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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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how the abnormal heat affected the operation of the crimean energy system and how the peninsula lives under conditions of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces with american missiles. the head of the republic, sergei aksyonov, spoke about this and more in an interview with our tv channel. good afternoon, sergey vareevich, it’s hot, it’s hot on the peninsula, it’s hot, in principle, our russian south, i would like it to be hot. but not like that, but how do you cope with the heat, like the energy system, but now ukrainian fakes are simply throwing out that crimea is without electricity, crimea is without water, and it’s hot, and the energy system can’t cope, what we have is happening around the world, after all, this is an important heat right now, that is, abnormal, extreme, one might say, there were 47 awards there yesterday, of course, in fact, that is, everyone has all the devices, everything related to ventilation and so on, that is, as if cooling the air as a whole, that is, everything is electrical. turned on, operating
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at almost full capacity, unfortunately, that is, the volume of electricity consumption is almost one and a half times higher than in peacetime, and accordingly increased, unfortunately, that is, as it is accident today, an hour in the morning , 1,980 subscribers were disconnected , there was still no electricity, but nevertheless, that is , a rolling blackout, in this case, right now in the morning, he terrorized his colleagues in order to achieve maximum notification there again according to plan, so that everyone understands which enterprises will be switched off, well, basically, that is, now we are talking about commercial enterprises, that is, so that the housing stock is practically t... and would not be touched, while the defense industry enterprises, of course, are all withdrawn a separate chain, and of course, there will be no outages, we expect that within a few days the situation will stabilize with the temperature regime, from the point of view, that is, of the direct load on the energy system, well, what we have, that is, in any case, we are in a struggle, the services are all up, without exception, we are polishing the work, not everything is perfect, of course, as always, that is, in such mass situations, when it happens in any case, when a large number of people are somehow disconnected either from resources, or well, in general...
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there are a lot of evenings , there is a lot of sea, a lot of beaches, and this is physically visible in this case, while, of course, the tourist flow there will still be less than in peacetime, there in any case, well, this is understandable, the weather is favorable, it is clear, the information policy of our opponents partially influences one way or another, logistics also, unfortunately, that is , there seem to be some nuances: during missile warning signals , traffic jams sometimes form on the bridge, unfortunately, that is, as if in our direction, at the moment there are no traffic jams this morning, there are now 140 cars there standing in line for 20 minutes.
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understand that they are traveling from the northwestern zone when they use the land corridor and we are subject to inspection, of course, but entry into crimea is still one way or another, that is, certain security measures are provided, but i mean certain filtration measures are carried out, well, that’s what a forced measure is necessary today, and of course it should not affect the waiting time in line, that is, as if those who travel, so to speak, on their personal affairs, work, and so on, that is, they still experience there should be no difficulties at the border, at the administrative, let’s say so border, the white house admitted. that american missiles are flying across crimea, how should we react to this? do they reach? periodically fly, attack, fly, follow a ballistic trajectory, despite the fact that today in crimea there is a fairly modern air defense system, in general, that is , using budgetary, extra-budgetary funds, but in general, high efficiency is achieved today, while do, war, american weapons too modern, they fly periodically, so such cases exist. we see, well, unfortunately,
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the tragedy that occurred in sevastopol on the beach in uchkuevka, that is , of course, such things are unacceptable, i cannot comment on behalf of the federal authorities, that is, the measures taken in terms of impact. he is very close to the northern military district, yes, you have already established contact with the new leadership of the ministry of defense, you were able to communicate, well, there is contact, of course, i have working contact with andrei removich here at the group level contact with all units, today we understand each other,
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we act, we carry out common tasks on the territory of the peninsula, again i can’t reveal the situation there to everyone, it receives a fairly large number of people, including civilians, including representatives of the militia and so on, we have built up a system of interaction between ... fighting each other, counteracting sabotage groups and so on, that is, as if we were well prepared for this, sabotage groups still come across, well they don’t come across, it’s just that in this case the intentions of this enemy are always there and he is testing our defenses there, too, so we already understand, we know, that is, where are the places where such points are created, again, such additional fortified ones and so on, people yes they see this because most of the fortifications are in full view of the enemy and us, one way or another, but in any case, that is, we understand all areas of responsibility. distributed among everyone and between civilians, and between the military, and between law enforcement bloc, in general, that is, who is responsible for which section of the line of defense, in what situation, what number of people, forces and resources is attracted to solve specific problems? you interact with commanders, of course, with everyone without exception, every single day, that is, in fact today this is my main
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activity, this is ensuring security, that is, the process begins at night, or rather it does not end, it goes on continuously, around the clock there with at different intervals, i know that you can directly contact and get help. immediately the key to a quick response is a short shoulder of information delivery, that is, as if immediately, that is, i literally receive everything over the phone without any expectations, just something happens, that is, it’s as if my phone rings right away and i i’m already getting involved in the process, this is using non-budgetary funds, and these are basically, well, many things, unfortunately, are not regulated from the point of view of the state, i mean those moments that happen there at the expense of personal funds to help people and so on, but what difference does it make today it’s a common cause, i think i’ll have to wear more of my own. parts of the changes, that is, in legislation and so on, including this to response measures, again, i don’t want to comment on everything that concerns, that is, today’s svo processes, in the public field one way or another, there are action plans, we are coordinating them, not everything happens as quickly and as you want in this case and as it maybe should be, nevertheless, that is, as it were
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the goals are there, they are designated, the leader has set them, we are acting on the tasks that our president has outlined, the set, i say again, we are working fully with all the heads of law enforcement without exception. in general, the entire general staff of crimea in all departments and authorities without exception, that is, everyone who wears a uniform today wears a military, service uniform, that is, in this case, everyone is in the ranks, working around the clock, and in general the region itself, what level is it now? terrorist danger, the yellow level corresponds there in this case, that’s why we have an average level, such a complex rather operational situation, construction has stopped, production has stopped or something has been frozen or not, am i really... we won’t survive also, of course, there are some questions regarding logistics moments in terms of delivery of building materials, cargo to the territory of the peninsula and complexity, but nevertheless, that is, we seem to live as standard, we move, we understand that the front-line region still has all these nuances, taking into account all possible, so to say, the threats that come from
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the enemy today, crimea is still moving forward one way or another, i never idealize the situation, i never polish it to a shine, we need to work, all processes, all failures of the process require manual control. there is no significant intervention in addition to social facilities, here is a mountain zone, it will be built here or it has already been decided to move it somewhere else, it will not be, it will be built in the republic of crimea, but the process is already underway, the paperwork is underway, i know that the investor has made all the relevant decisions, so everything is in movement, it turns out that they moved the district seaport, kotsiveli, these objects remained, this is a private owner, he bought these objects, that is, before this, at public auctions, so i can’t say yet, but it will be, taking into account that this is a major market player, there most likely there will be a large one... one, several there on the territory, and i don’t know yet, my colleagues there promise to give some pre-design decisions by september, that is, crimea still lives and is preparing for a peaceful life, of course, we we know for sure that after achieving the goals of the central military district, fulfilling the tasks set by our president, we will return to normal, to the usual standard, in
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every interview you are asked to comment on the words of official kiev, let’s say budanov or zelensky at this time. what they say is that we must do our job, achieve our goals, accordingly. that is, that’s all, and they will have no choice but to act there according to that scenario, not a scenario, but according to a fair position that was proposed by our respective leaders, at the same time, as always, it is necessary to separate the ukrainian people and the regime that is making the decision today, therefore the goal today of a special military operation, my position, i did not hide it, i have always said that the goal should be regime change, not war with the ukrainian people, we are not there, unfortunately, today everything has come to the point where we are figuring it all out on the battlefield, but in general, all of this is to blame, and specifically, that is, as if accepted...
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it is, in fact, so, but they know how to present all this, so to speak, at face value coin, i’m happy to make a victory - it’s easy,
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of course, so we just always have to know in advance, when making any decision in advance , we have to know that they are going to deceive us, one way or another, that they are 100%, that their signature is not worth anything what kind of paper, that is, neither the americans nor the british are worth anything, no matter what they signed with us, life has proven more than once that all this is worth nothing, absolutely, in exactly one minute they tear up these papers and flush everything down the toilet agreements that were made.
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while paying attention to all of them publics, look, if you look carefully, 80% of their publics are at the everyday level, everyone speaks russian, pay attention for russian speakers, they are still even at the everyday level, everything that is filmed at the everyday level, they yes , they convey the opinion of residents, there are meetings, there is a shopping center, here is what is published today in open sources, you look, that is , most, i mean, of what ordinary citizens say, it’s just that in interviews the statements are all in russian language, please pay attention, that is, they will not cover anything in this case. this position and they will never change the spirit in this part, if they had understood this earlier, maybe there was neither the fourteenth year nor the twenty-
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second, accordingly, let's return to crimea, what is the situation with water, fires now, well, that’s how i see it , they go away slowly over the week and are localized, but nevertheless , compared to the same period last year , there are six times more fires in terms of temperature, that is, there are still three fires in the area, that is but like tybil there is practically decay left there, today there are two helicopters putting out the fire in the morning, 500 people are working there , forces have been raised and... in the perevalnoye area there are two outbreaks, they are relatively small, well, there is a burning, is it natural or is there sabotage there? negligence of construction from a grinder, the fire happened, unfortunately, that is... as if the work was being carried out, that is, there on the territory, respectively, and well, just like that out of the blue in the wind and in such a drought, accordingly all this flares up like gunpowder one way or another, therefore, so far there is no information about intentional arson, nevertheless, that is, law enforcement officers are working, but in connection with the fire in kaktybeli, a criminal case has been opened, that is, due to carelessness, and carelessness, and with water, with water, thank
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god , thanks to the measures that were taken earlier on the instructions of the president and, accordingly, underground sources. in full, although despite the fact that the vast majority of us have already been converted to underground sources, simferopol today is practically it doesn’t take water from the reservoir, this can be seen from the state of the reservoir, we get almost 120,000 km from underwater sources from what was done one way or another, and at the same time, we have plans to build two more reservoirs, just like in bashkasaray district, respectively, in the lushchino region, that is, as if in volusha for 8 million and somewhere for... the justification we are preparing everything, in september we will reach the finish line there somewhere, in the twenty-fifth year we will make projects, most likely we will begin construction, now sources we determine funding, there is an understanding of what to do, this will already be a guaranteed situation to the point that we have, in principle , no threats there at all, now
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the reservoirs are all full compared to last year, i say again, there are no threats, now even with in the complete absence of precipitation and any... accordingly, actions for 2 years of water in reservoirs at full consumption, at maximum, enough. i would like to talk about roads, but there are a lot of complaints that the road from dzhankoy to simferopol, respectively back, is broken, well, we understand the reason, because this is a land corridor, there is also already a solution, we are already building a road within the city limits this year with street lighting, the road there will meet modern standards, i mean the border of the city of dzhankoy, in general, we are transferring the simferopol dzhankoy highway into federal ownership. we agreed with rosavtodor that they will start designing there this year, so most likely, well, we understand that this is one of the main roads, well, while the eslo is underway, this is still a tool, accordingly, this is a road to achieve goals there, a land corridor and so on, a lot of heavy equipment is on the way, so now even to carry out repairs in such weather and in such heat , everything will be pushed through, that is, in this case , a new one, so we are working on it, the design
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documentation is being prepared, it’s just inside the city that we are already carrying out a complete overhaul in the city limits, the road will be brought into line... the entire transport zone, the transport group will look completely different, we will finish it by september 1, there are some new electrical substations, will be built or enough, large ones are enough, there are no problems here, here are small ones, that is, where there are locked capacities, where the capacity of the transformer substations is limited, where the capacity of the transformer substations is limited, respectively, that is, as it were, reconstructions and similar transformer substations are going on, plus the construction of new ones, if a new investment facility is being built, then of course the energy networks, water supply, sewerage, gas supply and so on are built for it, so here we are moving forward and the program is moving forward. there are moments, but what to do, many things for electricity, unfortunately, some
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have to be done on their own, so now they, with my participation, again until the evening, they have time there now, tomorrow again in the morning they will come again in full again for work they say: they also did not polish all the lines, the process, unfortunately , let’s move forward, what to do, i know, i will force them all colleagues or one or the other, or these colleagues or others will do it, it doesn’t matter for what you can be thrown out of the official’s chair under your leadership for lying and lack of productivity, that’s all, how many 10 years have you been among the leaders in the region, we are probably champions one way or another, but the principle is simple, there is nothing personal here, in fact it’s a simple question, if a person has already started lying, started lying in small things - in 10 years i have practically never met anyone - he stopped, there you give him time, everyone there says to swear again, give him another month there, give him 2 months, the realization never happened at all - in this case, if he had already followed the path of lies, that is, he lied, got caught, then he said give it more time, if it’s on a pencil, not even once, but practically, that is, it wasn’t, even i say this again , there is absolutely nothing personal, every time we
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meet with colleagues, look, we agreed, these are the target indicators, this is what we agreed on, this is what we came to, look, many things, i will say so, in this area, assess the situation and present your, so to speak, proposals for bringing it up to, well, standards, regulations and so on, that is, so that people do not have any complaints about the quality of service. if your candidacy wins the elections - the head of the region again, and you supported by vladimir vladimirovich, i know, you are putting together a new team, there will be a team and
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there will be a new part in any case, of course there will be replacements and rotations, and we regularly have one another, that is, it doesn’t seem to interfere there, i mean that i’m not expecting some kind of election process there in order to make some kind of management decision, in principle, i generally have an understanding of who is performing tasks with what efficiency, there is only one criterion, once again efficiency, so we’ve agreed. and other things, that is, as if they should connect the elements of our life such that will provide people with prosperity, one way or another, will be able to provide them with prospects for development, an understanding of what to do? salaries,
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income, income of family members, the first job of young people, children, grandchildren, respectively, an apartment for children and grandchildren and so on, many things that go along the chain, the opportunity to go on vacation and so on, this is the level of income of citizens in general, then there is, as it were , material well-being - this is one of the main tasks that the president sets for the country as a whole, that is, as if for us it can’t be any other way, some people like it. patience, sometimes these things, i mean, related to the angry waiting there or the fact that something needs to be endured, of course, are related to the ineffective work of the authorities somewhere , we understand everything, that is, no one here
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is idealizing the situation, it’s not just the enemy who creates problems for us, i often tell my colleagues that everyone who interferes with us works together with us, so we have no other way, that is, we just need to respond correctly in an appropriate way to achieving specific targets, focusing on results, not on emotions, not on talking, not on that... there are reasons for who is to blame, it’s just that there is a result, but in one way you can achieve it with one person, but not with another, they say that by the weekend the heat will subside, i don’t know, i don’t know, i’m not like that - i don’t make a weather forecast, so it’s hard to say, i would like the temperature to return to normal, well , you’ve already tried the sea, no, not yet it worked out, not yet, i hope it’s like a dream since there is this year, maybe it will work out once, warm water for you, as they say, i hope that it will really be as soon as work allows... what will happen, thank you
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very much for taking the time, thank you for telling our viewers about the situation, thank you very much, we will win, crimea, we will win without any options, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription with berprime. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. travel with alphabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alpha
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planes do not fly and trains do not run, and the payment system, reservations, cellular communications and much more do not work. microsoft products affected. a major failure for updating the antivirus system. what are the consequences? the first footage from the liberated village of urozhaynaya. our film crew visited the village. the ministry of defense announced the clearing of a strategically important point last sunday. the assault was prepared for almost a month. a terrorist attack in yasentuki was prevented. as a result of an fsb operation, a man was detained who planned an explosion at the bus station. during the search
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, terrorist materials were found on the detainee. character. moscow floods. how long will the bad weather last and what is the traffic situation? after the abnormal heat , moscow was hit by rain, thunderstorms and gusty winds. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the capital region. at least three people have died in forest fires near izmir, turkey. the fire has already reached populated areas. does it threaten the tourist area and how does the international airport work? all over the world a global computer failure continues, computers with a pre-installed windows system fail, as a result , airports in the usa, as well as australia, germany, great britain, spain, and turkey have stopped operating, and problems are also observed in the operation of soda payment system banks.


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