fire in a field, the exact causes of the fire have yet to be established, but as experts say, such emergencies often occur in the heat due to the combustion of dust of plant origin. at noon in this area the thermometer rose above +35. amid scorching temperatures , substations in southern cities are catching fire due to extreme load on power grids. the night before, for this reason , 10 apartment buildings in novorossiysk were left without power. the air in the city warmed up to +40 degrees. 50, this is an absolute heat record for novorossiysk in the entire history of meteorological observation. the hottest point in the country at noon was the village of razdolnaya in the north-west of the republic of crimea. there thermometers showed +38.3. the temperature was above +37 in the west of the rostov region +36.7 in novorossiysk. at
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the same time , thunderstorms began to bring down the heat in the west and center of russia. the bryansk wind , gusting up to 14 m/s, created something like a dust storm. temperature for a short time. the time dropped from 27 to +19, this is already the second blow of bad weather in the region. the day before , thunderstorms turning into hail were observed in places in the west of the region. and this, of course, is the result of the influence of the atmospheric front, with which fresher ones make their way onto the russian plain. air mass from the atlantic. in some places, the change in temperature regime is accompanied by quite heavy precipitation in some areas; in total, over 10-12 mm of rainfall will fall per day. in moscow, dense clouds prevent air flow. it’s just as good to warm up as before at the vdnkh weather dance at 3 p.m., the thermometers showed +24, the day before at the same time it was + 29. now there is a lull before the new second wave of nesti, increased showers are predicted for friday morning, and in total for 2 the metropolis will receive about
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a third of the monthly precipitation norm, while the temperature will remain at the usual for july levels of +24 +25°. these are the forecasts. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sbertbusiness. pairs of chicken premiere chicken hit with new curry sauce at a competitive price. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses are as follows. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. the problem of cystitis is known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis, then cyston. only
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plastic bottles per year, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. now the economic news is short: rusagro will move from kira to russia, the company is preparing for forced redomiciliation through the court. the holding's management spoke about this during a conference call with investors, rbc writes. they noted that rusagro was included in the list of economically significant organizations. this means that the ministry of agriculture can apply for the suspension of corporate rights in relation. it is expected that in case of relocation, cypriot receipts will be converted into
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rusagro shares. the russian stock market is declining, it is being pulled down by securities, surgut oil and gas, transneft. after the dividend cut-off, they fell in price by 20 and 10%, respectively. in general, the moscow exchange index has been falling for more than two weeks in a row. now it is near the annual minimum. the market expects a quick increase in the key rate of the central bank, which makes investments in shares less likely. attractive. russia and japan reduced trade turnover by a quarter. at the end of the half-year , it dropped to $3,800 million. tas writes about this with reference to data from the ministry of finance countries. the key item of japanese export is cars. here supplies were immediately reduced by 70%. russia, in turn, increased fish exports and reduced supplies of lng, coal, grains and fruits. and chinese brands have supplanted apple from the top five most popular. smartphones in russia, rbc reports this with reference to a marvel distribution study.
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in the first six months of 2020 , redmi smartphones from xiaomi became the most popular. next come tekna, realmi, infinix and samsung. at the same time, in monetary terms, iphone occupies the largest market share smartphones - 34.5%. it was economic news. short.
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the russian foreign ministry responded today to a statement by the german authorities, who spoke about plans to deploy american long-range missiles in the ff. and so, as russian deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov said, moscow does not rule out the deployment of missiles, including nuclear- equipped ones, in response to the deployment of american weapons in germany. the diplomat recalled that it was the actions of western countries , and primarily the united states, that led to the fact that international agreements in the field of control above the weapons... were destroyed. rebkov also added that russia is not threatening anyone, but is simply looking for the most effective way to respond to challenges. let me remind you that earlier german defense minister boris pistorius gave an interview to tagesblad and said that the deployment of american long-range missiles on german territory would be a response to the deployment of russian iskanders in the kaliningrad region. the minister noted that
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the location of the missiles has not yet been determined and added that the shells will be conventional weapons systems, that is, we are not talking... about nuclear weapons, and poland is transferring about 17 military personnel to the border with belarus. operation safe podlasie will begin there at the beginning of august, the polish minister of defense announced this in an interview with local media. according to the minister, the goal of the operation is to strengthen the eastern borders, as well as create a buffer zone so that the number of illegal infiltrations into the country will decrease. well, now to new data on the progress of the special operation, as reported by the ministry of defense, our funds were reported in 24 hours. air defense shot down another 74 ukrainian armed forces drones, a ukrainian mig-29, three french-made hammer bombs, six haymarc rockets. the black sea fleet destroyed 10 enemy naval drones. in addition, dozens of pieces of equipment on the ground were destroyed. so a division of the center group liquidated the american-made maxpro infantry fighting vehicle. the southern group of troops hit two more
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fh-70 howitzers, this is equipment produced in great britain. group of troops west. reports the liquidation of six field warehouses of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses in different directions totaled approximately 1,800 people. donbass hospitals received new medical equipment, it was donated by united russia, and we don’t abandon our own funds to help deliver it, we are lighthouse people. in addition to equipment, toys and books were also brought to the lugansk republican children's hospital. new equipment also arrived at the children's clinical center in makeevka at the yesenovad hospital. the main flow of the wounded is sent here and distributed to other hospitals, emergency care is provided, so an acute emergency arose here in a fairly short period of time the need for additional equipment, we tried as quickly as possible, together with our friends of the headquarters for humanitarian cooperation of united russia, to collect the equipment that is urgently needed, these are ivels, these are
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special devices for resuscitation, this is what will ensure constant access in case of... refusal of god , from the divine commandments, and not just a refusal, they refused in the past, moreover, there is a desire to build a powerful, mighty, universal civilization, without god, by his mercy, by his grace, by his condescension of love for our fatherland to
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our country, may faith among the people be strengthened. together with the work, may it lead to those results that are so necessary today in order to preserve the true sovereignty of the country, its freedom, its independence, and therefore spiritual and material prosperity. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin arrived in nicaragua. on behalf of vladimir putin, he will represent the country at the celebrations marking the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandinista people's revolution. we are talking about the events of 1979, when the regime was overthrown anastasio samosa. volodin will also speak in the parliament of the republic and meet with the chairman of the national assembly. during the visit, issues of cooperation between russia and nicaragua, as well as the further development of interparliamentary relations will be discussed. dialogue between two countries. in the first half of the year, the federal customs service collected over a trillion rubles in payments. the head of the service, valery pekalev, spoke about this at a meeting with
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the president. we’ll find out all the details from my colleague dmitry morocco. so, dmitry, greetings. but due to what it increases customs efficiency? yes, welcome, today it is achieved primarily through the digitalization of all processes. during the first half of the year, the federal customs service transferred 500 billion rubles to the budget. more payments than last year. this suggests that she is effectively doing her job, the president noted at a meeting with the head of the federal customs service valery pekalev. in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more were transferred - tax collections, payments, compared to the same period last year. the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, throughput is increasing, including due to...
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more effective control tool. during the first half of the year, almost 4,00 vehicles and about 49,000 tons of goods transported with violations were identified.
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the strategic task for today is the formation of a modern high-tech customs. to achieve this, the federal customs service is carrying out large-scale digitalization of all processes. intelligent solutions are implemented both at the edge and passing through checkpoints, as well as at customs authorities within the country. the target is the task set by the president. reduce the inspection time of one cargo vehicle to 10 minutes. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to a digital format. most declarations are filed electronically . technologies, their auto-registration and auto-release are actively used. in general, about 90% of the total number of declarations are issued within 4 hours. to create conditions for growth in foreign trade volumes turnover, the service continues full-scale digitalization. our strategic vector is to create a comfortable environment for doing business. the main task for us is to conduct conscientious business. we are actively participating in activities to implement an
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electronic queuing system. now it is already functioning in mapzabaikalsk, chernyshevskoye, bugristo. valery pekalev also called assistance to the armed forces in ensuring the security of the country one of the main tasks of the federal customs service. for this purpose , the fcs organized immediate registration goods for military enterprises. industrial complex and the ministry of defense, where you can see a large concentration of robots in one place, from year to year the forum foreign industry exhibition becomes one of the main platforms for the latest industrial developments. now we are not growing as a percentage, but multiples every year, our goals are really ambitious, when we installed robots, our turnover was in the region of 4 billion rubles, today we have 15 billion. in 3 years we have grown by 3 half the time, and what can’t a robot be trusted with? i think it's a robot you can’t trust someone to make a decision, let
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a person make these decisions for him. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing there is. a person, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technological revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitudes towards life. this is the power of our country, the power of its emotion. every day, i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. so. our distant ancestors believed, we really hope that you, dear
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friends, think so too, i am pleased to invite you: with an intriguing name with light steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. see the screens for details. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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more than 3 trillion rubles. this amount was transferred to the budget by the federal customs service over the past six months. what else was he talking about? conversation with the president and how things are going with housing for customs officers. let's tell you the details. thunderstorms are forecast in the center of the country in kuban. muscovites are asked to give up cars. it will be faster by metro, in crimea - +39.
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a century-old record has been broken. there is a strong fire in kaktebel, how is the extinguishing going? the deployment of us missiles in germany, the retaliatory iskander missiles near kaliningrad, says the head of the german ministry of defense, the united states will begin deploying them in 2 years, the deputy head of our foreign ministry rebkov retorts, the military response will be without nerves and emotions. what is it about? create a european defense union, ursula fondern promises. the special fund will invest in advanced defense technologies. there is already a reaction from the kremlin. what is it? biden has coronavirus, the us president was sent into self-isolation, but even in the democratic camp there is doubt about the diagnosis, a version of the official speech was leaked to the press, how can the owner of the white house leave the game with dignity, will biden go further? and we continue to follow the political battles in the united states; now the first deputy
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chairman of the federation council committee is in direct contact with us. by international affairs vladimir dzhabarov, vladimir mikhailovich, hello, hello, well, in recent days all attention has been focused, of course, on the republican convention, trump has officially become a presidential candidate, well, in turn, he announced a candidate for vice president, the young senator from agai jadi vance, some call him a newcomer to politics, well, to big politics, at least one way or another he shows great promise, obviously in trump’s opinion. it’s interesting that he has already publicly called more than once to stop financing the war on ukraine. what do you think? about him and why did trump take such a move? you know, i think that trump took a rather wise step, because the entire american leadership had aged so much over the years, both morally and physically, that he understood that a new young stream was needed. vance fits all the criteria, he’s a good speaker, has some experience, and speaks out.


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