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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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trump officially became a presidential candidate, well, in turn, he announced a candidate for vice president, the young senator from agayu, jady vance, someone calls him a newcomer to politics, well, to big politics, at least one way or another he shows great promise, obviously according to the opinion.
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a bad speaker, has some experience, speaks out quite deeply, objectively, and i think that trump understands that vance will complement him during the election campaign, in this regard, i think that this couple biden, camilla haris is absolutely weak, but camilla generally makes many people smile. foreign politicians, by the way, including american ones, well, biden, there’s no need to even talk about him anymore, after the disastrous debate with trump, he is now trying to somehow justify himself, to get out of the situation, but here he was dealt another blow, dealt by the republican congress party, before which, on the eve of which the assassination attempt on trump was organized, it is clear that it should be blamed on the fact that it was...
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deadlines, but promising does not mean getting married, this does not mean that he will fulfill it, but on the other hand on the other hand, what i want to say is, look, under trump we received the most sanctions, yes, that’s how not funny, but on the other hand, these sanctions were enough, these sanctions, we learned to get around them, and most importantly, under trump it was not unleashed americans will not see a single new military conflict, which cannot be said about biden, so we will watch and... observe, we don’t think that
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the policy of the united states, the world one, will change much, including in relation to our country, but at least there will be , probably talk to someone if trump wins. in in general, there is a very interesting election battle ahead in the united states, i think we are just interested, well, from the outside we don’t seem to interfere and have never interfered in the american elections, but it’s interesting to see how it will develop. it’s interesting, by the way, mikhailovich, that at the republican convention, one of the congressmen said that under trump, the united states will seek peace through force. how should we treat these statements in the context, again , of what is happening in ukraine? i think we should take it calmly. the fact is that many statements have a foundation such as, you know, pre-election, they are counting on that part of society that demands further strengthening of the position of americans in the modern world. i think these are the latest events. many countries in relation
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to russia, i think that trump a little, well, or whoever will be president, will cool down such ardor that it is necessary to act through force, many countries have seen that, in general , there is nothing terrible in the americans, lethal, they can be opposed own conditions, you can work under sanctions, i think that the main thing is to start negotiations, to sit down at the negotiating table for the heads of the two great powers , russia and the united states of america. in all conflicts, we also need to stop and sit down for negotiations. our conditions for the negotiations are well known and have been repeated more than once by our president and foreign ministers. well, in this regard , we believe that the ball is in the americans’ court, they too must go through their honor.
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in your opinion, how important is the russian agenda in general for the current election race? we are already used to the fact that we constantly accused of interference and so on. right now. how it works? you know, i watched how sergeevich lavrov spoke, you remember the episode itself, when the us representative in soubezia, linda thomas greenfield, came, instead of discussing the situation in palestine, she started talking about the russian-ukrainian conflict, to which serge said , that she apparently mixed up the room, in this room they speak completely different languages. i put a damper on the topic, moreover, you know, there was such a semi-boorish act when two members of the israeli delegation ran in with some kind of posters, very calmly, sergei viktorovich cooled them down, and the security quickly escorted them out of the hall. i think
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that our minister’s speech is now being listened to very carefully, because our mit must be given his due, he went on the offensive, this is good because we realized that... we are on the right path, here is a good example in this regard our president says, he is not afraid of anything, he is not afraid of difficulties, that’s right, because he believes in our people, because he believes that we are on the right path, each in his own area must do everything to ensure that russia’s foreign policy continues at the same pace. let's go back to the assassination attempt on trump, it's still there. of course, one of the most discussed topics in the whole world, so initially they started talking about the fact that this incident would help him in the elections and add points, but on the other hand, there are still several months before the vote, isn’t it too early, isn’t it too hasty? analysts with conclusions, well, they gave a good example of american analytics when the elections were going on
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american president reagan, there was an assassination attempt, you remember, after this assassination attempt , almost all of america voted for the republican representative, for...
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as a rule, repeated covid or tertiary covid, he predicts in milder forms, but on the other hand, this is actually a reason to say, i was ready to defeat trump, but unfortunately the disease has taken its toll, the doctors recommend that i refuse, this is a good reason, but the most important thing is who will take biden’s place, you know, it seems to me that not a single sane politician among democrats won’t decide now, it’s just clear that he will lose, he won’t be able to for the elders.
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i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that
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the federal customs service is fulfilling its tasks; in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more tax levies and payments were transferred compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, and throughput is increasing ability increases, including with
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the emergence of greater opportunities to occupy positions of employees in the federal category of mtr participants, so that they have the customs service of the russian federation, i had instructions to the government to build housing for customs officers, well, first of all, in the far east, where money is going in the budget. provided in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be the main distributor of budget funds. in the near future, i hope that understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. russian foreign ministry reacted today to a statement by the german authorities, who spoke about plans to deploy american long-range missiles in the rg. as deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov said, moscow does not rule out the deployment of missiles, including nuclear-equipped ones, in response to the deployment of american weapons in germany. the diplomat recalled that it was the actions of western countries, and primarily the united states,
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that led to the destruction of international agreements in the field of arms control. rebkov added that russia does not threaten anyone, but simply looking for the most effective way to respond to challenges. let me remind you that earlier, german defense minister boris pistorius gave an interview to tagesblad and said that the deployment of american long-range missiles on german territory would be a response to the deployment of russian iskanders. in the kaliningrad region. the minister noted that the location of the missiles has not yet been determined and added that the shells will be conventional weapons systems, that is, we are not talking about nuclear weapons. poland is transferring about 17 thousand troops to the border with belarus. in at the beginning of august, a safe operation will begin there. this was stated by the polish minister of defense in an interview with local media. according to the minister, the purpose of the operation is to strengthen the eastern borders, as well. creating a buffer zone to
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reduce the number of illegal entries into the country. members of the european parliament today confirmed the current president of the european commission, ursul fondeian, for a second five-year term in this post. let me note that earlier during the plenary session, deputies criticized a lot of the course she is pursuing the european union, but in the end there were more of those who approved of its activities. during the voting, 401 votes were cast for fondelaien, 284 deputies voted against, 15 abstained, and seven more ballots were empty. well, this morning the head of the european commission announced that he was going to turn the eu into a defense union. she voiced this proposal precisely at the time...
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this is the general mood of european states towards militarization, towards escalating tension, towards confrontation and towards relying on confrontational methods of their foreign policy. russian the federation did not pose and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union; in ukraine it protects its interests in
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conditions where the countries of the european union have excluded any possibility of dialogue. and taking into account russia's concerns, and of course, all this forces us to configure our foreign policy approach accordingly. world blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you waiting for? maybe the realme c51 smartphone is 46% off. uh, they're attacking credit debts. cards, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: collecting all credit card debts we conveniently repay 24 months for one holva, and don’t forget about purchases in installments holva - simple installment plans on fire are tastier than burger king, when you live at x2 speed, without
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lux visage cosmetics with cashback up to 40%. the area of ​​the fire in kaktebel has decreased. the fire covered 40 hectares, almost all of it is the territory of the karadak nature reserve. now they are counting us. a natural fire near koktabel in crimea began 3 days ago, the culprit has already been identified, it is known that he was cutting metal with a grinder, in as a result, the grass caught fire, and then the fire engulfed a vast area. the fight against fires in transbaikalia continues; over the past 24 hours , 13 forest fires were extinguished there on an area covered by fire of 13.00 hectares. three more fires were localized: four dozen fires remain active. forests are burning mainly in hard-to-reach areas where ground equipment cannot get through. cannot, in such cases it is necessary to extinguish the flame manually or use aircraft. today we have 75.00 hectares on fire, this is very low
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an indicator compared to the previous three months, because just a week ago almost 800,000 hectares were burning in our country; we have a so-called monsoon type of continental climate, so most of the precipitation falls in the summer months, in june. july-august, so in may we had zero precipitation, in june there was zero, for this part until the last few days of july there was also zero precipitation, while temperatures were 3° and higher than normal temperatures, more than 40° here have been in effect for the last 2-3 weeks and of course it had a negative impact, while so-called dry thunderstorms occur, electricity accumulates in dry air, almost 300 dry thunderstorms occurred in june, in july we have not yet fully counted the number, so last year... their number was 160-170 per day, now the number has dropped to 25 total fires, of which in
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the ground extinguishing zone, that is, this is the area closest to populated areas, a total of six fires with an area of ​​5.00 hectares. the temporary power outage is being extended due to the heat in the regions of southern russia, at the same time in the regions temperature in the west and center of the country. thunder showers began to fall. we’ll talk more about all this with the leading specialist of the fobs center, vadim zavodchenkov. so, vadim, greetings. well, so, the retreat of the heat, will it be accompanied by weather disasters? ah, good afternoon. in general, changing air oils never goes without leaving a trace, and the first manifestations of this, although not too large-scale and extreme, are already being observed now. wind and extreme heat contribute to the emergence of new wildfires in... southern russia. firefighters during the day localized a large outbreak in the village of ozyorny near stavropol. the fire managed to spread over an area of ​​70 hectares. the flames
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destroyed four buildings, one truck and two pieces of agricultural equipment. in extreme heat, neither power grids nor equipment can withstand the load. in rostov-on-don , a transformer caught fire during the day. at one of the rostov construction sites, at the same time. bur's engine caught fire, but it was quickly extinguished. earlier, in a proletarian district of the rostov region , a combine harvester caught fire in a field. exact causes of the fire has yet to be established, but as experts say, such emergencies often occur in hot weather due to the ignition of dust of plant origin. as has been the case in recent days, today, long before the maximum temperature was measured, updates began in the southern regions. heat records, so already at 15 o'clock meteorological statistics were updated in the crimea and new regions of russia in the kuban, for this nature has literally one step left, in krasnodar
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the thermometer columns are only 2 behind the previous extreme value, here on in the north of the russian plain, the weather pendulum has already swung in the other direction, at night the center of the country suffered from thunderstorm rains, during the day it was hit by black soil, they are approaching. kursk atmospheric front dropped the temperature from +35 to +22 in 40 minutes. the sudden change in weather was accompanied by squalls up to 22 m/s. in some areas, the wind lifted dust into the air, creating something like a dust bowl. belarus suffered even more from the elements. for example, a thunderstorm rumbled over minsk for 6 hours in a row, streams of rainwater flooded the streets of megapolis, even the metro was protected from bad weather; one of the stations had to be closed due to flooding. tomorrow the contrasting weather on the russian plain
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will increase even more, the entire northern half of the region will be covered by fields of frontal clouds and here again it will not be possible without showers and thunderstorms, the epicenter of ninasti will be the center of the country and the upper volga, here in some places more than 10-20 mm can fall moisture per day, the southern latitudes will remain in the region of sunny , abnormally hot weather, as a result , the thermometer will again be in the midday hours here will fluctuate in the range from +36 to +41, but to the north the temperature regime will begin to approach the level of the climate norm, so in the northwest at midday, the air will warm up only to +20-25, in the middle zone, the prevailing daytime temperature will still be a little higher, +23-28, for example, in moscow the thermometer readings will not exceed +26, but the capital will
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pay for the freshness with rain. the most intense precipitation in the metropolis is expected in the first half of the day, and in general, by the end of the day , about a quarter may fall in the center of the country monthly volume of moisture, summing up, the invasion of the front will bring both the temperature regime and humidity in central russia closer to the long-term average values. yes, vadim, thank you, vadim, zavodchenkov spoke about the continuation of extreme heat in the south of russia, about which regions of the country. already slammed the door, well, breaking news from telegram channels, two rescuers were injured in tver, helping people in a car that was stuck in a pit with hot water, it is known that both of them had burns, the rescuers of the car, this car, everything is in order, the ministry of emergency situations reports.
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who are you, i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out of trouble, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without a flint, i was trapped in a flint. pen, self-written, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname that goes where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place, where you fool want to go, where you need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen...
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competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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the russian cabinet of ministers will allocate over 1 billion rubles for additional payments to healthcare workers in new regions and small towns, prime minister mikhail spoke about this. he also announced that benefits for doctors who come to work in donbass and novorossiya under the program zemsky doctor, will be doubled. as we continue to modernize medical institutions and build new ones, not only in major cities, but in remote, hard-to-reach areas and rural areas, we are creating conditions for more competent specialists to come and work there, including implementing zemsky doctor programs.


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