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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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russian air defense systems shot down a ukrainian one. a mik-29 aircraft, three french hammer guided bombs, six american missiles, 74 aircraft-type drones. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces airfield was destroyed. denis alekseev has the latest information about the situation on the fronts. when one flap arrives, ukrainian militants noticeably reduce their activity, but continue to hope for luck. when there are a couple or three, there is already a reason to think about whether to retreat, and if at one point the position. in the ssu it covers
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seven fabs at once, there’s no time to think about whether he’s alive i stayed and it’s good, i wish i could have moved my legs farther away. the day before, russian missiles damaged the infrastructure of one of the military airfields in ukraine. another greeting to those who still hope for deliveries of f-16 to kiev. the north group continues to eliminate all the firing positions of the armed forces of ukraine, which they use to shell the border zone. in these frames, our artillery covered the mortar crew. strip, a unit of the north group of troops defeated the personnel and equipment of the 57th motorized infantry brigade, 107 and 113 territorial defense brigades in the areas of volchansko, veterinary and krugloy, repelled a counterattack by a unit of the ninety- second assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy’s losses amounted to more than 170 military personnel. there, in the north of the kharkov region, russian pilots of mi-28 helicopters destroy the militants’ support forces. the work scheme has already been perfected, occupy the echelon at low altitude, that. so as not
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to end up on enemy radars, shoot back with guided missiles and jump back to the airfield, having previously made anti-missile maneuver. in the orekhovsky direction in the zaporozhye region, our military does not allow ukrainian formations to strengthen the defense line, which is methodically shaken by russian artillery pieces. at the beginning of july, it was literally pierced through with a massive blow. kiev began to strengthen it, to pull it there. but it’s not just that the dnepr group is actively using drones, and what’s more serious is that four enemy observation posts have been eliminated in one day, and we don’t have permanent fire, we’re constantly rolling, we’re moving in place, we’re not we try not to stagnate , constantly monitor the air, that is , we have jammers, we also have an anti-drone weapon, the enemy is not stupid either, but we are smarter, so he will be... defeated by arrows,
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the total losses in the ssu on all fronts are under 2.0 people per day , fierce fighting is now in čsfjar, our southern group continues to improve the situation along the front line, the airborne troops are cut off from supply routes there, as a result, counterattacks are becoming less and less effective, russian troops are pinching zelensky’s formation in the western part settlement, ours are actively advancing from the north, the day before good news came from kalinovka that...
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more tax collections and payments have been transferred compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, throughput is increasing , increasing, in including through the introduction of digital technologies. during the first half of the year, the collected revenues amounted to 3.361 billion rubles. at the same time , the effectiveness of customs control within the management system has increased. risks yes 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. the federal customs service of russia has organized assistance to sbo participants in employment, professional development, and if we talk about structure, then in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of sbo participants so that they have greater opportunities hold positions. employees within the federal
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customs service of the russian federation, i was instructed by the government to build housing for customs employees, well, first of all... that understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. us donald trump will address the republican national convention in melwaukee in the coming hours. this will be the presidential candidate's first speech since the assassination attempt. as trump's son said, after. at the rally on july 13, the politician completely rewrote the text of his speech. our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov, works in meluka. another penultimate the day of the convention was more like a family party. unlike the democrats, where
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sexual minorities, family and traditional values ​​are increasingly concerned about transgender people, one of the republicans’ strongest trump cards. the head of the family appears. reason for attacks. who really runs the country? this is definitely not joe biden. the republican candidate is using his family to the maximum in this election campaign, as if giving a pass to biden,
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whether he can also introduce to the voter his son, drug addicted criminal hunter. real trump's seventeen-year-old granddaughter also made a splash in the hall. kai. to me he is just my grandfather, he gave us candy and coke when my parents weren’t looking, we played golf together. i was shocked when i heard that he was shot, my grandfather was forced to go through hell, and he is still standing. meeting the vice-presidential candidate, vance, the republican delegates did not yet understand that they might be welcoming the future president of the united states, because trump is not young either, and if with him...
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the younger generation of americans, says vance, remembers biden from birth, but the country has never been as bad as it is now after his arrival in the white house. joe biden has been involved in politics in washington longer than i have been alive, and i am 39 years old; for half a century he has been the initiator of all government actions that make america weaker and poorer. independence in matters of energy and the revival of the mining industry. trump's thesis: if the duo wins the elections, us allies will pay for their own security. we will make sure that our allies will share with us
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the burden of responsibility for ensuring stability in the world. we will not allow any more free rides for countries that abuse the generosity of american taxpayers. an opponent of endless aid to ukraine, vance also states that the united states will only get involved in wars under his and trump’s administration if necessary. what kind of need could this be? vance doesn't elaborate. together, we will only send our children to war when we must. if we hit, we'll hit hard. take these at face value the republicans' pre-election statements are, of course, not worth it. ukraine, taiwan and israel will still not escape their close attention, but the delegates believe everything that was said at the congress; the last time, observers say, the party demonstrated such unity only after the attack on september 11. well, we have a
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vice presidential candidate, i hope that they, together with trump, will form a strong team that will be able to return the presidency to the republican party, and will also work for peace and prosperity. his sudden replacement would violate legal regulations in at least several states.
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the republican party will most likely challenge in court any attempts by democrats to nominate another candidate for election, johnson noted. but influential republican senator marco rubio added that if biden leaves the race for health reasons, he should step down as president. apparently, republicans believe that biden, in his current state, is the most convenient opponent for donald trump. with details. everything was discovered in las vegas, where biden managed to go to a mexican restaurant on
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meeting with sponsors, but as soon as i found out about the diagnosis, i immediately got ready to go home, across the country to my native businessman. the tradition of filming each departure of the head of state gave everyone the opportunity to form their own impression of the condition of the sick person. mr. president, how are you feeling? i'm fine. looks bad. do you have symptoms? biden is suffering from corona for the third time. the symptoms were mild, they announced in the white house: runny nose, dry cough, general malaise, but apparently severe, because on the airfield biden could barely move his legs, the bodyguard was ready, stood up right next to the ramp, 14 steps were given to the american president with great difficulty, the liberal channel msnbc with the unknown jen psaki as the host is desperately fighting for biden, on the air his expected recovery from covid is compared in terms of courage to the experience of the assassination attempt on trump. the fact that trump immediately came to his senses after the shooting and went to his convention is presented to the media as a show of strength. biden is 81 and has
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coronavirus, a deadly disease for people his age. if he gets better in a couple of days, wouldn't it be the same? isn't this a sign that he is stronger than trump? yes it is. and now we're landing in business. biden again without a mask looks, perhaps even more tired, going down the ramp, slows down for some reason in the middle of the path, waves to someone, and fewer and fewer people want to return the greeting. president biden has covid, is forced to suspend his in-person campaign events, and now biden is isolated physically and, frankly, politically as he tries to save his campaign, as former speaker nancy pelosi said biden that if he does not withdraw his candidacy, the democrats will lose the elections to the lower house of congress. the pressure is intensifying; influential congressman adam schiff has become the twenty-first democrat to call on biden, quote, to pass the baton. persuasion is so far weak; if he doesn’t recuse himself, we’ll cut him off from funding,
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the democratic elites seem to have decided. in las vegas, biden managed to meet with jeffrey katzenberg, a hollywood business shark and intermediary in wealthy media circles. shrek producer ikunde said at the meeting that no one else wants to promote biden at the dream factory. katzenberg told the president that major donors doubting his ability to win in november have all but stopped writing big checks. by the end of the second quarter , biden's company had $240 million to trump's $285 million, and that was before the debate raised concerns about his ability to run to win and donors ran amok. apparently, that’s why the news that elon musk decided to become the largest sponsor of the trump company and transfer $45 million every month, which irritated the current us president. on network x, his followers saw the following post. i'm sick of elon musk and his rich cronies trying to buy this election. musk responded
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with one phrase. i live in his head completely free. in the comments, biden was immediately reminded that the owner of the largest social network, mark zuckerberg, played a decisive financial role in his victory in 2020. maybe we should recognize those elections as bought. in in any case , completely different winds are now blowing in the traditionally pro-democracy silicon valley. many businessmen followed. damascus is turning to republicans such as venture capital magnates marc andersen and ben horowitz, coinciding with trump's choice of former venture capitalist vance as his running mate. coincidentally, at the moment of biden’s greatest weakness, now also from covid, the main washington newspaper transparently hints that one of the main pillars of his support has collapsed. extremely former president barack obama, an influential member of the democratic party, questions biden’s viability as a candidate. former president barack obama has told allies in recent days that president biden's chances of winning
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have diminished significantly and he believes the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, multiple reports. sources aware of his position, the new york times immediately reported, citing sources, that the democrats had postponed the nomination of biden, online voting was postponed from next week to the first week of august, in short, in tense private conversations with his once associates and sponsors, biden seems to be hearing something very familiar more and more often, nothing personal, just business. alexander khristenko, maxim kolpakchi, lead. vyacheslav volodin spoke at the meeting.
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to western powers to shoot down russian missiles and drones on ukrainian territory. germany refused zelensky’s call for a press conference following the summit of the european political community in near london, olaf scholz said: there is a consensus on this issue in the west, including because the united states is categorically against it. the british government chose blendheim palace for the meeting of the european political community; sir winston churchick was born in this place near oxford. the current british prime minister starmer also has a knighthood, but
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he has no experience in international affairs. it is not surprising that emman macron is more skilled in global intrigue. government explained something to his to a novice colleague. however, there are things that representatives of the european political elite do not need to explain. in the spirit of his predecessors, starmer showed boundless sympathy for vladimir zelensky, who came to blanheim. in such a situation it was impossible to do without the obligatory passage to the russian threat. our first priority today is to reaffirm our strong support for ukraine. russia poses a threat. the idea of ​​such meetings belongs to the president of france and was first implemented 2 years ago. european the political community was conceived by macron to confront russia and also as a way to draw into the orbit of the european union as many non-member states as possible. once again , turkish president erdogan ignored such a meeting. the head of the european commission, ursula
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fondeen, also did not come. she fought for her seat. in the european parliament, where the voting took place. the situation was tense. you are a disgrace to any democracy. deindustrialization, explosive rise in prices, attack on freedom, democracy, censorship. this is your policy, mrs. fondelien. double standards, hypocrisy. this is how your attitude towards the conflict in ukraine in gas is expressed. and this approach caused enormous damage to the european union.
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european commissioner for defense, josep barel is being considered as a candidate for this position. we worked tirelessly. we navigated our ship through some of the most choppy waters we had ever seen. and together with you we will continue the course in the same direction. the number of those invited to this circle will obviously not include the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. among vonderlein and others like her, orban cannot forgive peacekeeping visits to moscow and beijing. the hungarian prime minister stands his ground. he argues that the only way to resolve the ukrainian conflict and prevent a larger disaster is through negotiations. there are many countries that support the war, they believe that... they can destroy the russians militarily, but i don’t think so, i think there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield, western countries hope so, but i think differently, i i don’t believe in such
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a development of events at all, because i know the russians, i know the soviet union, i know the ukrainians, i i live in a neighboring country, i know the whole context, other european leaders are still captive of the illusions established in their circle, they behave as if they are hiding from them. weapons through the european program , the european union intends to increase the production of defense investments.
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london, which represents the interests of the british military-industrial complex, has great interest in this kind of orders. another important part of this meeting is to talk about how to build relations with the united states if donald returns to the presidency there trump. the meeting in blenheim is called a summit, although it resembles a debating society. western promises to accept ukraine into nato only instill false hopes in kiev, forcing them to adhere to a failed strategy and abandon peace negotiations, an american political newspaper writes about this. according to the author of the article, ukraine cannot be accepted into nato, this will lead to a direct clash. the united states has already made it clear that they
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will not risk a nuclear war for the sake of ukraine, even if we are talking about the existence of the latter. the point is that this is not included in sphere of vital interests of the united states. in other words, the west's promise is empty talk. prolongation of the conflict will result in even greater losses in the isu and the collapse of the front. or the political collapse of the country. kiev must begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, the political newspaper writes. however, western countries continue their course of escalation. ekaterina radaeva with details. the world is witnessing an arms race, and not a bilateral one between russia and the united states, but an even more complex one. reuters thinks so. by according to experts, china and america’s asian allies , represented by south korea and japan, may become drawn into the confrontation. that now countries may not reach a breakthrough agreement on arms control, fuel to the fire is also added by the fact that european states continue to build up their arsenal of military equipment, although some are calling
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for a stop. thus, the former head of the czech government, andrei babis, criticized prague’s purchase of american fighters and said that the ruling coalition in the country dreams of a war with russia. in the publication of politics they believe that this is part of the election strategy. this is not the first time babis has criticized. the pro-ukrainian course of the czech republic, moreover, according to polls, has a two-fold advantage over the ruling coalition on the eve of parliamentary elections next year. germany supports the idea of ​​deploying american missiles on its territory, especially since the bundeswehr in 2025 will receive 5 and a half times less money than boris pistorius asked for, but for now they emphasize that the decision to provide such an opportunity to the allies has not yet been agreed upon. where in germany? should winged and supersonic ones be placed? this has not yet been decided, the us, which is going to place these weapons in germany, is just preparing to do so, but i would like to be clear, these will be conventional
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weapons systems, we are doing everything possible to prevent the situation from escalating, if it is clear to everyone that germany and nato are able to successfully defend themselves, the likelihood that we will be attacked will decrease. previously , bon's hovgarten would have been full of demonstrations against the deployment of missiles. it's a different time now you can't compare it, dawn. the peace movement at bona was associated with pershings equipped with nuclear warheads rather than conventional missiles. we haven't had to deal with guns in 35 years. an entire generation is completely unaware of this threat. what the united states will do in germany from 2026 is nothing more than countering the russian threat, the fact that russia is deploying iskanders in kaliningrad. then containment will work again. deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei rebkov notes that the kaliningrad region has long been attracts. the usa is in germany, i do not exclude any options due to the fault of germany and
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primarily the usa. but more and more often, european countries are talking about searching for a diplomatic settlement of the situation in ukraine, viktor orban also advocates this, although in europe his initiative was rejected, and the eu declared a boycott of the hungarian politician. former bundeswehr general roland carter, dewelt condemned the dirty company around the politician. as a former soldier, i think that this reaction is completely exaggerated, i think it’s good that they started talking about it, and orban did not communicate only with putin, he started with zelensky, then with putin, sizempin, with the head of turkey and finally with trump. so he got a complete picture. i think it's good to just say, if in this situation, when he concludes that the fighting will intensify over the next few weeks, i
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assume that too. it seems that the troops are reorganizing, the troops are being replenished, and then summer comes, then, of course, opportunities arise for more intense combat, but i believe that in this in a situation where there is not the slightest glimmer of hope, it is imperative to find a way to reach a diplomatic solution, no matter what they say. and the german publication handelsblad cites a statement by serbian president aleksandar vucic, who advised chancellor olaf scholz to achieve a termination agreement as soon as possible. in ukraine, and on any terms, everything to achieve peace in the region. ekaterina radaeva, matvey popov, news. donbass hospitals received new medical equipment, united russia donated it, and they helped deliver it their funds are discreet, people are lighthouses. in addition to equipment , toys and books were also brought to the lugansk republican children's hospital. new equipment also arrived at the children's clinical center in makeyevka at the yasenovoda
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hospital. the main flow of wounded patients is sent here and distributed to other hospitals, emergency assistance is provided, so here in a fairly short period of time there was an urgent need for additional equipment, we tried as quickly as possible together with our friends of the humanitarian aid headquarters cooperation with itina russia, to assemble the equipment that is urgently needed, these are ivly, these are special devices for resuscitation, this is what will provide... trump is an opponent of the ruling establishment, they impeached him twice under ridiculous pretexts, it did not work, he returned . a huge amount of hatred is cultivated not only towards trump, but towards those who support him. half of
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trump's supporters can be attributed to this. that i call people deplorable, so the hatred is just off the charts, and it affects people, which in your opinion is the main threat to the freedom and democracy of the united states. donald trump. who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out talking, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception and without flint, don’t go into the flint, i was imprisoned, self-written ink. you’ll get it,
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the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need it, i can’t live without travel, flint, who does not need a pen, who has flint in his pocket? soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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