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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the yarchevs imprisoned me, of course, the flint, jean, ivan, and so we are getting tired, soon they will...
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again pretend that they didn’t notice. crossfire, enemy mortar work and a real assault, this is how the ridovka publication describes the published video, for which it is actually not at all easy to find the right words, because in terms of entertainment and at the same time the level of drama, it is probably among the top shots from the northern military district zone, the place filming, the village of artyomovka near the borders of the lugansk republic and kharkov region, what else is it in mid-june? under
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the control of the russian armed forces, well , actually, here you can clearly see what it cost, the intensity of the fighting was without any attraction, the highest, and it can be assessed in the first person, literally through the eyes of a russian soldier who took part in the attack on a strong area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine, in the middle of very dense private buildings, where it came down to close-in shooting combat , actually face to face with the enemy, that is, more than just courage was required from our military there. but truly steel they demonstrated the presence of such nerves as clearly as possible, anton podkovenko will confirm, they are all always on the front line, our attack aircraft, at the forefront of attacks in sorties, all-round fighters who know how to improvise, even being on the verge of death, moving forward through enemy fire. during a battle in a private building in artyomovka, where ukrainian armed forces militants were holed up, our fighter received a bullet in the leg. now, wait, come on!
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come on, come on, misha, it’s okay, brother, everything will be fine, okay, he needs it, we put him there, we need to buy him out urgently, brother, look, you can hear small arms, heavy weapons, direct arrivals are clearly visible, the guys act according to the basic principle, never abandon their own, the guys stick to each other, and this is one of the most important principles, to defeat the enemy and return home alive. it is impossible to remain in an occupied house under fire; the wounded must be evacuated. the assault group quickly advances into the ruins of the village. they, despite the dense fire of the enemy, picked it up and, moving competently, headed through the settlement to a safe place, leading along suppressive fire on the road.
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this is exactly what combat work looks like, hard, dangerous front-line work, which allows you to liberate one settlement after another in the svolo zone, judging by this video, the guys have no fear at all, they are fired at, but they go, it seems to me, well, not everyone is capable of this, those who are there in the first place are heroes, they are... just heroes and they have no value at all for these people, stormtroopers lead the wounded, using any dilapidated wall as shelter from the increasing enemy fire with short and professional dashing. somehow we were found too, and that is , i didn’t know the man and i was wounded, he bandaged me, he tried to save my life, he didn’t care who i was, where i was from, because i also walked with him shoulder to shoulder, just like in this video to the guy. they are all together, everyone is nearby, no one
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leaves anyone, here comes an arrival, either a grenade from an rp, or a mortar, smoke, flame, blast wave. and we are leaving, it seems that the corner of the house has been protected from shrapnel, our warrior, we see what is happening, through his eyes he gets up and further, through the ruins, through the trees broken by explosions, he continues to carry out a combat mission, this is a character, steel, a machine gun, the guys there got an arrival, but he got up straight, a fighter stood up, generally handsome, he went, most likely he will find that some small ... folk got into him, but he didn’t attach any importance to this, went forward and for sure, most likely he is either the leader in this group or the commander continues to carry out his work after even this arrival, a real man, a real russian warrior. our soldiers successfully evacuated
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the wounded and came out of harm's way to tomorrow we’ll go back into battle again, because this is the kind of work, you started with the boys, you come back, well, it’s already like a stimulus for life, it starts and you can’t live without it, you’re already getting used to it, that you ’re protecting someone, there is such hope for you, it seems to me that this is the most important thing in life. the frontline sets priorities once and for all: who is worth what, who is capable of what? that’s why the ssu is inferior to the inflexible russian attack aircraft. well, the kiev regime, as you know, prefers meat assaults, in which the wounded cannot count on any help has to. and here are interesting data from the ukrainian media about the adventure in crimea.
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at the strategic grouping of troops of the armed forces of ukraine of tavria, dmitry likhovoy with many different, but still reluctantly admits that the position of the armed forces of ukraine in the village of krynki on the left bank of the dnieper were completely defeated, but they say it ’s okay, we will return there again, victory is just around the corner, the situation is a little difficult so critical, as some media and bloggers interpret it, in this regard i must say that our key message is this: the ukrainian defense forces continue to fulfill. village krynka is located on the banks of the krynka river, a tributary of the dnieper between the settlements of oleshki and novaya kokhovka. it is separated from the main river bed by islands. this section of the dnieper bank is under the control of russia, despite this, ukraine has repeatedly
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tried to conduct landing operations in krynki, declaring that this settlement could become a gateway and impetus for a campaign against crimea. in february, the authorities of the kherson region announced a complete cleanup of this territory. from the armed forces of ukraine, we’re talking about strategic importance here there is no need, here for now it was, as they say, a purely tactical task, to gain a foothold on the left bank and then expand the bridgehead, but as a result, they were simply squeezed there in a fire bag for a very long time , they were destroyed on this bridgehead, on the territory of this bridgehead, the personnel who were crossing - with a nearby island across the konka river. before likhovoy’s cautious statement, the ukrainian authorities seemed to have filled their mouths with water, while, according to the ukrainian publication investigative-info, 788 ukrainians went missing military personnel, and this number of missing people was recorded in just 9 months, from
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october 23 to the end of june 24. it is reported that during the same time , 262 bodies of dead military personnel were removed from the region. these are official statistics. he says he was lucky, he managed to hide on one of the islands, where our stormtroopers captured him, dropped him off, drowned him
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, killed everyone, with what, i think, they covered everything they could, how many people are left alive that you haven’t seen?
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how soviet supplies are rapidly running out, this is a summary, well to put it mildly, a strange article from the weekly the economist, whose authors predict that the russian troops will experience very serious slippage or even the inability to achieve the stated goals of special operations, since the defense-industrial complex is stagnating somewhere, it is allegedly possible to continue hostilities only due to the weapons accumulated back in the days of the ussr, and they, again, will supposedly be exhausted next year. a forecast, of course, is impossible.
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the english magazine decided to give birth to it right now, and if in its data there is at least some rational grain, let's figure it out with the help of vadim zavodchenko. british journalists are blowing the dust off old training manuals. according to the economist magazine, russia is running out of military equipment, and industry is not able to meet the needs of the front. who are they trying to convince of this, kiev, themselves, or maybe us? in my opinion, why are they writing about this now, it seems to me that now in the west there are a lot of politicians,
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a lot of media, they are trying to create some kind of atmosphere for future negotiations, yes to show that everyone is tired, no one wants to fight anymore, so there are no other options but to sit down at the negotiating table, they all understand perfectly well that they will not win this war, the british base their reasoning on the fact that russia is actively uses soviet technology. from once mothballed reserves, this is generally a favorite topic for our enemies who want to make fun of, they say, look, if they open up the reserves, it means there is nothing else to fight with, well, for such people i will explain the obvious thing: military equipment it is preserved precisely so that later it could be re-mothballed and used somewhere, fortunately from the soviet union, which foresaw a war with nato on european territory. we inherited a rich inheritance; according to some estimates,
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about 17,000 tanks alone could have been stockpiled by the beginning of the northern military district. combat vehicles with powerful weapons are fully operational. why shouldn't we use them? of course, given the age of the technology, no one throws grandfathers into breakthroughs. for example, t-55 tanks now serve exclusively as self-propelled artillery. we're going to arms, which was produced in the soviet union. time , the production of necessary ammunition and components has been established, so the equipment appears to be in good condition, even if this equipment was produced quite a long time ago, but the fact that we have a rich soviet heritage does not mean that we rely on it; over the years of the northern military district , russian industry has gained phenomenal move, in 2022, when the west finally managed to drag us into a confrontation with their proxy ar.
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everything that is used today in the special military operation zone is new production, and this is a weapon system, ammunition, which were produced in a situation where the russian military-industrial complex was engaged in this, any unbiased analyst understands perfectly well that everything that russia is fighting with today in its zone is
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new production, in general, the question not whether the economist is lying? the question is, why does he lie, especially now? at the beginning of the northern military district, the task of the western media was to inspire the ukrainian army as much as possible, to place it in a world of illusions, where victory is possible, you just need to continue throwing yourself into a meat grinder technologically superior enemy, hence nonsense like: the russians are running out of missiles or the russians are being given rusty machine guns. we’ve seen so many headlines like this, but now the situation has changed, the information haze in which the ukrainian western citizen was plunged is dissipating, it’s already obvious to everyone that it’s not our army that has big problems, it’s not our shell hunger, the catastrophic lack of equipment and personal composition, not moscow, but kiev
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is catching on the streets everyone who can hold a weapon in their hands. in kyiv loves this very much to say, from the first months of settling in, they literally said there since march of twenty-two that that’s it, russia has run out of missiles, so they repeated this mantra there every month, but in this month they definitely ran out of missiles and ammunition, pay attention please note that now they seem to be voicing this quite rarely, because it already looks funny and stupid, as if frankly speaking, the british are right about one thing, we really have fewer soviet weapons, shells, and reserves are simply being used up. on vacated bases storage space is occupied by the latest high-tech types of weapons, and for ukraine by the west this is not good, but very, very bad news. supporters of donald trump came to the republican convention with white bands on their ears, so they decided to support their leader after the assassination attempt. a large-scale party
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event ends today in melook, where delegates from fifty states adopted the election platform for the coming 4 years. the next penultimate day of the convention looked more like a family party, unlike the democrats, where everything sexual minorities are more worried about transgender people; family, traditional values ​​are one of the republicans’ strongest trump cards. the head of the family appears to a blues composition by james brown, this is a man's world. a risen from the liberals, patriarchal america rejoices. in the hall , trump supporters are sitting with their ears covered with fake plaster tape, how else can they demonstrate their support for the leader. on stage , son donald trump jr., who fell ill with covid that day, biden once again gave
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the republicans a reason to attack. who really runs the country? this is definitely not joe biden. the republican candidate is using his family to the maximum in this election campaign, as if giving a pass to biden, whether he can also introduce to the voter his son, drug addicted criminal hunter. trump's seventeen-year-old granddaughter kai also created a real sensation in the hall. for me, he is just my grandfather, he gave us sweets and coke. my parents didn't see us, we played golf together. i was shocked when i heard that he had been shot. my grandfather was forced to pass through hell and he's still standing. when meeting the candidate, vice president vence, the republican delegates did not yet understand that they might be welcoming the future president
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of the united states, because trump is also not a hammer and if something happens to him during his second term, he will take the reins of governing america. 9 years, for half a century he has been the initiator of all government actions that make america weaker and poorer. independence in matters of energy and the revival of the mining
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industry. vance talks about a new american way, and although most speech is devoted to internal affairs, wentz repeats trump’s thesis from the podium: if their duet wins the elections, us allies will pay for their own security. we will make sure that it is ours. the allies will be american taxpayers. the enemy ensures stability in the world. we will no longer allow any free life for countries that abuse the generosity of sharing with us the burden of responsibility for endless assistance to ukraine. vance also states that they will only get involved in wars under their administration with trump in the united states. necessary. what kind of need could this be? doesn't specify.
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ukraine, taiwan and israel, using their undivided attention, will still not leave, but the delegates believe everything that was said at the congress; the last time, observers say, the party demonstrated such unity only after the attack on september 11. well, we have a vice presidential candidate, i hope that they , together with trump, will form a strong team that will be able to return the presidency to the republican party, and will also work for peace and prosperity in the world. behind the fence opponents of the republicans, one of them has a poster with a photo of the trump shooter. sleep well, thomas crooks, american hero, reads the poster for the final day on which trump himself is expected to speak.
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i just got off the phone with president biden, he said he was very disappointed that he couldn't be with us right now, he had just been diagnosed with covid. everything
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was discovered in las vegas, where biden managed to go to a mexican restaurant to meet with sponsors, but as soon as he learned about the diagnosis, he immediately i was getting ready to go home, across the country to my native delaware, the tradition of filming every departure of the head of state gave everyone the opportunity to wish. the liberal channel msnbc with the unknown jen psaki as its host is desperately fighting for biden. on air, his expected recovery from covid is compared in terms of courage to
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surviving the assassination attempt on trump. the fact that trump immediately came to his senses after the shooting and went to his convention is presented by the media as a show of strength. biden is 81 and has coronavirus, a fatal disease for people his age. if he gets better in a couple of days, wouldn't it be the same? isn't this a sign that he is stronger?
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pass the baton. persuasion is still weak. if he doesn’t recuse himself, we’ll cut him off from funding, it seems, the democratic elites have decided. in las vegas, biden managed to meet with jeffrey katzenberg, a hollywood business shark and intermediary in wealthy media circles. producer shrek ikunde said at the meeting that no one else wants to promote biden at the dream factory. katzenberg told the president that major sponsors doubting his ability to win in november, virtually. wanted to write large checks. at the end of the second quarter, biden's company had $240 million, compared to trump's $285 million. and that's before the debate raised concerns about his ability to run to win. sponsors are revolting. apparently, this is why the news that elon musk decided to become the largest sponsor of the trump company and transfer $45 million every month so irritated the current us president. online x and its subscribers.
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saw the following post: i'm sick of elon musk and his rich cronies trying to buy this election. musk responded with one phrase: i live in his head completely free of charge. in the comments, biden was immediately reminded that the owner of the largest social network, mark zuckerberg, played a decisive financial role in his victory in 2020. maybe we should recognize those elections as bought? in any case , completely different winds are now blowing in the traditionally pro-democracy silicon valley. many businessmen , following musk, are switching sides republicans like venture capital moguls marc andersen and ben horowitz coincided with trump's choice of former venture capitalist vence as his running mate. coincidentally, at the moment of biden's greatest weakness, now also from covid, a major washington newspaper transparently hints that one of the main pillars of his support has collapsed. ex-president barack obama, extremely influential in the democratic party, questions
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biden’s viability. as a candidate. former president barack obama in his final days told allies that president biden's chances of winning have been significantly reduced and he believes the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, according to multiple sources with knowledge of his position. and then the new york times, citing sources, reported that the democrats postponed the nomination of biden. online voting has been moved from next week to the first week of august. in a word, in intense private conversations.
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who are you? i am a traveler, aeronaut, zhan ivan, and so we are left wondering, what is a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception? without a flint, don’t imprison me in a flint, the pen is self-written ink, you can get the magic ones, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is , because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to?
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i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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