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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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more than 3 trillion rubles. this amount was transferred to the budget by the federal customs service over the past six months. what else was the president talking about and how are things going with housing for customs officers? let's tell you the details. thunderstorms are predicted in the center of the country in kuban, and -39 in crimea. putting out a fire near kaktebel. the situation is difficult in transbaikalia and yakutia. how do rescuers act?
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ursula vonderleen promises to create a european defense union; she was re-elected to her previous post. the special fund will invest in military technologies, but how did the kremlin react? our air defenses were shot down ukrainian mig-29.6 hymers, more than seventy drones, 10 naval drones destroyed the black sea fleet. what else is at the front? biden has coronavirus, the us president was sent into self-isolation, the democrats are nervous, the president. they are posting about disastrous ratings, they are already talking about the fact that the owner of the white house is about to leave the race, how likely is this? orban in britain calls for negotiations on ukraine, he has arrived for the summit of the european political community, but will he be able to change the rhetoric of the west, especially since the new british is the prime minister talking about the russian threat?
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the federal customs service transferred over 300 billion rubles to the budget in the first half of the year, the head of the department, valery pikalev, spoke about this at a meeting with the president. details from dmitry morocco. in the first half of the year, the federal customs service transferred 500 billion rubles more payments to the budget than last year. this suggests that she is effectively doing her job, the president noted at a meeting with the head of the federal customs service, valery pikolev.
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risk management and 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. it is especially worth noting the work of mobile groups of customs authorities; they are becoming an increasingly effective control tool. in the first half of the year, almost 4.0 vehicles and about 49 thousand tons of goods transported with violations were identified. the strategic task for today is the formation of a modern high-tech customs. to achieve this, the federal customs service is carrying out large-scale
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digitalization of all processes. intelligent solutions are implemented both at the edge and passing through checkpoints, as well as at customs authorities within the country. the target is the task set by the president to reduce the inspection time of one cargo vehicle to 10 minutes. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to a digital format. most declarations are submitted electronically, technology is actively used, their cars. in general, about 90% of the total number of declarations are issued within 4 hours. to create conditions for growth in foreign trade turnover, the service continues full-scale digitalization. our strategic vector is the construction of intelligent customs. the main task for us is to create a comfortable environment for conducting honest business. we are actively participating in activities to implement an electronic queuing system. now it is already functioning in mapzabaikalsk, chernyshevskoye, bugristo. one of... the industrial complex
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and the ministry of defense. more than 200 natural fires are currently being extinguished in russia. in transbaikalia, a forest is burning near five settlements, but there is no threat to the settlement now - local authorities say. difficult situation in yakutia. there, since the beginning of the season, the fire has covered about 950,000 hectares. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. the boat cuts through the water surface. this is the only place where you can breathe. the coasters are on fire. this is the obysky district of yakutia. here forest fires covered more than 930 hectares. the fire is raging just 10 km from the administrative center. to help local firefighters , 50 emergency situations ministry employees went by helicopter to the olyisky district. they have already reached the place. they brought with them
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fire extinguishers, pumps, and masks. behind over the past 24 hours , 26 forest fires have been extinguished in the region using aerial monitoring. six new ones were discovered; 2.0 people and 176 pieces of equipment were involved in the extinguishing efforts. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations operates in the obiysky, olyokhminsky and aldansky districts. forest fires were registered at a distance of 7-13 km from five settlements. the fire in kokhtybeli began on monday; the wind spread the fire to the territory of the unique nature reserve on mount korodak. the open fire was extinguished by wednesday. foresters are putting out the fire, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and...
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chetinsky districts, i have foresters there who are driving a bulldozer, there are three people in the car,
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we talked with them about where you will take the bulldozer and what you will cut off, 25 fires continue to rage in 11 districts of transbaikalia, the largest number of which zafi... at the moment we are having difficulties in the area of ​​the ninth-eighth kilometer and the village of novaya chara. the area covered by the fire is 99. since june 3, transbaikalia has continued to remain under a federal-level emergency regime. as of july 18, there are 222 forest fires in russia. the fire covered more than 393 hectares. 69 fires on forest lands in yakutia, 45 forest fires in transbaikalia, 26 in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, 19 forest fires in the irkutsk region, 15 in the republic of buryat, 14 in the krasnoyarsk territory. in total
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, 5,273 people, 593 pieces of equipment, and 52 aircraft are involved in extinguishing fires. zinaida kurbatova, lead. the russian military destroyed 10 naval drones of the ukrainian armed forces in the black sea. the footage was published by the russian ministry of defense. as previously reported to the military department , at night the fire weapons on duty were eliminated ukrainian unmanned boats that were heading towards the crimean peninsula. well, in addition, russian air defense systems shot down a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft, three french hammer guided bombs, six american missiles and 74 drones. in addition, the airfield of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. denis alekseev has the latest information about the situation on the fronts. when one fap arrives, ukrainian militants noticeably reduce their activity, but continue to hope for luck. when the pair is three, there is already a reason to think about whether to retreat, but
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if at one moment the position in the ssu is covered by seven fabs at once, there is no time to think about whether you are still alive and well, if only you could move on. the day before, missiles damaged the infrastructure of one of the military airfields in ukraine. another greeting to those who still hope for deliveries of f-16s to kiev. the north group continues to liquidate. all the firing positions of the armed forces of ukraine, which they use to shell the border zone, in these frames our artillery covered a mortar crew in a forest belt. divisions groups of troops of the north defeated the personnel and equipment of the fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigade, 107 and 113 territorial defense brigades in the areas of volchansk, veterinary and krugloy. a counterattack by a unit of the 92nd assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled. enemy losses amounted to more than 170 military personnel. there in the north of the kharkov region. russian pilots of mi-28 helicopters destroy militants' support units. the work scheme
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has already been perfected, occupy the echelon at low altitude so as not to end up on enemy radars, fire back with guided missiles and return to the jump airfield, having previously performed an anti-missile maneuver. in the orekhovo direction in the zaporozhye region, our military does not allow ukrainian formations to strengthen the defense line, which they are methodically shaking. russian artillery pieces, in early july they literally pierced right through it with a massive strike, kiev began to strengthen it, pull up reserves there, but not just that, the dnepr group is actively using drones, and what’s more serious, four observation stations were eliminated in one day enemy point, we don’t have any movement or constant fire, we constantly roll, move, we don’t try not to stagnate in place, we constantly monitor the air, constantly, that is, we have jammers. available, there is also an anti-drone weapon, the enemy is not stupid either, but we are smarter,
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so he will be defeated. the total losses in the ssu on all fronts are under 200 people per day. fierce fighting is now taking place in the chasvyar. our southern group continues to improve the position along the front line. all earphones are cut off from supply routes there, as as a result, counterattacks are becoming less and less effective. russian troops are clamping down. from the formation of zelensky in the western part of the settlement, ours are actively advancing from the north. the day before, good news came from kalinovka, which is nearby, where the militants were driven out of the eastern part of the village. denis alekseev, sergey kovalev, lead. there was an emergency in the dpr, where three employees of the voda-donbass enterprise died near volnovakha. and as the head of the donetsk people's republic reported, their official car ran over a ukrainian anti-tank mine. at the european political summit communities in the uk, supporters
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of prolonging the ukrainian conflict have drowned out other points of view. this was stated by serbian president aleksandar vucic. according to him, it was impossible to hear the main thing, how to start a dialogue and begin a peaceful resolution of the conflict. vucic was also outraged by zelensky’s rude remarks addressed to the prime minister of hungary, who could not respond to them. with details, our own uk correspondent, alexander khabarov. blanheim palace is where winston churchel was born. british the government chose this estate near oxford as the site for a meeting within the european political community. leaders from 47 countries were invited to britain. the ukrainian conflict is still in the spotlight today. new british prime minister kim starmer expressed his sympathy for vladimir zelensky with hugs. for the european political elite, this is the same ritual as the obligatory passages of the russian threat. our first priority today is to reaffirm our strong
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support for ukraine. against this background, the appearance in hungarian prime minister viktor orbán's blenheim aroused great interest. european partners publicly criticize him for his peacekeeping visits to moscow and beijing. the european commission threatens to boycott hungary. orban does not intend to give up his position, and before the start of the meeting he once again stated that the only way to resolve the ukrainian conflict is through negotiations. there are many countries that support the war, they believe that they can destroy the russians militarily, but i don’t think so, i think there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield, western countries hope for this, but i think differently, i don’t believe in such a development of events at all, because i know the russians, i know the soviet union, i know the ukrainians, i live in a neighboring country, i know the whole context , this is already a fourth meeting.
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ms. fonder, you are a disgrace to any democracy. 5 years of your work in this position is more than enough. where is industrialization, explosive price increases, an attack on freedom and democracy. censorship, that’s your policy, mrs. von derleen. in her policy statement, ursula fondeen promises further militarization of europe. she proposes to create the post of european commissioner for defense. we have a responsibility to do everything necessary to protect our european citizens. defending europe is europe's duty. therefore , i believe that now is the time to build
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a real european defense union. we all know very well that our defense spending is too low and ineffective. britain has its own interest in this development of events. london would like to be able to access european defense orders. parallel, an inevitable discussion about how to build relations with the united states if donald trump takes the presidency there again. there will be no joint statements or communications following this meeting. alexander khabarov, anna lvova, great britain. well, the breaking news that has just arrived is that vladimir putin has proposed that he... be reappointed to this position. statement by the supreme court of our country and several times by the heads of the european commission confirm the mood of the
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eu countries for confrontation. this is how the kremlin commented on ursula fondeen’s proposal turn the eu into a defense force. block, apparently ms. fonderlein spoke about changing priorities and adding military color to this alliance. it is probably difficult to give any comprehensive interpretations here now, but it is clear that this work will intersect with the interaction that the eu countries have within the framework of the north atlantic alliance. this confirms the general attitude of european states toward militarization, toward... escalating tension, toward confrontation, toward relying on confrontational methods of their foreign politicians. the russian federation has not posed and does not pose any threat to anyone in the european union; in ukraine it is defending its interests in conditions where the countries of the european union have excluded
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any possibility of dialogue and taking into account russia’s concerns, and of course, all this forces us. configure our foreign policy approach accordingly. well, again, urgent information, now regarding the elections in the united states. us vice president kamala haris topped the list of contenders for the post of candidates. presidents from the democratic party, newsweek writes about this. according to the magazine, the probability of her nomination is 45%, while us president biden has only 40%. this is actually the publication that we see. western promises to accept ukraine into nato only instill false hopes in kiev, forcing them to adhere to a failed strategy and abandon peace negotiations, the american newspaper writes about this. according to the author of the article, ukraine cannot be accepted into nato, and this will lead to a direct clash alliance with russia, which could end in a nuclear conflict. any commitment to defend ukraine will not be a
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deterrent. the united states has already made it clear that it will not risk nuclear war for ukraine. if we are talking about the existence of the latter. the fact is that this is not within the sphere of vital us interests. in other words, the west's promise is empty talk. prolongation of the conflict will result in even greater losses of the armed forces of ukraine, the collapse of the front or the political collapse of the country. kiev must begin peace negotiations as soon as possible - writes the newspaper politician. however, western countries continue their course of escalation. ekaterina radaeva with details. there is a race coming to the world. weapons and not bilateral between russia and the united states, but even more complex, according to reuters. according to experts, confrontations could involve china and america's asian allies in the form of south korea and japan. there are fears that countries may now fail to reach a breakthrough arms control agreement. the fact that european states continue to build up their arsenal adds to the oil distillation.
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military equipment, however, some are calling for a stop. so the former head of the czech government. in germany they support the idea of ​​​​deploying american missiles on their territory, especially since the bundeswehr in 2025. this has not yet been decided, the united states, which is going to place these weapons in germany, is only preparing to do this, but i would like to make it clear, these will be conventional
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weapons systems, we are doing everything possible to prevent the situation from escalating if it is clear to everyone that germany and nato are capable of successfully defend ourselves, the likelihood that we will be attacked will decrease. previously , bon's hovgarten would have been full of demonstrations against the deployment of missiles. it's a different time now. it cannot be compared, the heyday of the peace movement in bon was associated with pershings equipped with nuclear warheads, and not with conventional missiles. we haven't had to deal with weapons for 35 years, a whole generation is completely unaware of such a threat, what the us will do in germany from 2026 is nothing less than countering the russian threat, what russia is deploying iskanders in kaliningrad, then containment will work again. deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei rebkov celebrates kaliningrad. the region has long attracted the morbid attention of opponents and does not rule out the deployment of nuclear- equipped missiles after the appearance of us missiles in germany. i do not exclude any options;
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due to the fault of germany and primarily the united states, which is at the head of the nato bloc, there was a total destruction of agreements in the field of arms control. but increasingly, european countries are talking about searching for a diplomatic solution to the situation in ukraine. for that viktor orban also speaks out, although in europe he...
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does everything to achieve peace in the region. ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, news. the appearance of the united states in the south caucasus only fuels the conflict potential that remains in the region. this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova. this is how she commented on the situation with the armenian-american exercises that are taking place these days. why have american politicians and military men
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been visiting armenia frequently recently, natalya solovyova found out. these maneuvers are not large-scale character. several hundred military on one side and the other. more important is the context in which the annual us-armenian exercise, which started this week in armenia, turns into an event. yerevan proclaimed a course of rapprochement with the west, washington supported it, and representatives of the pentagon will be sent to permanent jobs in the ministry of defense of the republic in the very near future. the deputy secretary of state, in an interview with a local publication, calls this a new phase of the strategic partnership between the two countries. the main goal of the americans is to oust russia from the region, before that they managed to do this in georgia, in azerbaijan, the last country where russia was present has a russian military base, russian. border guards armenia, a member of the csto, it was armenia, the americans understand that ousting russia from armenia means ousting russia from the southern caucasus, that’s why it’s all
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logical they are acting in this direction. prime minister nikola pashinyan recently spoke about the need to raise the level of us partnership to strategic. the enthusiasm was supported by deputy head of the state department james o'brien, having already visited yerevan. he praised the reform in law enforcement agencies, washington allocated 16 for this. armenia is going through entire reforms, initially, let me remind you, it was envisaged that russian specialists would participate in this program, that is, this is the main task that will be carried out by representatives of the united states, at such a strategic level, at a more tactical level. relay races, senators, congressmen,
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state department administration officials, ngo curators, washington with unprecedented zeal took on yerevan. meetings are taking place at a high level in relevant departments and ministries. they seem to be saying: we are here, we control, we are in charge, and as we say, so it will be. just think about one figure: the information field of armenia, that is, the brainwashing of the armenian population, the united states, that is, usaid. every year, tens of millions of dollars, say, are pumped in, for small armenia this is simply a colossal amount, with which you can buy up almost all the media that these people with american passports and positions in the republic of armenia, what do they do? another recent visitor to yerevan, samantha power: second visit in less than a year, under the wing of the head of the american agency for international development, ngos, youth and of course, the press, but power thinks much
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more broadly. in september, she announced the allocation of $4 million for refugees from karabakh, and in july she baked bread with the displaced. and at the same time he demanded that the authorities strengthen democracy and reforms, and an agency like usaid with a fabulous budget can only demand in the next 2 years, the organization intends to direct almost 10 billion dollars to build americanocracy in different countries of the world and does not tolerate competitors, so the ngo of eurasia, which unites schoolchildren.
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is spreading, this is what the situation looks like in daytime weather, in the daytime, and you can see how the smoke is spreading, it is observed almost everywhere over a vast territory, well, here are the shots at night, which also allow you to get an impression of what is happening in the mountains now, it is noted, that the flame moves forward due to intense heat and winds, and apparently, there is a risk for settlements and for the population, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how
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exactly does the figure help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what in general with the production of raw materials and exports, what is it, our product.


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