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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. in ukraine, the fighters who died while trying to storm the village of krynki in the kherson region were included in the missing, as local media write, we are talking about more than 700 military personnel. the russian army took control of the settlement back in february, at the same time president putin was informed that the enemy had lost about 3,500 people in the krynki. why does the ukrainian military the command to hide the truth, stanislav bernwald understood.
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the dnieper bank is under the control of russia, despite this, ukraine has repeatedly tried to carry out landing operations in krynki, declaring that...
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one of the ukrainian marines, captured by attack aircraft of the b-328 airborne regiment company on one of the dnieper islands opposite krynki, says , that most of the boat crews who tried to cross the dnieper in an attempt to gain a foothold on the left bank in the area of ​​​​the populated area came under targeted fire from our artillery and precise strikes unmanned aircraft. he says he was lucky, he managed to hide on one of the islands, where our stormtroopers captured him, just dropped him off, drowned him and... how many people
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are left alive that you haven’t seen, i can’t even have no idea what i was saying, everyone was lying , then i turned off, and when i woke up, i knew that there were already people living there now, those who were less fortunate, says the prisoner, are hastily recorded as missing, the command is trying to get rid of corpses, because there is no body, no case and no compensation to the relatives of the dead soldiers, despite the failure of the command, as the prisoners say, under the threat of execution, the marines are still driving the marines to inevitable death. those who refuse will, at best, face a tribunal; at worst, a bullet in the forehead. it is clear that the operation failed, well, it was not possible to expand the bridgehead and it was possible to achieve some results, but propaganda was already inflating this as a huge operational success, with a clasdar on the left wing, in the end, well, ukraine, the ukrainian command did not become a hostage to their own military propaganda, according to.
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the zaporozhye region is protected from attacks by the ukrainian armed forces by units of the dnepr group of troops; air defense systems scan the sky around the clock. it only takes a few seconds to neutralize the threat. footage of combat work. in the report of our special correspondent igor pikhanov. a radar station camouflaged in a forest belt scans the sky along the line of combat contact. they are looking for ukrainian missiles and drones. every day the enemy probes our defenses, tries to attack populated areas of zaporozhye region, protects civilians from danger from the air, air defense unit, dnepr group of troops. we study the enemy, his capabilities, his means. relska detects absolutely all air targets,
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from fpv to cruise missiles, labs, and enemy aircraft. the situation in the frontline region is complex.
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air defense units do not stop for a minute; the fighters are awarded state and departmental awards for their professionalism. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. ursulu fondelien re-elected to the post of head of the european commission as a result of a secret ballot, more than 400 deputies voted for, 281 were against, 15 abstained. well, during the debate , european parliamentarians actively criticized the actions, arguing that they were destructive for europe. natalya goncharova will talk about what arguments were made. ursula vonderlein began her speech in the european parliament with contradictions, she spoke about peace in ukraine, but after a couple of minutes she called for continuing to supply the ukrainian armed forces with weapons. nobody wants peace more than the people
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ukraine, they want a free independent country, and europe will stay with ukraine as long as necessary. will ukraine or the european union need it? did not specify, touched upon the topic of energy and ecology, mentioned the illusory prospect of the development of the global market and innovation in europe, but it all came down to one proposal to turn the european union into a defense union. our freedom is in danger, we have a responsibility, we need to do whatever is necessary to protect the people of europe, to protect our citizens is a responsibility europe. and finally, i think we need to create a real european defense union. in response, meps advised her to take off her rose-colored glasses and ask how ordinary europeans live, including through fondelaien’s fault. your speech shows how much you hate people, you never mentioned poverty, unemployment, you only talk about competitive prosperity to please
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business. i know that you earn 30 thousand euros a month, but every third european is forced to skip meals. people can't afford to go on vacation because they have a negative balance on their card. stop looking at everything through the veil and see reality. the politician was remembered just yesterday when she lost in a belgian court in a case regarding the purchase of a coronavirus vaccine. we are talking about a large purchase of drugs worth billions of euros.
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a scene more familiar to the ukrainian verkhovna rada took place today in strasbourg. she watched what was happening with
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a humble smile, not reacting to criticism. there is only one result: the europeans have chosen 5 more years, a scenario that will be aimed at destroying the economy and continuing to support kiev. natalya goncharova, lead. the statement by the head of the european commission confirms the eu countries' mood for confrontation. this is how the kremlin commented on ursula fondeen’s proposal to turn the european union into a defense bloc. apparently, ms. fonderlein was talking about changing priorities and giving a military touch to this alliance. it is probably difficult to give any comprehensive interpretations here now. that this work will intersect with the interaction that the eu countries
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have within the framework of the north atlantic alliance, this confirms the general attitude of european states towards militarization, towards escalating tension, towards confrontation and relying on confrontational methods of their foreign policy. the russian federation did not pose and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union, and... in ukraine it defends its interests in conditions when the countries of the european union have excluded any possibility of dialogue and taking into account russia’s concerns, and of course, this all forces us accordingly configure our foreign policy approach. ukraine has repeatedly been able to achieve a ceasefire and a peace agreement. sergei lavrov stated this at a press conference at the un following his participation in security council meetings in his capacity. chairman, according to the russian foreign minister, the west must stop pumping kiev
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with weapons, then the conflict will quickly end. read more about the statements that were made by alexey golovko. the work of the russian foreign minister at the un invariably arouses great interest among the world media, and after the end of the security council , journalists have the opportunity to ask him any question. at the end of his working trip , sergei lavrov holds a large final press conference. after the minister’s brief report on two days of work , questions immediately arise: will russia participate in the second, so-called peace summit, as zelensky suggests, but our country still does not see any practical sense in this. the course has been taken to push through at any cost the so-called zelensky plan, which has a clearly defined form ultimatum. if we talk about peaceful efforts, for some reason everyone talks about this bürgenstock, but no one talks about initiatives.
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advocate for convening a conference on principles that will be acceptable to all parties, we will of course look very carefully at the wording and...
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at that time, as i already said, there was a dialogue between us and washington at the highest and highest level, now there is no such dialogue, one of the days of work under the russian chairmanship was devoted to the situation in the middle east, not sergei lavrov is asked whether the conflict in gaza could spread to the south of lebanon, where the forces of hezbollah are located, which is largely backed by iran. iran is not interested in escalation.
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so that they remain thoughts, or better yet, are forgotten. sergei lavrov answered questions from reporters for almost an hour and a half; as expected , the next time he will take part in the work of the united nations is this fall, during the un general assembly. alexey golovko, philip dubrovsky, ivan udkin, news from the un, new york. moscow is not excludes the deployment of missiles, including
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nuclear-equipped ones, in response to the possible deployment of american weapons in germany, these are the words of our deputy foreign minister sergei ribkov. agreements that previously existed no longer work, and moscow is forced to respond to challenges, while the white house turns a blind eye to the risks of a global 2:0 arms race. how far is the us willing to go? details from ekaterina radaeva. an arms race is coming in the world, and not a bilateral one between russia and the united states, but an even more complex one, according to reuters. according to experts, the confrontation could involve china and america’s asian allies represented by south korea and japan. there are fears that countries may now fail to reach a breakthrough arms control agreement. maslov’s fire is also added by the fact that european states continue to build up their arsenal of military equipment, however,
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this is not the first time babis has criticized the pro-ukrainian course of the czech republic, and, moreover, according to polls, he has a two-fold advantage over the ruling coalition on the eve of parliamentary elections next year. in germany they support the idea with the deployment of american missiles. the united states, which is going to place these weapons in germany, is just getting ready to do this, but i would like to be clear, these will be conventional weapons systems, we are doing everything possible. to prevent the situation from escalating. if it is clear to everyone that germany and nato can defend themselves successfully, the likelihood that we will be attacked will decrease. previously
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, bon's hovgarten would have been full of demonstrations against the deployment of missiles. now is a different time, you can’t compare it. the rise of the movement peace at bon was tied to pershings equipped with nuclear warheads, not conventional missiles. we haven't had to deal with guns in 35 years. an entire generation is completely unaware of this. threat, what the united states will do in germany from 2026 is nothing more than countering the russian threat, the fact that russia is deploying iskanders in kaliningrad, then deterrence will work again. deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov notes that the kaliningrad region has long attracted the painful attention of opponents and does not rule out the deployment of missiles in nuclear equipment after the appearance of us missiles in germany. i do not exclude any options due to the fault of germany and germany, primarily with... the situation in ukraine, the search for a diplomatic settlement is also in favor of this
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. but more and more often european countries are talking about viktor orban, however, in europe his initiative met with rejection, in the eu the hungarian the politician was boycotted, ex- bundeswehr general roland carter, develt condemned the dirty company around the politician. as a former soldier, i think this reaction is completely exaggerated, i think it's good that they started talking about this, and orban communicated not only with putin, he started with zelensky, then with putin, sidzenpin, with the head of turkey and finally with trump. so he got a complete picture. and i think it's good to just say, if in this situation, when he concludes that the fighting will intensify over the next few weeks, i assume that too. i have the impression that the troops are reorganizing, the troops are being replenished, and then summer comes, then, of course, there are opportunities for more intensive fighting, but i believe that in this
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situation, where there is not the slightest glimmer of hope, it is imperative to find a way to come to a diplomatic solution, no matter what they say. and the german publication handelsblad cites a statement by serbian president aleksandar vucic, who advised chancellor olaf scholz to reach an agreement as soon as possible. their candidacy, we are sure that there is no chance. denis davidov will continue. biden does not have the strength to get out of the car, nor does he have a mask; having passed a positive test for covid, he barely
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gets out of the suv. mister president, how are you feeling? i feel good. but i can’t believe it, looking at how the eighty-one-year-old us president boards the plane; for convenience, a short ramp is deployed, but he conquers these 13 steps with great difficulty. he is flying to... no, he is vaccinated and revaccinated against covid, there is not a single event on his schedule in the coming days. the bullet couldn't stop trump, but biden was just stopped by the virus.
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the next president of the united states, donald trump. there's still the same bandage on his ear, and there's a bunch of guards behind him. after the assassination attempt he misses a single day of the republican party convention, goes out into the hall in the evening and listens not only to his comrades, but also to his relatives. trump's seventeen-year-old granddaughter kai created a sensation. for me he is just my
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grandfather, he gave us candy and cola when my parents weren’t looking. on saturday i was at school when i heard that he was shot, a lot of people put my grandfather through hell and he is still standing. the evening for the republicans turned out to be a family-friendly one. jady vance, who is running with trump as vice president, introduced gathered their mother. in the past, she was a drug addict and did not deal with her son, but for 10 years now she has. how it was cured, vance in his speech talks about a new path for america. according to him, with trump's arrival in the white house, the united states will not get involved in wars unnecessarily. together we will only send our children to war when we must; if we hit, we will hit hard. the trump and vence campaigns have refused to agree on a date for the vice presidential debate. republicans said they were unclear who
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the democrats would nominate as their second choice. v race, they mocked kamala haris, who, if biden leaves, could become a presidential candidate, and the likelihood of such an outcome is becoming more and more obvious, more and more party members are calling on biden to withdraw his candidacy. a few minutes ago , congressman adam schiff called on joe biden to withdraw from the presidential race. the statement of a high-ranking democrat, biden going on sick leave, all this does not seem to be an accident; the day before, the owner of the white house said: he will leave the race if he develops some kind of illness, doctors. they will say stop, today his short message appeared on social networks saying that he was sick. denis davidov, polina fedorova, lead. well, the urgent news that is now coming from the dpr is that three employees of the water of donbass enterprise died as a result of a car hitting a ukrainian anti-tank mine. this happened in the volnovakha district of the donetsk people's republic, denis pushiliin, head of the dpr, reports this.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the federal customs service valery at his residence in novogorev near moscow pekalev. the conversation was about the results of the department’s work over the past six months. and here is one of them. during this time, customs transferred
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over 3 trillion to the budget. rubles, i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that the federal customs service is fulfilling its tasks, in the first half of this year almost 500 billion more were transferred - tax collections, payments, compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, increases, throughput, increases, including including through the introduction of digital technologies. during the first half of the year, collected revenues amounted to rub 3.361 billion. at the same time , the effectiveness of customs control within the framework of the risk management system increased and 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. the federal customs service of russia has organized assistance to svo participants in employment and professional development. and if.


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