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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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members of the liberal democratic party have collected another batch of humanitarian aid for the soldiers participating in the special operation. this time , equipment , equipment and essential supplies necessary for combat work were sent to the front line . the soldiers will also receive letters from houses. shoulder to shoulder, every week we participate in helping those who are now.
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achieves the victory of our country in a special military operation, i have behind me modern equipment, the one that is in demand precisely at the request of our soldiers, these are motorcycles, this and other equipment, we send letters from children, wives, so that the guys have good mood, and we wish them victory and to return home as soon as possible as winners, in the kaliningrad region, at the border control training center , they are preparing... conscript soldiers for service. for the last 15 years , only contract soldiers have been accepted into such units. now we have decided to return to our previous successful practice. in 3 months, the military personnel will receive the necessary skills and go to guard the westernmost border of russia. from the region, reporting by marina naumova. at the very first classes at the border control training center in kaliningrad, recruits master a special art, the ability to read and recognize. and
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many nuances, because the enemy can be cunning and follow them after the intruder. need to take into account cross the control line, for example, backwards, or attach animal hooves to shoes. the tracks are studied from the leeward side, so determine where the wind is blowing from. border tracking will be an important part of their training. training at the center will take 3 months, only after acquiring special skills they will be assigned to the border outpost department. the selection of recruits here is even more serious than in other branches of the military. border service has its own characteristics and specifics. the fighter must be psychologically stable, able to quickly respond to changing situations, and have good physical shape. in addition to the trail town, daily classes are held in the sports town, combat training classes, mastering the equipment of small arms, mine explosives, studying regulations and combat tactics. combat rapid fire. up to 250
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rounds per minute. alexander tychinin from smolensk dreams of being at the outpost as quickly as possible. after the distribution, the border guards of the smolensk region gave him a wristwatch . he really wants to justify their attention and with with great diligence he masters new subjects. i regard this as great trust. i am fond of strakball, this is also military training, so to speak. therefore , there is nothing particularly new, but repetition of knowledge, consolidation and honing of skills. a dozen and a half. for years , the border troops were not replenished with conscripted military personnel, now they have decided to return to the previous successful practice, our country has the longest border in the world, more than 60,000 km, and additional forces are always needed to protect it, they look at all the things that we give them with big interest, today some of them are interested in learning more about what are the features of military service under a contract, this is quite serious flying.
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the miracle of the invention of smugglers, with the help of which they tried to deliver prohibited goods to the territory of a neighboring state, and many other artifacts are collected in the museum, including as visual aids. perhaps, soon the newcomers themselves will have to face similar detentions in practice; they are called upon to protect the state border, behind them is our homeland. soon the young soldiers will take the oath, and after the final exam with the rank of privates they will go to serve on the western border. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, maria dobroradnykh, lead kaliningrad. housing, payments, so-called paper issues.
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makhachkala. he went to the front with a package of documents and insurance payments. shamsuddin abarchaev, a history teacher , volunteered, inspiring many young people. while performing tasks in a special military operation zone, he was wounded. there is such a thing as confirmation of your category disabled.
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you need to apply, what documents need to be collected, she will receive either permanent housing in her chosen place of residence, for a child for the spouse of the deceased, or she will receive a housing subsidy, that is, this will already be a form of security of her choice. the center's competence covers issues of savings and mortgage systems. often, military personnel simply do not know where their documents necessary to receive payments are located. then wcc employees help to establish interaction between the authorized body and the responsible research unit, you signed a contract on may 26, the second question, hotline consultants process an average of 50 calls a day, find comrades, get medical care, a combat veteran's certificate or enlist in a military unit, whatever the issue, it is resolved when you call, we check the information according to
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the serviceman’s request, while he is on hold on the phone, we look at all the information in a single database, is it correct? entered, and answer his question, if not opportunity to answer his question, we forward this problem to the appropriate department. the center operates in one- stop mode; you can leave a request and receive a prompt response not only during a visit or call to the hotline, but also through the serviceman’s personal account on the website of the russian ministry of defense. sofia sirgieva, olesya alekseeva, lead. crimean authorities are taking additional measures to protect residents from attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. fortified areas began to be created in the republic. the head of the region, sergei, spoke about this on our channel. aksenov. this enemy’s intention is always there and he is testing our defenses there, too. therefore, we already understand, we know, that is, where are the places where such points are created, again, such additional fortified areas and
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so on. people see this, because most of the fortifications are in plain sight, one way or another, in front of the enemy and us, but in any case, that is, we understand that all areas of responsibility are distributed among everyone. and between civilians, and between the military, and between the law enforcement bloc as a whole, that is, it’s like who is responsible for which section of the defense line, respectively, in what situation, what number of people, forces and resources is attracted to solve specific problems. one of the hot spots in the special operation zone is now artyomovka - a populated area under the control of our military. fierce fighting is taking place on its outskirts. and footage of the assault on the position in the ssu appeared online, filmed, one might say, from the first person. our correspondent anton podkovenko saw them. they are always on the front line, our attack aircraft, at the forefront of attacks and sorties, all-round fighters who can improvise, even when on the verge of death, they move forward through enemy fire, but during a battle in a private building in artyomovka, where ukrainian armed forces militants were holed up, our fighter
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received a bullet in the leg. misha, everything will be fine brother, fine, fine, he needs it, we set it. he needs to be called out there urgently, brother , look at what i can hear, small arms , heavy weapons, direct arrivals are clearly visible . guys act according to the basic principle, they never abandon their own, guys stick to each other, and this is one of the most important principles, defeat the enemy and return home alive. it is impossible to remain in an occupied house under fire; the wounded must be evacuated. the assault group quickly advances into the ruins of the village. they, despite the dense fire of the enemy, picked it up and, moving competently, headed through the populated area to a safe place. i’m suppressing fire on the way,
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this is what combat work looks like, hard, dangerous front-line work, which allows you to liberate one settlement after another in your own zone, judging by this video from... he tried to save my life, he didn’t care who i was, where i was from, because i also walked with him
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shoulder to shoulder, just like the guys in this video, they are all together, everyone is nearby, no one leaves anyone, here they arrive, or a grenade from an rp, or a mortar, smoke, flame, blast wave, we are leaving, it seems that the corner of the house has been protected from shrapnel, our warrior, we see what is happening, with his eyes he gets up and further, through the ruins, through the trees broken by explosions, he continues to carry out combat task, this is a character, steel, the guys there got an arrival, but he stood up straight, a fighter stood up, in general handsome, he went, most likely he would discover that some small fragments had hit him, but he didn’t attach any importance to this, he went forward as usual, most likely he is in this group or the leader... if only the commander would continue to lead after this arrival his
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work, a real man, a real russian warrior. our fighters successfully evacuated the wounded and got out of the attack themselves so that they could go into battle again tomorrow, because this is such a job. you started with the boys, you come back, well, it’s like the stimulus of life begins, and you can’t live without it you can, you’re already getting used to it, that you ’re protecting someone, that’s how much hope there is for you. the frontline sets priorities once and for all, who is worth what, who is capable of what, that is why in the ssu they are inferior to the inflexible russian attack aircraft, just an asterisk, such bells can indicate bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the vessels, angian helps improve microchi. keep your blood vessels
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haven’t connected this yet with 5g. although you better not. megaphone number one in speed. coating. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million. every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. i am chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important.
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am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program. besagon tv with an intriguing name, with light steam, or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. see the screens for details. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. a record one and a half million ton of steel floated out to the metallurgists of rosama for their profession. holiday, it will be celebrated on sunday. the company's hot shop workers produce parts for energy facilities around the world. product quality must be impeccable. dmitry pishchukhin found out how this is achieved. the hottest workplace at the factory, near the blast furnace, the temperature
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reaches 50°. here a metal sample is taken; the reliability of future metals depends on the quality of the product. designs. rosatom's metal workers are preparing for a record: they celebrated their professional holiday by smelting one and a half million tons of steel. the process is very responsible; one mistake can cost the company millions in losses. at a temperature of 1650°. liquid metal is poured from a ladle into a specially prepared mold. real cracked lava. this steel will be used to cast a slab weighing 160 tons. power plants in egypt. dmitry smirnov has been in the metal industry for more than 20 years. with his direct participation, it was possible to significantly reduce the volume of production defects. and for energy facilities, such as nuclear power plants, ldba in egypt, incredibly high demands are placed on the quality of steel.
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there are a lot of parameters that characterize its quality. one of the most basic for us is the internal frequency of the metal. 143 and 420, yes, this is what we are working for, so that yes, that is, how to make clean, high-quality metal, but for this to happen, we need coordinated actions, georgy ivanov introduced technology into production. method of making metal, this made it possible to successfully cast ingots of gigantic sizes. currently we are working on blanks for a russian nuclear reactor vessel and steel
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protection for our energy sector. dmitry pishchukhin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, galina orlova and alexandra kolkova. northwestern news bureau. now the stavropol region. according to the fsb , a terrorist attack at the bus station in yusentuki was prevented. the suspect has been detained. according to investigators, he swore allegiance to the head. one of the international terrorist organizations, planned to use an improvised explosive device to detonate, conducted reconnaissance in advance, studied transport routes at the time when there were the most people, hid the prepared bomb with damaging elements in a rented garage, and during a search , materials of a terrorist nature were found on the detainee. the islamic state, on her orders, though, planned to do so. terrorist act. indian troops arrived at the krasnoyarsk airport, where the day before an emergency plane landed from dally to san francisco.
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diplomats. passengers should be picked up by a reserve flight in the near future. as noted in our media, if the waiting time is prolonged, they will be accommodated in hotels. report by roman rykov. there are currently 243 people in krasnoyarsk who were on the flight. from delhi to san francisco, the plane, flying over the avinka district of the krasnoyarsk territory, requested an emergency landing in the regional center, a sensor in the cargo compartment tripped, and a fire was suspected. the airport services were put on full alert, the plane landed safely, no visible consequences there was no smoke, however, the technical services recognized it as not ready for further flight. passengers and crew were unloaded and placed in the terminal building in the international departures area, the crew members were checked into a hotel, but the passengers remained in a sterile
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area, they did not have a russian visa, so they had to spend the night right in the airport building, people were provided with food, but some of them travelers refused, because 115 people are vegetarians and do not eat meat and dairy products, people are... brought additional free water, families with the children were provided with blankets and pillows to make it a little more comfortable. it is expected that at 16:00 krasnoyarsk time another replacement plane will arrive from dally, it will take about 2 hours to reload the luggage, and approximately 18-20 hours krasnoyarsk time passengers will be able to continue their journey to california. it is worth noting that we are in the position of one
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of the most unusual units, about which there have been a lot of misunderstandings recently, and how much i received 10 years of bookmarks, i will believe in easy money, more about if only i had been 2 years old, i would have remained the same drug addict who was put in prison; now i have emerged as a knight of the cross of st. george. the summer season is in full swing and the greenery has begun to grow. if you do not monitor the condition of your site, you risk
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receiving a fine. we will tell you about plants that are dangerous to your wallet in 5 minutes in the instructions. let's start with the main question: do yarrow and dandelions threaten trouble on the site? no, if you have snt, and not agricultural land. there is no list of weeds for a garden garden. applies? it is necessary to understand that for us gardeners, who are still regulated by the 2017 federal law for gardening for our own needs, and the provisions of this resolution do not apply, since this resolution still regulates industrial agricultural production, so the gardener should not worry about dandelions no one will fine us. regardless of the category of land, a fine may be issued if your plot is overgrown with plants that are on the quarantine list, is there? for example, in moscow and moscow
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region, vladimir, tula and a number of other subjects, they include the well-known hogweed. we do not have enough time to list all types of plants in all regions. the easiest way would be to study the website of the local regional or city administration to understand what plants should not be on your land at all, and what will happen if you do not get rid of them? advice for summer residents: if the owner of the neighboring plot is unknown to you, he is unknown to the management. snt, but parasites are creeping into your area, no matter how much you want it, it’s better not stop, after all, this is someone else’s property, by the way, when we say, if the situation unfolds, in this way, there are such areas and there are such precedents, when the area is, well, just terrible, everything in it is parasites like that, then the administration, it doesn’t will make a decision and take active action from
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the first or even the second appeal. unfortunately, that’s why the administration will take active steps, you need to be patient, you need to reserve time and start protecting your rights administratively. there's a new invasive plant bill it is being considered by the state duma. first of all, they plan to add the poisonous bolshevik to the blacklist. the draft law provides for fines of up to 50,000 rubles for individuals if harmful plants grow on their property. this bill. passed the first reading, at the moment, the second reading has not yet been scheduled, but perhaps this bill will be adopted by the end of 2024. i believe that, after all, administrative responsibility is a more effective tool, and in order for land owners to properly maintained and did not harm their neighbors of adjacent land use. the most dangerous are those that contain psychoactive substances.
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two species of bindweed were included in the list. they are sometimes grown simply as ornamentals, especially in the south of russia, since they love warm climates. 10 such plants on a site is no longer just a fine, you can get a real sentence. and in general, it wouldn’t hurt to look at the list, so as not to unknowingly ruin your life. so, let's repeat the main thing. list of weeds that often scare summer residents on the internet, applies only to agricultural land. fining sado owners. plots may be for quarantine plants or for growing those species that are on the list of narcotic drugs. if you want to know more about how to better care for your property, write to us on telegram and send us your questions. we will ask experts and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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chaos around the world due to microsoft's failure massively disrupted the work of airports, payment systems, british sky news channel interrupted the broadcast. in russia. the disruption also affected the work of the olympic committee in paris. another problem is the backlog of artists. the ceremony is in jeopardy. will they be able to agree on fees? trump appeared in public for the first time since the assassination. a series of statements from him, as well as from tucker carlson. trump is doing what americans want. how is the election race going in the us, will biden remain in it.


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