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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2,000 years, bread has shaped our approach to life. this is the power of our country. her strength is imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. faced with bread, man
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literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. in the krasnodar territory, the court brought charges against the first five participants in the riots at makhachkala airport last fall. next week, the cases of eight more people will be considered. let me remind you that at the end of october, upon learning of the arrival of a flight from tel aviv, the crowd destroyed the waiting room and broke through the airfield, completely paralyzing the airport. the prosecutor's office emphasized that severe punishment awaits all violators of order. aviation transport security was violated and damage was caused. amount more than 24 million
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rubles. police officers who were protecting public order were injured, they suffered bodily injuries of varying degrees of severity, taking into account the special public danger of the crime committed, the state prosecution proposed that the court sentence the defendants to imprisonment for a term of 7 to 10 years. in the belgorod region, a teenager died, wounded as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on a children's playground in shebekino. doctors fought for his life for a week, but unfortunately, the injuries were too serious. blood loss was 4 liters. the ukrainian armed forces continue to attack the territory of the russian region. today there are casualties again in shebekin. from the scene, our correspondent, alexander korobov. in the exhausted body of the asphalt there is a new crater, the wall located nearby is all cut by fragments. once again, the enemy is striking at residential areas of shibekin and neighboring novaya tavolzhanka. he rolled out of bed and halfway into the corridor. and then i started going around, the windows are broken, the car is smashed. this is the third
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time that the arrivals have been small, but i’ve already changed the rear window, now the front window will need to be changed, as a result of the barbaric attacks , one civilian was wounded, they turned out to be light and hospitalization was not required, the enemy struck residential areas with shells with a cluster part, submunitions they are just very dangerous for the civilian population, a significant area is covered, a large number of fragments, courtyards, roads, polysatniks, playgrounds in numerous gates. one more problem - these are just unexploded cluster munitions. according to statistics, this is about 30%. and in fact, one of the submunitions now lies on the side of the road, the area was fenced off, residents were asked to move to a safe distance, and right where the cassette lies, they stuck a flag and a mine. well, in principle , we can say that this is the mine, because it is not clear now.
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there was a through hole, it’s good that it didn’t catch fire, it came straight through the sun, you can see it, it flew all the way to the first floor, then it broke through a temporary structure, the shell exploded again in the attic, good did not catch fire, all damage was recorded by administration staff, restoration work will begin soon, the threat of shelling still remains high. alexander korobov, sergey chernykh, news, belgorod region. in yekaterinburg, a court sentenced
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journalist and newspaper the wall street journal evan gershkovich to sixteen years in a maximum security colony. a us citizen was found guilty of espionage. as investigators established, gershkovich collected information on instructions from the cia.
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the regional court agreed with the position state prosecutor. an american reporter for the street journal was charged under article 276 of the criminal code. according to investigators, in march last year, on instructions from the cia, he collected secret information about the activities of the country's main tank conveyor, ural-vagonzavod, and was particularly interested in the production and repair of military equipment. gershkovich was detained in one of the restaurants in yekaterinburg, probably after a meeting with an informant; the journalist himself did not admit guilt until recently. the editors of his publication also came to their defense.
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was in a pre-trial detention center, the trial took place behind closed doors, so any details of the case are unknown, but the prosecution insists that it has indisputable evidence, the verdict will come into force in 15 days, whether it will be appealed is still unknown, neither evan gershkovich nor his lawyers did not talk to reporters. kirill bortnikov, maxasa parageldiev, dmitry kovaleeva, lead yekaterinburg. well, now there is an urgent message from the news agency hangar, where motor oil is stored. in the moscow region city ​​of taldam. it is known that the building houses a company that produces motor oils, here are the shots. firefighting equipment has been brought to the scene and open burning continues. and according to the ministry of emergency situations,
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the actual engine oil is stored in the hangar engulfed in fire. plumes of smoke rise above the building. donald trump's speech at the republican national convention was the most... usa, about which the presidential candidate spoke for an hour and a half, but who he did not mention was our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. hollywood surroundings traditionally the specialty of democrats, but the last day of the republican convention is built according to all the canons of show business. singer kik is replaced on stage by wrestling star hulk hogan. the sect of trump witnesses in the room is already in ecstasy.
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in one of the frames, he is standing with russian president vladimir putin, which trump clearly considers one of his achievements; the last , already legendary, photograph is of trump in pennsylvania with a bloody face and a raised fist. at this moment, the hero of the evening finally appears on stage. trump begins his speech unexpectedly, slowly, in a quiet voice. many note that after what he experienced almost a week ago, he even changed in appearance. either he became younger, or became more thoughtful. the final day of the convention and its culmination donald trump gives a speech at the podium about how he sees america in the next 4 years, and this is an unusual speech for trump. he rewrote it completely after the assassination attempt in pennsylvania, for the first time during the entire election campaign he does not
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personally mention joe biden by name, since now it is impossible to say for sure whether there will be is joe biden even his competitor in the november elections? for the first time and immediately before thousands.
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tremelnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee, wisconsin. orbán clearly does not want to get ahead of himself. further steps to resolve the conflict in ukraine, as part of the peace initiative, will be kept secret and presented after the fact. the prime minister of hungary told reporters about this. natalya goncharova will tell you what this means and how the european elites are reacting. ukraine is trying with all its might not to pay bills directly sense of the word. kyiv authorities. trying to restructure $20 billion in debt. bloomberg writes that if this
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fails, then ukraine will face a default. a two-year debt freeze with a payment due on august 1 on bonds due 2026. the country could enter a technical default if it fails to pay after a ten-day grace period. despite the fact that ukraine is mired in debt and losing on the battlefield, the us military continues to convince everyone that the situation is. may change, that's it what the commander in chief of nato forces in europe said. general christopher cavoli believes that kiev still has a chance, although he warns nato about a strong enemy. we should have no illusions, because at the end of the conflict in ukraine, no matter how it ends, we will have a very big problem with russia. we will get a situation where russia is restoring its strength, located on the borders of nato, and it will be led mainly by the same people.
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preliminary discussions on how military support for ukraine can be maximized safe for the next few years, thanks to contracts that trump would have difficulty reneging on or would be subject to high penalties for reneging on . european economists warn that if donald trump is re -elected as us president, the eu will face difficult times in any case. and it ’s not just that trump will most likely shift the task of support to the eu. trump and the forces that stand behind him do not share the values ​​that guide
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modern european authorities, so clashes and conflicts will be inevitable. the reasons for donald trump's and jadie's antagonism in germany have less to do with economics or competition than with ideology. they admire assertiveness, conservative social values, alliance with the church and other such things. germany could spend. we return to the consequences of a global computer failure that paralyzed the work of foreign airlines, banks and
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other areas of business. konstantin churikov is monitoring the situation. so, konstantin, greetings, how does the market react to what is happening, because in theory the shares should probably fall? this is the idea, alexey, hello, the main trading has already begun and, strangely enough, microsoft shares are even trying to grow. a massive failure of the windows cloud system around the world is fraught with global losses. experts talk about billions of dollars. it is not yet possible to accurately estimate losses. so, on friday morning it became known about problems with access to cloud applications, data storage for other miracles. instead of their files, users, among them. companies saw blue or something it is also called the screen of death. it soon became known that this was due to a faulty program update from cybersecurity service provider crowd. what is symbolic is that its name is translated into russian as a massive blow, so they hit, as they say, thousands of companies around the world, including air carriers, banks, payment
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systems, medical institutions, media, retail chains, in general, the failure affected almost everything . among. the main victims were the largest air carriers in america, europe, asia and even australia. in india, according to the old fashioned way, boarding passengers were signed out by hand. according to estimates from the british company sirium, almost 1,500 flights out of 10,000 planned for today have already been canceled around the world in less than a day. analysts note that cancellation figures are not yet final. it is worth noting that, for example, european airlines are required to pay passengers compensation for a flight delay of more than 3 hours. it is not yet clear to what extent they will bear legal responsibility in the current situation. after the failure, many airports temporarily suspended works, including such large ones as schiphal in amsterdam, berlin-brandenburg airport in dubai. the problems were not limited to air transportation alone. in japan, about a third of mcdonald's restaurants suspended operations due to cash register failures.
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the british television channel sky news has stopped broadcasting live. the press service of the israeli ministry of health reported a violation. the work of hospital computer systems, microsoft's problems partially affected the london stock exchange. in electronic trading, microsoft shares went down, with the start of the main session slightly won back the losses. well, the same trend applies to crowd papers. the explanation is simple: investors buy shares that have fallen in price in the hope of making money later. what is important: the work of russian airports and other companies was not affected by the failure. moscow reported about the normal operation of flights.
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airport or airline, but if you need access to some kind of central hub, then such a solution works through secure channels, through special protocols, including in order to prevent any influence and third parties sides the largest russian banks also stated that there were no problems with payments and the operation of branches. this was confirmed by sberbank and vtb postbanks. this failure did not in any way affect the functioning of the bank's mail, neither our clients, nor our partners, as far as we know, including the russian post, as our strategic partner. let me explain why: we do not use this component, it is primarily foreign, and we use russian software for information security, and the second point is that we we do not use automatic updates of the windows operating system. rosatom
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reported changes in the operation of russian nuclear power plants due to a global failure. no. the corporation has long been using only domestic software solutions. there are no software failures recorded at rosenergoatom. our company has been actively engaged in import substitution of equipment and software for several years. today we work primarily on import-independent domestic software. i would also like to note that rosenergoatom pays special attention are devoted to improving and modernizing information security systems. what? most russian companies have already disconnected from servers from services, from microsoft services, which are cloud-based and this should not have affected them in any way, and since many transport industries are based on
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one system, based on their own solutions, this should not affect the process in any way. the consequence of a global computer failure was told by konstantin churikov. moscow has begun construction of a new rublev arkhangelsk metro station; it will become the center of business and residential area of ​​sber city. girlfriend. my colleague nika yankovaya will tell you. i am on the territory of the new business and residential district of sber city, which is under construction, and today i was here
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to start the construction of the new rublevo-arkhangelskaya metro station, which will become the heart, the center of this area. the new rublevo-arkhangelskaya line will stretch to the north-west of the capital from moscow city to the rublevo-arkhangelsk castle, with transfers to the mcc, solntsevskaya, filevskaya, arbatsko-pokrovskaya large circle metro lines. the first two stations are future. business the center and shelepikha were opened back in 2018 as part of a large ring line, but the goal of the entire line is to significantly improve the transport accessibility of the area by reaching the novorizhskoe highway, it will remove part of the load from this very intensive and congested direction and will make it easier for approximately 800 thousand muscovites to travel to the center and back. such prices were previously given by moscow mayor sergei sobyanin, well , over 435,000 people will live within walking distance of the new stations. the total length of the line will be about 20 km. and today at the start ceremony of construction work at the rublevo arkhangelskaya station was attended by the mayor of moscow sergei sobyanin and the head of sberbank german grefuskaiteto in moscow
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a new business center is being built in the rublevo-arkhangelskaya poima, this is 70,000 jobs and a little more than 60 thousand residents, it is being built as a smart city. the most modern technologies, green technologies, are being introduced here , an additional highway with a bridge will be built here, and today we are laying the third stage of the rublevo-arkhangelsk metro line, which will go directly to the center of this area. station rublyovo arkhangelskaya will be located in the very center of the developed area; a large-scale project is being implemented here on an area of ​​461 hectares, the largest business cluster is being built with 70,000 jobs, plus residential ones.
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city, all energy-saving technologies, green technologies are used here, a smart home system will be used in all houses, for the first time in russia all this is used to such an extent, an automatic waste removal system, and a huge number of other innovations. green areas will occupy about 30% of the area of ​​the microdistrict and will also create open spaces for sports, work and children's games. plus, there will be our own transport infrastructure for motorists and cyclists. and pedestrians. all buildings will be built taking into account high energy efficiency indicators and will be equipped with smart systems, including the use of artificial intelligence. of course, for such a large-scale project it is necessary to provide
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convenient transport links, and this task will also be solved by the rublevo arkhangelskaya metro station. we talked in more detail about this with the general director of the contracting organization. here we are today we are present at the beginning, at the start of construction of the rublevo arkhangelskaya station. and speaking directly, we are placing with you on the future assembly and reading chamber, from where it will be... directly here the excavation of the foundation pit, fastening, and then the arrangement of this heating will take place. in addition to the construction of the metro , reconstruction of the rublevskoye highway with the construction of a new bridge across the moscow river is also planned. at the moment, the first residential complex on the territory has already been put into operation, which provides 168 apartments, but completely the entire sbercity project is scheduled to be completed by the thirty-second year. nika yankovaya, dmitry shevelev, maxim devitaykin, lead. israel's construction of settlements in the occupied palestinian territories violates international law,
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the un international court has come to this conclusion. the authority also noted that the jewish state continues to expand illegal settlement activity. according to the court, this activity should be stopped immediately. considering aspects of the problem, the court found: israeli occupation palestinian territories are effectively equivalent to their annexation. tel aviv must pay. parities for the damage caused during this occupation, but it is important to note that the conclusion of the un international court is advisory in nature, that is, it is not binding. in addition, israel announced in advance that it does not recognize the legitimacy of the verdict. however, the court's decision may become another argument in favor of implementing the un resolution to create an independent palestinian state. the fourth one is taking place in moscow today competitive day of the international chess forum moscow open 2024. world rapid and blitz champion sergei koryakin and european champion ernesto inarkiev play a match of stars, a match session on four boards in rapid
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chess. our guy is watching the game. about a thousand people are playing, more than 500 boards, you can watch right behind me, this is such a chess planet, because a lot of people play in parallel, everyone is focused, there is a merger with this great game, of course, children of different ages are participating in this tournament, and women and men, this moscow international chess
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forum is held in nine rounds over 6 days. by the way, it is being held for the twentieth time, traditionally, such a platform has been chosen for this, specifically - from this position you can watch how all this is happening right behind us, it is organized by the moscow federation chess and the moscow sports department, they also initiated the invitation of chess stars, who are sergei koryakin, the world champion in rapid and blitz and the european champion ernesto inarkiev, who... at the moment moment they are playing their match, and of course, before the start, we talked to them so that they could comment on the scale of the chess tournament that they were seeing for the second day in a row. this is a very impressive festival, a huge number of people, children, are now playing ours in these very minutes while we are talking, so we are talking quietly, but nevertheless , it is a great pleasure and great inspiration for me
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to play here with. with children, this is the largest forum in russia, but here not only the number of participants is impressive, i it seems that the atmosphere is very impressive, there is such a holiday here, chess, right when you enter the hall you immediately want to be immersed and think, so i want to say that the organizers did a simply brilliant job, and despite their status, today is a new thing for them, meaning koryakin and narkiev, because they play rapid chess on four boards in parallel, each has an hour of time...
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i play in this format of a mutual session, but i have already noted for myself that it is much more difficult and a very interesting skill is being developed, it is necessary choose your priorities, which game you want to concentrate on, plus time goes by much faster here because four games are played at the same time. well, the chess forum itself involves not only many fights, but also separate seminars, including for judges, and there is even an opportunity to watch next to the entrance. at some matches together with commentators, special guests, in general, everything here is as diverse as possible, the judge’s word, yes, danila, thank you, about the atmosphere of the tournament, our sports correspondent, danilo makhalin.
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europe and the united states are recovering from a computer failure, massive flight delays that have frozen the payment system. the british sky news channel has interrupted broadcasting. what about in russia? american journalist evan ershkovich was sentenced to sixteen years in a maximum security colony for espionage. the verdict was handed down by the sverdlovsk regional court, what data was collected by the us citizen. the harvest
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in the dpr was released, the ukrainian armed forces lost eight.


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