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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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the kiev regime has decided to consider as missing the soldiers who died during attempts to storm the village of krynke in the kherson region, as local media write, we are talking about more than 780 military personnel. the russian army took control of the krynke back in february. then vladimir putin was informed that the enemy had lost about 3,500 people in this area. along with contradictory data from the ukrainian side, russian media publishes shocking footage of dead ukrainian armed forces soldiers.
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the situation is a little less critical as some media and bloggers interpret it, according to in this regard, i must say that our key message is this: the ukrainian defense forces continue to carry out combat missions on the left bank of the dnieper. the village of krynki is located on the banks of the krynka river, a tributary of the dnieper between the settlements of olezhki and novaya kokhovka. it is separated from the main river bed by islands, this section of the dnieper bank.
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as a result, they were simply squeezed into a fire bag there for a very long time ; the personnel who were crossing from the nearby island across the konka river were destroyed on this bridgehead on the territory of this bridgehead. before likhovoy’s cautious statement, the ukrainian authorities seemed to have filled their mouths with water, while, according to the ukrainian publication investigative info, 788 ukrainian military personnel were missing, and this
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number of missing was recorded in just 9 months, from october 23 to end of june twenty -fourth, it is reported that during the same time it was possible to remove 262 bodies of dead servicemen from the region, these are official statistics, in fact there are many more dead, what is it, is it a fragment of something that has arrived, yes, show me, it’s rotting, yes, come on, show me, come on, this. pussy is simply being eaten, this poor fellow, devoured by worms, one of the ukrainian marines, who was captured by the attack aircraft of company b-328 of the airborne regiment on one of the dnieper islands opposite krynoki, says that most of the crews of the boats that tried to cross the dnieper in an attempt to gain a foothold on the left bank in area of ​​a populated area, came under targeted fire from our artillery and precision strikes from unmanned aircraft. he says he was lucky, he succeeded on one of the islands.
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despite the failure of command, as prisoners say, under the threat of execution , he still drives the marines to inevitable death, those who refuse await, at best, a tribunal or, at worst, a bullet in the forehead. it is clear that the operation failed, well, it was not possible to expand, it was not possible to achieve any results, but propaganda was already inflating this as a huge operational success, to the left. as a result, the dnieper river, well, ukraine
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, the ukrainian command did not become a hostage to their own military propaganda. according to our military, there were four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces marine corps in the krynki, in front of which the task was to achieve. western coast of crimea. the enemy's losses here amounted to almost 3,500 people, and crimea never loomed on the horizon. stanislav bernwald, news. the federal customs service transferred over 3,300 billion rubles to the budget in the first half of the year. the head of customs, valery pekalev, spoke about this at a meeting with the president. i would like to note at the beginning of our meeting that the federal customs service is fulfilling its task. in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more were transferred in tax collections, payments, compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, throughput is increasing, and
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is increasing, including due to the introduction of digital technologies. during the first half of the year , the collected revenues amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. the effectiveness of customs control within the framework of the risk management system has significantly increased and 11 billion rubles have been recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. assistance was organized in the federal customs service of russia participant of the svo in employment and professional development. and speaking of employment, in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of fsu participants. so that they have greater opportunities to occupy positions as employees in the federal customs service of the russian federation, i had a mission to the government to build housing for customs officers, primarily in the far east there
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there is money in the budget in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be the main distributor of budget funds, in the near future i hope that understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. the parliaments of russia and nicaragua will help develop joint projects between the two countries. nicaragua is a strategic partner of russia and a close ally in spirit, said state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. in managua, he met with his colleague, the president of the national assembly, and spoke at meeting of the parliament of the central american republic. on behalf of vladimir putin , vyacheslav volodin will represent russia at the ceremonial events. dedicated to the forty -fifth anniversary of the sandenist people's revolution, which will take place on friday in managua. we have great opportunities to continue cooperation in a variety of areas, in matters of education, in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of culture, and
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here i would like us to conduct a dialogue, representing the interests of our countries, resolving issues. our citizens, together we can to do more, together we are stronger, we need to cherish the friendship that was established many decades ago in order for these relations to be maintained and developed. the area of ​​the fire in the tuapse forestry in kuban has almost doubled, the fire covers more than 3 hectares, the regional ministry of emergency situations reported. more than 200 natural fires are currently being extinguished in russia. the forest is burning near five settlements, but there is no threat to them now, local authorities say. difficult situation in yakutia. details about zinaida kurbatova. the boat cuts through the water surface, this the only place where you can breathe.
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the coasters are on fire. this is the oby region of yakutia, where forest fires have engulfed more than 930 hectares, the fire is raging just 10 km from the administrative center to help local fires. over the past 24 hours , 26 forest fires were extinguished in the region using aerial monitoring and six new ones were discovered. 2,176 units of equipment are involved in the fire extinguishing efforts. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations operates in the obysky, olekmensky and aldansky districts. on monday, the wind spread the fire into the territory of a unique natural reserve on mount karadak, the open burning was extinguished by wednesday, the fire was extinguished by foresters, volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations, two
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helicopters were involved, as a result of an analysis of space images of a forest fire in the village of koktubel in crimea, it was established that by july 18 the area of ​​the forest fire... in the territory the karadaksky nature reserve is 40 hectares. the number of forest fires in transbaikalia remains high, despite the fact that regional and federal forces, about a thousand firefighters, are involved in fighting them. unit of equipment including aviation. in may june there was practically no precipitation in the region, and the temperature rose above 30°. the governor of the region, alexander osipov, goes to the field, conducting regional fire headquarters. the federal aviation forces provide great assistance, six helicopters are working, we rent two, two were sent by the russian ministry of emergency situations, two from the russian ministry of natural resources, one b-200 aircraft directly protecting populated areas, we have an aircraft from the ministry of natural resources, which causes precipitation. 26 with joint forces from seven, depending on the scale, to 25 fires
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we extinguish 13 fires every day, you said that in the previous 24 hours, 13 fires were extinguished. according to operational data, by the morning of july 18 , three forest fires were extinguished in the boleysky, sretensky and chetinsky districts. i have foresters there driving a bulldozer. cars, three people, we talked to them about where you will take the bulldozer, what you will cut off. ministry of emergency situations at the federal level. as of july 18 , there are 222 forest fires in russia. the fire covered
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more than 393 hectares. 69 fires on forest lands in yakutia, 45 forest fires in transbaikalia, 26 in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, 19 forest fires in the irkutsk region, 15 in the republic of buryat, 14 in the krasnoyarsk territory. in total , 5,273 people are involved in extinguishing the fires, 593 of them are all in scaffolding; this is where the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov first headed. the most intense work
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takes place inside the drama theatre. the mariupol drama theater is one of the symbols of the city. in the twenty-second year, the retreating half of the kozov blew it up almost completely, and people were hiding here in the basement. right now it was almost completely installed, and they tried to preserve as much of the historical facade as possible. traces of collisions are still visible inside. the balusters on the spiral staircase are still covered with soot. the rest of the theater itself is almost ready; the frame of the stage and auditorium has appeared. naturally, our entire night is modern, as we designed today, but it must remain so historical. mariupol and st. petersburg have been twin cities for exactly 2 years; immediately after liberation, builders began to restore and build housing, schools and kindergartens. and today is a day of great discoveries in the social and cultural sphere. the social center offers all types of services from home care. legal assistance. it is extremely necessary for our residents. after the past
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hostilities, many people need rehabilitation. visitors have returned to the pension fund building destroyed by ukrainian shells. now there is also an electronic playroom for those who came with their grandchildren. everything is beautiful, we really like everything. great attention when the restoration of mariupol was given a monument and public space. stella was restored by a hero of the soviet union - despite the many dead trees, you redesigned the city garden wonderfully, at the request of the residents, you unplanned a public bathhouse for 120 people, for the first time in a long time , city fountains started working in mariupol, children when we made the first fountain on the theater square in these theaters, they came up to me and said: this is a fountain for adults, but for... us, remembering their request, they made a wonderful the fountain is already for kids. this dry
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fountain was opened today along with the city garden, a gift to the first visitor. the fountain is open, the first child has taken a bath. now the boat and diving station is in line for restoration. mariupol is a seaside city, this facility is simply necessary. the rescue station will open in the coming months, and it is planned to completely complete the entire social infrastructure of mariupol next year. sergey samov, oleg sokolchuk. evgenia korneeva. news. the german chancellor refused zelensky’s call for western powers to shoot down russian missiles and drones on ukrainian territory. at a press conference following the summit. european political community in london, olaf scholz said: there is a consensus in the west on this issue, including because the united states is categorically against the idea of ​​shooting down russian missiles. one of the main topics at the meetings of european leaders, of course, was the so -called russian threat. with the details from our own uk correspondent, alexander khabarov. it was expected that this should
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have been said during this meeting, which is proudly called a summit, although in reality. this is more reminiscent of a certain discussion club that arose 2 years ago on the initiative of french president emmanuel macron; it was conceived as a kind of platform to counteract russia and at the same time to draw as many other countries as possible into the orbit of the european union. the fact is that leaders of various states are invited to such events, which, in general, have somewhat distant relations with europe. relations, well, let’s say the presidents of armenia and azerbaijan are also present at this summit. the president of serbia was also invited there, i mean, these are not countries that are members of the european union, and naturally, of course , vladimir zelensky was invited, whom the kirstarmers, the new leaders of great britain, very warmly, unlike, perhaps, other european leaders, he received him with special warmth, this has already become some kind of ritual embrace, just as ritual
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statements about the russian threat have become, of course starmer, who opened the first plenary meeting...
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orban is not visible, here , among other things, issues related not only to ukraine are discussed, but to the fight against illegal migration, energy security , various bilateral meetings are held, this meeting is proudly called a summit, but based on the results this conference there will be no joint statements, no communications, and this... means that, strictly speaking, there will be no obligations on the part of those who represent their countries at this summit. alexander khabarov, vesti, london. a fatal decision for europe. this is how alice weidel, co-chair of the alternative for germany party , commented on the re-election of ursula fondelien to the post of president of the european commission. according to weidel, in
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his first term, fonderline ruined the industry, undermined the sovereignty of the member countries of the association and caused... did not specify, touched upon the topic of energy and ecology, mentioned the illusory prospect of the development of the global market and innovation in europe, but it all came down to one sentence
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turn the european union into a defense union. our freedom is in danger, we have a responsibility, we need to do everything necessary to protect the people of europe, to protect our citizens - this is europe's responsibility. and finally, i think we need to create a real european defense union.
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classified information about the assassination attempt on donald trump causes american congressmen even more concern than the data available to the public, speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson said in an interview with a political newspaper. he named action. the most important failure of the secret service or a well-prepared plan to eliminate the candidate, the version regarding the assassination attempt on donald trump is becoming more and more every day, as questions for those who were responsible for his security. this story is getting stranger. cnn reports that the circle bought 50 rounds of ammunition, a ladder in the ho and walked a mile to the rally with his father's ar-15 rifle, ammo and a ladder without anyone noticing him or stopping him, how did crooks know that the roof would be left without security, how
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he knew he wouldn't encounter police coming and going from the building, where he knew the roof would be an ideal vantage point. crooks’ position really was ideal, as demonstrated on his page by colin ruck, co-founder of the trendin politic news public page, a suspicious guy according to official data. then on the rooftop, exactly 20 minutes before the attack, the republicans are furious, both at the inaction of the secret service at the rally and at their public excuses. briefing by the head of the secret service, the head of the fbi, it was a forty-five minute briefing, and they spent 30 minutes talking about everything they did that day, going through a detailed timeline of what they did at the shooting scene, what they did on... the stage, what they did backstage, everything except as for how they didn't stop a man with a rifle from shooting the former president, they simply left that detail out. experts mark the time to
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find and neutralize. crooks had more than enough law enforcement here, the very work of the us secret service in question the security of the former president is called suspicious. here is the place where trump spoke, here is the place where the guy was, the water tower, when we saw it, the first question that arose was why there were no secret service officers here, because from this tower you can see all these buildings, and there are not many buildings , why not place the secret service on... all they found is a guy who has no social media, no statement, nothing. the us secretary of homeland security, a democrat , is very suspicious, and how convenient, alejandro mayorkas called all assumptions hinting at an internal conspiracy dangerously ridiculous, while in an interview with cnn he admitted that this is a real failure for the security service, but it will take a lot of time to study its reasons. we will very
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carefully analyze, with the help of an independent audit, how this happened, why it happened, and will issue recommendations to prevent this from happening again. donald trump and his team, however, are also asked a lot of questions. in the first hours after the assassination attempt, skeptics from among liberals in general they suggested that the attack was staged; instead of blood, trump smeared himself with paint. now trump's critics are acting more subtly, hinting that the former president did not suffer so much and asking a question. we still have not received a report from doctors from the hospital or from representatives of the trump campaign headquarters or team about the extent of damage to his ear, if he was shot with a large-caliber bullet, then the ear should
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become very... the unity of the peoples of russia is the strength that will always helped our country, especially in periods of difficult historical trials, this was discussed by the participants of the round table, which was organized by the expert institute for social research. interethnic unity gives us the opportunity to successfully resist the aggression of the collective west and attempts to fan the flames of separatism. now there is both the federal agency for ethnic affairs and the presidential council for
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international affairs.
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