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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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stroposcopes quickly created an atmosphere of hopelessness for the suspects, and the door flying into the apartment to the accompaniment of wishes to be treated... was very convincing, we had to come to terms with the harsh reality. they extorted money from local residents, and also demanded that ownership of the car and part of the apartment be transferred to them. at the same time, they threatened to use violence and destroy property. to intimidate , the defendants fired pneumatic weapons at apartment windows and cars. the bandits managed to extort property worth more than 12 million rubles from seven victims. now another one will be added, and on several counts at once: he hit the police in an electric car and tried to hide in dagestan, an anti-drug raid turned into an epic chase and ended with a spectacular arrest, from law enforcement officers a large businessman who
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came to the attention of the security forces tried to escape, but really did not want to give up. the topic will be continued by olga zhurinkova. the whole event was recorded by the dash cam in a nearby car. the incident happened. on thursday afternoon during an anti-drug raid. security forces blocked the black electric car of thirty-eight-year-old timur murtazaliev, but the driver, instead of getting out of the car, pressed the gas pedal, hit the law enforcement officers, rammed the official car and disappeared. operatives gathered around this car workers. they demanded that the passengers in the car, the armored ones, open the doors and get out of the car. civilians gathered here. they drove them away, all this happened in front of numerous eyewitnesses, the passengers did not get out, they categorically refused, at that time the car immediately picked up speed, the car turned around and drove off without stopping, a little later murtazaliev abandoned the car in a neighboring
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yard and switched to a toyota camry , but didn't go far. an interception plan was announced, the violators detained in hot pursuit and taken to the police department, the operatives failed. serious injuries, the actions of the detainees will be given a legal assessment. as the detained journalists found out, timur murtazaliev was previously the head of a fire safety company. now he is engaged in the restaurant business, co-owner of several cafes in makhachkala and two more companies related to catering. according to one version, he could have gotten involved with the drug business due to financial problems. recently, according to a number of media reports, he began to have difficulties due to large debts, the tax authorities blocked the accounts of his establishments. one of the companies is now in the process of liquidation, at murtaza’s house. security forces are working, searches are taking place, he himself is now being interrogated by investigators, it is known that the electric car has 12 fines, two of which have not been paid, in such cases it makes no sense to actually run away, because well, first of all, in relation to the person who is being detained certain operational
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activities were carried out, which means the employees know absolutely everything about him and where he is and what he is and how he does it and says that what thus acts exclusively. a person who knows why he is being detained, the law enforcement officers received minor injuries, their lives are not in danger, but in any case, for encroaching on the lives of law enforcement officers, murtazaliev faces up to 20 years. in addition, his friend, the camry driver, who helped him escape, may become involved in a criminal case as an accomplice. olga zhurenkova, dmitry manyshev, lead the duty unit. but in astrakhan, the case of a major drug courier has already been put to rest. he joined the force of the sentence, which sent the trafficker of prohibited substances away for a long time. three became victims of the deadly potion, two dozen people ended up in intensive care, it turned out that the dealer mixed up the so-called bookmarks, instead of one he hid a much stronger drug. a report on the high-profile case was prepared by our colleague from state television and radio broadcasting company lotus, dmitry dubrovsky. mom said that
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you’ll do it like this, you take one thing, then one at a time, i’ll give you an address on the street or area, you’ll throw it there, that’s what he said. said. this is unique interrogation footage that was previously a secret consequences. migrant momasaliev tells how, at the direction of an anonymous curator, he hid stashes containing a deadly drug along the streets of astrakhan. in november last year, thanks to the efforts of the so-called pawnbroker , more than twenty people ended up in intensive care, three died. and some buyers of the poisonous powder were saved only by watching the news in time, investigators say. after this message happened and... was published in the media, some themselves brought the drug data to the police, they reported where they purchased it, in what places were the bookmarks. at first, mamasaliev chose inconspicuous nooks and crannies for hiding places, but then he lost his vigilance. so employees of the
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drug control department and the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs got on his trail. academician korolev street in the very center of astrakhan. it was here that the pawnbroker made a fatal mistake, falling into the field of view of this video camera. and it was already established by his external data. location on the territory of the city of moscow, he could have thrown here, yes, yes, yeah, also where i could throw it, here. it is now known that in the fall of 2023 vastrakhane momasaliev managed to make 1,500 bookmarks. for each package of drugs, the drug dealer received 450 rubles. at some point, the man accidentally mixed two batches of different powders. so , instead of mephedrone, the buyers received methadone, and its lethal... dose is tens of times less, he said that if he had known that this would lead to such tragic events,
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he would have informed the handler that the drug had been substituted. mamasaliev did not deny his guilt, having confessed everything, he received 20 years in a maximum security colony, and as we just learned, the fimida is not going to challenge the decision. dmitry dubrovsky, andrey mizin, andrey reasonable, damir maykenov, lead, duty department. fire cruise in turkish marmoris. hundreds of tourists immediately jumped into the sea from the yacht, although none of them planned to swim; the fact is that the luxurious ship suddenly burst into flames as soon as it left the pier. some were picked up by rescuers on boats, others swam to the shore or to nearby ships. those who swim the fastest still managed to make spectacular footage from a neighboring yacht, whether there were russian tourists among the swim participants has not yet been reported, according to preliminary data, everyone was saved, and in a matter of minutes the yacht became an attraction for divers. the business of dead brides. circassian researchers
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continue to unravel a large-scale scam involving escheated apartments. a gang of the former head of the tax office, a notary, and their accomplices entered into marriages with the dead so that the fake widowers would inherit expensive real estate. details in our next article. this mansion in korochaevo-cherkessia is not comparable to the noble estates of the 19th century. and the permission looks too vulgar, and there are some columns. despite the smaller scope, the cunning of these scoundrels was comparable to chichikov’s; the company of a notary, a former head of the tax office and six stray citizens had been carrying out their scheme with dead souls for years. in several cities of the country , they formalized marriages with the dead simply retroactively in order to inherit apartments. the hunt for the dead brides continued until the fsb and the police came out. the gangs did not come to visit the criminals, a search will be carried out, here
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are the decree forms on display, yeah, the security forces visited not only the gilded mansion, but also the housing of other participants in the scheme, the operatives and the tax office came to the notary's office, all these places turned out to be rich in evidence , computer equipment, documentation, cell phones and storage media were confiscated ; technical-forensic, handwriting... computer forensics were assigned to the seized objects. investigators continue collecting evidence evidence base. the total material damage caused is established. the investigation may come as an unpleasant surprise for those who bought an apartment from the gang and are not even aware of the criminal scheme. subsequently, the resulting property was sold, and the proceeds were distributed among the accomplices. as a result , more than ten properties were stolen. their exact number will be established during the investigation. according to preliminary estimates, the damage composition.
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mortgaged on the property of companies included in goldman group it is estimated that the total amount was more than 4 billion rubles. goldman, who has been a member of the regional legislative assembly since 2011, was stripped of his powers ahead of schedule in a criminal case for careless storage of weapons that resulted in the death of a person. in march 2023 , the court sentenced goldman to a fine of 90 thousand rubles. later, a criminal case was opened for fraud on an especially large scale, and goldman was put on the wanted list.
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in a detention center for shaurba in moscow, the court was deciding the issue of arresting the owner of a catering outlet in which almost two dozen people were poisoned, fast food was prepared in severe heat in terrible unsanitary conditions, which led to dire consequences, details from olga muzurak. lowering his eyes to the floor, eldar sardarov enters the hall of the temeryazevsky court of the capital, i am already obediently obeying the actions of law enforcement officers, it was not possible to hide, the man was caught almost immediately, now he is already talking with the lawyer.
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they bought shawarma, once the sign was lit, inviting customers, now it’s only a sign about temporary repairs, probably this way the owner of a 24-hour catering outlet wanted to cover his tracks, it didn’t work out, now it’s blue the canvas is complemented by this seal from rospotrebnadzor, the people who work next door did not complain about this place, they say the ventilation did not work and it stank of rotten meat through the window, firstly, it’s hot; no normal sane person would buy shawarma in the heat, especially from there ’s no place to wash your hands, there’s trash lying around, rats are running around, what kind of shawarma? these shots were taken by an investigative team in the kitchen of a catering establishment: a cramped room, a mess, a hood black with dirt and a refrigerator that clearly hadn’t been washed for a long time, so that customers would have questions smaller, local gastronomic delights were generously covered with mayonnaise, go figure out what products are inside. local residents have long bypassed the side and public catering, the place remained afloat thanks to the hostel, as
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a result, almost two dozen victims, namely its clients. now the victims are escaped cooks. are recovering in the hospital, but the owner of the shawarma point is in no hurry to plead guilty; according to his lawyer, the hostel’s clients could have been poisoned by shawarma in another place, they say sardarov’s competitors in the neighborhood have no better cuisine. olga muzrak, ekaterina lekhamanova and valeria vershinina. news, duty department. now the breaking news that our editors receive directly from the agency's lenforma, you can also see them on your screens. so, tas reports that police special forces evacuated passengers from the station. train rer in paris after a report of a man with a suicide vest, she refers to the internet portal actu-17. smuggling of scrap gold worth 5 million rubles. was stopped by customs officers in shremetyevo, goods prohibited for export were found in the luggage of a thirty-seven-year-old iranian, he was stopped in the green corridor. in his suitcase he was carrying bags containing plates,
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granules, some jewelry and objects that looked like coins. the man explained that his friend bought it there in russia and asked to bring it to iran, but he did not know about the cost of the products and the rules for their export. customs examination established that the items were made of gold melts. a criminal case has been opened regarding the smuggling of strategically important goods; the perpetrator may face up to 7 years in prison and a fine of up to a million rubles. the criminal adventures of the ex colonel in moscow, a once influential security official was arrested. investigators consider him a member of an odious, almost elusive group. galina hungureeva has details. the escort procedure is very familiar to a person in handcuffs. this is retired colonel of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir novgorodov. investigators are confident that 20 years ago, shoulder straps did not prevent a policeman and his accomplices from planning the murder of a businessman. in october 2004
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, businessman musaev got into a car near his house in the village of trubocheevka, odintsovo district, in the moscow region. when the car owner. his security guard and the drivers drove off, an explosion occurred, an improvised explosive device detonated, the shock wave damaged the trunk, so all three remained alive, then allegedly it was novgorodov who informed his accomplice about the movement of the car, and then took out the perpetrator of the crime, moreover, the ex-colonel may be involved in the odious group of killers, under what articles are we judged? faster, 162, this is footage of the arrest of one of the participants in that...
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murder, kidnappings and robberies, investigators are sure of the attempted murder operated since 1998, carried out orders for a consultant to the state duma apparatus, the murder of the deputy head of the moscow railway sergei paristov, the director of the red guard market hafiz makhmudov and his partner, the leader of the criminal group , investigators consider the former military man pavel khristev, it was established that... and the leadership of the rank and file participants in the commission of crimes. he transferred funds obtained through criminal means to his country of permanent residence.
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suspects and leaders of organized crime groups were not spared, with which divided spheres of influence. the gang is credited with killing several high-ranking criminals between 2002 and 2003. vladimir novgorodov has now joined his probable comrade and accomplice. besides attempted murder. he is charged with illegal acquisition, transfer, transportation and storage of weapons. the basmanny court of the capital sent the former colonel to pre-trial detention for 2 months. galina hungureeva, duty officer. and more urgent news from news agencies, as reported by the honest telegram channel detective. the presny court of moscow sentenced tatyana shablyko, the former head of the moscow branch of the asia-tekhaken bank, to five years in a general regime colony. she was found guilty of stealing more than 4 billion rubles from the funds of a credit institution.
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which ladies of easy virtue have long been accustomed to perform best of all, which cannot be said about their companions for an hour, who were also laid on the floor along wide beds, the organizer of the illegal sex business was a thirty-eight-year-old native of the city of nyagan, in the brothel the operatives seized more than 5 million rubles and 13 thousand dollars, all earned through the hard work of the priestesses of love, a criminal case has been opened.
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business center for safekeeping bailiffs continue to enforce the court decision in the case of the former owner of ugra bank. the prosecutor general's office filed a lawsuit against him. the supervisory authority demanded to recover from alexey khotin in favor. state damage caused by non-payment of taxes on an especially large scale. let me remind you that in march the financier was sentenced to nine years in prison for waste of tens of billions of rubles from the bank. in addition, he owed the budget almost 200 billion for non-payment of taxes to another company. now, in order to at least partially repay this gigantic debt, the bailiffs have taken over his business centers. there are more and more accidents and scandals during taxi trips. such cases occur in machines assigned to popular aggregators, but in reality. the mobile can be registered to another company, in the driver’s seat is a random person who rented the car . why is the modern delivery market so dangerous. watch eduard petrov's investigation into the game of checkers this weekend
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on the russia-24 tv channel. take a taxi and not die. any challenge is like roulette. i look up and realize that we are driving through two lanes. i want. mazhorov first decided to park her lexus right in the middle of the city beach, when local residents were indignant, they resorted to threats, a premium car, and even with a beautiful number three with mirror numbers,
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stopped a few meters from the water, and its owner was also terribly indignant , what several people dared to touch his expensive car, and the rich tourist hamil to those around him, right in front of his little sons, gave them, one might say, an open lesson in impudence. to top it off, he also snatched the mobile phone from the hands of the woman who was filming the scandal, no exception. poromchik goes down to the water, everything is with the lord
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, these shots of the popular front glorified. bird cherry shows how she has to get home to tambov every day with the harvest, and also to the grocery store, in fact, she also has to swim for a loaf of bread across the river. in my backpack i put a five-liter bottle of water, which i fill from the machine, i put it here, i put food here, a piece of bread, a candy bar there, candy, everything edible. i go from there to here with this backpack, i swim over here, that’s it, and from here, you see for yourself, that’s it, that’s what i need to take away. to transport summer luggage, the pensioner adapted a fruit made of polystyrene foam; the design is, of course , unreliable, but in this case the only possibility of transporting provisions. put two buckets or a bucket and a backpack and see how it settles,
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the path from dachas to city houses for... residents snt has turned into a real obstacle course from the opposite bank to the road, about 1.5 km, and before that they need to overcome a real water obstacle, this, given that we have nothing in our hands, and the residents are carrying a large amount of crops with them. we just have to check the route for ourselves. what, did you swim? for our film crew, the task turned out to be with an asterisk, realistic, but difficult. at the age of 44, summer residents were crossing to the other side of the river on a rapid. a large fee not exceeding the cost of bus travel, but in june local bikers decided to use it to ferry motorcycles, and as a result, it eventually sank . later it turned out that the old water structure was running here illegally. the structure or object that was used here earlier was, i assume, made unauthorized by local residents, operated independently, and therefore was not a member of the supervisory and accounting authorities.
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the old tulinovskaya road, the path along it is not suitable for cars, but on your own you will have to spend about an hour and a half. at a meeting of summer residents it is easy to evaluate the scale of the problem, which our heroine calls nothing less than misfortune. during this summer period we will use a boat to move from one side of the bank to the other, well, as you know, it so happened that part of the river, the borders of the city runs on one side of the river, yes, and the other side of the river is tambov municipal
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district, therefore. the two municipalities must work together to find a solution that would be convenient for the citizens and that would relieve this tension that has arisen. this summer residents have been saved, options for solving the problem in the long term have not yet been announced, but this is definitely not ground public transport. this possibility was considered, but residents were against it; passenger traffic was clearly higher than the capacity of the minibus. summer residents want to restore the water crossing. kristina kolisova, alexander chakmarev, alexey skovskikh, lead the duty department. and back to the topic of mass shawarma poisoning in the north of the capital, as my colleagues from the courtroom report, themis sent the owner of the outlet under house arrest. in addition, it became known that the number of victims in the criminal case has increased in the hospital; 24 shawarma lovers remain. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels of the duty department and the honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you at 21:30.
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this amount was transferred to the budget by the federal customs service over the past six months, what else was discussed with the president and how things are going with housing for customs officers, we’ll tell you the details. thunderstorms are predicted in the center of the country in kuban, in crimea +39 there is a fire nearby what about the difficult situation in transbaikalia and yakutia, how are rescuers working? ursula fonterle promises to create a european defense union.


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