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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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russian funds. they shot down a ukrainian mik-29 plane, three french hammer guided bombs, six american missiles, and 74 aircraft-type drones. in addition, the ukrainian armed forces airfield was destroyed. denis alekseev has the latest information about the situation on the fronts. when one flap arrives, ukrainian militants noticeably reduce their activity, but continue to hope for luck. when the pair is three, there is already a reason to think about whether or not to retreat. one moment
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of the position of the armed forces of ukraine covers seven factories at once, here there’s no time to think, i’m still alive and well, i wish i could’ve done better. russian missiles yesterday damaged the infrastructure of one of the military airfields in ukraine, another greeting to those who still hope for the supply of f-16s to kiev. the north group continues to eliminate all firing positions in the esshnikov, which they use to shell the border zone. in these frames, our artillery covered. mortar crew in a forest belt. units of the north group of troops defeated the personnel and equipment of the fifty-seventh motorized infantry brigade, 107 and 13 territorial defense brigades in the volchansko, veterinary and krugloy areas. a counterattack by a unit of the 92nd assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled. enemy losses amounted to more than 170 military personnel. there, in the north of the kharkov region, russian pilots of mi-28 helicopters destroy the militants’ support forces. the scheme of work has already been perfected, take it. at low altitude, so as
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not to be on enemy radars, shoot back with guided missiles and jump back to the airfield, having previously made anti-missile maneuver. in the orekhovsky direction in the zaporozhye region, our military does not allow ukrainian formations to strengthen the defense line, which is methodically shaken by russian artillery pieces. in early july, it was literally pierced through with a massive blow. kiev began to strengthen it. pull up reserves there, but it’s not just that. the dnepr group is actively using drones, and what’s more serious is that four enemy observation posts were eliminated in one day. move, yes, we don’t have constant fire, we constantly roll, we move, we don’t try not to stagnate. constantly monitoring the air, constantly, that is , we have jammers in flocks, we also have anti-drone weapons, the enemy is not stupid either, but we are smarter. therefore, he will be defeated, the total
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losses in the ssu on all fronts are under 2.0 people per day. fierce fighting is now in čsfyar, our southern group continues to improve the situation along the front line, the dry land soldiers are cut off from supply routes there, and as a result, counterattacks are becoming less and less effective. russian troops clamp down on the formation zelensky in the western part of the village. ours are actively advancing from the north. good news arrived the day before.
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500 billion more tax collections and payments were transferred compared to the same period last year, the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing, throughput is increasing, and is increasing, including through the introduction of digital technologies. during the first half of the year, collected revenues amounted to rub 3.361 billion. at the same time , the efficiency of customs control and... within the framework of the risk management system, 11 billion rubles were recovered. control after the release of goods ensured a revenue of almost 25 billion rubles. the federal customs service of russia has organized assistance to svo participants in employment, professional development, and if we talk about employment, then in the near future we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of fso participants, so that they have greater possibilities. hold
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positions as employees of the federal customs service of the russian federation, i had an instruction to the government to build housing for customs employees, we first of all. rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be the main distributor of budget funds, in the near future, i hope that an understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. us donald trump will address the republican national convention in meluka in the coming hours, this will be the presidential candidate's first speech since the assassination attempt. as stated by cent. after the shooting at a rally on july 13, politician i completely rewrote the text of the speech. our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov, works in meloyka. the next penultimate day of the convention looked more like
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a family party. unlike the democrats, where sexual minorities are increasingly worried about transgender people, family and traditional values ​​are one of the republicans’ strongest trump cards.
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to me, he's just my grandfather, he gave us candy and cola when my parents weren't looking, we played golf together. i was shocked when i heard that he, my grandfather, had been shot. forced to go through hell and he's still standing. meeting vice-presidential candidate vance, the republican delegates did not yet understand that they might be welcoming the future president of the united states, because trump too... an application for the possible role of head of the white house, the hypocrisy of big american politics, 3 years ago vance publicly called trump
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an idiot , now he is running second in the elections . i accept your nomination for vice president of the united states of america. the younger generation of americans, says vance, remembers biden from birth, but the country has never been as bad as it is now after his arrival in the white house. joe biden has been involved in politics in washington for longer than i have been alive, and i am 39 years old. for half a century he has been the initiator of all government actions that make america weaker and poorer. independence in matters of energy and the revival of the mining industry. vance talks about a new american way, and although most of the speech is devoted to domestic affairs, vance repeats trump's thesis from the podium. if their duo wins the elections, us allies will themselves pay for your safety. we will make sure that
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our allies will share with us the burden of responsibility for ensuring stability in the world. we will no longer allow any free ride for countries that abuse the generosity of american tax dollars. the last time, observers say, the party demonstrated such unity was only after the september 11 attack. well, we have
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vice presidential candidates, i hope that they , together with trump, will form a strong team that will be able to return the presidency to the republican party, and will also work for the good... for there are republican opponents behind the fence, one of them has a poster with a photo of the man who shot trump. sleep well, thomas crooks, american hero, the inscription reads. on the poster, by the last day on which trump himself is expected to speak, security measures are already at maximum, as reported , f-35 fighter jets will patrol the skies over milwaukee today. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee wisconsin. republican party leaders suddenly changed tactics and began demanding that joe biden stay in the race. as stated house speaker mike johnson, the incumbent, is the law. candidate, his sudden replacement would violate legal guidelines in at least several states.
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the republican party will likely challenge in court any attempts by democrats to nominate another candidate for election, johnson said. but influential republican senator marc rubio added that if biden leaves the race for health reasons, he should step down as president. apparently, republicans believe that biden, in his current state, is the most convenient opponent for donald trump. with details alexander khristenko. suddenly, what many fellow party members have openly dreamed of is coming true. biden is physically withdrawing from the race, albeit temporarily for a good reason. i just got off the phone with president biden and he said he was very disappointed he couldn't be with us right now. he's just been diagnosed. everything was discovered in las vegas, where biden managed to go to
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a mexican restaurant to meet with sponsors, but as soon as he learned about the diagnosis, he immediately i was getting ready to go home, across the country to my native delaware. the tradition of filming each departure of the head of state gave everyone the opportunity to form their own impression of the condition of the sick person. mr. president, how are you feeling? i'm fine. do you have symptoms? for the third time, the symptoms were mild, they announced in the white house: runny nose, dry cough, general malaise, but apparently severe, because on the airfield biden could barely move his legs, the bodyguard was ready, stood right next to the ramp, 14 steps were given to the american president with with great difficulty, liberal the msnbc channel with the notorious jen psaki as the host is desperately fighting for biden; on air, his expected recovery from covid is compared in terms of courage to surviving an assassination attempt... the fact that trump immediately came to his senses after the shooting and went to his convention, presented to the media
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as a show of strength, biden is 81, he has coronavirus, a fatal disease for people his age, if he recovers in a couple of days, wouldn’t that be the same, wouldn’t it be a sign that he’s stronger than trump? yes it is. and here we are landing in delaware. biden again, without a mask, he looks, perhaps, even more tired, going down the ramp, slows down for some reason in the middle of the path, waves to someone, and there are fewer and fewer people willing to answer the greeting.
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in las vegas, biden managed to meet with jeffrey katzenberg, a hollywood business shark and intermediary in wealthy media circles; the producer of shrek ikunde said at the meeting that no one else wants to promote biden at the dream factory. katzenberg told the president that major donors doubting his ability to win in november had all but stopped. write out large checks. at the end of the second quarter , biden's company had $240 million, compared to trump's $285 million. and that's before the debate raised concerns about his ability to run to win. sponsors are rebelling. apparently, this is why the news that elon musk decided to become the largest sponsor of the trump company and transfer $45 million every month so irritated the current us president. on the x network, his subscribers.
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many businessmen, following musk, are going over to the republican side, such as venture capital magnates marc andersen and ben horowitz, coinciding with trump's choice of a former venture capitalist as his running mate. coincidentally, at the moment it transparently hints that one of biden’s main greatest weaknesses, now also from covid, the main washington newspaper of the pillars of his support has collapsed. former president barack obama, who is extremely influential in the democratic party, questions biden’s viability as a candidate. former president barack obama told allies in recent days that president biden's chances of winning
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have decreased significantly. and he believes the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy. numerous sources with knowledge of his position report. and then the new york times, citing sources, reported that the democrats postponed the nomination of biden. online voting has been moved from next week to the first week of august. in short, in tense private conversations with his once comrades and sponsors, biden, it seems, will increasingly hear very familiar, nothing personal, just business. alexander khristenko, maxim kolpakchi, lead. vyacheslav volodin. spoke at a meeting of the national assembly of nicaragua, the speaker of the state duma conveyed greetings from the russian president. volodin noted: relations between the countries are of a particularly friendly nature. we have many things in common; we stand for a fair, multipolar world, the rule of law in international affairs, ensuring stability and
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security, and non-interference in the affairs of sovereign states. no double standards, we defend these principles together in international organizations, this is our strength. the german chancellor refused zelensky's call for western powers to shoot down russian missiles and drones on ukrainian territory. at a press conference following the summit of the european political community in the vicinity of london, olaf scholz said: there is a consensus in the west on this issue, including because the united states is speaking out. for the meeting of the european political community, the british government chose blenheim palace, in which sir winston churchill was born near oxburg; the current british prime minister starmer also has a knighthood, but
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he has no experience in international affairs. it is not surprising that the more experienced in global intrigues and... france was first implemented 2 years ago . the idea of ​​such meetings belonged to the president back, the european political community was conceived by macron to confront russia and also as a way to draw into the orbit of the european union as many as possible who are not members states into it. once again turkish president
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erdogan ignored such a meeting. the head of the european commission, ursula fondeen , also did not come. she fought for her seat in the european parliament, where.
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the example stands its ground, arguing that the only way to resolve the ukrainian conflict and prevent a larger catastrophe is through negotiations. there are many countries supporting the war. they believe they can destroy the russians militarily, but i don't think so. i believe there is no solution to this conflict on the battlefield. western countries hope so, but i think differently. i generally
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i don’t believe in such a development of events, because i know the russians, i know the soviet union, i know the ukrainians. i live in a neighboring country, i know the whole context. other european leaders are still captivated by the illusions established in their circle and behave as if.
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provided. alexander khabarov, anna from the side of the participants of this meeting is not lviv, vesti, great britain.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution. revolution, this is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is
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the power of our country, its strength and power, every day i take a piece of black bread, i always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 19, 196 the russians entered into battle with the polovtsians on the trubezh river. the battle took place in the same places where, a century before, the fighters of the ancient russian state successfully repelled the raid of other nomads, the pechenegs. by the time of this battle on the pipe, the confrontation with the pulovites had already lasted three decades, finally, the first big victory. the russians united the troops of the prince of kiev svyatopolk yazislavich and the troops of vladimir manomakh, then the prince of pereslavl. together they put the polovtsians to
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flight, khan tugorkan and his son died, but soon the polovtsians returned. in general, fight nomadic peoples from the steppes, the russian princes were always hampered by internal strife, so when they joined forces, won and made peace, often even sealing it with dynastic marriages. they were married to polovtsian women at different times. stovosuzalsky prince yuri dolgoruky, son of manomakh, svyatoslav prince of chernigov, the same svyatopolk yadislavich of kiev, but clashes still continued until the middle of the 10th century, until both the russians and the polovtsians were conquered by the mongols. on july 19, 1920, the council of people's commissars of the rsfsr issued a decree on the creation emergency commission for the eradication of illiteracy. this was one of the top priorities.
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during the first decade of the soviet government , 10 million adults were taught to read and write. the poster genre turned out to be an effective means. they were produced in large quantities in different national languages, they quickly penetrated into the most distant corners of the country and were well imprinted in the memory. has begun. on july 19, 1956, the united states refused egypt a loan to build the aswan plateau. did egypt need platinum to solve its flood problem? the funds have already agreed give the international bank for reconstruction development at the expense of money from london and washington.
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peace between egypt and israel so that platinum is not destroyed during any conflict. egypt did not want to give such guarantees, and the united states withdrew its consent to give money. this decision was a landmark event in cairo's policy turnaround. egypt, firmly under western influence, then turned its attention to the ussr. as a result, the aswan platinum was designed by soviet specialists, and the money for its construction was provided by the soviet union. plasina solved both water problems and... became supply half of all electricity to egypt's energy system. egypt quickly paid off the loan, and the high-quality and quick implementation of a complex hydraulic project for a long time became the hallmark of the soviet union in the implementation of other similar contracts in asian and african countries. on july 19 , 1983, the first three-dimensional reconstruction of the human head, performed using individual
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computed tomography slices, was presented in the united states. that is, the world's first ct scan. the model was presented by michael vanier from the institute of radiology saint louis and jeffrey marsh from the institute of craniofacial deformities. and jay warren from mcdonald douglas aviation corporation helped them. computer methods for designing aircraft were adapted to solve a purely medical problem. the first linear tomographs appeared back in the seventies, but they gave a flat image, although in comparison with x-ray this was a breakthrough. i already did kat. three-dimensional reconstruction, then multislice or multi-slice computed tomography appeared, the information content of the studies grew, and the radiation dose on patient decreased. the first soviet tomograph was developed in 1985, but with the collapse of the ussr, a focus on imports began. today, ct is the main method for studying human internal organs, but a modern serial domestic tomograph is only now being developed by rosatom. its
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release is planned to begin in... the year, this is how this day in history was, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector, safety begins with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations. russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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