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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out. we won, the russians helped,
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they didn’t care about the people, the americans only bombed and killed, they were of no use. at first, the west crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban say has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the criminal exploits of a former colonel in moscow led to the arrest of a once influential security official. investigators consider him a member of an odious, almost elusive group of killers, the so-called special forces gang, which operated two decades ago. galina hungureeva has details. the escort procedure is very familiar to the man in handcuffs; this is retired mvd colonel vladimir novgorodov. investigators are confident that 20 years ago, shoulder straps did not prevent a policeman and his accomplices from planning the murder of a businessman. in october 2004 , businessman musaev got into a car near his house in the village of trubocheevka, odintsovo district, moscow region, when the car with the owner, his security guard and drivers started moving, an explosion occurred, and an improvised explosive device detonated. percussion the wave damaged. trunk, so all three
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remained alive, then allegedly it was novgorodov who informed his accomplice about the movement of the car, and then the sign to the perpetrator of the crime. moreover, the ex-colonel may be involved in an odious group of killers, according to which articles we are judged, quickly, 162. this is footage of the arrest of one of the members of that same gang in december last year, according to investigators, it included former and current security officials, judging by the footage lived. luxurious renovation in a spacious apartment with snow-white furniture, original walls, however, i had to leave the same day. the procedure for the time limits for appeal is clear, it is clear, the court hearing is declared closed. a total of eight people were detained, including four former and two current law enforcement officers. the latter are the former chief of staff of the cathedral lynx, alexey alpatov, detective officer of the main department of police special forces, sergei volosnykh. according to the investigation, the gang of security forces-killers had been operating since... the year,
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carrying out orders for murder, kidnappings and robberies, investigators are confident in their account, attempted murder of a consultant to the state duma apparatus, murder of the deputy head of the moscow railway sergei. hafiz makhmudov and his partner. investigators consider former military man pavel khristev to be the leader of the criminal group. it was established that the leader of the gang had been living in ukraine for a long time, where he had a residence permit. at the same time, he regularly came to russia to coordinate the activities of the group and guide ordinary participants in the commission of crimes. cash mined. in this way, he led to the country of permanent residence, avoiding suspects and leaders of organized crime groups, with whom they shared spheres of influence. the gang is credited with killing several high -ranking criminals between 2002 and 2003.
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vladimir novgorodov has now joined his likely comrades and accomplices. in addition to attempted murder, he is charged with illegal acquisition, transfer, transportation and storage of weapons. the capital's basmanny court sent the former colonel to... pre-trial detention for 2 years month. galina hungureeva, news. duty department. the popularity of scooters, segways and other two-wheeled vehicles has caused an increase in accidents on the roads. data for the first half of 2024 were provided by the state traffic inspectorate. over 6 months, inspectors recorded more than 56,000 accidents with injuries. in these road accidents , almost 6,00 people were killed and 70,000 were injured. last year, a 4.5% increase in road accidents was associated with the rerouting of road freight flows. from the west to the east of the country due to sanctions, this emphasizes precisely the impact of the increase in the number electric scooters. the case of dead brides in trachevo-cherkessia, researchers continue to unravel a large-scale scam involving escheated apartments. a gang of the former head of the tax office, the notaries of their accomplices entered into marriages with the deceased so that the fake dealers
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would inherit expensive real estate. details in our next article. this mansion in korochaevo-cherkessia cannot be compared to the noble estates of the 19th century. the permission looks too vulgar, and the columns are kind of vulgar, and the chandeliers and dishes are generally pure maviton, but the residents of the cottage apparently, they still decided to feel like heroes of gogol’s works, despite the smaller scope, the cunning of these scoundrels was matched by chichikov’s, a company of a notary, a former head of the tax office and six stray citizens for years carried out their scheme with dead souls, in several cities of the country they formalized marriages with dead officially just retroactively, in order to inherit apartments, a hunt for... a mansion, but also the housing of other participants in the scheme. the security forces visited not only the gilded
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operatives, but also the registry office in the office notary, all these places turned out to be rich in evidence; computer equipment, documentation, cell phones and storage media were confiscated. for seized objects. technical and forensic, handwriting, and computer examinations were assigned. investigators continue to collect evidence. the total material damage caused is established. the investigation may come as an unpleasant surprise for those who bought an apartment from the gang and are not even aware of the criminal scheme. subsequently, the resulting property was sold, and the proceeds were distributed among the accomplices. as a result , more than ten properties were stolen, the exact number will be...
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study something more suitable, for example, a crime punishment. daniil sukharuchko, lya korchuganov, lead, duty unit. the moscow court arrested a former deputy of the russian state duma for the moskvoretsky crime. beltsev, the news agency rionovosti reports this, citing representatives of the court and its informed source. it is reported that the former the parliamentarian has become involved in a criminal case for fraud on an especially large scale; he faces up to 10 years in prison. in moscow , a court placed the owner of a catering establishment under house arrest, where more than two dozen people were poisoned by shawarma; the fast food was prepared in severe heat in terrible unsanitary conditions, which led to dire consequences. olga mazurak has details. lowering his eyes to the floor, eldar sardarov enters the hall of the temeryazevsky court of the capital, i am already obediently obeying the actions of law enforcement officers, it was not possible to hide, the man was almost caught immediately, here he is already talking with a lawyer in a glass box. according to investigators, the owner of a small shawarma outlet was involved in mass
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poisoning in a hostel in the north of moscow. doctors were on duty at the shelter for two days, and the flow of patients did not slow down. one was raped, taken out on a stretcher, and could no longer walk. the tailgaters bought shawarma, once the sign was on, inviting customers, now there is only a sign about temporary repairs, probably this is how the owner of the 24-hour catering outlet wanted cover up your tracks, it didn’t work out, now this blue canvas is complemented by this seal from rospotrebnadzor, the people who work next door have not complained about this place, they say the ventilation didn’t work and the window stank of rotten meat, firstly the heat, not a single normal sane person he won’t buy shawarma in the heat, especially when he can’t wash his hands there. no, there is garbage lying around, rats are running around, what shawarma, these shots in the kitchen of a catering establishment were taken by the investigative
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team, a cramped room, a mess, a hood black with dirt and a refrigerator that is clearly they haven’t washed it for a long time, so that customers would have fewer questions, local gastronomic delights are generously covered with mayonnaise, go figure out what products are inside. local residents have been avoiding the community for a long time; the place remained afloat thanks to the hostel; as a result, more than two dozen of its clients were injured. number of victims. those who sought medical help with signs of food poisoning increased to 24 people. as part of the investigation, a number of examinations were appointed, including examination of control and quality products. now the victims of the escaped cooks are recovering in the hospital, and fimida has so far placed the shawarma seller under house arrest. but mr. sardarov himself does not admit guilt, he says that people could have been poisoned elsewhere, saying that his competitors in the neighborhood have no better cuisine. olga muzrak, ekaterina likhomanova and valeria. vershinina. news. duty department. lives or money. the nizhny novgorod oncologist at a local
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hospital chose the latter. instead of expensive drugs that could help seriously ill people, as directed doctor, doctors administered normal saline to patients. it is possible that after this iskulap sold vital medicines. fyodor eliseev will tell you what the court decided. oleg tyukalov, a former oncologist at the local central district hospital, devotes the time before the sentencing in the semenovsky district court of the nizhny novgorod region to communicating with fellow doctors. wife and daughter. the reason for the separation was accusations of abuse of power. the investigation proved that, on the instructions of the doctor, seriously ill patients were administered instead of expensive drugs normal saline solution. the former doctor refused to comment on camera, but made the last word, after which he bowed theatrically. during the speech, he partially admitted his guilt, saying he didn’t keep an eye on the staff, and in general he didn’t wish harm on anyone. exactly mine. attention to the work of nurses, the situation arose that led to
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the attack. the now former head of the outpatient oncology care center was detained last fall. in the midst of a working day, in front of a dozen patients. the doctor was taken out of the office in handcuffs. without words it became clear: the appointment was cancelled. the man in a medical gown was taken to the investigative department. from the beginning of the twenty-second year, to the beginning of the twenty-third, tyukalov instructed nurses to inject their patients with anything instead. expensive drugs, in particular keytruda, this medicine stimulates the immune system and stops the growth of cancer cells, so he wanted to hide the shortage of the medicine, the cost of which reaches 200,000 rubles for one bottle. it is possible that the oncologist, holding a pacifier alone, then he resold the drug to other patients, the oncologist’s former subordinates rush into battle in response to any questions from journalists, well , please come out, well, it’s true, he gave some instructions, i’ll ask you to leave the office, according to the testimony of one of the nurses, the staff of the semenovskaya central district hospital department simply i was afraid
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to tell the hospital administration and the head physician about what was happening. i can’t tell you anything specific about this, because i don’t have reliable information, the investigative authorities do. naturally, in the patients themselves were also ignorant. the nurse, when she opened the ampoule in front of me, injected me, that’s all. even before the detention of oleg tyukalov, the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund had identified gross violations at the semyonovskaya hospital, judging by the medicine log, the shortage of medicines was twice the volume of supplies, the doctor could not have known about this, found guilty of committing a crime under paragraph e, part three of 286 criminal code of the russian federation and sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment with a sentence of correctional. the court banned oleg tyukalov from engaging in professional activities for 2 years after his release. fedor eliseev,
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news: duty department. in russia, the memory of the former head of the supreme court vyacheslav lebedev will be immortalized. the decree was signed by vladimir putin. according to the document, lebedev’s name is recommended to be transferred to the russian state university of justice. and to establish a personal scholarship for its students and graduate students. the city authorities will consider the issue of installing a memorial plaque on the house where vyacheslav lebedev lived, and also about naming one of the public gardens after him. in moscow. he hit the police with an electric car and tried to escape. in dagestan , an anti-drug raid turned into an epic chase and ended with a spectacular arrest. a large business tried to escape from law enforcement.
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i drove a toyota camry, but didn't go far. a criminal case has been initiated against a thirty-eight-year-old resident of makhachkala, suspected of using violence against government officials in connection with the performance of their official duties, dangerous to life or health. how did you find out? journalists, the detained timur murtazaliev was previously the head of a fire safety company, now engaged in the restaurant business, co-owner of several cafes in
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makhachkala and two more companies related to catering. according to one version, he could have contacted the drug business. due to financial problems. recently, according to a number of media reports, he began to have difficulties. due to large debts, the tax authorities blocked the accounts of his establishments. one of the companies is now in the process of liquidation. security forces are working at murtazaliev’s house and searches are taking place. he himself is now questioning by investigators. it is known that the electric car has 12 fines, two of which have not been paid. in such cases , it makes no sense to actually run away, because, well, firstly, in relation to a person who is detained by certain operational measures.
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a sentence came into force, which sent the trafficker of prohibited substances to jail for a long time. three became victims of the deadly potion, and two dozen were in intensive care. it turned out that the dealer had mixed up the so-called bookmarks and instead of hiding one drug, he was hiding a much stronger one. report on loud was prepared by our colleague from state television and radio broadcasting company lotus, dmitry dubrovsky. he said that's it, that's it.
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died, and some buyers of the poisonous powder were saved only by watching the news in time, investigators say. after this message was published in the media, some themselves brought drug data to the police, reported where they purchased it, in what places there were stashes. at first, mamasaliev chose inconspicuous nooks and crannies for hiding places, but then he lost his vigilance. so the drug enforcement administration officers regionally. departments of the ministry of internal affairs were on his trail. academician korolev street in the very center of astrakhan. it was here that the pawnbroker made a fatal mistake when he fell into the field of view of this video camera. and already, based on his external data, his
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location was established on the territory of the city of moscow. i could have quit here, right? yeah. where else could i? i'd like to quit here. it is now known that in the fall of 2023 in astrakhan momasaliev managed to make 1,500 bookmarks. for each package of drugs, the drug dealer received 450 rubles. at some point the man accidentally mixed two batches of different powders. so, instead of mephedrone, buyers received methadone, and its lethal dose was tens of times less. he said that if he had known that this would lead to such tragic events, then... it is known that he was not going to challenge efimida’s decision. dmitry dubrovsky, andrey mysin, andrey razumny, damir maykenov, lead the duty department.
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there are more and more accidents and scandals during taxi trips. such cases occur in cars assigned to popular aggregators, but in reality the car can be registered to another company on the spot the driver is a random person who rented a car. why is the modern transportation market so dangerous? watch eduard petrov's investigation into the game of checkers this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. take a taxi and not die, any call is like roulette, i look up, i understand that we are driving across two lanes, i want my face, the way it was, and people are looking at me, how can i not end up in a car with a dangerous driver? just 5.0 drivers, we didn’t understand what kind of driver’s license it was, the car was registered for one legal entity, insurance for another, who is responsible for
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the lives of passengers? lamborghini, tesla and just mercedes. our correspondent daniil sukharuchko kept company with a madi inspector who identifies malicious parking violators in the hottest places in moscow. what frightens owners of expensive cars more, punishment or excessive attention to their loved ones, look. in my colleague's report. patrolling the streets by inspectors of the moscow administrative road inspectorate is like going for mushrooms. i passed it once, there were no violators, i passed it a second time, but not like that here. for example, this driver of a premium foreign car parked where even stopping is prohibited. inspector madi made a remark to you. why don't you react? he doesn't care so much about society. a fine, you know, is a punishment, it’s not a payment. i want to communicate with you, you are not ashamed to behave like this at all, you can’t see it, the man promised to leave immediately, but was in no hurry to do so, why don’t you leave, oh, who, who
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lives in the little house, a man, unable to withstand public pressure, a man still removed it your car, but a few minutes later another violator stops at this place, and you know that you shouldn’t stop here, but that there’s a yellow line, and that you have to do not break the law, you probably should break the law. well, there’s a yellow stripe, there’s nothing to say, right? particular attention is paid to parking on bicycle paths; the driver of this truck, for example, blocked one of them and drove off as soon as
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he saw inspector audie. look how arrogant people are, the numbers are covered with cardboard. by the way, the patrol location was not chosen by chance, the street is a small armored one, local residents often complain about arrogant drivers. after all, this is where, as you know, bulgakov’s cult novel, the master and margarita, begins. in it, the writer, among other things, is ridiculed. doesn't remind me of anything. in addition to the small armored vehicles, inspectors have stepped up patrols on four more moscow streets, where drivers most often block bicycle paths with their cars. by the way, the fine is 3.00 rubles. does not stop everyone, and this is not surprising if you look at photographs of the cars of such violators. lamborghini, tesla and how most mercedes, owners of premium cars, apparently believe that the law is not written for them. parking on bicycle paths, inspectors remind, creates... socially dangerous situation, drivers would like to say one thing: be more careful when choosing a parking place for your car, now
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there are a lot of bicycle paths in moscow, be careful and do not violate, and do not violate, in the presence of highway inspectors, many are embarrassed to violate traffic rules, but how only traffic inspectors go to other streets, violators become bolder, this the driver parks his lamborghini in an already familiar place, why? why can't owners of premium cars find money for paid parking? the question is open, while there is no answer to it, madi inspectors continue to patrol the streets. daniil sukharuchko, dmitry konovalov, emil musaev, lead, duty unit. you can stay informed about the latest legal news around the clock. channels are conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, taking russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect. ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the russian military keeps the harvest under control; this is a strategically important settlement; they have liberated it from militants. fighters of the vostok troops group, and not with the greatest combat experience, still the enemy wavered, our units suffered minimal losses. war correspondent sergei samokha will tell you about how the assault and cleansing of the village took place. these are the first shots from the liberated urozhayny. our fighters are replacing those who took the settlement.


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