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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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let's start the hour. in last-minute reports , north korean leader kim jong received a russian military delegation led by deputy defense minister alexei krivoruchka. this was reported by russian news agencies with reference to the state radio station voice of korea. according to this information, during the meeting the need for military cooperation between north korea and russia was discussed in order to ensure mutual security. these are the messages that come at these moments. russian groupings of troops. west, south, center, east occupied more
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profitable frontiers. during the day, losses in the ukrainian armed forces exceeded 1,700 people. the russian military shot down a ukrainian mig-29 and destroyed the infrastructure of one of the military airfields. our air defense system reliably protects not only front-line positions, but also peaceful settlements . a french long-range cruise missile , scalp, worth about a million dollars, was intercepted in the skies over donbass. the pantser s1 complex worked on its target. reportage. the armor system deployed here in the donbass steppes violated the plans of the militants of the kiev regime, released according to the russian to strategic targets, an expensive cruise missile is now nothing more than a pile of plastic and scrap metal. at our feet is a million dollars, although in a disassembled state, this is a french-made scalp missile, here we see the corresponding designation, this ammunition was shot down thanks to our air defense.
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but the most difficult thing, of course, is still ballistics, but even then we work on them. the whale has a wealth of combat experience behind him, the georgian-abkhaz conflict, syria, is now protecting the sky here in the special operation zone, awarded the order of courage for services to the fatherland, in just over two years he trained about thirty crews at the shell control center, one of them. coherence at the highest level, they can react to a target almost instantly. we are on duty 24x7, tirelessly and... without closing our eyes. in essence,
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an impenetrable dome is created within the complex’s coverage area within a radius of up to twenty kilometers and a height of up to 15 km. the complex can work not only from a static position, but in motion. the system is controlled by a crew of three people. driver mechanic alexander long before the svo, i served in the police, i have a length of service, i could easily sit in civilian life, but the military registration and enlistment office came and decided to help the army. hello, krasnodar region, victory will be ours. negotiations viktor orban outlined this position at a summit outside london. the prime minister of hungary tried to convince the conflict that the conflict can only be resolved through european leaders, which the ukrainian head of the british government keir starmer at the final press conference neither confirmed nor denied the fact of the discussion. norban did not rest on his laurels, immediately after summit, he published the text of his peace initiatives.
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meeting called for a slightly more balanced approach, we are not fans , fans, and i think that this is not football at all, other opinions should be heard, this is the meaning of democracy, and not in a situation where... can only be found at the negotiating table after ceasefire, that's why i'm trying to convince them, but you know, it will take time. at the end of the oxford-shire summit, orban dealt an information blow to the war party and published the text of his letter to the president of the european council, charles michel, where those very
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initiatives were formulated. our european strategy, under the pretext of transatlantic unity , copied the us military policy. until now we have not had a sovereign and independent european strategy or'. action plan. i propose to discuss whether it is rational to continue such a policy. i propose to start discussing the following initiatives: hold high- level negotiations with china on the terms of the next peace conference. while maintaining current high-level contacts with ukraine, resume direct diplomatic contacts with russia, to begin a coordinated political movement towards the global south, whose respect we have lost due to our position on the conflict in ukraine, which has led to the global isolation of the transatlantic community. future american publications increasingly allow themselves to reveal the truth about the situation of the kiev regime. the politician newspaper, for example, writes: the west, with its obviously impossible promises to admit ukraine to nato, only instills false hopes in kiev, forcing it to adhere to a failed strategy war to the bitter end. the united states
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will not fight russia for the sake of ukraine, even if the latter’s existence is at stake. it’s time for kiev to realize that continuing the conflict will only lead to even greater losses and collapse. front and even the political collapse of the country, it is necessary to begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, the politician adds, and the new york times, describing the defeat of the armed forces of ukraine under the caps of the kherson region, writes: the operation, which cost ukraine so many victims, was meaningless from the very beginning. anton dadykin, lead. in russia more than 200 natural fires are being extinguished. in transbaikalia, a forest is burning near five settlements, but there is no threat to them now, locals say. authorities. the situation is difficult in yakutia, where since the beginning of the season the fire has covered about 950 hectares. zeneida kurbatova has details. the boat cuts through the water surface. this is the only place where you can breathe.
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the coasters are on fire. this is the obysky district of yakutia. here forest fires covered more than 930 hectares. the fire is raging just 10 km from the administrative center to help locals. fire extinguishers, pumps, masks. over the past 24 hours in the region, with the help of aerial monitoring , 26 forest fires were extinguished and six new ones were discovered. 2,000 people and 176 pieces of equipment are involved in the firefighting efforts. the airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations operates in the obysky, olekminsky and aldansky districts. spread to the territory of a unique natural reserve on mount karadak, the open burning was extinguished by wednesday, the fire was extinguished by foresters, emergency situations employees and volunteers,
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two helicopters were involved, as a result of an analysis of satellite images of a forest fire in the village of koktubel in crimea, it was established that by july 18, the forest area... the number of forest fires in transbaikalia remains high, despite the fact that regional federal forces, about a thousand firefighters, 100 units of equipment, including aviation, are involved in fighting them. in may june there was practically no precipitation in the region, and the temperature rose above 30°. the governor of the region, alexander osipov, goes to the field, conducting regional fire headquarters . the federal aviation forces provide great assistance. helicopters are working, we rent two, two from the ministry of emergency situations of russia they sent two russian ministry of natural resources, one b-200 plane directly protecting populated areas, we have a ministry of natural resources plane that causes precipitation, an an-26, and with a joint force of seven, depending on the scale, we
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extinguish up to 25 fires a day, you said that in the previous 24 hours , 13 fires were extinguished. according to operational data, by the morning of july 18, it was possible to extinguish three forest fires in... the territory of boleysky, sretensky and chetinsky districts, i have foresters there driving a bulldozer, three people in a car, we talked to them about where you will take the bulldozer, what you will cut off, 25. fires continue to rage in eleven districts of transbaikalia. the largest number of chegov was recorded in the tungochchinsky and magochinsky districts. the area is 20.423 hectares. at the moment we are having difficulty in the area of ​​the ninth-8th kilometer and the village of novaya chara. the area covered by the fire is 99. transbaikalia continues to operate since june 3. state of emergency at the federal level. as of july 18 , there are 222 forest fires in russia, fire
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more than 393 hectares covered. 69 fires on forest lands in yakutia, 45 forest fires in transbaikalia, 26 in the khantemansi autonomous okrug, 19 forest fires in the irkutsk region, 15 in the republic of buryat, 14 in the krasnoyarsk territory. in total , 5,273 people, 590... three pieces of equipment, 52 aircraft are involved in extinguishing fires. zenaida kurbatova, lead. the federal customs service transferred over 3,300 billion rubles to the budget. in the first half of the year. the head of customs, valery pekalev, spoke about this at a meeting with the president. details from dmitry morok. in the first half of the year, the federal customs service transferred 500 billion rubles more payments to the budget than last year. this suggests that she is effectively doing her job, the president noted.
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services to create the necessary conditions for the passage of goods across the border to increase the efficiency of control over the collection of payments. for the first half of the year, the income collected by the fcs amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. - valery pekalev reported. at the same time , the effectiveness of customs control has increased. regarding the administration of customs payments i can report the following: in the first half of the year , the collected revenues amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. at the same time, the effectiveness of customs control within the framework of the
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risk management system increased and 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. separately, it is worth noting the work of mobile groups of customs authorities. they are becoming an increasingly effective control tool. during the first half of the year, almost 4,000 vehicles and about 49 thousand tons of goods transported with violations were identified. the strategic task for today is the formation of a modern high-tech customs. to achieve this, the federal customs service is carrying out large-scale digitalization of all processes. intelligent solutions are being implemented both at the border at checkpoints and at customs authorities within the country. the target is the task set by the president - to reduce the inspection time of one cargo vehicle to 10 minutes. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to a digital format. most declarations are submitted electronically form, technologies, their auto-registration and auto-release are actively used. in general,
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about 90% of the total number of declarations are issued within 4 hours. to create conditions for growth in foreign trade turnover, the service continues full-scale digitalization. our strategic vector is the construction of intelligent customs. the main task for us is to create a comfortable environment for conducting honest business. we actively participate in activities to implement the electronic system. enterprises of the military-industrial complex and ministry of defense. a fatal decision for europe, as co-chair of the alternative for germany party alice weidel commented on the re-election of ursula vonderleen to...
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europe will remain with ukraine as long as necessary. whether ukraine or the european union will need it, fondelein did not specify. she also touched upon the topic of energy and ecology, and mentioned the illusory prospects for the development of the global market and innovation in europe. but it all came down to one proposal to turn the european union into a defense union. our
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freedom is in danger, we bear responsibility. we need to do whatever is necessary to protect the people of europe. it is europe's responsibility to protect our citizens. and finally, i think we need to create a real european defense union. in response, meps advised her to take off her rose-colored glasses and ask how ordinary europeans live, including through fondelien’s fault. your speech shows how much you hate people. you have never mentioned poverty, unemployment, you only talk about competitive prosperity to please business. i'm aware that you get 3000 euros per month.
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poorer and poorer because of you. the moderator soon tried to interrupt the emotional speech. but perhaps these images can be called the culmination of the debate. a romanian mp is escorted out of the european parliament after sharply criticizing fondelein. a scene more familiar to the ukrainian verkhovna rada took place today in strasbourg. a scenario that will be sent with a smile, without reacting to criticism, but the result is the same, the europeans chose another 5 years to destroy the economy and continued to watch what was happening with humble support of kyiv. natalya goncharova, lead.
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the us secret service was unable to deploy a sufficient number of employees to protect ex-president donald trump in... not an assassination attempt, the washington newspaper heel reported this, citing house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, according to his informants, a few days before assassination attempt , a secret service agent warned that there are not enough people to protect trump, because all forces are being devoted to ensuring the security of the nato summit in washington. speaker of the house representatives mike johnson has already called on the director of the secret service to resign. our own is monitoring the progress of the investigation. the more time passes from the moment of the assassination, the more images from that ill-fated day, along with them, questions. more than an hour before the presidential candidate took the stage, thomas crooks, who shot him, was already hanging around the building, which he soon climbed. then he came to the attention of the police, he was regarded as suspicious, and 10 minutes before
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trump appeared, he was already seen on the roof, the police considered him a threat. they are aware of the threat, they perceive it as a threat for 7 minutes, maybe longer, and yet they allow donald trump to take the stage, this does not seem to be the instructions of the secret service. but if there is a threat, just let the music play a little longer until you solve the problem or do something to avoid putting trump and the people around him in danger. their senators tried to ask director kimberly cheatle a bunch of questions to the secret service, she quickly ended the telephone briefing, and then... to call on their convention in wisconsin to go to the pits, but even so, kimberly cheatle was hidden by security. but trump was not saved. the fbi is currently looking into
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thomas crooks' laptop. in the search history , photographs of former and current presidents. information about the republican convention and trump's rally with supporters, where the assassination attempt took place. the shooter also had two phones. in one of them, 27 contacts are all being questioned by the fbi. particularly interesting. listen to his parents. his parents were looking for him on the day of the assassination attempt. several hours before the shooting, they did not call the police and report they are worried that crooks is missing. we don't know what exactly bothered them. they were worried that he took weapons from the house or that he went to kill the president of the united states. we don't know the details. even in the laptop of twenty-year-old crooks, they found his page on one of the gaming platforms. fbi sources told reporters that before the assassination attempt , he left a message there: july 13 is my premiere. watch how everything will happen. after the information hit the media, hundreds of pages appeared on the platform with the name of crooks and his photographs, where the real thing can no longer be discerned. if we dive
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into his page on this platform, we may be able to figure out his connections, or find out the motive why he committed a crime. eyewitnesses noted how negligently the security services acted after the assassination attempt. one of the spectators, not far from the building from which trump was shot, noticed a bicycle through the handlebars. a t-shirt, shoes next to the pedals, a backpack leaning against the wheels, but the police apparently don’t care about him. the onlookers took notice. i noticed him at 7:00 pm, almost an hour after shooting, in the same place, in the same position, it just seemed strange to me,” said the witness, who wished to remain anonymous. an eyewitness took this photo and then passed it on to reporters. the fbi later confirmed that crooks rode a bicycle to the scene. they found a phone on him, a flash drive and an explosive device, the explosives were in the car, which he left several kilometers from the place, but how yesterday’s schoolboy, who was not interested in chemistry, did not look for information about explosives on the internet,
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was able to assemble a bomb, one of the questions , which are multiplying, there were so many negligences committed, so many mistakes that were made at the scene of the assassination attempt that it seems to me that this was done intentionally and not out of irresponsibility, wait, what do you mean?
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the appearance of the united states in the south caucasus only fuels the conflict potential that remains in the region. this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. she commented on the situation with the armenian-american exercises that are taking place these days. why have american politicians and military personnel recently time they frequented armenia. natalya solovyova found out. these maneuvers are not large-scale , several hundred troops on one side or the other, what is more important is the context in which the annual us-armenian exercises, which started this week in armenia, turn into an event. yerevan proclaimed a course of rapprochement with the west, washington supported it, and in the very near future a representative of the pentagon, the deputy secretary of state in an interview, will leave for a permanent job in the ministry of defense of the republic. local publication calls it new phase of the strategic partnership between the two countries. the main goal of the americans is to oust russia from the region. before that, they managed
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to do this in georgia, in azerbaijan, the last country where russia was present, there is a russian military base, russian border guards, armenia, a member of the csto, eac, it was armenia, the americans understand that ousting russia from armenia means ousting russia from south caucasus, that's why it's all logical and... they act in this direction. on the need to raise the level of partnership with prime minister nikol pashinyan recently stated that the united states is strategic. the enthusiasm was supported by deputy head of the state department james o-bryan, who had already visited yerevan. reform in law enforcement agencies was praised. washington allocated $16 million for this and promised to continue cooperation in the field of defense. first of all, the reform program. after the war of the twentieth year , the armed forces of armenia pass through the whole. reforms, initially, let me remind you, it was envisaged that russians would participate in this program specialists, that is, this is the main task that representatives will be engaged in.
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by this they seem to say: we are here, we control, we are in charge, and as we say, so it will be. just think about one figure: the information field of armenia, that is, into the brainwashing of the armenian population, the united states, that is, usaid, every year , pumps in tens of millions of dollars, say, for small armenia this is simply a colossal amount, with which you can practically buy up all the media that
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these people do with... an agency like usaid with a fabulous budget can demand, only in the next 2 years the organization intends to direct almost 10 billion dollars to build americanocracy in different countries of the world and does not tolerate competitors, so the ngo eurasia, which unites schoolchildren, students, aspiring politicians and businessmen, cis countries i have already encountered problems in yerevan, where a youth forum is currently being held. this attention to our organization is due to my information.
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her orders set the task of doing everything to ensure that we cannot recruit here turnover, right now they are holding a youth forum, where students from six countries from russia, armenia, moldova, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan gathered, and i am the head of the eurasian representative office. in armenia, i have absolutely standard information that the national security service of armenia is now very closely monitoring me for the activities of our organization, because they see a danger. the united states is ready to do everything not to lose control over the caucasus region, and if it succeeds in expanding its club of friends, get in the post-soviet space, as it turned out, it is not so difficult, but it is much more difficult to pay for it.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped. they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first, the west crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. used to watching
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