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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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in this most brutal ukrainian mobilization, as is known, the azovites never strive to fight in the front ranks; they often perform the function of barrage detachments. the situation at the front is so difficult that the azov people , unwilling to be on the front line, under the auspices of this international tour, are simply trying to leave the territory of dying ukraine to find a better life somewhere in a small, cozy european country.
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almost 80 forest fires were extinguished in russia over the past 24 hours, and more than 200 more are active in twenty russian regions. about 400,000 hectares of forest are engulfed in fire , and there are reports of new fires. just an hour ago it became known about a fire in the tuapse forestry in the kuban in crimea , the violence of the elements affected the reserve, just like in yakutia, where the situation is now the same. complex. zennaya kurbatova will continue. the boat cuts through the water surface. this is the only place where you can breathe. the coasters are on fire. this is the obysky district of yakutia. here, forest fires covered more than 930 hectares. the fire is raging just 10 km from the administrative center to help local firefighters in obysk district, 50 emergency situations ministry employees went by helicopter. they have already reached the place.
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angry backpack fire extinguishers, pumps, masks. over the past 24 hours , 26 forest fires were extinguished in the region using aerial monitoring and six new ones were discovered. 2,000 people and 176 pieces of equipment are involved in the firefighting efforts. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations operates in the obysky, olekminsky and aldansky districts. forest fires were registered at a distance of 7-13 km from five settlements. fire in kokhtobelino. started on monday, the wind spread the fire to territory of a unique natural reserve on mount karadak, the open burning was extinguished by wednesday, the fire was extinguished by foresters, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers, two helicopters were involved, as a result of the analysis of satellite images of the forest fire in the village of koktubel in crimea, it was established that by july 18 the area of ​​the forest fire on the territory of the karadaksky reserve is 40 hectares. the number of forest fires in transbaikalia remains.
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at the moment we are in difficulty in the area of ​​9-8 kilometers of the village of novaya charad. since june 3, transbaikalia continues to operate under a state of emergency at the federal level. as of july 18 , there are 222 forest fires in russia, with fire covering more than 393 hectares, 69 fires on forest lands in yakutia, 45 forest fires in transbaikalia, 26 in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, 19 forest fires in the irkutsk region, 15 in the republic of buryat, 14 in the krasnoyarsk region. in total
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, 5,273 people, 593 pieces of equipment, and 52 aircraft are involved in extinguishing fires. zinaeda kurbatova, news. "federal customs services are successfully transferring all work processes in electronic format, based on digitalization requirements. the head of the federal customs service valery pikalev reported this to vladimir putin today. in addition, he noted that goods for the ministry of defense and the military-industrial complex are processed by the department immediately after they cross the russian border. dmitry kaistra will tell you what other statements were made. opening the meeting with the head of the federal customs service, the president asked valery pikalev to assess the prospects."
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amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. at the same time during the first half of the year, revenues collected increased the efficiency of customs and 11 billion rubles were collected. control after control within the framework of the risk management system for the release of goods ensured revenue in the amount of almost 25 billion rubles. mobile customs teams identified almost 4.0 vehicles and about 49 tons of goods being moved at once. about digitalization. 90% of administrative offenses. the federal customs service carries out a full-scale declaration issued
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within 4 hours. in a number of automobile points passes, the electronic queue system is already functioning. capacity is increased by opening additional lanes.
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new public space, modern underground passage and landscaped urban garden. builders from st. petersburg worked on all sites; it has been a sister city of mariupol for 2 years, and there are still many plans ahead. after the completion of the next stage, governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov came to donbass to accept the job.
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sergei samokha will show and tell you how the restoration of mariupol is going. the historical center of mariupol is almost entirely covered in scaffolding. it was here that the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov first went. completely and here people were hiding in the basement, now it has been almost completely installed, and they tried to preserve as much of the historical facade as possible. inside, traces of collisions are still visible, and the railings on the spiral staircase are still covered with soot. the theater island itself is almost ready; the frame of the stage and auditorium has appeared. naturally, all the filling... but it must remain so historical. mariupol and st. petersburg, modern cities, as we designed today, twin cities, exactly 2 years. immediately after liberation, builders began to restore and build housing, schools and kindergartens. and today is a day of great discoveries in the social
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and cultural sphere. the social center offers all types of services from home care to legal assistance. it is extremely necessary for our residents after the past hostilities . in the pension building destroyed by ukrainian shells visitors to the fund have returned again; now there is also an electronic playroom for those who came with their grandchildren. everything is beautiful. we really like everything, during the restoration of mariupol they paid a lot of attention to monuments and public spaces, stella was restored by the hero of the soviet union, pilot vladimir semenishin and nikolai lovitsky, the city garden was completely renewed, slopes leading to the beach were added to the observation decks, despite the many deaths trees, you redesigned the city garden wonderfully, at the request residents, a public bathhouse for 120 people was unplannedly put into operation for the first time in a long time in mariupol. the city fountains started working, the children, when we made the first fountain on the theater square in these theaters, they came
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up to me and said, vasilivich, this is a fountain for adults, and for us, remembering their request, they made a wonderful fountain, which is quiet for kids, this dry fountain was opened today along with the city garden, the first visitor received a gift, the fountain is open, the first child took a swim, now it’s in line for restoration boat and diving station mariupol is a seaside city, it is... the facility is simply necessary. the rescue station will open in the coming months, and the entire social infrastructure of mariupol is planned to be fully completed next year. sergey samokh, oleg sokhalchuk and evgenia korneeva. news. viktor orban today published the full text of his letter, which was addressed to the head of the european council, charles michel, and was previously partially quoted by western media on the basis of some leaks. in this document, the head of the hungarian government sums up recent visits to moscow, beijing, kiev and the united states. states and concludes that it is impossible to find a way out of the ukrainian crisis without contacts with russia. orban
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proposes that the european union restore diplomatic channels with russia, while maintaining contacts with ukraine. at the same time, according to orban, the peace process will require the external participation of three global players, specifically china, the european union and america, in addition, mediation efforts, according to the hungarian prime minister, could be offered by turkey. but, by the way, from the calls speed up the diplomatic process, viktor orban began. for his today’s visit to london, where he is participating in the summit of the european political community, however, he failed to convey his peacekeeping position to the president of the european commission, ursulla fondern. she stayed in strasbourg to seek re-election for a second term, immediately after declaring the need to transform all of western europe into one big military alliance. which, of course, zelensky completely agrees with, who just arrived in the uk and first of all accused everyone who wants peace in the betrayal of certain european ideals, report by alexander khabakov. the british government chose blanheim palace for the meeting of the european political community.
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sir winston churchill was born in this place near oxford. the current british prime minister keir starmer also has a knighthood, but he has no experience in international affairs. it is not surprising that emmanuel macron, more experienced in global intrigue , patronizingly explained something to his novice colleague. however, there are things which are representatives of the european political. reaffirm strong support for ukraine. the threat from russia poses a danger to all of europe. the idea of ​​such meetings belongs to the president of france and was first implemented 2 years ago. the european political community was conceived by macron to confront russia and also as a way
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to draw as many non-member states into the orbit of the european union as possible. once again , turkish president erdogan ignored such a meeting. head of the european commission ursula von derlein didn't come either. she fought for her seat. in the european parliament, where the voting took place, the situation was tense. double standards, hypocrisy, this is how your attitude towards the conflicts in ukraine in gaza is expressed, and this approach has caused enormous damage to the european union. mrs. funderleen, you shouldn't even have come here, your place is in the dock.
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he argues that the only way to resolve the ukrainian conflict and prevent a larger catastrophe is through negotiations. there are many countries that support the war, they believe
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that they can destroy the russians militarily, but i don’t think so. i believe there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield. western countries hope for this, but i think differently, i don’t believe in such a development of events at all, because i know the russians, i know the soviet union, i know the ukrainians, i live in a neighboring country, i know the whole context. other european leaders are still captivated by the illusions that have been established in their circle, and behave as if information about what is happening in ukraine is being hidden from them. of course they are unlikely they are watching rada deputy bezugla, who criticized zelensky’s meeting in england.
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defense investment program, london, which represents the interests of the british military-industrial complex, has great interest in such orders. another important part of this meeting is to talk about how to build relations with the united states if donald trump takes the presidency there again. the meeting in blenheim is called a summit, although it resembles a discussion club, a platform for negotiations, no joint statements, communication, and therefore no obligations with sides of the participants of this meeting.
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there are two phones, one of them has 27 contacts, everyone is now being interrogated by the fbi, it’s especially interesting to listen to his parents. his parents were looking for him on the day of the assassination attempt; a few hours before the shooting, they called the police and reported that crooks was missing; they were worried. we don't know what exactly was bothering them, they were worried that he took a gun from the house or that he went to kill the president
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of the united states. we don't know the details. even in the laptop of twenty-year-old crooks, they found his page on one of the gaming platforms. fbi sources they told reporters that before the assassination attempt he left a message there: july 13 is my premiere, watch how everything will happen. after the information hit the media, hundreds of pages appeared on the platform with crooks’ name and his photograph, where the real thing can no longer be discerned. if we dive into his page on this platform, we may be able to figure out his connections or find out the motive why he committed a crime. eyewitnesses noted how negligently the security services acted. after the assassination attempt, one of the spectators, not far from the building from which they shot at trump, noticed a bicycle, a t-shirt thrown over the handlebars, shoes next to the pedals, a backpack leaning against the wheels, but the police, apparently, did not care about him. the onlookers took notice. i noticed him at 7:00 pm, almost an hour after the shooting, in the same place, in the same position. “he just seemed strange to me,” said
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the witness, who wished to remain anonymous. an eyewitness took this photo and then passed it on to reporters. the fbi later confirmed that crooks rode a bicycle to the scene. they found a phone and a flash drive on him remote control for an explosive device. the explosives were in the car, which he left several kilometers away. but how yesterday's schoolchild, who was not interested in chemistry, did not look for information about explosives on the internet, was able to assemble a bomb, one of the questions that is multiplying is that there was so much negligence, so many mistakes that were made at the scene of the assassination attempt that it seems to me that this was done intentionally and not out of irresponsibility, wait what do you mean by intentionally, look how things got heated, they tried to silence trump, then...
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what would have happened if trump had not turned away for a split second, the model showed with an aim and a head turn. why the presidential candidate was saved by chance, and not by the secret service, its director will be asked next week, kimberly cheatle has been summoned to congress. to testify. denis davidov and evgeny kononov, news. the united states views the caucasus region as a springboard for the implementation of its own geopolitical projects, and for this it needs to eliminate the peaceful trends that are gaining momentum there. so the russian foreign ministry commented on washington’s activation towards armenia. joint military exercises are taking place in the country, and it has also become known that a representative of the american army will officially work in the armenian ministry of defense. well, what about some?
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they act in this direction. prime minister nikola pashinyan recently spoke about the need to raise the level of partnership with the united states to strategic. the enthusiasm was supported by deputy head of the state department james o-bryan,
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who had already visited yerevan. praised reforms in law enforcement authorities, washington allocated $16 million for this and promised to continue cooperation in the field of defense. first of all, the reform program. after the war of the twentieth year , the armed forces of armenia pass through. the whole reform, initially, let me remind you, it was envisaged that russian specialists would participate in this program, that is, this is the main task that will be carried out by representatives of the united states at such a strategic level, at a more tactical level specialists from france are already working v ministry of defense, in the ministry of defense of armenia, visits of high-ranking american officials to the republic have sharply increased in frequency, moving to...
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in september, she announced the allocation of $ 4 million for refugees from karabakh, in july she baked bread with the displaced. and at the same time he demanded that the authorities strengthen democracy and
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reforms. information, its orders, the task has been set to do everything so that we cannot gain momentum here, right now we are holding a youth forum, where students from six countries have gathered from russia, armenia, moldova, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, i am the head of the representative office. eurasia in
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armenia, i have absolutely reliable information that the national security service of armenia is now very closely monitoring the activities of our organization, because they see a danger. the united states is ready to do everything not to lose control over the caucasus region, and if it succeeds in expanding its club of friends, getting into it, as it turned out in the post-soviet space, is not so difficult, but it is much more difficult to pay for it.
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