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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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companies that provide transit, the decision was still not made at a technical, at a political level, we do not have any dialogue here, so the situation is indeed quite a crisis for our recipients, but this does not depend on us. now footage from the press service of the russian president. dear colleagues, good afternoon, we... today we will discuss some issues related to ensuring internal security during the period of significant social and political events. speaker bortnikov, alexander vasilievich, i ask you to. vladimir putin holds meetings with permanent members of the russian security council via videoconference. the first footage from the liberated village of urozhainye has appeared. the ministry of defense announced on sunday that the settlement had come under the control of our military.
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the 14 th of july. the assault was prepared for almost a month, and the operation itself turned out to be swift. our correspondent, sergei samokha, spoke with the fighters. these are the first shots from the liberated urozhayny. our fighters are replacing those who took the settlement. but these stormtroopers the 40th marine brigade a few days ago put an end to the long confrontation with the ukrainian armed forces. my street was ordered to take 22 houses. in the end, another plus. he took the lives of others because the houses were broken, there was nowhere to hide, for example, to hide after the capture. the assault on harvest began almost a month ago; a unit of tank and motorized rifle formations and the vostok group from buryatia during this time broke through two lines of defense in iisa, exhausted the enemy and prepared a springboard for the final push. as a result, sea the infantry occupied the southern part of the harvest in just an hour and a half. having lost the first few
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fortified points, the enemy broke down and ran. they see that there seems to be such a harsh pressure going on. well, yes, they run, yes, they throw the machine gun, it’s just that i myself even saw on purpose that he ran out of the house towards the field, threw the machine gun so that it would be easier for him, threw it into the armored vehicle for it to run away , well, his strong-willed spirit is almost zero . a swift strike is the result of long planning and serious preparation for the operation. we prepared very seriously. that's why that the task ahead was very difficult, because well, you know, for almost a year and a half they could not move the fascists from there, control is right, go, go, go, red, move away, the most surprising thing is that people did not take the harvest with the greatest combat experience, many of them signed a contract with the armed forces only at the end of may this year, then there were long hard trainings. it was thanks to intensive training that we managed to reap the harvest.
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he lives, you weren’t offended here until ours came, don’t ask, he’ll be like a wolf in i’ll hide in the basement, when they’re hammering, then here outside the window, you’re sitting like this and thinking whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs who are still lying, god help me, oh, thank you, it’s just us came here forever. now the economic news is short:
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russia for the first time occupied more than a quarter of the world wheat market. during the year, our country sent a record 55 million tons abroad. they write about this with reference to data from the international grain council. the second place in terms of supply volumes was taken by the european union - 35 million tons canada closes the top three - 25 million. as previously stated by the head of the ministry of agriculture oksana lut, russian grain exports by 2000 will reach 81 million tons. supplies of russian metals to the eu rose to a two-year high. in may, europe purchased iron and steel for 373 million euros. this is a third more than april volumes, they write with reference to european statistics. the main buyers were italy and the netherlands. they accounted for half the volume. as a result , russia became the largest supplier of iron and steel to countries at the end of the month european union. in may, russia reduced investments in
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american government bonds to $45 million, according to the us treasury department. most of this amount, 42 million, was in long-term securities, the rest was short-term. now japan remains the largest holder of american government debt, china is in second place, which is also gradually selling off bonds , and great britain is in third place. as president vladimir putin previously stated, the united states owes the global economy $54 trillion and $300 billion. and the net profit of russian banks in the first half of the year it exceeded the mark of 3on 820 billion rubles. this is 8% more than last year’s values, according to the central bank’s review. based on the results of the whole year. the amount may exceed 3.5 trillion, the regulator notes. in addition, the number of profitable banks in the country continues to grow; in june there were 248 of them, or 78% of the total number of financial institutions. it was economic news, briefly. members of the liberal democratic party have collected
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another batch of humanitarian aid for the soldiers participating in the special operation. this time, equipment, equipment necessary for combat work, and funds are first necessary. soldiers will also receive letters from home, shoulder to shoulder, every week we participate in helping those who are now seeking victory for our country in a special military operation, i have behind me modern equipment, the kind that is in demand precisely at the request of our soldiers, these include motorcycles , this and other equipment, we send letters to children. wives so that the guys are in a good mood, and we wish them victory and return home as soon as possible as winners. now about the weather, more than 30% of the monthly precipitation fell overnight in certain areas of moscow. this was reported at the capital's mayor's office.
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let's talk with tatyana belova about when the rains will stop in the capital region. tatyana, hello, when will the rain clouds start leaving megapolis? the coming hours, the intensity of the residues in moscow. areas will continue to decline. cars in one of the residential complexes in the odintsovo urban district of the moscow region went under water up to the hood right in the parking lot. in the morning, drivers tried to save their cars, but they stalled before reaching the exit. even garbage trucks had difficulty making their way through the yards. serious water hazards were observed on major highways in the capital region. the drownings occurred on the mkada, in the krasnogorsk region, as well as on the novorizhskoye highway, at the entrance to moscow on the vashutinskoye highway in zelenograd. because it is in odentsovsky. the consequences of the showers turned out to be the most deplorable, there is a logical explanation. judging by the weather station data, it was there that precipitation reached its maximum intensity. almost 70 mm of water poured out there. in other districts of moscow and the region, the figures turned out to be significantly more modest. more food today obnensk was drowning. by morning
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, 59 mm of rain fell on the city in the kaluga region. on some streets, not only cars, but also buses and minibuses stalled due to the hydraulic dam. some of them who were lucky enough to overcome. it's not going away, it's heading to the east of the central region. now rain clouds are covering yaroslavl, but on the way deeper into russia, the frontal clouds are losing moisture reserves, so the showers will be weaker than in the west of the russian plain. the upper volga will be watered until the middle of the next day, during which time 14 mm will fall in the city
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precipitation, slightly less than 20% of the monthly norm. over-moscow clouds will remain until late evening, but i repeat, precipitation in the megalopolis will gradually begin to subside throughout the week. however,... the thermometer rises too high. in moscow , the prevailing daytime temperature is +24-26, which is approximately how it should be at this time of year according to the climate. what are the predictions?
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on july 20, colombians celebrate a national holiday. independence day. on this day in 1810, colombia gained independence from spain. but today it is difficult to name the country a sovereign state in the full sense of the word. of all the countries in latin america, colombia is the only strategic partner of nato and the most politically dependent country on the united states of america. there is also a huge impact on life in colombia.
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but in fact it does not produce any results, evidence of this is in afghanistan and colombia, in general, their continuing significance.
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countries within the united states of america itself. modern international law places equal responsibility on producers and consumers. the usa is first and foremost largest consumer. international drug cartels that operate in the united states are powerful profit producers. the numbers are staggering: international drug cartels earn $500 billion annually. 500 billion
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dollars a year, this is approximately 10%, and in all world trade everything...
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support and transit routes for drugs. in 2022 , colombia set new records for coca cultivation and cocaine production. this was noted in the report of the un office on drugs and crime. square coca cultivation in 2022 was 13% more than in 2021 and amounted to. 230,000 hectares. cocaine production increased from 1,400 tons to 1,738 tons. the drug mafia has gone so far as to assign personal marks. that is, they are responsible for the purity of the product. the fact is that i had the opportunity to lead the russian
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delegation twice at a meeting of the inter-american committee. this is about the fight against drugs, they showed us, one of the sessions took place in colombia, the second in bolivia, we were shown the equipment of these clandestine laboratories, this is quite primitive equipment, barrels, coils, there or others, and the final product is briquettes, kilograms of cocaine, with the extra mark of the baron who produces this or that type of cocaine. not only are they not hiding, but they are also advertising their products. the drug trafficking factor is extremely important as a reason for the us military presence in colombia. americans have many reasons to control this latin american country. colombia has access to two oceans: the border with venezuela and access to the amazon and the andes. do not forget that
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colombia ranks third in latin america's oil reserves. first place in terms of coal reserves, it has rich deposits of iron-nickel and copper ores, gold and platinum. colombia accounts for a significant portion of the world's emerald production. in addition, this country has ideal conditions not only for growing coca bushes, but also coffee, sugar, tropical fruits and other crops. all this could make the country prosperous, but they didn’t sign zelensky’s plan for peace, they looked and didn’t even sign, so their
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loyalty is a little in doubt, but there is even the expression in english is translated, but they are bastards, but they are our bastards, and this attitude towards the world is very very relevant and they really don’t like it in the usa. how venezuela behaves, like in some kind of half-red revolution, they want more independence than other countries in our, in our hemisphere, and they don’t like it all, and colombia can always be used against venezuela, because they are neighbors, there is a little bit of cultural dislike for each other, and there are unclear
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tasks between them... to destabilize the situation in colombia, the drug business simultaneously serves as a pretext for the us military presence and is a source of enormous profit for the ruling pro-american circles of colombia and interested parties in america itself. this is one of the reasons why drug consumption in the united states is steadily growing, and moreover, there is a process of legalization, decriminalization of personal drug use, that is, it is such an evil as a many-headed hydra, when you cut off one head, three grow in its place, and completely different ones, in new places, unpredictable often, the most correct position is a complete ban, and as russia insists a...
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but uses more than 25% of drugs, it seems that this is a very large share for such a small percentage of the population, so this is a strong factor, this is an illegal drug, but a legal one drugs, that is , when a person deceives the healthcare system in order to get all sorts of wonderful pills in a legal way, this is also everywhere, with the legalization of marijuana. this is also a nuance, because it doesn’t count like a drug in many places, so now in the usa we are a very dosed people,
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unfortunately. the united states now has a lot of its own problems, and they also relate to drugs. for example, pharmaceutical companies in the united states of america are creating an entire industry around apiates and painkillers that contain these drugs, essentially supporting their own. commercial interests, that is, in an effort to capture a larger market share and make greater profits, pharmaceutical companies are hooking people on painkillers, and this has become a real internal problem for united states of america, it is important that the rednecks from the outback like i used drugs. so that we don’t become against the authorities, because as you understand, there are very strong drug defenses of the drug trade in
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colombia, but in mexico it is even 10 times stronger, these are mexican, mexican, come on, the mafia, they work hard, they kill somewhere 50,000 people a year, you imagine, these are all our losses in the vietnam war, american losses. what else is the government doing about this? nothing, the border is still half open, we we buy ourselves new presidents in mexico, we could do anything, it still continues. another very important problem for the united states related to drugs is, of course , the border with mexico, and despite all efforts, in fact, drug trafficking is thriving there, but the main benefit is the purchasers, they are always in developed countries...
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the taliban will be able to solve this issue, the us government no, so i'm sure it's just because they don't want to. don’t forget, dear friends, that a drug addict is not a rebel, these are the people who sit at home drinking in front of the computer, they use different, how to say, pills and so on, they will not stand against anyone, they will just write nasty things on the internet,
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they are passive. and so they remain, one of the ways to control people is through drugs, so if you want it to be, how to say, so that the authorities in any country are a little afraid of their people, so that they behave well, a complete ban on drugs completely, and zero patience for this . it must be emphasized that our fatherland is waging a consistent fight against the international drug business, successfully cooperates with all countries who show interest in interacting with us in this critical area, and we expect western countries to put the interests of protecting the health of all humanity at the forefront.
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will be able to bring these goals to the forefront and push into the background the interests of politicians, the interests of economic circles, which, unfortunately, for us, do not always help reduce international tension in the world and create... conditions for cooperation of all states in the fight against the drug scourge.
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they go on trains, but the systems don’t work yet payments, reservations, cellular communications and much more. microsoft products were affected by a global outage due to an antivirus system update. what are the consequences? our film crew visited the first shots from the liberated village of urozhainye. the ministry of defense announced last sunday that the strategically important point had been cleared; the assault had been prepared for almost a month. a terrorist attack in
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yesentuki was prevented. as a result of an fsb operation , a man was detained who was planning an explosion at a bus station. during a search , terrorist materials were found on the detainee. character. moscow floods. how long will the bad weather last and what is the traffic situation? after the abnormal heat, moscow was hit by rain, thunderstorms and gusty winds. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the capital region. at least three people have died in forest fires near turkey. from the world, the fire has already reached populated areas, does it threaten the tourist area and how does the international airport work? due to a global disruption, more than a thousand flights have already been canceled around the world, the company sirium, which specializes in aviation analytics, says this figure will increase significantly within...


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