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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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a terrorist attack in yesentuki was prevented; as a result of an fsb operation, a man was detained who was planning an explosion at the bus station. during the search , materials of a terrorist nature were found on the detainee. moscow floods. how long will the bad weather last and what is the traffic situation? after the abnormal heat , moscow was hit by rain, thunderstorms and gusty winds. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the capital region. does it threaten the tourist area and how does the international airport work? due to a global outage, more than a thousand have already been canceled around the world. flights, the company sirium, which specializes in aviation analytics, states that this figure has increased significantly during the day, and the consequences of today's
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failure will most likely last until the weekend. there has been a global technical failure all over the world, computers with a pre-installed windows system are failing. this had an impact on the work of airports in the usa, as well as australia, germany, spain, great britain, and malaysia. there are also problems in the work of payment system banks and cellular communications. they don't even work in alaska emergency phone numbers. hospitals in the netherlands are canceling operations. in the united arab emirates, some of meade's electronic systems failed. difficulties with sea transportation. problems have been reported, for example, by the british port of duvor, as well as europe's largest port of rotterdam in the netherlands. it is reported that the crash was caused by a recent update to the crowd strike antivirus. the verge publication writes that when loading windows operating system devices , a critical error occurs, known as the screen of death. microsoft reports that they are working to fix the problem... and some of
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the services have already been restored, there is also a statement from microsoft that the root cause of the failure may be related to the azur cloud computing platform. in the uk, due to a global disruption, patients are unable to make an appointment with a doctor. there are also problems in banks, airports and even catering establishments. local media reported this. our own correspondent in the united kingdom, alexander khabarov, assessed the situation. global computer failures. affected a lot in britain many as television broadcasters to medical institutions, the skynews channel suffered, its broadcasting was interrupted for some time, although it was later restored, but the main thing, of course, is that patients could not make an appointment with doctors, this continues to this day, because that almost 2/3 of british medical institutions were affected by this disruption of computer systems, and many patients are offered to make an appointment as early as... next week, if there is nothing
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urgent, and just show up, that called appearance order. this morning, due to a failure and the inability to update information on the state of the market, the london stock exchange began working later, the national association of pharmacists also reported that difficulties had arisen with confirming prescriptions, and of course , railway traffic was disrupted in a number of directions, the biggest problems arose in a number of british airports, where huge numbers of... people from passengers accumulated because they could not simply physically check in for the flight on time and go through control security, even football clubs suffered because there were problems with the sale of tickets, so this is a global failure, it affected the uk very seriously, the british government is now closely monitoring this situation, and it is true that they report that they do not believe that this failure was the result of some... malicious actions. alexander
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khabarov, news: london. in addition, the british television channel skynews was disconnected from the network and stopped broadcasting live. the presenter at the australian skynews studio was forced explain to viewers why he can't give them the news. he pointed to the screen behind him, which was temporarily out of order and stated that most of the equipment in the studio had also turned off. now comes the message that microsoft has said that the root cause of the global technological failure has already been eliminated, but some systems of the microsoft 365 cloud platform may still encounter problems, but overall microsoft called what is happening the largest technical failure in history. according to technology experts, it may take quite a long time to eliminate all the consequences , requiring you to reboot each device separately. and now to the broadcast. the massive failure
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of the it giant proves that any system, even the largest and most vaunted, can fall. problems with loading the windows operating system today affected tens of thousands of users; they saw the so-called screen of death, a blue field on which it is written that an error has occurred and the system is rebooting. perhaps most acutely, the problem was felt by air carriers, one of the first to report the impossibility of registering passengers, reported the american united and delta. then alarming messages. began to arrive from the largest hubs in europe, madrid, berlin and amsterdam. soon problems began among colleagues in asia. in australia, outages occurred not only among airlines, but also among telecom operators and banks. and local authorities even convened an anti-crisis meeting. british skynews was unable to broadcast the broadcast. in a word,
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the so-called civilized world found itself in edges of parlich. this is the third failure, it’s just very large-scale. one was a year ago, one was for a short time in... in australia, now it has spread all over the world, from the very first minutes it was clear that this was not a hacker attack, this was the result of updating windows components, now they have already figured it out, this is a component which is called, the huge microsoft was let down by one of its developers, the crowdstrike company has released an update to the proprietary falcon sensor security software for the windows operating system, it is designed to block the attack on the system, but an error crept into po, due to which the entire system did not start, so tens of thousands of computers showed death screens to users, and although the problems had already been identified and fixed, crowd shares had already lost 16% of points on the stock exchange, microsoft about two. a faulty driver, well, as expected, but because of this failure, it
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blocks the operation of certain systems there, so the problem here is most likely not in some kind of windows kernel itself, but in third-party software programs that. works normally, no problems the operation of systems using microsoft software has not been recorded. vnukovo airport does not use any cloud platforms, including microsoft azur. in addition, the airport has taken a number of measures to ensure the stable operation of all necessary services, despite
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the sanctions imposed on russian companies. in the context of an international it failure, sheremetyevo airport is operating as normal , and the airport’s production it system is functioning stably. one of the key factors for the sustainability of information systems airport is the introduction of its own developments and import-substituting solutions. departure and arrival flights of russian foreign airlines operate as scheduled. and most cis countries were not affected by the global disruption either. flight delays to european airports are observed today only in countries in the political landscape that have recently had many common features - these are armenia and moldova. the kremlin’s resources were also not affected by the global failure, everything is working normally, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. rosenergoatom uses imported independent software, so no disruptions in the operation of russian nuclear power plants occurred. in russia, sanctions helped. we are
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doubly saved. first, we are under sanctions from microsoft, so most of the computers work on other systems, they were not affected. second, we are disconnected from microsoft cloud services. didn’t touch almost anyone, so let’s keep calm, stock up on popcorn, whoever wants to can go save the world, because we have a backup working system, well, get busy we need to promote russian security, it works. microsoft quickly found a solution to the technical problem and published short instructions: affected users need to restart the computer in safe mode and delete one file. but the consequences of the emergency are a longer-lasting story that will give rise to dozens of memes on the internet. the general panic was an excellent illustration of this well-known dialogue on social networks, when a linux account once wrote that installing this operating system was the second best decision in life, sms people microsoft was asked, what was the best solution, competitors answered,
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remove windows? a very relevant joke today, thanks elizaveta, it was elizaveta khrantsova, but russia was not affected by this global disruption, so. russian citizens, so to speak, have been hit hard, now a message is coming from thailand, the check-in system for flights has collapsed at thai airports, this applies to air asia aircraft. vladimir putin held a meeting today with permanent members of the security council, the meeting was held via videoconference and discussed security during major events. dear colleagues, good afternoon, today we will discuss some issues related to ensuring internal security during the period of significant socio-political events. speaker burtnikov, alexander vasilievich. no one in the world will be able to prevent russia and syria from defending their interests and sovereignty,
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foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, as the minister noted, moscow is grateful to damascus for its support in ukraine. i am convinced that no one will be able to prevent us syrian friends from defending the vital interests, sovereignty and political independence of our countries. syria is our reliable, time-tested ally and important partner in the international arena. thanks to our joint efforts, we managed to extinguish the hotbed of international terrorism on syrian soil. the country maintains a stable cessation of hostilities, and peaceful life is gradually, although not without difficulty, being established. what really reflects the bilateral relations between the russian federation and the syrian arab republic is this. constant movement forward, constant progress without deterioration at any stage.
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the names of our countries, russia and syria , are made up of the same letters in arabic , this reflects the interconnectedness of our faith. russia has designated syria as a center for promoting russian culture. now about the weather in the parks and squares of the regions of central russia today the event was canceled due to bad weather. previously at city hall moscow reported that in some areas of the capital more than... a month's worth of precipitation fell, while in the south of russia temperature records are again being updated. let's talk about everything in more detail with tatyana belova. tatyana, greetings, but with their abnormal heat, will the rains reach the south? the first showers there may be tomorrow, but so far at the epicenter of the nastya ruskarovnina. the geography of bad weather is gradually expanding; the territory of the warehouses of one of the marketplaces in the city of aleksen, tolsk region, is gradually going under water. the roof of the market could not withstand the rain novomoskovsk. the approaches to the shops are flooded, trade is practically curtailed. a car in one of the residential complexes of the odentsovo urban
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district of the moscow region went under water up to the hood this morning. drivers tried to save the cars, but they stalled before reaching the exit. even garbage trucks had difficulty getting through the yards. serious water obstacles were encountered on the main highways of the capital region. drownings occurred on the mkada in the krasnogorsk region, as well as on the novorizhskoye highway, at the entrance to moscow on the vashutinskoye highway in zelenograd. even more epic obnya drowned today. by the morning , 59 mm of rain poured onto the city in the kaluga region; on some streets, not only cars, but also buses and minibuses stalled due to water hammer; some of them, who were lucky enough to overcome giant puddles, lost their bumpers and license plates, however, most drivers preferred go around the flooded areas, and not force it, what are we going to risk, what is the risk, well, if it floods there is no need to take a detour, according to weather radars, frontal cloud fields continue to shift to the northeast european part of russia, by 11 o'clock
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the main masses of clouds had left the capital, now the rainfall in the megalopolis is gradually stopping, but the bad weather zone is not going anywhere, it is heading to the east of the central region, the cyclone has refreshed the atmosphere in the middle zone, meanwhile in the south temperatures continue to break records , already at noon the meteorological statistics were rewritten in kerch and anapa, for example, in krasnodar the previous maximum of 1968 was repeated. now in the city it’s above +37, however, this is the air temperature, tiles and others surfaces under the blazing sun heat up even more. briefly about the weather in krasnodar, the tile heats up to what, well, the tile is 60, the tile is 60°, and the metal profile heats up, well, point it at it, 73°. and it looks like this is not the end of the heat; southern russia will continue on friday. one, however, the epicenter of overheating has shifted to the east, to stavropol and kalmyki,
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but in the western part of the country dense clouds and rain will not allow the thermometer to rise too high. in the northwest today + 20-23, in the center a comfortable 25°. clouds will remain over moscow until late evening, but i repeat, precipitation in the megalopolis will gradually subside throughout the week. however, in central russia, short-term localized rain and thunderstorms are possible at least until the middle of next week. in moscow. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple
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russia issued mortgage loans for 788 billion rubles. before we wind down preferential mortgages in july. this is stated in the latest report of the central bank on the development of the banking sector. dmitry moroka has read the document and is joining us now in the studio. dmitry,
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hello, what is the state of the industry as a whole? hello, the banking sector is stable. in the first half of the year, he earned almost 2 trillion rubles in net profit. issuance of corporate consumer loans continued to grow in june, the demand for mortgages increased sharply due to the winding down of the preferential program, while the banks themselves earned less net profit than in may, according to the central bank’s report on the development of the financial sector. in june, the net profit of the banking industry amounted to 225 billion rubles. this is a decrease of 12%. the reason was one-time factors. at the same time, the number of profitable credit institutions increased to 248. in general, for the first half of the year, the net profit of the sector amounted to 1,800 billion rubles. this is an increase of 8% follows from the statistics of the central bank. the banking industry is quite stable, it is developing, despite all the restrictions and sanctions that are being imposed on a number of foreign countries.
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last month, profit for the month fell slightly, but this is a temporary indicator, caused, among other things, by the nuances of reflecting income, including according to state programs, mortgage state programs... this profit, it will be reflected in july, in the current month, well, all this will be compensated. the issuance of mortgages in june increased by 44% and amounted to 788 billion rubles. in total, already in the first half of the year there were 2.800 billion worth of mortgage loans were issued. the sharp increase in demand at the beginning of summer is explained by the fact that many citizens were in a hurry to purchase housing on favorable terms before the winding down of the preferential program, which ceased to operate on july 1. at the same time, the family mortgage continues to operate; it was decided to extend it until 2030, providing for maintaining the rate at a level of no more than 6%. the construction sector
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has a fairly significant multiplier effect, that is, construction lending helps sales products from many other industries. now , of course, it is a rather painful moment for the mortgage market, when adaptation to new conditions is taking place, and adaptation at that. both on the part of citizens who are rethinking new interest rates, and on the part of developers, and on the part of the banks themselves. consumer lending remains at a high level; according to the central bank, the total volume of the portfolio has already reached 15 trillion rubles. this is due to continued high consumer activity. household spending continued to grow in june amid increase in income. business also continues to actively attract credit funds, despite... the high key rate, to date the issued volume has reached almost 79 trillion rubles. are companies with government orders, manufacturing industry , and developers actively receiving loans? first of all, of course, these are
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companies servicing government orders; of course, this is the manufacturing industry. according to preliminary data, about 300 billion rubles of the increase came from developers, who, well... seemed to be very actively, very actively accelerating within the framework of preferential mortgages. on against the backdrop of high rates, an active influx of household funds into bank deposits continues, the volume of funds in accounts has approached 50 trillion rubles. in june, the increase was almost 1.5 trillion. at the same time , short-term deposits are popular. investors expect even more favorable conditions if the key rate increases. thanks to dmitry, dmitry morocco spoke about the dynamics of the russian banking sector. former
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us president barack obama told democratic allies that joe biden has very little chance of re-election. about it writes the washington post. the american press admits that this weekend biden will officially announce his withdrawal from the election race. at the same time , the republicans are strengthening their positions. donald trump made his first speech at his party's convention since the assassination attempt. our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, will tell you what statements were made and how the public accepted trump. hollywood surroundings are traditionally the specialty of democrats, but the last day of the republican convention is built according to all the canons of show business. on singer kid is replaced on stage by wrestling star hulk hogan. the sect of trump witnesses in the room is already in ecstasy. this is
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another t-shirt with the names trump and vance on it, the established republican duo. today, trump officially signed the convention's appeal asking him to represent the party in the presidential election. a short video with trump's biography precedes the main act of this political performance. in one of the frames he stands with russian president vladimir putin. trump clearly counts this as one of his achievements. the last one already the now iconic photo of trump in pennsylvania with a bloody face. and raised fist. at this moment on the stage, the hero of the evening finally appears. trump begins his speech unexpectedly, slowly, in a quiet voice. many note that after what he experienced almost a week ago, he even changed in appearance, either younger or more thoughtful. the final day of the convention and its culmination, donald trump is on the podium, giving a speech about how he sees america in the next 4 years, and this is unusual
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for trump.
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almost at the very beginning of his speech he states that the world is on the brink of war and that the current administration is only adding fuel to the fire. nobody can believe what is happening. war now rages in europe and the middle east. the growing specter of conflict looms over taiwan, korea, the philippines and across asia. our planet stands on... usa for illegal migrants. with this convention speech , trump broke his own record for the longest speech as a presidential candidate. and perhaps, in general, in the history of election speeches in america. observers are already noting that even biden's longest speech of the campaign.
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