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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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i appeared on stage, told the supporters how everything was on my own? if it were not for the action of my secret service, i would not be with you, the sniper was aiming at my head, at the head of our country, i call on us all to unite and return the united states to its former greatness. trump will achieve negotiations and stop feeding kiev, these are the main slogans about international politics. an ear band as a flash mob in support of trump at the republican national convention, and of course, socks with a hairstyle.
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this will be announced specifically in the near future, despite the fact that approximately a quarter american voters support neither trump nor biden. in fact, the presidential race in the united states is a battle of two anti-ratings, and if biden withdraws, then the anti-rating will remain alone, analysts conclude. maria scarecrow imanina pugoeva, news. the assassination attempt on donald trump strengthened investors' confidence in his victory in the american elections, and this affected not only stock prices, but tatyana, according to
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analysts, by the presidential election it could rise to $100 thousand? donald trump's successes in the election race caused excitement in the financial markets, after the assassination attempts , investors began to believe even more in his victory. as a result of the shares of the company trump-media, which owns his social media. network on monday immediately jumped by almost 80%. this helped them recover from the decline that lasted the last month and a half. now the growth is no longer so active, however, at wednesday’s trading the securities added 2.5%. the unsuccessful assassination attempt, the pr that is developing around all this, yes, all these photographs with a bloody ear and a raised hand, all these peer-shares that are happening now.
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they disagree, they play very well for trump. trump can win. chinese businesses also took advantage of this wave of success. thus, the securities of software developer vice soft added 10% on the first trading day after the assassination attempt. and all because in chinese the name of the company is consonant with the phrase “trump maintains a landslide victory.” the cryptocurrency market also felt a positive effect. on the day of the assassination attempt, bitcoin increased by about. and analysts believe that by the presidential election in november, bitcoin could rise to 100,000, the trump administration is expected to be more crypto-friendly. the assassination attempt on trump, it saved bitcoin, the bitcoin rate, followed by bitcoin, of course, all the so- called. on the
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polymarket platform, cryptocurrency bets on the presidential elections are breaking records. users have contributed more than $270 million. they estimate donald trump's chances at 62%, but biden's at only 7%. meanwhile, three cryptocurrencies that investors associate with the trump company are gaining popularity. in particular, a coin with the self-explanatory name supertramp increased in price by more than a quarter in a week. the coin is also on the blockchain and in fact such a demonstration , including trump’s goodwill towards crypto assets themselves, cryptocurrencies, well, the presence of a person, that’s how they themselves on the site position it, the presence of a person of this
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super trump coin, this is evidence that he supports trump, supports his initiative. according to experts, the increase in trump's chances of being elected president increases us bond volatility is pushing up stock prices, holding back oil prices, and his administration is expected to be more market-oriented and less focused on environmental issues and the national debt, although today he promised he would start paying it off when he became president and threatened china with tariffs on cars in 100-200%.
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at an altitude of 11 km, an indication of a fire in the cargo compartment of the airliner went off, the aircraft commander decided to land the aircraft, the british city had enough
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riots, hundreds of residents took to the streets, they buses were set on fire and police cars were smashed; in addition, activists resisted. the protests began after social workers arrived to pick up children from a family in a disadvantaged area. the police tried to disperse the crowd; in a statement , regional authorities noted that no one was injured as a result of the protest. the akhusites attacked tel aviv with a drone, the leader of the movement said. it is reported that the uav fell about 100 m from the american embassy, ​​one person was killed, about ten suffered. they are provided with it. for medical assistance, the leader of the movement also noted that the details of the military operation would be revealed by the group later, thereby taking responsibility for themselves. the representative also added that the new aircraft can bypass enemy air defense systems. and at
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least three people have died in wildfires around the turkish city of izmir. the fire has already reached populated areas, as reported in the media. local residents say they tried to put out the fire themselves, but it didn’t help. to fight against about seven planes and 16 helicopters were attracted by the fiery element. the turkish ministry of environment publishes footage of their work. local authorities are investigating the cause of the fire. kat -kat! and state duma speaker vyacheslav voloden is on a working trip to nicaragua. on the instructions of the president, he will represent russia at the ceremonial events in honor of the forty- fifth people's revolution, which will take place today in the capital of the republic. and earlier , vyacheslav volodin met with
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the country, they worked more closely, the people benefited from this, and of course, in this regard, a lot can be done through new forms of cooperation. which are inter-parliamentary interactions, and now advertising, then we will talk about the final of the competition - a big change in the international children's center artek. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app. and receive a supercake of up to 100% every month, and
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appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will cut it down, there is a beastly appetite, no snack it will hurt, there is an animal one, sausages will help, one of my friends connected it.
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vtb! what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription! open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together everything will work out. return of the legend. mastery. macroflex. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. collect! business. grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks. father
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- for days. i have enough in the garage a few minutes. drive your car into the avito auto garage and you will immediately see the suitable spare parts. avito auto garage. garage of our time. register your car in the avito auto garage. and get a chance to win a new car. this is the ivanovs. average. russian family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life.
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban is trying to... to convey to europe the need for peace negotiations, but the european union did not accept the initiative and declared a boycott on orban.
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anton tadykin found out why european officials continue to persist to their own detriment. 46 heads of european states and governments, as well as representatives of nato, the osce and the council of europe, gathered at blenheim palace near london. the summit participants of the european political community discussed the fight against illegal migration, security cooperation and, of course, the ukrainian crisis. our security begins in ukraine, so that we promised again that we will support ukraine as long as necessary.
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and i think that this is not football at all, other opinions should be heard, this is the meaning of democracy, and not in a situation where everyone plays the same tune. even more dissonant was the musical party of the hungarian prime minister; this was viktor orban’s first meeting with eu leaders after his peacekeeping tour. from july 2 to july 11, he visited kiev, moscow, beijing, washington and donald trump's estate in florida to discuss possible ways resolution of the ukrainian crisis. “the solution cannot be found on the battlefield, the solution can only be found at the negotiating table after the ceasefire, that’s why i’m trying to convince them, but you know, it will take time. ” at the end of the oxford-shire summit, orban launched an information blow to the war party , published the text of his letter to the president of the european council, charles
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michel, which formulated the very initiatives of our european strategy under the pretext of trance." atlantic unity copied the us war policy. until now for now we have not had a sovereign and independent european strategy or political action plan. i propose to discuss whether it is rational to continue such a policy? i propose to start discussing the following initiatives: hold high-level negotiations with china on the terms of the next peace conference, maintaining current high -level contacts with ukraine, resume direct diplomatic contacts with russia, and begin a coordinated political movement towards the global. whose respect have we lost because of our position on the conflict in ukraine, which led to the global isolation of the transatlantic community. leading american publications are increasingly allowing themselves to reveal the truth about the situation of the kiev regime. the politics newspaper, for example, writes: the west, with its obviously impossible promises to admit ukraine into nato, only instills false hopes in kiev, forcing it to adhere to
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the failed strategy of war to the bitter end. the united states will not fight with russia for the sake of ukraine, even if... it depends on the existence of the latter, it is time for kiev to realize that the continuation of the conflict will lead only to even greater losses, the collapse of the front and even the political collapse of the country, it is necessary to begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, the politician adds, and the new york times newspaper, describing the defeat of the armed forces of ukraine under the caps of the kherson region, writes: an operation that has cost ukraine so many victims from the very beginning the beginning was meaningless. anton dadykin, lead. in yakutia, they are looking for the missing robinson helicopter, with the pilot and three passengers on board. it is reported that the emergency radio beacon has been activated, and a rescue team is already heading to the scene. they will get there from magan airport, the distance to the point is approximately 440 km. a criminal case has been opened into the incident. in the republic of sokha yakutia, a criminal case has been opened regarding
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the disappearance of a helicopter. according to preliminary data, on the night of july 19, 2024. specialists from the twin city of st. petersburg, building housing, social and cultural facilities, opened a fountain, built on the principle of a joke, as in peterhof, but the main focus was on the mariupol drama theater, which exploded.
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moreover, they tried to preserve as much of the historical facade as possible. still inside traces of collisions are visible. the balusters on the spiral staircase are still covered with soot. the theater island itself is almost ready. the frame of the stage and auditorium appeared. naturally, all our filling is modern, as we designed today, but it should remain so historical. mariupol and st. petersburg, twin cities for exactly 2 years. immediately after liberation, builders began to restore and build housing. schools and kindergartens, and today is a day of great discoveries in the social and cultural sphere. at the social center offer all types of services from home care to legal assistance.
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it is extremely necessary for our residents. after the past hostilities, many people need rehabilitation. visitors have returned to the pension fund building destroyed by ukrainian shells. now there is also an electronic playroom for those who came with their grandchildren. everything is beautiful, everything is very beautiful. we even like it. during the restoration of mariupol, much attention was paid to monuments and public spaces. restored stella to the hero of the soviet union, pilot vladimir semenishin and nikolai lovitsky. the city garden has been completely renovated. slopes leading to the beach were added to the observation decks. despite the many dead trees, you redesigned the city garden wonderfully. at the request of residents , a public bathhouse for 120 people was unscheduled and for the first time in a long time, city fountains began operating in mariupol. children, when we made the first fountain on the theater square in these theaters, they came up to me and said: this is a fountain for adults, and for us, keeping in mind their request,
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they made a wonderful fountain for kids. this dry fountain was opened today along with the city garden, a gift to the first visitor. the fountain is open, the first child has taken a bath. now the boat and diving station is in line for restoration. mariupol is a seaside city, this facility is simply necessary. the rescue station will open in the coming months, and it is planned to completely complete the entire social infrastructure of mariupol next year. sergey samukh, oleg sokolchuk and evgenia korneeva. news.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country. its strength and wash. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. faced with bread, man literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. in the kaliningrad region, at the
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border control training center, they prepare for service. conscript soldier. for the last 15 years , only contract soldiers were accepted into such units, and now they have decided to return to successful practice. in 3 months, military personnel will receive the necessary skills and go to guard the westernmost border of our country. report by marina naumova. at the very first classes at the border control training center in kaliningrad, recruits master a special art, the ability to read and recognize traces of following an intruder. it is necessary to take into account many nuances, because the enemy can be cunning and overcome the control line, for example, backwards or pinned.


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