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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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department over the past six months, here is one of them: during this time, customs transferred over 3 trillion rubles to the budget. i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that the federal customs service is fulfilling tasks in the first half of this year , transferring almost 500 billion in tax fees and payments, compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing and increasing.
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helping svo participants in employment, professional development, and if we talk about employment, then in the near future we will we are making changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of mtr participants, so that they have greater opportunities to occupy positions as employees in the federal customs service of the russian federation, i had an instruction to the government to build housing for customs officers, in first of all. rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be the main distributor of budget funds, in the near future, i hope that an understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. now about the situation with natural fires in the country, there are more than 200 of them. in transbaikalia , a forest is burning 10 km from populated areas, but there is no threat to them now, local authorities say. complexity. the situation in yakutia, since
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the beginning of the season the fire has covered about 950 thousand hectares. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. the boat cuts through the water surface, this is the only place where you can breathe, the shores are on fire. this is the obysky district of yakutia, where forest fires have engulfed more than 930 hectares, the fire is raging just 10 km from the administrative center to help local firefighters in the obysky district, they went to... 50 employees of the ministry of emergency situations , they had already reached the place, they brought with them backpack fire extinguishers, pumps, masks. over the past 24 hours , 26 forest fires were extinguished in the region using aerial monitoring and six new ones were discovered. 2.0 people and 176 pieces of equipment are involved in the extinguishing efforts. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations operates in the obysky, olekminsky and aldansky districts. forest fires were recorded at a distance of 7:13.
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is 40 hectares. number of forest fires transbaikalia remains high, despite the fact that regional federal forces, about a thousand firefighters, 100 pieces of equipment, including aviation, are involved in the fight against them. in may june there was practically no precipitation in the region, and the temperature rose above 30°. the governor of the region, alexander osipov, goes to the field, conducting regional fire headquarters. the federal aviation forces are providing great assistance; six helicopters are in operation, and we rent two. two emercom
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of russia sent two menpriroda of russia, one the b-200 plane, which directly protects populated areas, we have a fire protection plane that causes precipitation, an an-26, and with our joint forces, from seven , depending on the scale, to 25 fires, we extinguish every day, you said, for the previous 24 hours had been spent extinguishing thirteen fires. according to operational data, by the morning of july 18, three forest fires were extinguished on the territory of boleysky, sretensky and chetinsky.
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on july 17, there were 222 forest fires in russia ; more than 393 hectares were covered by fire, 69 fires in forest lands in yakutia, 45 forest fires in transbaikalia, 26 in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, 19 forest fires in the irkutsk region, 15 in the republic of buryat, 14 in the krasnoyarsk territory. in total , 5,273 people, 593 pieces of equipment, and 52
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pieces of plastic and scrap metal were involved in extinguishing the fires. at our feet is a million dollars, however, in a disassembled state, this is a french -made scalp rocket, here we see the corresponding designation. this munition was shot down thanks to our air defense. the crew was led by an experienced commander , call sign whale, and together we dismantled the electronic guts of the downed missile. heads, the most important thing is to find their head, well, the head from it, that is, all these.
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experience of the georgian-abkhaz conflict syria is now defending the sky here in the special operation zone, awarded orders of courage for services to the fatherland, in just over two years he trained about thirty crews. driver mechanic alexander served in the police for a long time before the svo, he has length of service, he could calmly sit not behind the wheel of this complex, and at home, in civilian life, to raise my grandchildren, but the military registration and enlistment office came on its own and decided to help the army. hello, krasnodar region, everything is fine with us, everyone is happy. victory will be ours, the marriage will be broken. although the crew of the complex can perform a variety of tasks, the main one is the defense of the homeland. these soldiers selflessly fulfill their duty and are on duty around the clock. vadim topalov, viktor voloshin, lead donetsk. only at alfabank.
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coming out with a humble smile, not reacting to criticism, but the result is the same, the europeans chose for another 5 years, a scenario that will be aimed at destroying the economy and continuing to support kiev. natalya goncharova, lead. usa, the most discussed topic remains the story of the attack on donald trump. it is still unclear why the secret service police,
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who were guarding the former president, did not pay attention to how the assassination attempt was being prepared. trump supporters are suggesting a conspiracy here. authorities against the republican leader, and skeptics say that there are many contradictions in the version of trump representatives. anna voronina will continue. most a major failure of the secret service or a well -prepared plan to eliminate the candidate. there are more and more versions of the assassination attempt on donald trump every day, as questions for those who were responsible for his safety. this story is getting stranger and stranger. cnn reports that the circle bought 50 rounds of ammunition, stairs. at the home depot and walked a mile to the rally with his father's ar-15 rifle, ammo and a ladder. no one noticed him or stopped him. how did crooks know that the roof would be left unguarded? where is he from knew he wouldn't encounter police coming in and out of the building, where he knew the roof would be an ideal vantage point. crooks’s position really was ideal, as
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demonstrated on his pages by the co-founder of the trendin political news public page, colin ruck, who is a suspicious guy according to the officials. what they did on stage, what they did behind the scenes, everything except how they didn't stop the man with the rifle from shooting the former president, that detail they just left out. experts note that there is only enough time to find and neutralize the crux. there were more than enough law enforcement officers. the very work of the us secret service in ensuring the security of the former president is called suspicious. here's where
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trump spoke, here's where the guy was, here's the water tower. when we saw it, the first question that arose was why there were no secret service officers here, because from this tower you can see all these buildings, and there are not many publications, why not place secret service officers on all the roofs, very suspicious, and how convenient that they found a guy who had neither social networks, no statement, nothing. us secretary of homeland security, democrat alejandro mayorkas, called all suggestions of hints at an internal conspiracy dangerously ridiculous.
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liberals generally suggested that the attack was staged; instead of blood, trump smeared himself with paint. now trump’s critics are acting more subtly, hinting that the former president did not suffer that much , while asking questions to which republicans do not yet have an answer, for example, why the security unquestioningly listened to donald trump, allowing him to rise after the assassination attempts and victoriously raise his fist in the air. where is the bullet that wounded the former president, and what happened to the ear? we still have not received a report from doctors at the hospital or from the trump campaign or team about the extent of the damage to his ear. if he was shot with a large caliber bullet, then the ear should become very small. there was some kind of cosmetic surgery. we need to know about this, what are the prognosis for recovery, where are the stitches, how badly the ear is damaged. was it a bullet or a piece
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glass from a teleprompter. there are many questions around this ear, but not a single answer. however, the directors will be held accountable. 10 unmanned boats, they were heading towards the crimean peninsula. in tver , two rescuers were injured while helping people in a car caught in a pit of boiling water. due to a break in a hot water pipe , the ground collapsed on the roadway. a car with passengers fell into the hole. when emergencies ministry specialists approached the car, the soil collapsed on the side of the road. the rescuers ended up
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in the water and suffered burns. with driver and the passengers in the car are fine. the unity of the peoples of russia is the force that has always helped our country, especially during periods of difficult historical trials. interethnic unity gives us the opportunity to successfully resist collective aggression. the composition of russia's new regions that have successfully adapted to the legal and political space. one of the main directions
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of joint activities of the state and civil society is to minimize the risks of violation of interethnic and interreligious harmony, first of all by resolutely countering the spread of radical ideologies of nationalism and extremism in russian society. we set before our country, i will say, impossible, to preserve the country, and that creative, those creative tasks that we now have without unity, without consent, without harmony in achieving the goals of the country's development, and more relations between peoples, cultures, languages, confessions representing a multinational the people of our country, by the way, have always been, because our entire thousand-year history is based on the search and achievement this consent. in ukraine, fighters who died
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while trying to storm the village of krynki in the kherson region were listed as missing . as local media write, we are talking about more than 700 military personnel. the russian army took control of the settlement back in february. then president putin was informed that the enemy had lost about 3,500 people in the krynki. stanislav bernwald looked into why the ukrainian military command would hide the truth. this is no longer a point of population. this has not been a populated area for a long time; it is a place where, in fact, impossible to defend. the speaker of the operational-strategic group of troops of the armed forces of ukraine in tavra, dmitry likhovoy, with many different, but still reluctantly admits that the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the village of krynki on the left bank of the dnieper were completely defeated. but it’s okay, we’re there. we’ll come back again, victory is just around the corner, the situation is a little less critical as some media and bloggers interpret it, in this regard i must say that our key message is this: the
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ukrainian defense forces continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper. village krynki located on the banks of the krynka river, a tributary of the dnieper between the settlements of olezhki and novaya kokhovka. it is separated from the main river bed by islands. this section of the dnieper bank is located. under russian control, despite this, ukraine has repeatedly tried to conduct landing operations in krynki, declaring that this settlement could become a gateway and impetus for a campaign against crimea. in february, the authorities of the kherson region announced the complete clearing of this territory from vssu. there is no need to talk about strategic significance here; for now it was like they say, a purely tactical task is to gain a foothold on the left bank and then expand the bridgehead, but however, in...
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pussy, they are simply eating, this poor fellow, devoured by worms , is one of the ukrainian marines, captured by the attack aircraft of company b328
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of the airborne regiment for one.
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loomed. stanislav bernwald, news. people, but crimea is still not on the horizon . we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out; we won. the russians helped, they
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didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first the west made it so that crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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